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Ebook26 pages18 minutes


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Me: “Might you be the manager? I just wanted to check if this voucher is valid for this product.”
“Where did you get this from?” the manager answered my question with a question.
“From a clown,” I stated with a grin.
“What clown?” she questioned again.
Me: “The clown that was going around performing magic tricks for kids.”
Manager: “Who?”
Me: “What?”
Dima: “Which?”
Me: “Dima!”
“I’m sorry, where did you see him?” she sounded confused.
I searched my surroundings and unexpectedly found the clown amongst the crowd. He was crouched over while performing a magic trick for a little girl. As if sensing my gaze, he looked up and flashed me a smile.
“There,” I pointed in his direction.
Manager: “Where?”
“There,” I pointed in the same direction.
Manager: “Where?”
“There,” I pointed still in the same direction.
Manager: “Where?”
Dima: “Here.”
Manager: “What?”
Me: “Dima!”
He looked up again and this time gave me a wink.
Release dateFeb 24, 2024

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    Book preview

    Performers - annamoc38

    Day 1

    Chewy pasta fully covered in a creamy white sauce, accompanied by strips of savory turkey ham, seasoned perfectly with a dash of ground black pepper and chives, then topped with a gooey thick layer of melted cheese. Nothing could start my day any better than a big bowl of MAC & CHEESE!

    Ilmi: You’re eating THAT so early in the morning!?

    Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to judge you on the fact that you chose to eat HARD BOILED EGGS instead of sunny side up or scrambled so early in the morning, I responded with a smile.  

    Ilmi: They’re low in calories! Is no one else sitting at this table health conscious apart from me!?

    Rain, Ilmi’s girlfriend, beat me to flashing him a disgusted glare.

    Dima: Vos sime wif er pu guf...kHaighKKK (cough...cough...cough)?

    Don’t talk with your mouth full, honey. Here, have some water, I said while passing her my glass.

    She chugged down the whole glass, unchoking that last mouthful of mac & cheese down her throat, before putting down the glass with a relieved sigh. I asked, what time is the bus coming?

    Me: 10AM, sweetheart. An hour and a half more to go.

    Second round it is then, she stood up carrying her just emptied bowl.

    (Klong...Klokloklo...klong) was what we heard as we were passing by the hotel lounge area towards the main entrance. Two local musicians were on the stage seated cross-legged as they were playing

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