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Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet
Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet
Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet
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Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet

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The Author sets up divergent Capoeira games interacting with the cultural & political affairs of the taxpayers (Capueristas) in the 1990s and again throughout the mayhem of C-19 coronavirus pandemic on public health

Photos, videos and websites links will endorse what is narrated on the facts that revolutionised the Capueristas' way of life and business at Capoeira events and classes held in Brazil, Australia, USA and Europe


MESTRES... Decȃnio-BA; Acordeon Bira Almeida-BA/USA; Gato grupo Senzala-RJ; Mão Branca; Capoeira Abadá; Jelon-USA; Lúcia Palmares in Paris (she was graduated by Mestre Nô); writer André Lacé-RJ; Luis Renato (grupo Beribazu); Fabinho ULBRA-RS; Umoi & Grupo União da Capoeira-Portugal; Elias Fonseca from Capoeira San Diego-CA; Boneco & André Cerutti “peixe ensaboado” from grupo Capoeira Brasil ... Capueristas students from Mestre João Grande, Leopoldina, Grupo RAÇA-BA, Mestres Samuray & Squisito grupo Cia. Terreiro do Brasil; Capoeira Filhos de Angola of Mestre Camaleão-RJ and others

Revista Capoeira-SP; ABCapoeira Newspaper no. 3, from S. Paulo; Muzenza Newsletter no. 33, from the Capoeira group Muzenza - Mestre Burguês, Curitiba-PR; Mestre Decȃnio Caponline Web Site, and others

American writer/capuerista based in Australia J. Greg Downey; Capoeira Mão No Chão Capoeira Angola Meanjin group based in Brisbane-AU; Portuguese Radio SBS staff in Sydney; Waverley Council and Aussie Politicians (The Greens, Labor...)

Read the saga of the two groundbreaking Capoeira Protests that were published online using the Roda Virtual website:

1- Protest Against Violence was launched in Australia denouncing aggression and disrespect at Capoeira events. The main protagonists are Mestres Val Boa Morte (BA-AU), Amen Santo (BA-USA) and Mestre JC (Bondi Beach)

2- Protest Against the Capoeira ABADÁ group in the USA, was gingado online by Brazilian Mestre Marcelo "caveirinha" and his Capoeira Mandinga group. Marcelo was trained by Mestre Suassuna and his Cordão de Ouro group, in São Paulo

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet

Mestre Jeronimo

MESTRE JERONIMO (Artiste & Author)Born and raised in the Brazilian Amazon jungle, I have been active since 1974 performing and producing creative music and arts. I hold an extensive unique experience with the culture of Capuêra (Kaa-poera, Capoeira Capuera, Capoera), Brazilian music, classical, folk, jazz, rock and commercial performance.I consider my top achievement in live the education I generate to inspire the welfare of my dear daughter Marina, born and raised in Bondi Beach.I am a bilingual person. Living in Brazil, Europe and Australia, I studied Brazilian, French, Spanish, English, German, and Italian languages.I spent 20 years working as a full time and part-time bassist in symphonic orchestras and have been a member and conductor in classical and folkloric vocal and instrumental ensembles, in Brazil and Australia.In my youth, I achieved national volleyball rank in Brazil. Nowadays my best hobby is to enjoy beach volley in Bondi Beach, playing it with my family and friends.I pioneered the establishment of the first Australian School of Capoeira in Sydney at the Bondi Pavilion Community Cultural Center, in 1988. Since that time, I teach and perform Capoeira and music for a variety of events in Australia and internationally.In 1994 in Sydney, I became a foundation member for the Brazilian Community Council of Australia (B.R.A.C.C.A.).I have recorded my original works in various genres and toured extensively.I write artistic and educational books.MY BILINGUAL BOOK & E-BOOK PUBLICATION10.Title: CAPOEIRA $LAVE RITUAL TOTAL RECALL – © December 2022 to June 2023 –– (I published six books in the tongue of Aussie, Brazilian, French, Spanish, Italian and German taxpayers)9.Title: CAPOEIRA INTERNET ROD@ VIRTUAL 2021 – ISBN 9781005207939 © September 2021 (Brazilian & English)8.Title: BIRIMBAU BRASILEIRO Método de Percussão – ISBN: 9781005830106 & 9781700225795 © October 2019 (Brazilian & English)7.Title: GUITAR TAB CHART Bilingual Divergent Music Education – ISBN: 9781005873196 & 9781081293833 © July 2019 (Brazilian & English)6.Title: CANTA CAPUÊRA Compilation of Capoeira Songs – ISBN: 9781005537869 & 9781096477297 © May 2019 (Brazilian & English)5.Title: SINFONIA DE BIRIMBAU Culture of Capoeira in Classical Music – ISBN 9781513625577 © August 2017 (English)4.Title: SINFONIA DE BIRIMBAU Cultura da Capoeira em Música Clássica – ISBN 9781513625584 © September 2017 (Brazilian)3.Title: SINFONIA DE BIRIMBAU Cultura de la Capoeira en Música Clásica – ISBN 9781513625560 © November 2017 (Spanish)2.Title: CAPOEIR@ INTERNET – ISBN 0 646 37351-X © 1999 (Brazilian & English)1.Title: CAPOEIRA $LAVE RITUAL – ISBN 0 646 263838 © 1995 (English)CD PRODUCTION:5. CD ENCHENTE © 2007 made in BR4. CD SEED OF FREEDOM © 2004 made in AU3. CD CAPOEIRA ART & RITUAL © 2002 made in AU2. CD WARRIORS DANCING © 1997 made in AU1. CD PALMARES IN AUSTRALIA © 1989 made in AUEXPERIENCE IN WORLDWIDE EVENTS:•Internationally (from 1985 to 2020) I've been teaching and performing music and Capoeira in Europe; Australia; New Zealand; Brazil; New Caledonia; USA; Canada and South Africa•Sydney (1990-2004) Festival of Sydney•Sydney (1992-2002) bassist performing classical music with: Sydney Opera House Orchestra; Willoughby Symphony Orchestra and Penrith Symphony Orchestra•Sydney (1993-2000) teaching children aged 3 to 10 at the Bondi Pavilion•Adelaide (1999 and 2002) WOMAD Festival•Sydney (from November1987 to 2006) Capoeira and Music Teacher at: Bondi Pavilion Community Cultural Centre; Sydney Conservatorium of Music; NSW University; University of Sydney and SBS Radio•New Zealand (1994) The University of Wellington•Auckland (1992) Asia Pacific Festival / New Zealand Arts Foundation•Brazil (1978 to 1983) Amazon Theatre Choir and Choir Madrigal Jovem de Brasília•Brazil (1981-84) bassist employed full time at State Youth Orchestra of Rio de JaneiroACADEMIC EDUCATION:•Certificate IV TESOL, TESOL Australia (2019)•Master of Music (Composition), University of Sydney (2018)•Graduate Diploma of Music (Performance), AMPA, Sydney (2017)•Diploma of Music (Performance), TAFE NSW (2015)•Diploma of Music (Business), TAFE NSW (2014)•Bachelor of Music (Contrabass Major), Brazil (1983)•Qualified Music Teacher, Brazil (1983)PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCY:Teaching; composition; singing; recorder-flute; guitar, bass; piano; percussion; drum; and gumbark (aka didgeridoo); recording and mixing, programming music notation editors and Logic Pro digital audio workstation and sound effects; ePub digital conversion and validation for eBooks.Erudition in Brazil included teachers: João Maciel (guitar), George Geszti-student of Béla Bartók (recorder and theory), Dirson Costa and Levino Alcantara-students of Villa Lobos (choir and orchestra), Tony Botelho, Sandrino Santoro, Guido Bianchi (double bass), Nelson Aires, Roberto Sion (jazz/composition), amid others.Ever since living in Australia, Mestre Jeronimo has been sharing concerts and educational matters in conjunction with: Mike Nock (piano-jazz), Riley Lee (Japanese shakuhachi-flute), Mark Atkins (gumbark-didjeridu), Mike Ryan (trumpet-Latin/jazz), Jane Butler Andino (piano-Latin/classical/jazz), Monica Trapaga (singer, TV Presenter), Steve Reeves (double bass-Melbourne Symphony orchestra), Kees Boersma (double bass-Sydney Symphony orchestra), Guy Strazullo (guitar-jazz), Miroslav Bukovsky (trumpet-jazz), Leon Gaer (bass-jazz), Gordon Rytmeister (drums-jazz/rock), Fabian Hevia (drums-Latin/jazz) and Dón Burrows (clarinet-jazz), among others.

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    Book preview

    Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet - Mestre Jeronimo

    Manuscript Catalogue Data

    Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet

    Published by

    Jerônimo Santos Da Silva ― Mestre Jeronimo


    Cover, Text Setup, Graphics, Book and eBook Design by Mestre Jeronimo

    Cover Illustration by Mestre Jeronimo

    Written in Brazilian and Aussie Idiom by Mestre Jeronimo

    Book created and written in Bondi Beach, Sydney-Australia

    Catalogue-in-Publication Data

    Santos Da Silva, Jeronimo, 1959-

    Roda Virtual Special Edition Capoeira Internet

    1. Capoeira –Ritual – Artes – Religion – Historical

    2. Internet – Music – Sports – Martial Arts

    3. Educational – Bilingual – Foreign Language

    4. Family – Health – Medical – Political

    5. Brazilian – African – Australian –European – North American

    I. Title

    ISBN 979-8322575580


    The book presents new and previous social discussions of the instructive and controversial game of Rod@ of Capoeira at the Internet. Assessing the history, slavery and wars, Olympic Games, we discussed the pandemic and its policies that harm our health, hindering the teaching and practice of Capoeira rituals and sports.

    I created a Photo Epilogue INDEX to inform the history of Capoeira of Brazil, Australia, Europe and USA, etc. Read on the memorable reunion (1998-2019) of Mestres JC & Amen Santo in Melbourne, the central protagonists of the Protest Against Violence launched in Australia. This protest was one of the main themes to bolster the publication of my first bilingual book, Capoeir@ Internet, in 1999.

    I published my first bilingual book in Sydney and printed 1000 copies. Hence, I also consider my new book to be a type of second revised edition of the 90s book.

    The 2021 book has a hard copy option and e-book, with online web links to add proper reference and promote the work of professionals in Capoeira, school education, arts, sports, public health and social policies that craft the book’s idea.

    Info about the Culture and History of Capoeira, Samba, MPB, and other events of the Brazilian community in Australia, check out the Australian Radio SBS links.

    1- Bondi Beach é o Berço da Origem da Capoeira Australiana – Mestre JC

    2- Mestre Val Boa Morte celebra 25 anos da Capoeira em Melbourne em 2019

    3- Mestre Boneco & Paulão Ceará – Grupo Capoeira Brasil em Sydney

    The word [Àṣẹ] of [Yorùbá] origins writes Yorubá. Brazilian lingo writes [Axé]. In the general meaning and utility the word Axé have a unique energy that emanates from the Mother Universal vital force that generates life and death. Axé is employed to wish good morning and arrival and farewell greetings. This lexis is used in Brazil in the Candomblé house of worship and in the culture and fighting style Capoeira created by the followers of the spiritual practice of Candomblé. The Brazilian word [axé] is originated from the Yorùbá language. We can choose to write it in the both languages. I chose the Brazilian spelling of Axé naming the culture of my Roda de Capuêra.

    Attention: the correct spelling of the Brazilian word [Capoeira] must be written as a proper name, with the initial capital [C]. Don't disrespect Brazilians and their culture with an inferior spelling capoeira. The proper name of the IMMATERIAL CULTURAL HERITAGE OF HUMANITY (UNESCO) is not a simple name.

    The lexicon of the Tupi Guarani language [kaa-puêra / caa-poera / caapuera – Kaá contains several meanings: bush, forest, plant, leaf, etc. In the language of the people from Portugal capoeira is a word written in lowercase to name a chicken coop; amid comparative meanings.

    During the evolution of the Brazilian Culture of Capoeira, since 2008 it was considered by IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage) as an Intangible Cultural Heritage, due to its valuable cultural legacy arising from the struggle of the Brazilian people against oppression and racism. On 11/26/2014, the practice of a Roda de Capuêra (Capuera, Kaapuera, Capoera, Capoeira, etc.), one of the most internationally recognized cultural symbols of the People of Brazil, was recognized as HUMANITY'S INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE (UNESCO).

    The word 'REAL' in my lingo 90s Capoeira games swings the ginga into a metaphor to denounce the state of decay in Brazil's economic situation generated by social disorder of the people and their workforce: president, senators, judges, law enforcement, etc. The president of Brazil in the 90s was Fernando CoLLor de Mello and Lula da Silva lost the GAME of his presidential election. Thus, my verbalism with the real word is aimed to inspire capueristas to rebel against the foreman and set fire on corruption to overthrow political lies that are generating misery and racism.

    In the 90's my home page was dubbed to be a Virtual Rod@ and we played Capoeira Internet in several languages. My original Rod@ idea inspired the creation of many similar Rod@s. In the order in which these Rodas were created, I will give a brief clarification to those who do not yet know this part of Capoeira lived in the 90s, which was very important to add education and knowledge of (REAL) facts and situations involving the practice and trade of Brazilian Capoeira throughout the world.

    With the advancement of digital page creation technology my original Rod@ Virtual HP became a kind of "Capoeir@ Historical Museum". The internet provider I used at that time is gone. My Virtual Roda’s site was automatically saved in new Geocities system. The historical information of the Rod@ is still accessible but not every link is available. It is also very important that you pay close attention to Geocities' new online system that can facilitate the arrival of computer viruses on your internet access.


    Jogo com Mestre Itapoã & Mestre Cobra Mansa

    Mestre Nô & A.B.C.A (Associação Brasileira de Capoeira Angola)

    Rod@ Infocapoeira was created by Mestre Wellington Capoeira Berim Brasil group and (email & wellington@berimbra) in São Paulo. Infocapoeira Rod@ is still active under the new Yahoo Groups usage rules.

    Rod@ CBC was created by Mestre Alberto Bauru from the Bauruense League of Capoeira ( and remained active until 2020. This Roda was not part of CBC's Capoeira business. Acronym CBC stands for Confederação Brasileira de Capoeira, the national entity for the administration of a sporting style of Capoeira. CBC was founded on October 23, 1992.

    Rod@ Portalcapoeira RS was created in Porto Alegre-RS. Vitor Hugo Narciso from Rio Grande do Sul (Mestre Gavião) from Centro Cultural de Capoeira Oxósse in Porto Alegre was one of the administrators. Portalcapoeira's HP was turned off without prior notice. I think around 2009. Suddenly, we no longer had access to this Roda. To this day, I don't know the (REAL) reason why they decided to end the Jogo in this channel. Check Mestre Gavião’s interview on 05/07/2005 with Portal Capoeira Virtual Roda.

    Rod@ Papoeira Conversa de Capoeira was created by Mestre Joel Pires, in Cabo Frio-RJ (email It brought collectively Mestres and capoeiristas from all over the world. Last year was disconnected. I talked to Master Joel and he emailed MyGroups @googlegroups. We had no reply to his email. What a pity, I confided in him, we lost historical information from many years that also served as material to research, master's degrees, etc. The HP is active in the new system but we are unable to access it. There's a warning: Banned content warning – Papoeira, Conversa de Capoeira has been identified as containing spam, malware, or other malicious content.

    Mestre Luciano Millani was already playing his g@mes in our virtual Rodas and in August 2005 created a Portal do Capoeirista with News, Publications, Articles and Chronicles of Capoeira. Downloads, Videos, Photos, Music, Books and the entire universe of capoeiragem – © 2005 – 2021. In 2007, I was in Lisboa and Porto and also visited I was in Lisboa and Porto and also visited Mestre Luciano Milani in Mogadouro where he lived with his family. Luciano invited me to do Capoeira workshops and MPB shows for the Portuguese community and his Capoeira students. The municipality of Mogadouro is located in the region of Trás-os-Montes, in the northeast of Portugal, in the traditional district of Bragança. Gingando that time with Luciano, I visited the medieval Castle of Mogadouro built on the initiative of the Knight Templar Gualdim Pais.

    NOTE: the operating rules of " &" changed in 2000. The sites were deactivated or changed the user rule and are now available only to members. Due to the use of FB and similar sites the use of Virtual Rodas played by email is almost gone. However, Capoeir@ Internet games from the 90s is still archived on these sites.

    Mestre JC, how should we write/play our current story?

    Mates, my history of Capoeira in Australia doesn't fool me. But the story in Brazil is thus far based on lie$s – (check the Ladainha Rei Zumbi dos Palmares by Mestre Moraes). In my first book published in Sydney in 1995, Capoeira $lave Ritual, I said that time is an illusion.

    Afterwards, I improvised a very revolutionary Paranauê (Ladainha) on the CD Warriors Dancing © 1997. Creating a new virtual Rod@ style, I intend to teach with the current history of Capoeira and demonstrate what happened in the 90's Roda.

    My original idea corroborates the JOGO of my new bilingual book, Capoeira Internet Rod@ Virtual 2021 and is in tune with the events of the current time. We are being affected by the effects of the pandemic that harm our physical and mental health. Therefore, the practice of Capoeira culture in a (REAL) Roda helps us to improve our health and have peace and tranquillity to progress.

    Photo: JC’S Capoeira School – Bondi Pavilion, Bondi Beach

    Mestre JC - Contramestre loki Capoeira - JC"S Capoeira School

    Lachlan Hennessy started studying with me in 1997 and graduates in 2012 as Contramestre loki in Roda de Capoeira, in Canberra. He works as public school teacher and at his Capoeira Angola School, in Canberra.

    Hence, my Capoeira attitude in 2021 supports the current socio cultural uprisings of Capueristas in Brazil, protesting with MILITANT GINGA against the lies and corruption of the State, religion and military.

    Amidst many protests, in July 2021 the discriminated Brazilians furiously protest against the misery that plague their lives, setting fire to the statues of so-called bandeirantes, amid other invaders that the foreman proclaim as heroes of the Brazilian nation.

    These sham heroes were in fact assassins who between the 16th and 17th centuries were employed in the capture of fugitive slaves, destruction of Quilombos, imprisonment, mapping of territories and in the search for precious stones and metals. They assaulted the families of the Native South Americans and the fleeing African slaves, our ancestors who created Capoeira to fight against $slavery.

    I now invite you to pl@y realistic Capoeira games in our Roda Virtual.

    Iêê... volta do mundo, camará!

    Saravá, Capoeira!

    Mestre Jeronimo – ( iconoclasta JC )


    Citizen of the World Cidadão do Mundo


    Photo: Womad Festival. Adelaide, 1999




    Mestre Pastinha stated before he died:

    When two comrades have fun at a Roda, they demonstrate Capoeira without rivalry. The audience doesn't want blood. They want to see artistic acrobatic manoeuvres. Capueristas must be calm, cool-headed and cunning!

    Decȃnio Filho was a student from Mestre Bimba since 1938. He teaches in Capoeira that:

    We should never forget the use of the 3 eRRRes of CAPOEIRA. Capoeira is a peculiar word which we can write with a soft r and play with 3 strong R: the 1st R is for the Rhythm, the 2nd R the Ritual and the 3rd R is Respect! We cannot evolve within Capoeira lacking these 3 R!

    I like to play a Ladainha enthused by composer Raul Seixa’s song philosophy:

    I prefer to be the intelligent Metamorphosis that CREATE, EDUCATE & AGGREGATE and do not support the attitude of arrogant who disrespect the culture of Roda de CAPOEIRA and shame the art selling an aggressive and useless style of capoeira

    " angola x regional " ? (…)

    Photo: vadiação @ Womad Festival Adelaide-AU in 1999

    Mestre JC & Capuerista zangado from USA

    Mestre JC & Capuerista "zangado" from USA




    Axé, to our Universal Nature!

    The Mother of All and None


    MARINA CAPOEIRA - Bahya, Nei Boa Boa Morte, borracha.jpg




    We're waging in 2021 an awful a war against Corona virus and diseases generated by the harrowing global pandemic that affect our lives. Generated by the effect of social restrictions that cause family and community isolation the cases of mental illnesses increase. Social lockdowns are meant to help stop the pandemic, but they're actually creating worse illnesses: loneliness, sadness, anger, anxiety, and depression. Weak and insecure people now live in an emotional state of fear and panic that breeds fanaticism.

    This sad reality confirms what Nietzsche stated in his thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to fight against the corruption of politicians and doctors, among other demagogues who are destroying the peace and tranquillity, health and happiness of families and individuals.


    I received on August 2021 an email from Serbian-Australian-Brazilian Gane, with a CALL (CHAMADA) informing me of the message of a Canadian citizen who does a kind of rebellion in Canada and took legal action against the State. The Canadian, a family man, demonstrates through scientific and legal judicial evidence how he was victorious in his Rod@ against corruption and the lies of the State, doctors and politicians. The Canadian State and doctors do not have satisfactory rational and scientific evidence to put down his complaint.

    The G@ME evidence is in this video:

    Well, mate, I want to Play Capoeir@ and I am now living under the present ruling of Sydney’s lockdown stating that we must stay inside our home. So, I chose to share Gane's message on Facebook Messenger Rod@ to play a game.

    After few minutes I sent the jogo, Australian Shiobhann McCafferty, who’s the leader of the Grupo de Capoeira Mão No Chão Capoeira Angola Meanjin/Brisbane replied the g@me. Shiobhann is a Capoeira teacher treinel nicknamed madeira who is well involved with the Brazilian Culture in Australia teaching classes and promoting Capoeira events.

    From a Rod@ Chat with Mestre Cobra Mansa, Brazilian writer Letícia Reis and the North American capuerista & writer J. Greg Downey who lives in Australia, I received a reply from Greg. Then, Beatriz Wagner from Sydney Rádio SBS, Capoeira teacher Ah Ra Nia and Daniel (aka capoeirista escorpião/scorpion graduated by Mestre Tosta Camugere Capoeira from Salvador-BA) from Sydney replied.

    I received other messages and selected some to ginga our first g@me of the Virtual Rod@ 2021. My choice to play a Rod@ will not "plea$se all" Aussie (Morrison vs. Albanese) diverse electorate or other $lave taxpayers. This is not the aim of our JOGO! Our Divergent Roda seeks to educate and fight against corruption that spoils our peace and tranquillity.

    Our Rod@ Virtual in 2021 has the very important mission to engender schooling and to inspire improving our physical and mental health.

    To achieve this goal we might also learn from the life example of divergent, revolutionary and lionhearted who don’t obey or support lies of a foreman "me$$tre". Amid others: Galileo, Raul Seixas, Bob Marley, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Angela Davis, Simone de Beauvoir, Emma Goldman, Bezerra da Silva, Tesla, Socrates, Madame de Staël, Olympe de Gouges, Makota Valdina, Bruce Lee, Cassius Clay, Ajuricaba (the Amazonian warrior leader who led a social revolt against the Portuguese invaders in the Amazon jungle in Manaus, where I reincarnated!) and the Palmarian Quilombola Peoples that fought against oppression of the State and clergy.

    In the Roda that follows in the Virtual G@me I offer in my Efforts to Generate and Provoke a Meaningful and Wide-Ranging Chat on Important Social an Educational Theme, be aware that by receiving and conveying Gane's or anyone’s message does not mean that I am claiming I agree with those ideas and attitude. So, I forwarded the revolutionary Canadian's game.

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    Besides, I teach that healthy and intelligent people, teachers should not act irrationally trying to impose attitudes of fascists forcing everyone to become "obedient $-sheep" and stupid people.

    In today's REALlity, the political propaganda discourse that our employees in medical and political functions concoct includes a lot of lying and corruption. They defend the idea that there is only one option (medical – political) that MUST be adopted by all taxpayers. The government's option promises to resolve the harrowing social circumstances of stress and illness generated by the C-19 virus. It is being indoctrinated and sold on TV, radio, newspaper and the internet. However, on the other side of our (social) coin, the Canadian protester winning his game in a Judicial Court Rod@ proves that there is something very wrong with the social system that seeks to force everyone to obey its impositions.

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    Mate, if a system tries to impose arrogant and irresponsible social rules it will result in a war of public opinion that generates mental and physical illnesses and disagreements between family and friends.

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    In this case, the commonsensical meaning and practice of the word DEMOCRACY becomes a bad joke and attitude of DEMAGOGY. Tyranny then wins the g@me and the *People of Capoeira will be $-enslaved and discriminated against. We don't want that to happen, right?! We must try to improve the situation and also accept that we must naturally live and die with diseases that must not be used to wreak social havoc and generate fear to control and oppress people. So, let's act and work to EDUCATE ourselves CORRECTLY and fight against what stresses us and harms health and the physical and spiritual well-being.

    Crimes Against Humanity are not just a thing of the past and afflict us all. So, as we need both sides of a coin to make it count, right, check out the information that is not being broadcast on the main TV station that the (corrupt) government uses to sell its advertising and brainwash people's heads, ideas and ideals. According to The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 the following violations of the Nuremberg Code are considered as a crime being committed:

    Algora Blog Scamdemic Corona Virus W.H.O. and C.D.C. – The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Dr. Reiner Fullmich: Crimes Against Humanity May 8, 2021

    Photo: Nuremberg Trial Hermann Goering

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    No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot, it’s safe and offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. During the Nuremberg trail, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public amongst many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

    Read another story, very REAL, that circulates on the internet to add scientific and legal evidence to the information in a game that could (or not) contain many Crimes Against Our Humanity. While testifying before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1946, the Nazi Hermann Goering was asked how he got the Germans to allow Nazism. It is believed that he theoretically replied:

    It was very easy, it has nothing to do with Nazism, and it has something to do with human nature. You can do it in a Nazi, socialist, communist regime, in a monarchy and even in a democracy. The only thing that needs to be done to enslave people is to scare them. If you manage to find a way to scare people, you can make them do what you want.

    According to Reuters, the quote from Nazi leader Hermann Goering is a clear edited interpretation of a quote saying the same thing in other words in the 1947 book Nuremberg Diaries. But, Simone Paulmichl, a spokesperson for the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History in Munich and Berlin told Reuters via email that the no one of the institute’s experts had seen the alleged Goering quote in historical sources.

    Reminded by Gustave M. Gilbert, a psychologist who had access to the prisoners during the trials that in a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, Goering told him that: voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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