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Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 2: Hauntings Inspector
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 2: Hauntings Inspector
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 2: Hauntings Inspector
Ebook62 pages41 minutes

Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 2: Hauntings Inspector

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Are the scary stories about the Abernathy mansion true? Is there really a ghost haunting the place? Can Morris Magenta's inventions help uncover the truth about paranormal activities? Or will the ghost be too much for Morris, the haunting inspector?
PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateJun 20, 2024
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 2: Hauntings Inspector

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    Book preview

    Morris Magenta - Mark Mulle

    Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor

    Book 2: Hauntings Inspector

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2017


    Book 2: Hauntings Inspector




























    Day Five

    Day Eight


    Alright then. To the first order of business. Due to an unfortunate incident involving a hungry sheep and my development of the (unfinished) Magenta all-natural wool-weaver, all the remaining pages of my diary have been eaten. Therefore, starting from today, I am beginning a new diary to chronicle my daring exploits and staggering intelligence, so future generations may marvel at my sheer magnificence. I’ve also converted the timings from days to hours, to properly record the step-by-step findings for our next exciting adventure.

    For those unfamiliar with my work, my name is Morris Magenta, formerly human and now creeper inventor extraordinaire. As I have no hands, the duty of writing this diary falls to my loyal undead butler and constant companion, Fred. It is his fault that the previous diary was ruined, so I am rather cross with him. He simply cannot deal with sheep you see, they all run in fear from him. It’s most irritating.

    But we have no time to dwell on Fred’s failings as a shepherd. We have a daring mission to embark on. A mystery to solve, one of such danger and terrifying grisliness that only an inventor as brave and brilliant as me would dare try and solve it.

    Several days ago, you see, we had a visitor. A well-spoken dusty-suited fellow named Wendleby, butler for Sir Krinkle Abernathy. Wendleby told us that Sir Krinkle had asked me personally to help him solve a little problem. Apparently, his lavish mansion has been home to some very peculiar goings-on in the last few weeks, and Sir Krinkle has asked me to get to the bottom of the mystery.

    Wendleby used the word ‘haunted’. As a man of science, I can’t bring myself to believe in such nonsense, there must be a logical explanation for the events at Abernathy Manor. Skeletons, zombies, and ghasts are one thing, of course, but ghosts? Rubbish. There’s no such thing. Sir Krinkle may as well say Herobrine himself came skipping down the main staircase dancing the fandango.

    Don’t be silly Fred, of course Herobrine isn’t real. He’s a myth, just like The Far Lands and chocolate milk. Well even if he is real, it’s not likely he’d dance the fandango, is it? We all know that the waltz is the dance of choice for nefarious creatures of the night.

    Just gather all our things together and get ready to leave. Wendleby is coming to pick us up tonight and take us to the mansion. We must be ready.


    We’re still waiting for Wendleby to arrive to take us to Abernathy Manor. I’ve had Fred gather a selection of inventions we may need to solve this mystery. First of all, we’ve packed the new and updated Magenta Element-Scanning Mob-Detector. A nifty piece of equipment that can tell you when a mob is approaching, what sort of mob it is, and what he’s carrying. I’m rather proud of it myself, though I have had to mess with the scanners so it doesn’t keep picking up Fred and me, for technically we are both mobs. Civilized ones, but still.

    I’ve also had

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