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The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You
The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You
The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You
Ebook89 pages1 hour

The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You

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Unlock the power of reflection with "The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You" by Dorothy Vincent. Whether you're new to journaling or looking to deepen your practice, this guide offers flexible and practical advice to help you integrate journaling into your daily routine. With no rigid rules to follow, you'll learn how to customize your

Release dateJun 20, 2024
The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You

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    The 5-Minute Journaling Method for a Happier You - Dorothy Vincent


    Understanding the 5-Minute Journaling Method

    The morning gratitude practice is incredible to get you to wake up with a smile on your face, realizing that you have a lot of things to live for right now. What Would Make Today Great practice is awesome because it gets you to prime yourself first thing in the morning to have the best day possible, and also gets you clear on your top 3 for one day. Gratitude is quickly growing from a simple principle that self-help gurus preach to a proven life enhancer. Researchers are suggesting that gratitude can make you 25% happier, increase your lifespan, decrease cortisol levels, reduce depression and more. But how can you fit a gratitude practice into your busy day? The easiest, fastest tool we've found for this is The Five-Minute Journal.

    The 5-Minute Journal is a powerful tool for positive habit building and developing self-awareness in only 5 minutes a day. It's a simple, structurally proven method that helps keep your negative thoughts and emotions at bay. In its simplest form, the 5-Minute Journal is broken into two sections: one you fill out in the morning and one in the evening. Every morning, you will answer the following two prompts: I am grateful for... and What would make today great?. At the end of the day, you will fill out the third section and answer the question Three amazing things that happened today and How could I have made today better?.

    Key Principles

    Something > Nothing: We all feel busy at times, and trying to write a meaningful journal can seem daunting in the midst of a hectic morning. We can all find five minutes over a day to work on our mental health to receive potentially greater benefits in multiple areas.

    Structure is the engine behind great results: Journaling works best when your brain knows that a response is coming. The structure acts as a trigger and activates your brain to bring something useful to the table.

    Form simple habits: The 5-Minute Journal is designed to expand your thinking while challenging your current capabilities. It is not meant to change your life drastically daily, but rather incrementally.

    Be brave enough to start: Many successful people aren't journaling for their mental health because they are mentally healthy. Developing a simple ritual to stay mentally healthy can be a game-changer.


    Setting Up Your Journal

    The format of the journal. The journal itself is very simple, and only requires a few things. You only need a few cards, or small pieces of paper. One part of the journaling is that you start the entry with the date. It is a very brief journal, but each entry must start with the date before the body. This sets up an interesting journal. The most important rule of journaling is that the journal is not transferable or skippable. Even if bringing the book is annoying, it is mandatory.

    For this project, you'll be creating a simple journal. What you'll need is a plain notebook and an awareness of time. The journal entries are every day, right before bed, so make sure you keep the journal close, so it can be done even when bedtime is late. Personally, I suggest not keeping the journal next to your bed. If it helps, keep the journal as a part of your routine, stashed with vitamins, or in the cupboard waiting before brushing and flossing. If routine is harder, keep it as part of your bedtime routine; it comes after cleaning your other self, or when you get something else necessary for the before bed routine.

    Choosing the Right Journal

    Consider some of the following when looking for the right journal: Cover: For most, how the cover looks doesn’t matter, but for others, the look matters. The more pleasant the sight, the more likely you are to pick it up. If you fall into the former category, go for one that has a durable cover: soft if it will be placed on a desk shelf, hard if it will be shoved into a bag with textbooks thrown on top.

    When I first started journaling, I didn't know what type of journal was right for me. I chose a plain, hardcover journal—I was not a big fan of the notebook with a wordy quote and botanical patterns. While the cover looked good, the layout wasn't right for me. It was just a series of lines. The uninspiring repetition prevented me from feeling excited to use it, but I really wanted to get into the habit. Choosing the right journal is a major part of journaling. The wrong one will hold you back from looking forward to writing in it every day. Each day is different—different thoughts, different feelings—so I felt it deserved a different format. After some trial and error, I found one that worked best for me as someone who prefers guided activities.


    Morning Routine

    There is really no better way to ensure the longevity of the journaling habit than to simply enjoy the benefits. Over time, The 5-Minute Journal will create personal momentum that heightens both enjoyment and meaning. That's absolutely worth the scrupulous practice of constructing a small ritual around it you look forward to performing daily.

    When it comes to implementing new habits, it's essential that they be associated with a routine. That's why we recommend setting at least one other morning habit to integrate The 5-Minute Journal into. It could be anything that you feel you might be already slacking on: maybe it's flossing your teeth, having a full glass of water, doing 5 minutes of exercise, meditating - the options are endless. Having

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