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About this ebook

Discover how the Quran promotes Jesus by putting him above all. I was a Muslim, but
now I worship Jesus Christ and I am saved since then from all my sins by his blood.
Believe in the profoundly simple Gospels, which is 1 John 3:23: “This is God’s
command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another.”
is verse is a salvation sermon with just two points: believe in Christ, and love others
as you love yourself.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 18, 2024

Sekou Sowary

I was born in Africa from Muslim parents in a Muslim community of West Africa. At the age of six, I started attending a Muslim school to learn the Quran and the pillars of Islam (faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage). As the fi rst born of my family, it was my duty to study the Quran and know the rules of Islam to become a proper heir. Every morning, I attended the Quranic School (madrassa), and there was no delay because my teacher was very severe. I had to know all my lessons impeccably. If not, I was punished by lashing. It was very painful for a six-year-old child. e Arabic language was unknown to me, but I had to learn Arabic or receive the lashes. It was child abuse, but I could not do anything to defend myself. My parents wished me to learn the Arabic language to read the Quran, and I had no one to help me. I was forced to undergo the torture of the Quranic School.


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    JESUS AND THE QURAN - Sekou Sowary

    Copyright © 2024 SEKOU SOWARY.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    WestBow Press

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    Unless otherwise indicated, All Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2779-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-3850-2780-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024912230

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/14/2024

    Discover how the Quran promotes Jesus by putting him above all. I was a Muslim, but now I worship Jesus Christ and I am saved since then from all my sins by his blood.

    Believe in the profoundly simple Gospels, which is 1 John 3:23: This is God’s command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another.

    This verse is a salvation sermon with just two points: believe in Christ, and love others as you love yourself.



    Author’s Note

    Chapter 1     My Life and Vision of Islamic Religion

    Chapter 2     Maraboutism and the Quran

    Chapter 3     Witchcraft in Islam

    Chapter 4     Discovery of Christianity

    Chapter 5     Find the Way to Heaven through the Quran

    Chapter 6     The Bible through the Quran

    Chapter 7     Who Is Jesus Christ?

    Chapter 8     The Sins of All God’s Prophets

    Chapter 9     The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 10   At Last, the Truth

    Chapter 11   My Apostasy to Christianity

    Chapter 12   I betrayed Jesus Christ

    Chapter 13    The Hidden Face of Islam

    Chapter 14   Islam: Religion of Peace or War

    Chapter 15   The Teaching of the Quran Matter

    Chapter 16    Islam’s Ugly Face

    Chapter 17   The Jesus and Muhammad Comparison

    Chapter 18   Punishing of Sinners

    Chapter 19   The Treatment of Adversaries

    Chapter 20   Christ’s Identity

    Chapter 21   Jesus is worthy of worship

    Chapter 22   Prayer Comparison




    I have authored this book for all Muslims and non-Christians. It is time to return to the reason and understand that we all are children of God Almighty, the Creator. We are created in his image; therefore, we all belong to him. It is a duty for every Muslim and non-Christian to read the Quran and know the truth. Fundamentally, only one path leads to God the Father, and the seeking of that path is an individual duty. Therefore, this book becomes implicitly an instrument of research to establish the truth for all, and it will affect the lives of billions of people worldwide. Right now, more than half the world’s population evolves on a false religious path (Muslims and non-Christians more than five billion people), and they are heading straight into a ravine instead of the paradisiacal dwelling of God the Father. My brothers and sisters, children of God, it is the moment to get out of the utopia and reconnect with the truth to avoid the disaster. We all are God Almighty’s children, endowed by the appropriate intelligence to comprehend all the contours of spiritual life to find the path to salvation that is the way to paradise. For the love of his children, God the Father has given us everything free: life, earth, sky, sea, day, night, sun, moon, rain, wind, food, joy, happiness, money, and so on.

    Accordingly, we must be grateful to God and be obedient to his Word. I started my journey as a Muslim to reach the Christianity today.

    The individual research I have done in the Quran made me discover the truth proclaimed in the Bible. I was convinced that with Muhammad, Islam, and other beliefs, I had no guarantee of escaping hell according to the Quran.

    However, according to the Bible, with Jesus Christ I have the guarantee to be save from my sins and have the eternal life in heaven after my death. I lose my life through my ancestor, Adam, and I found my life through Jesus Christ.

    Dear brothers and sisters may God helps us to find the divine truth, which is the way to salvation.

    Amen, Amen, and Amen!

    Author’s Note

    The Quran is the guide and weapon of Muslims. Through the 114 suras and 6,247 verses of the Quran, Muslims must follow this guide, this weapon, to overcome their ignorance of the divine truth. This truth will set them free and help them to find the path of heaven. After death, the body remains on earth, and the soul joins God Almighty through a single door (Jesus the door) to be judge. In addition, everyone, particularly my brother and sister Muslims, Idolaters and Atheists must seek and find that single door (Jesus the door) to save their own souls.

    Being a suspension of spermatozoon, do not challenge God the Father. Obey his holy Word.

    My prayer goes to all people who will read and trust this book. Additionally, I encourage everyone to do his or her own research in the Quran to find the divine truth from God the Father.


    My Life and Vision

    of Islamic Religion

    I was born in Africa from Muslim parents in a Muslim community of West Africa. At the age of six, I started attending a Muslim school to learn the Quran and the pillars of Islam (faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage). As the first born of my family, it was my duty to study the Quran and know the rules of Islam to become a proper heir. Every morning, I attended the Quranic School (madrassa), and there was no delay because my teacher was very severe. I had to know all my lessons impeccably. If not, I was punished by lashing. It was very painful for a six-year-old child. The Arabic language was unknown to me, but I had to learn Arabic or receive the lashes. It was child abuse, but I could not do anything to defend myself. My parents wished me to learn the Arabic language to read the Quran, and I had no one to help me. I was forced to undergo the torture of the Quranic School.

    While at Quranic school, my teacher forced all his students (Talibi) to do the domestic chores for him and his wife, including washing their dirty clothes and dishes, and sweeping their house, courtyard, and backyard.

    Every day we went into the bush to cut dead wood for his wife’s cooking. After the chores, we used to go into the town to beg for money as (Grebou). On behalf of our teacher, such was the routine.

    At the age of seven, my father enrolled me at a French school. It was a great relief for me because the French school was tolerant; there was no whipping. In my new school, I escaped the barbarism, the abuse, and the exploitation of the Quranic School.

    Countless children in the Muslim world live in these hellish conditions, and such is the real face of the Quranic School. In this process, I learned how to do ablution, which is washing the genitals and then the various parts of the body. To do my daily prayer, I had to find the direction of Kaaba (Saudi Arabia) to worship it, as worshipping God was an act of idol worship. My Quranic teacher used to tell the young women not to pray during their menstrual periods because they were unclean, so God would not accept their prayers. At the age of seven, I began to fast in the same way as an adult, despite my early age during the Ramadan that is how the Muslim world operates.

    I always asked myself:

    Why has Islam imposed many rituals upon its disciples? Simple is God

    Why must one do the ablution before the prayer? God cleans a person in the mother’s womb.

    Why do we always pray toward Kaaba, Saudi Arabia? God is everywhere and nowhere, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

    Why should young women not pray during their periods? God gives, and He takes back. You are born and you die, so you must pray to him with all your heart and strength.

    Why do Muslims always say peace and benediction on the prophet Muhammad, but Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. In truth, the prophet Muhammad still has not had peace since his death.

    Why circumcise young girls? That is a crime.

    Why is polygamy allowed? It is the sin of adultery.

    Why make the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia? Worshipping the Kaaba is idolatry.

    Why a seven-year-old boy or girl fast during the Ramadan? Another child abuse.

    Why separate males and females during the prayer in the mosque? We all are God’s children.

    Why must women wear a burqa and the hijab? That can lead to the abuse and torture of women.

    Why early marriage? Child abuse again.

    Until today, I did not have any answers to these questions.


    Maraboutism and

    the Quran

    Maraboutism is a profession practiced by Muslims. They use the Quran to achieve their goals in a manner that is

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