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99942 Apophis
99942 Apophis
99942 Apophis
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99942 Apophis

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In the near future, humanity faces an unprecedented threat from space. "99942 Apophis" immerses you in a gripping journey as Dr. Emily Carter and her team at the Near-Earth Object Program grapple with the looming danger of asteroid 99942 Apophis. Named after the ancient Egyptian deity of chaos, Apophis embodies the fear of the unknown, lurking in the cosmos and challenging humanity's scientific and emotional resilience.


For three tense months, Apophis traveled unseen, hidden in the blinding glare of the Sun. During this period, its trajectory was calculated based on past observations, but direct visual confirmation was impossible. The scientific community held its breath, knowing that even the smallest deviation in its path could lead to unforeseen consequences.


As December approached, Apophis finally re-emerged from behind the Sun, and Emily and her team prepared for new observations with meticulous care. The asteroid had been a subject of intense scrutiny, with its potential threat hanging over humanity like the sword of Damocles. The team had checked its position countless times, always reaffirming that it would narrowly miss Earth in 2029. But now, they had to verify every detail once more.


Emily's calm leadership kept everyone focused amidst the tension. As the data started to stream in, the team pored over the images and measurements. Apophis appeared exactly where expected, a faint but distinct point of light against the vastness of space. The smallest error could lead to a vastly different outcome. The world was watching, even if they didn't yet know it.


"99942 Apophis" is a suspenseful tale of heroism, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. This science-based real life thriller blends meticulous research with heart-pounding action. Join Dr. Emily Carter and her team as they navigate the treacherous path of science and politics to protect Earth from the unknown perils of space.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
99942 Apophis

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    Book preview

    99942 Apophis - Morgan B. Blake

    99942 Apophis

    Morgan B. Blake

    Published by, 2024.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    99942 Apophis


    Breaking News: What Do the Billionaires Know?

    Social Media Thread on Apophis

    Prelude: The Omen

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Epilogue: The Continuing Threat of Asteroids

    Get Another Book Free

    Also By Morgan B. Blake

    Created by the

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    "An asteroid's approach is the universe's reminder that our greatest threats are beyond our control, lurking in the vast

    expanse of space."

    International Space Operations (ISO)


    Size: 99942 Apophis is approximately 370 meters (1,210 feet) in diameter, This is equivalent to about 3.5 football fields laid end to end. This makes Apophis  larger than 90% of known near-Earth asteroids but still relatively small compared to the largest asteroids in the solar system.

    Mass: 99942 Apophis has an estimated mass of around 27 million metric tons, giving it significant kinetic energy that would result in a catastrophic impact if it collided with Earth.

    Speed: 99942 Apophistravels through space at an average speed of approximately 30 kilometers per second (about 67,000 miles per hour).

    Composition: 99942 Apophisis believed to be composed primarily of silicate rock and metal, typical of stony (silicaceous) asteroids, which makes it dense and capable of causing massive destruction upon impact.

    Discovery: 99942 Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004, at the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, USA, during a routine survey for near-Earth objects.

    Close Approaches: 99942 Apophis is known for its extremely close approach to Earth. In April 2029, it will pass within approximately 31,600 kilometers (19,600 miles) of Earth's surface, closer than many geostationary satellites. For reference the Moon is 384,400 kilometers (238,855 miles) away - 99942 Apophis will be 91% closer to Earth than the average distance to the Moon.

    Name Origin: The asteroid is named after Apophis, the ancient Egyptian deity of chaos and destruction, reflecting the potential threat it poses to Earth.

    Gravitational Keyhole: In its 2029 close approach, there is a small region of space called a gravitational keyhole. If Apophis passes through this keyhole, its orbit could be altered in such a way that it might collide with Earth in a future pass, though this scenario is currently considered highly unlikely.

    Scientific Interest: 99942 Apophis’ close approach provides a unique opportunity for scientific study. Missions such as NASA's OSIRIS-APEX are planned to study Apophis up close, allowing scientists to learn more about its composition, structure, and behavior, which can inform planetary defense strategies against future asteroid threats.

    Catastrophic Impact Force: The impact of asteroid 99942 Apophis would unleash energy equivalent to millions of megatons of TNT. This explosion would surpass the power of any nuclear bomb ever detonated, vaporizing part of the Pacific Ocean and creating a massive crater. Specifically, the impact would be comparable to the energy released by approximately 810,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs.

    On Land Crater: Given its size and speed, the resulting crater would be approximately 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) in diameter and around 500 meters (1,640 feet) deep. The effects of the impact would extend far beyond the crater itself. The thermal radiation, shockwave, and resulting fires could devastate an area within a radius of approximately 50 to 100 kilometers (31 to 62 miles) from the impact site. Structures within this range would be severely damaged or destroyed, and the blast wave could cause injuries and fatalities to anyone caught within this zone. Beyond this, the shockwave could still cause damage and injuries over several hundred kilometers, depending on the terrain and other local conditions.


    Massive Earthquake: The force of the impact would trigger a colossal earthquake, with a magnitude exceeding 9.0, causing widespread destruction to buildings, roads, and infrastructure far inland.

    Towering Tsunami: If Apophis landed in the sea, the impact would generate a tsunami over 300 meters high, traveling at speeds over 800 kilometers per hour. This wall of water would obliterate coastal cities, sweeping away everything in its path and reaching shores around the globe. Within hours, waves generated by the impact would spread across the Pacific Ocean, reaching coastlines thousands of kilometers away. This would drown island nations and overcome almost all low lying areas worldwide.

    Global Climate Change: The debris and ash thrown into the atmosphere would create a nuclear winter effect, blocking sunlight and causing global temperatures to drop drastically. This would lead to severe disruptions in weather patterns and agriculture.

    Widespread Water Contamination: The tsunami and impact would contaminate freshwater sources with saltwater, debris, and hazardous materials from industrial areas, making clean water scarce and leading to health crises.

    Food Shortages: The destruction of agricultural land and the harsh environmental conditions would make traditional farming impossible in many areas, leading to severe food shortages and widespread malnutrition.

    Infrastructure Collapse: The combined effects of the earthquake and tsunami would devastate infrastructure, including power grids, communication networks, and transportation systems, leaving survivors isolated and without essential services.

    Mass Casualties: The immediate impact and subsequent tsunami would cause millions of casualties, with tens of millions

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