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Brushstrokes in the Sand: How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design
Brushstrokes in the Sand: How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design
Brushstrokes in the Sand: How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design
Ebook36 pages23 minutes

Brushstrokes in the Sand: How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design

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About this ebook

"Brushstrokes in the Sand" is the personal and captivating journey of Jay Tolentino from a painter's canvas to the digital landscape of graphic design. In this touching narrative, the #1 bestselling author shares the evolution of his artistic pursuits, illustrating how he honed his craft to express deep emotions through digital art.
The book is an invitation to explore the intimate transformation of an artist, as Tolentino reveals the pivotal moments that led him to discover the potency of graphics. Each chapter is a step in his journey, providing not only his story but also actionable advice for those looking to enrich their own designs with emotional depth.
For aspiring artists and professional designers alike, this book serves as a mentorship in transitioning from traditional mediums to the vibrant world of digital design. Tolentino's story is a powerful reminder that true emotional connection can transcend mediums, whether it's a stroke of paint or a pixel on a screen.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Brushstrokes in the Sand: How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design

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    Book preview

    Brushstrokes in the Sand - Jay Tolentino

    Brushstrokes in the Sand

    How to Capture Emotion with Graphic Design

    Jay Tolentino

    Copyright © 2023 by Jay Tolentino

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.



    1.Part One – My Story

    2.Part Two - How To Do It Yourself

    3.Bonus Section For Design Professionals




    Part One – My Story

    Black sand, a unique characteristic of my coastal hometown in the Philippines, was a constant companion throughout my formative years. Its dark hue, contrasting against the vibrant blue waters, symbolized the infinite possibilities that awaited me. As a child, I had no money for art supplies, so I would walk down to the beach and draw in the sand with a stick.

    Growing up in the Philippines was an adventure in itself. Our country is a patchwork of landscapes, ranging from the idyllic beaches and emerald rice terraces to bustling cityscapes. The warm tropical climate embraced us, and the rhythmic sounds of nature formed the backdrop of our daily lives.

    As a child, I didn't have many material possessions, and toys were a luxury I couldn't afford. But in hindsight, I realize that this lack of toys fostered my imagination and strengthened my connection with the natural world. With its unique texture and responsiveness to my touch, the black sand became my first canvass, encouraging me to express myself through art.

    Education was highly valued in my family, and I pursued my studies diligently. Despite being an average student, my talent for drawing continued to blossom. Encouraged by my teachers and family, I began participating in local drawing competitions. To my delight, I often won and my artwork

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