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Zeal Story of impossible worlds
Zeal Story of impossible worlds
Zeal Story of impossible worlds
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Zeal Story of impossible worlds

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In "Zeal: The Story of Impossible Worlds," we follow Konstantin Golev, a young assistant professor obsessed with the theory of additional dimensions. His groundbreaking research takes him from the university to the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, where an experiment causes catastrophic anomalies across the universe. As the fabric of reality fractures, Golev and his team must navigate through new and distorted worlds, encountering bizarre creatures and grappling with altered laws of physics. Amidst the chaos, Golev's brilliance and determination drive him to seek a solution that could restore balance to the universe, while also facing personal trials and a complex love affair with Lyusya, a determined woman with a perilous dream. Their journey is a blend of scientific discovery, existential challenges, and profound human emotions as they strive to understand and control the impossible worlds they have unleashed.

As the narrative unfolds, Golev's past is revealed through flashbacks, highlighting his exceptional intelligence and the challenges he faced growing up. His early fascination with the mysteries of the universe and his relentless pursuit of knowledge set the stage for the groundbreaking yet perilous experiments he later conducts.

In the midst of the scientific and existential chaos, Golev's interactions with his colleagues and loved ones add depth to the story. His passionate lectures and charismatic leadership attract a group of brilliant misfits who are equally driven by the desire to explore the unknown.

Lyusya's character adds another layer of complexity. Her initial rejection of Golev in their youth and her subsequent obsessive plan to win his heart by orchestrating a scientific disaster reveal a tumultuous inner world. Her journey from a troubled student to a competent medical professional intertwines with Golev's scientific ambitions, culminating in a partnership that is both volatile and deeply affectionate.

Objects and people randomly disappear and reappear, often in distorted forms or different timelines. The story explores these alternate realities and the potential consequences of tampering with the fundamental forces of the universe.

In a parallel storyline, Kira Cromwell, a brilliant Cambridge graduate, independently discovers the catastrophic implications of the collider accident. Her partnership with the Russian physicist Matvei Borisov brings another perspective to the unfolding events. Their romantic and intellectual bond mirrors Golev and Lyusya's relationship, creating a narrative symmetry that underscores the universal quest for understanding and connection.

The climax of the story revolves around a desperate plan to use the anomalies to travel back in time and prevent the collider accident. This plan involves navigating through multiple dimensions, each with its own set of dangers and discoveries. The narrative builds to a tension-filled race against time, where the characters must confront their deepest fears and desires to restore balance to the universe.

The resolution of "Zeal: The Story of Impossible Worlds" leaves readers with a poignant reflection on the nature of reality, the limits of human knowledge, and the enduring power of love and perseverance. Golev's journey, both scientific and personal, serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of the unknown.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Zeal Story of impossible worlds

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    Book preview

    Zeal Story of impossible worlds - Vadim Nedranets

    Vadim Nedranets

    Zeal Story of impossible worlds

    ZEAL English version


    The Story of Impossible Worlds

    A Science Fiction Novella

    Chapter 1

    ...And that is the necessary and sufficient condition, concluded Assistant Professor Golev, smiling broadly with a sense of accomplishment. He glanced at the neat proof of complex theorems on the blackboard and thought to himself, Magnificent!

    The students sighed with relief. The sound of tablets closing filled the room.

    Any questions? asked the lecturer out of habit, confident in his scientific invincibility to mere mortals. He was about to step lightly over the worn floorboards, quickly slip out the door, and disappear into the dim and long university corridor. But no such luck. From the depths of the rows, a confident voice rang out:

    Yes! There are questions! Or rather... one question... If everything you told us today is true, then the layer of dimensions we are accustomed to seeing and touching is just part of an infinite number of universes?

    Yes! the assistant professor answered cheerfully. But! This is only a theory! Goodbye.

    He ran out of the lecture hall and headed joyfully towards the exit of the building. Today was his last working day at the university. In two days, the young, gifted lecturer Konstantin Golev would sever his final tie with his alma mater and head to Geneva to join a team of scientists from Russia working with the particle accelerator.

    Golev had recently become an assistant professor at the university's physics department after easily defending his dissertation on the hypothesis of the existence of additional dimensions of space-time—a topic that had fascinated him for years and which the scientific world had been trying to verify. But this could only be achieved through the methods of modern high-energy physics at particle accelerators. As a driven young man, Konstantin dreamed of working where he could test his original extreme ideas as soon as he entered the institute. Immersing himself in the process of knowledge, he completely lost himself in it throughout his years of study. He was captivated by the paradoxes of various rejected theories of physicists and mathematicians describing the interaction of particles at high speeds and their gravitational interaction.

    Kostya felt a strong pull towards these forgotten works. His brilliant mind refused to believe in their recognized invalidity and demanded the continuation of the feast. He ardently desired to prove to the world and himself that they were correct and could become the foundation for his own theory of gravity, which would clearly demonstrate the existence of the fifth dimension—not through some insignificant fluctuations of space-time caused by particle collisions in various colliders, but through a gravitational catastrophe.

    And the world would change, becoming better—just as he envisioned in his childhood dreams when the concept of the fifth dimension was born in his mind.

    The passion with which he tackled his work, his charisma, and his ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms helped him lead a scientific club of brilliant misfits. He described his theories so vividly with provocative short speeches that they left the audience euphoric and intoxicated by the prospect of great deeds. Looking at the gathered, heavily drinking physicists and mathematicians and their frivolous, cheerful companions, he would theatrically raise a full glass over their heads, shake his mane of hair, and pompously question:

    Why do people readily accept the concept of multiple dimensions but live in a cage of three coordinates and time?

    And then, with a mysterious intonation, accompanied by eloquent, questioning gestures, he would address the sky, replaced by the bright old chandelier whose dusty glass globes held entomological collections of many years.

    What if there are new worlds with additional spatial coordinates? How would a person feel and perceive themselves and the surrounding objects? Perhaps like a character from 'The Master and Margarita'?

    And everyone would start intellectualizing and arguing, reconciling only at the moment of the next toast.

    Kostya would stand up, holding a bottle of champagne in his outstretched hand, demonstratively pouring the glass to the brim, and, as a toast, quote Plato word for word, addressing an invisible, or perhaps visible only to him, interlocutor:

    Have you not noticed that one skilled in mathematics is adept in all sciences of nature?

    After which he would slowly drink the sparkling beverage to the bottom, setting an example of enjoying life for all his followers and the local drunks who had come to join in the fun.

    People eagerly picked up his cheerful mood and, shouting To sophisticated talents! plunged into all sorts of excesses, understanding how painfully beautiful the evening would be tomorrow morning but manically rejecting such an outcome.

    In drunken bravado, they once again dreamed of overcoming the frailty of human nature, elevating the mind above the void of existence. But only boxes of wine prevailed, followed by proud batteries of warm vodka that appeared in the midst of the party.

    In moments of severe intoxication, Kostya's mind would suddenly become absolutely clear, and he would start talking as if nothing had happened. First quietly, then, standing above the crowd sprawled on sofas and armchairs, loudly, clearly, and mesmerizingly.

    My friends, you are the ones to whom the future belongs. There will be no sadness or prohibitions in it. Freedom... the mystery of science... I will reveal to you. The mechanism of processing spatial information in the human brain is not subject to the rigid constraints associated only with three-dimensional space. The greatness of man lies in his ability to think!!! he would repeat the words of the great Pascal. I see, know, feel how the world, the universe, nature will submit to your genius! We will open the fifth dimension for everyone!

    And then, without stopping, he would continue to develop his theory in front of the failures, drunk with the green snake and his mesmerizing words, as if he had an open book in front of him with clear proofs and postulates. As if he knew it by heart. But few understood that this stream of genius and magical oratorical hypnosis did not come from Kostya but from above. He merely transmitted it, dressing it in language forms understandable to the audience.

    Kostya seemed to hear an invisible prompter and calmly repeated what he was told. He enjoyed this state and its influence on the relaxed noisy company, which, listening to his speech, gradually fell silent and, looking

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