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Time Battle
Time Battle
Time Battle
Ebook46 pages38 minutes

Time Battle

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A young army vet, Shay Case, is now working for the  Federal Emission Control Commission. Watchdog of poisonous gas emissions in coal mines. She has been called to investigate one such mine near Charleston WV. The emission is quick working and renders the young girl unconscious. When she wakens, she finds herself five centuries into the future.


The world she finds is a Steampunk lover's dream. The current civilization is tribal, and in some ways,  mirrors a lot of ancient Greek mythology. The society is run by females, a nod to the Amazons of legend. But surprisingly, the inhabitants enjoy most of the twenty-first-century conveniences including air travel, which is used in warfare in this future time. All this is due to the clever use of steam power, and gears.


Shay accidentally comes across a young person caught in an air raid and rushes to their rescue. Afterward, Shay learns the young person is a princess,  Princess Diire and her mother is the queen, Queen Weena,  of one of the villages in the region. Shay is invited back to the village to meet the tribal leaders and relate her story of life in the twenty-first century. Her stay in the village exposes Shay to several cultural eccentricities, which Shay accepts without question. 

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJun 20, 2024
Time Battle

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone is the pen name of a thirty-seven-year-old single mother of two teenaged boys. A former college instructor and medical consultant. She has now begun to devote her time to writing. Science fiction and Romance are her passions, and she loves to spice her stories with some steamy erotica, just to give her work a punch other writers lack. Born in Birmingham AL she is an avid Crimson Tide Football fan. She currently lives just outside Cincinnati, OH

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    Book preview

    Time Battle - Sherry Stone


    Gojun Pye

    Chapter One

    Shay Case was born in 1998. An Army veteran with two tours in Afghanistan and was by 2018 working for the Consolidated Toxic Emissions Commission. She was investigating reports of unusual phenomena in abandoned coal mines near Charleston West Virginia. On December 15, while investigating one of the lower levels of a mine, there was a cave-in.

    Shay was exposed to some alien emissions that were radioactive in nature, Shay fell into a state of suspended animation, free from the ravages of destructive metabolic processes, and without any apparent effect on physical or mental faculties. Shay remained in suspended animation for 492 years.

    Shay awakened in 2418 and, thinking she had been asleep for just several hours, wandered for a few days in unfamiliar forests (what had been West Virginia almost five centuries before). She finally noticed a wounded boy-like-figure, clad in strange clothes and moving in giant leaps, who appeared to be under attack by others.

    She goes to the aid the person, killing one of the attackers and scaring off the rest. It turned out that she was helping a woman, Princess Diire, who, on air patrol, was attacked by an enemy tribe, the Terrible Sets, which was presumed to have allied themselves with the Morrs.

    The world of Princess Diire was a classic Steampunk model. Jules Verne, H.G Wells, they all called it right. The society was a throw back to Ancient Greece, yet, through the use of steam power had provided themselves with most of the conveniences of the twenty first century. They had several means mechanized transportation, via air and ground. In many instances, to Shay, it seemed the future was series of contradictions.

    They used no weapons but knives, swords and bow and arrow and spears. Yet air travel was common place. The language of this people was quite similar to that of the twentieth century so Shay had no issue with communications. Assimilation appeared to be easy of the time traveler.

    Diire took Shay to her camp, where she met the leaders of her tribe. She was invited to either stay with their tribe or leave and visit other tribes. They hoped Shay's experience and the knowledge she gained fighting in Afghanistan may be useful in their struggle with the opposing tribes.

    Shay stayed with the tribe for some time, learned about the community life of inhabitants in the 25th century, and made friends with the people, especially with Diire, with whom she spent a lot of time. She also experienced an enemy air raid, during which she manages to destroy one of the enemy craft. Using a bow and arrow.

    Shay and her friends hurried to the leaders to report the incident and explained the method she had used when shooting the aircraft. As the raid had caused much destruction, there was suspicion that the location of the tribe's strategic supplies may

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