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Exiled: A Lunar Falls Novella: Lunar Falls, #4
Exiled: A Lunar Falls Novella: Lunar Falls, #4
Exiled: A Lunar Falls Novella: Lunar Falls, #4
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Exiled: A Lunar Falls Novella: Lunar Falls, #4

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About this ebook

Shame and dishonor are all that Zach Mason knows now. Exiled from his pack for one incredibly stupid decision – conspiracy to overthrow the GrandAlpha – he now lives a solitary existence, desperately longing for a life he can no longer have. But when the winds of fate blow him into the path of the beautiful and alluring Sarah Masters, someone he never expected to see again let alone take as his mate, Zach begins to wonder if maybe home is wherever the heart is. At any rate, he knows that he'll follow her anywhere. Even back to the home he was exiled from upon the threat of death.


The song says you can always go home, but Sarah Masters knows different. Sometimes home is simply not an option anymore, not when the only things there for you are humiliation and disgrace. But the longer she stays away the more homesick she gets, and when Zach Mason shows up in the last place she ever expected him to be, reminding her what love really looks like, Sarah knows that home is exactly where she needs to go in order to make things right. Even though her cousin, the GrandAlpha over the five packs, has vowed to kill her new mate if he ever sees him again.

Release dateDec 8, 2017
Exiled: A Lunar Falls Novella: Lunar Falls, #4

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    Book preview

    Exiled - Lashell Collins


    She looked around and asked herself for about the millionth time what the hell she was doing here.

    How had she gotten herself so far away from where she really wanted to be?

    The beautiful voice coming out of the jukebox kept insisting that you could always go home, but Sarah Masters knew that wasn’t really true.

    Sometimes home was simply not an option anymore.

    But as she glanced around the crowded bar at the rowdy men and women, she knew in her heart that home was where she wanted to be.

    How long had it been since she had laid eyes on her mother? Or on her only remaining brother? And that dweeb had actually gone and given her a nephew, a precious little boy named Brandon that she had never even met.

    Was it selfish of her to stay away?

    You planning on moving that pretty little ass of yours tonight, or are you just going to stand there and look gorgeous?

    The lewd question came from Ty.

    He was the owner of this illustrious establishment, and therefore also her boss. She was a little put off by him at first, but it hadn’t taken her long to realize that he was harmless.

    She flashed him half of an insincere smile.

    I’m on it, she answered, tossing her long, light brown hair over her shoulder.

    Which part? The working or the looking gorgeous?

    She shot him a look with that one, but she didn’t answer.

    She grabbed the handles of two glass beer mugs in one hand and two shots in the other, and turned to deliver the drinks.

    When she had first walked into this place about eight months ago asking for a job, she knew immediately that Ty was attracted to her.

    She could see it on his face when his eyes roamed her body, and she could smell his arousal.

    He wasn’t bad to look at she supposed, but he was so far from being her type he wasn’t even the right species.

    Not that her kind and humans didn’t inter-mate.

    It actually happened quite often.

    But this guy just didn’t seem like the type of human who was good at keeping secrets, and living hidden in plain sight was like the Moon Hunter code of conduct.

    Besides, she could just imagine the look of sheer terror on Ty’s face the moment he caught his first glimpse of her fangs, claws and glowing brown eyes.

    She knew he couldn’t handle her.

    She delivered the drinks to table five with a smile, but she swatted away the hand of a man who tried to thank her with a grope of her behind.

    She understood that the way-too-short shorts and the tight flannel shirt that was tied in front to bare her mid-drift invited the stares, and the hands, of the customers. But it was one part of her job that she didn’t enjoy.

    Still, she understood that it was a necessary evil if she wanted to keep making the great tips to pay her rent. Plus she knew that if any of them got too fresh, she could certainly put them in their places with very little effort.

    Oh, I didn’t mean no disrespect, darlin’. Just trying to show my appreciation. The man smiled at her as he placed his hand just below her rump again.

    She felt the tips of his fingers reaching dangerously close to a region he had no business in.

    Sarah reached out a hand and gently touched the full beard on the heavy man’s face.

    Do you like those fingers, Burt? You wanna keep ’em? she purred.

    The man let out a big hearty laugh as he lightly patted her tush. But the look in her eyes as he did so gave him enough pause to wonder if she might just have the chutzpah to relieve him of those fingers if he wasn’t careful.

    He removed his hand and placed them both up in an I surrender pose.

    Sarah walked away, putting a little extra sway in her hips just for him.

    She didn’t want any of them pawing at her like animals, but they were more than welcome to look all they wanted.

    As always, she worked her tail off as the night wore on.

    Was this really her life now?

    Was this all there was ever going to be?

    She looked around the place and couldn’t help but feel tired. Not physically tired really, just mentally tired.

    If she couldn’t go home again, the Pine Mountain area of Kentucky wasn’t a wretched place to end up. The people were friendly, and it had a laid back feel to it.

    Plus the hunting in the Kentucky Ridge State Forest wasn’t bad, once she had gotten over the whole hunting alone part.

    She rolled her eyes at herself as she thought about it.

    Who was she kidding?

    It had been about eight months and she still wasn’t used to hunting alone. It was weird, and lonely, and sometimes more than a little spooky, even for a wolf like her.

    On her own she couldn’t take down the larger prey, like deer. She had gotten lucky a couple of times, but mostly it was a steady stream of rabbits and groundhogs.

    It was a little embarrassing.

    But basically, she just felt like an outcast hunting alone. Even though leaving home had been her idea.

    Her choice.

    Her mind stayed occupied on it as she worked, thinking about Seth and wondering how he was faring.

    Her oldest brother had opted to stay, choosing to fight the stigma and humiliation that shrouded their family now. That was Seth though — strong, determined and proud.

    He wore his sense of duty like a badge.

    Sarah knew that staying and fighting to restore their

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