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Distance Not Speed
Distance Not Speed
Distance Not Speed
Ebook77 pages50 minutes

Distance Not Speed

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A Double Life Unveiled


In the bustling cityscape where the West Side rises to meet the sky, a compelling story unfolds. Keep Everything Separate delves into the complex life of a young athlete and her clandestine existence as a figure on the other side of the law. Balancing dual identities, she navigates the stark contrasts between the elite realm of her academic pursuits and the gritty streets where she treads with a different purpose. As we embark on this journey, the lines blur, secrets surface, and choices must be made in a narrative that explores resilience, opportunity, and the challenges of keeping everything separate.Meet the protagonist, a talented athlete, and explore her life at the pinnacle of the West Side. In this chapter, we witness the contrast between the world of opportunities in academics and sports and the shadowy underworld where she maneuvers with a different identity.Dive into the intricacies of the protagonist's dual lives. Uncover the various names and modes she adopts in different area codes, maintaining a delicate balance between her academic persona and the enigmatic figure she becomes in the streets.Step into the elite world of sports and academia where the protagonist shines as a rising star. Witness her interactions with her family and friends who know her by her government name, unaware of the secrets she guards when she steps into a different realm.Explore the streets where the protagonist's other life unfolds. Encounter the silence that shrouds her as she navigates this darker side, where she is seen but seldom heard, creating an air of mystery that captivates those around her.


Delve into the challenges of maintaining two distinct worlds. Witness the protagonist juggling her roles, all while excelling in both. Uncover the meticulous efforts she puts into keeping everything separate.Experience a turning point as a critical injury forces the protagonist to confront the fragility of her carefully constructed world. The lines between her two lives blur, and choices loom on the horizon.As the protagonist faces a critical juncture in the street, decisions weigh heavily on her. In this chapter, delve into the tension between her dual identities and the moment that forces her to make a choice that will alter the course of her life.

Meet the athlete's confidante, someone who knows her government name and is aware of the intricacies of her dual existence. Explore the depth of their relationship as they navigate the challenges together.

Unravel the mysteries of the silent streets as glimpses of the protagonist's life in this hidden world start to surface. Understand the dynamics and relationships that define this enigmatic side of her identity.

Witness the fallout of the protagonist's choices as her academic world crumbles. Experience the expulsion that follows her involvement in the sale of pills, creating ripples that challenge her carefully separated worlds.Flashback to the protagonist's earlier years as she faces juvenile probation for theft. Explore the challenges and growth that shaped her during this period, setting the stage for the complex life she leads.

Follow the protagonist's journey from the constraints of probation to triumph on the basketball court. Witness her rise as a freshman leading her team to championships, showcasing her resilience and determination.Return to the present as the protagonist navigates the aftermath of expulsion. Experience the continued challenges of balancing her dual lives and the growing tension as secrets threaten to unravel.the protagonist is forced to confront the truth. Secrets unravel, and her dual lives collide, leading to a reckoning that will define her future. Explore the aftermath and the choices that will shape the next chapter of her life.

PublisherJoe Tony
Release dateJun 20, 2024
Distance Not Speed

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    Book preview

    Distance Not Speed - Joe Tony


    A Double Life Unveiled

    In the bustling cityscape where the West Side rises to meet the sky, a compelling story unfolds. Keep Everything Separate delves into the complex life of a young athlete and her clandestine existence as a figure on the other side of the law. Balancing dual identities, she navigates the stark contrasts between the elite realm of her academic pursuits and the gritty streets where she treads with a different purpose. As we embark on this journey, the lines blur, secrets surface, and choices must be made in a narrative that explores resilience, opportunity, and the challenges of keeping everything separate.Meet the protagonist, a talented athlete, and explore her life at the pinnacle of the West Side. In this chapter, we witness the contrast between the world of opportunities in academics and sports and the shadowy underworld where she maneuvers with a different identity.Dive into the intricacies of the protagonist's dual lives. Uncover the various names and modes she adopts in different area codes, maintaining a delicate balance between her academic persona and the enigmatic figure she becomes in the streets.Step into the elite world of sports and academia where the protagonist shines as a rising star. Witness her interactions with her family and friends who know her by her government name, unaware of the secrets she guards when she steps into a different realm.Explore the streets where the protagonist's other life unfolds. Encounter the silence that shrouds her as she navigates this darker side, where she is seen but seldom heard, creating an air of mystery that captivates those around her.

    Delve into the challenges of maintaining two distinct worlds. Witness the protagonist juggling her roles, all while excelling in both. Uncover the meticulous efforts she puts into keeping everything separate.Experience a turning point as a critical injury forces the protagonist to confront the fragility of her carefully constructed world. The lines between her two lives blur, and choices loom on the horizon.As the protagonist faces a critical juncture in the street, decisions weigh heavily on her. In this chapter, delve into the tension between her dual identities and the moment that forces her to make a choice that will alter the course of her life.

    Meet the athlete's confidante, someone who knows her government name and is aware of the intricacies of her dual existence. Explore the depth of their relationship as they navigate the challenges together.

    Unravel the mysteries of the silent streets as glimpses of the protagonist's life in this hidden world start to surface. Understand the dynamics and relationships that define this enigmatic side of her identity.

    Witness the fallout of the protagonist's choices as her academic world crumbles. Experience the expulsion that follows her involvement in the sale of pills, creating ripples that challenge her carefully separated worlds.Flashback to the protagonist's earlier years as she faces juvenile probation for theft. Explore the challenges and growth that shaped her during this period, setting the stage for the complex life she leads.

    Follow the protagonist's journey from the constraints of probation to triumph on the basketball court. Witness her rise as a freshman leading her team to championships, showcasing her resilience and determination.Return to the present as the protagonist navigates the aftermath of expulsion. Experience the continued challenges of balancing her dual lives and the growing tension as secrets threaten to unravel.the protagonist is forced to confront the truth. Secrets unravel, and her dual lives collide, leading to a reckoning that will define her future. Explore the aftermath and the choices that will shape the next chapter of her life.

    Chapter 1

    The Summit of the West Side

    In the heart of the bustling city, where towering skyscrapers reach for the heavens, the West Side stands as a symbol of ambition and aspiration. At the summit of this urban landscape resides our protagonist, a young athlete with dreams that touch the sky, and a dual life that keeps her grounded in the gritty reality below.

    As dawn breaks over the city, illuminating the impressive skyline, we find our protagonist waking up to the promise of a new day. Her name, echoing the legacy of her family, is known in

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