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Encounters Dominic: Encounters, #3
Encounters Dominic: Encounters, #3
Encounters Dominic: Encounters, #3
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Encounters Dominic: Encounters, #3

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Welcome to Encounters, the restaurant of love. There is something magical about Encounters. People who go there don't just get a wonderful meal, they find their true love. The Encounters stories are a series of novelettes, each one telling the story of a couple whose lives are forever changed by the Encounters magic.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Encounters Dominic: Encounters, #3

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    Encounters Dominic - Simona Carr






    Copyright © Simona Carr 2024

    All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means–electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise–without prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, locales or events is entirely coincidental.

    Cover image: Dmitry Spravko on Unsplash

    Male image: Image by Freepik


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter One

    An armful of woman was not what Dominic was expecting while walking to work. Consequently, when she fell into his arms seemingly from thin air, he was unprepared and collapsed to the ground in a heap, the woman on top of him. He lay there, winded, trying to make sense of this unusual start to his working day.

    The woman was still lying on his chest, not making a sound. Dominic ran his hands down her limbs to check for any obvious damage. Aside from noting that she was possessed of long and slender arms and legs he found nothing.

    Are you okay, mate? Jeez, that was lucky for her you were right there. Not so lucky for you I guess.

    Dominic looked up, seeing a man standing over him with a hand stretched out in a gesture of help.

    What happened? As he spoke Dominic tried to sit up but was hampered by the dead weight of the woman. She wasn’t very big, but appeared to be unconscious. At least, he hoped that was what she was.

    She was riding a push bike and got hit by a car. She was flung off her bike and straight into you. I think she hit her head on the car roof before it tossed her aside. Car didn’t even stop and I didn’t think to check its number plate. I was too busy trying to help her, but I reckon you did that.

    Pushing himself up on one elbow, Dominic eased the woman gently off him, cushioning her head as she slid off like a rag doll. He sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

    I was about to tie my shoelaces. I didn’t even see her coming.

    I thought for sure you’d be knocked out, you hit pretty hard.

    Nah, although I think I’ll have an egg there.

    He looked at the woman, whose long dark hair was in disarray. Leaning closer, he smoothed her hair away to reveal a face as pale as milk. She was beautiful, but was lying frighteningly still.

    The other man came to kneel beside her and lifted one slender wrist. Her pulse is strong, but she may have a head injury. Best not to move her any more.

    He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called for an ambulance.

    Dominic was staring at the woman. He felt he should know her, but before he could put a name to the lovely face a wave of nausea washed over him, making him forget everything except the determination not to throw up in public.

    Better get yourself checked out too, my friend. You look like you might have a bit of concussion. Not surprising, considering you whacked your head on the concrete when you fell.

    Dominic felt the back of his head again, where a significant swelling was making the skin tender. Tiny dwarves with anvils were beginning to pound in it too, making thought difficult.

    I guess you’re right. Thanks for stopping to help.

    It’s the least I can do. He held his hand out to Dominic. I’m Trent. I’ve seen you around so I guess you live near here?

    Back there a bit. Dominic waved his hand in the general direction of behind them before extending it to Trent and shaking his hand. Nice to meet you, I’m Dominic. I think I’ve seen you at the new coffee shop near Encounters?

    Trent smiled. Yes, that’s my new venture. And you work at Encounters, yes? I’ve seen you there when I walk past. Haven’t been there yet, but I will.

    Dominic grinned at him. When you do, make sure you let me know and I’ll shout you dinner.

    His new friend smiled back. No need to do that, but if you insist, as Dominic opened his mouth to do just that, make sure you allow me to return the favour at the coffee shop.

    The girl on the pavement stirred just then, drawing their attention. Dominic leaned forward as she opened eyes as green as glass. Again, he was struck by a sense of familiarity. She stared at him, her eyes clouding over even as he watched, before she sighed and sank back to unconsciousness.

    It’s a good sign that she regained consciousness, even if it was only for a few seconds. Trent turned his head as the ambulance siren heralded its approach. And here comes the cavalry.

    Chapter Two

    The paramedics deemed that Dominic needed to be checked for a suspected concussion, so after exchanging contact details with Trent he allowed himself to be helped into the ambulance.

    Tell her that I will have her bike repaired and will hold it for her at the café, Trent said.

    Dominic nodded, glad that the other man had been there as he himself would probably not have thought about her bike.

    On the journey the woman woke again, looking around her in bewilderment.

    Welcome back, ma’am, said the female ambulance officer. "You were in an accident and knocked unconscious. We’re taking you to the hospital to have you

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