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A ring with a secret
A ring with a secret
A ring with a secret
Ebook287 pages3 hours

A ring with a secret

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About this ebook

Private detective Tatiana Ivanova dreamed of renovating her apartment, fixing her car and finally relaxing in nature. But in the cottage "Oak and linden" instead of resting she was waiting for an unpleasant surprise. Tanya found a severed female hand with a conspicuous German ring on her finger. And soon to detective Ivanova appealed to a well-known businesswoman Eckelman. She has a missing daughter Olga, and all traces of the missing girl lead to the ill-fated cottage ...

Release dateJun 21, 2024
A ring with a secret


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    A ring with a secret - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ

    Chapter 1

    Actually, nothing bad happened.

    The simple fact is that it’s deep autumn, my mood is lousy, my favorite coffee turns from a friend into an enemy.

    And that I dream about the name. Nothing but a name, except these five letters.


    Thank God, I never suffered from such a disease as walking with the back of my head forward, also known as chronic nostalgia. I prefer to live in the present; when there is day, there will be food.

    That’s why all these years I’ve been trying to understand what happened, how it happened, that these five letters have such an impact on my precious well-being, in fact, the only thing that bothers me.

    I'm not going to grow old. Health-wise, things couldn't be better. With brains... well, everyone knows that and doesn’t need proof.

    Loneliness? To hell with reflection, I'm never alone with myself. And even more so with Tatyana, who got enough sleep. It’s nice to live with one and in the same body.

    However, for some reason, it is in the fall that sometimes my soul becomes disgusting, and again - a century later! - these five letters come up again and again, and again you want, as then, quietly, so that no one sees, to sob into your pillow.

    And this despite the fact that we had nothing. Never and nothing.

    We were just neighbors in the stairwell. They moved from somewhere as a whole family - serious, quiet, silent, invariably polite and generally quite pleasant people: mother, father and son.

    A week had not passed since this last one - funny, lanky, arms and legs like on hinges - stood up for me in a yard fight, surprising me a lot: literally everyone in the area knew that this was unnecessary. Perhaps out of ignorance or simply mistook me for someone. There were losses on both sides, but, having wiped his bloody face, he ran to the water pump to wash himself, and then introduced himself, holding out an exceptionally clean hand with broken knuckles:

    Roman, for some reason, emphasizing the o.

    I just snorted, but shook his hand.

    He is several years older than me and still was perceived by me as a small, in his own way stupid idiot, staggering around with a sword in our times.

    The situation became clearer when suddenly they reported on TV that a resident of Tarasov, Roman Dubovitsky (and again for some reason, the emphasis on the o, as many as twice) took gold at the junior pentathletes tournament, and then gold somewhere else, more and more.

    Oh, how boring, I thought with annoyance and involuntary disappointment, another dumbass with steel muscles and a tiny brain. Athletes are so uninteresting.

    You understand, as a matter of principle, I only meet with dangerous intellectuals. Well, as it turned out, he prefers the latest models of various directions (photography, cinema, miss, etc.). What they find in it is completely incomprehensible!

    However, this is so, remarks. We were always on the most friendly footing. Although sometimes for this affectionate morning: How are you, neighbor? – for some reason I wanted to kill him. The only thing that held it back was the presence of some particularly long-legged (and, as a rule, sleep-deprived) witness.

    He is not handsome, although his figure and muscles are simply amazing. Still, pentathlon is no joke. The smile - oh yes, it is simply radiant (although the two front teeth could have been inserted already). Beautiful hair - albeit blond, but thick and wavy. The voice is pleasant, dull, and speaks as if into itself. Yes, and he moved interestingly - as a martial arts specialist, this especially pricked my eyes. Plastic, deft, but as if preparing to throw.

    Otherwise, he’s not a cover hero at all. A long nose turned to one side with mobile, like a dog’s, and always flared nostrils - either sniffing or freaking out - deep-set triangle eyes, with a sparkle, but unkind, with a constant sight in them. A deliberately crooked scar darned across the cheekbone across the lips.

    And, besides, with a Slavic appearance and a relatively clean, correct speech - except that there was no sch as a class, y sounded like i, and t sounded like tss - something foreign was felt in him.

    Add a ring in the right ear - also quite ugly, seemingly forged, it gave this figure an even more exotic look.

    So I was not at all surprised when he surfaced in the national team under the flag of the proud maritime power of Latvia, already as Romans Ozolins.

    And here it is, the solution to the striking o and the constant sight in the eyes. A classic Latvian shooter, senseless and merciless.

    He won another gold for his historical homeland, and then it somehow very quickly became a foreign land. Romance-Roma did not catch on. He brought another gold - and then flew out from everywhere with a huge scandal. Either booze, or a fight, or politics, or even all at once.

    Then he easily, without any hassle, returned to his native Tarasov, and for some time we met again on the staircase.

    And again, How are you, neighbor? and again an inexplicable desire to slap him in the face.

    Soon his mother died. After burying her, her father left. The vacated apartment led to a wave-like growth of various, but invariably poorly slept ladies and ladies who got out of his abode in the morning.

    Only once, precisely in the slushy autumn, did something unusual take place between us.

    All in angry tears and in full dress - a little black dress, endless heels, a scarlet mouth and the like - I returned, having run away from a disgusting date. The rain that evening was just brutal, it was pouring like a shower, and all I wanted was to quickly get to a hot bath.

    Where these scumbags came from remains a mystery to me, but a rusty bucket filled with them was dashingly deposited nearby. The doors opened, furry tentacles crawled out, pawing, twisting, pushing into the stinking cesspool.

    I fought back silently.

    But then the engine roared, there was a deafening roar - and a wet and shiny Mercedes flew into the rear of the nine at full speed. The unfortunate domestic auto industry hit the curb, grunted and told it to live long, and its contents, using foul language, fell out in a showdown.

    The door of the Mercedes swung open magnificently, and there was a flash and a bang twice - this was enough for a pack of jackals to kill the jackal on their own limbs.

    There was only one thought in my head, albeit a very stupid one: usually Cossacks drive into Mercedes, but vice versa?

    At this time, a beautifully dressed long-legged and long-armed man with a bottle of champagne imposingly crawled out of the fragrant leather salon. Before I could see him, my kind of savior - I could have done it myself - he said:

    - Oops! This is a surprise. How are you, neighbor?

    You again. Successful, I rejoiced, feeling a familiar itch in my palm.

    You’re a brave girl, looking like this, walking through the streets at night, he remarked, throwing a sweater over my shoulders, so warm and dry, will you take a sip?

    My teeth really danced the tarantella, and the champagne was simply a delight. Of course, I found it impossible to refuse him.

    Despite the fact that it was not far from our house, Roman was in no hurry, he drove barely, so the trip with champagne lasted for half an hour.

    And again I didn't mind. For what? It’s so warm, fragrant here (except for the thick smell of alcohol and cigars), the chrome things shine delightfully, and for some reason it’s so calm and cozy next to your neighbor. He had exactly what the aunties on the benches call masculine.

    For the entire thirty minutes, Roman didn’t say a word, and I was still embarrassed to ask why, having a gun, I would smash the face of my own expensive car. I only asked a more neutral question, which had also been on my mind for quite some time. Carefully touching my finger to the earring in his right ear - thick, covered with some kind of writing - I asked what it meant.

    He twitched his darned lip, feigning a smile:

    - Nothing. To see better.

    I chuckled to myself. Wow, someone else is running around with this pirate superstition.

    – Who told you this: Captain Flint?

    - And who is it?

    Well what can I say? Although it should be noted that the earring suits him very well.

    We pulled over at our entrance.

    Roman got out of the car first, opened the door, offered his hand, and it didn’t occur to me not to notice it. However, this car is so low.

    In a businesslike manner, as if it was the right thing to do, he hugged her by the shoulders and led her to the apartment - and again there was not even a thought of being indignant and breaking out.

    Then I was not yet aware that this man never asked anyone anything, he did as he saw fit, and there was no with your permission, I don’t mind if..., may I.... He stood there, waited until I opened the door and walked in, and only then headed down the stairs.

    - Have you moved? – I asked for some reason, just to say at least something. Or hear his voice again.

    In general, no, Roman answered. Still, he makes funny noises.

    - Did you forget your sweater?

    - You. As a keepsake, he winked and ran down the stairs.

    I entered the room without turning on the light, and for some unknown reason I looked out the window.

    Having settled down on the broken hood, Roman sat in his shirt, sipped champagne and, raising his head, looked out of my window.

    In the morning, a bouquet materialized under the door, and in it was a piece of paper on which was written in clear, strongly pressed handwriting:

    From the heavy burden of years

    I was saved by divination alone,

    And again I cast a spell on you,

    But a vague and confused answer.

    Fortune-filled days

    I cherish the years - don’t call...

    Will the lights go out soon?

    Enchanted dark love?

    Since then... well, a hundred years have passed. I never saw him again, neither in person, nor on TV, nor anywhere else.

    And in general it’s stupid and unnecessary.

    It’s just - and this is purely between us - for some reason, it was in the fall that I sometimes dreamed of these five letters: Roman, I felt awkward to the point of curling my fingers, and at the same time warm and sad.

    In fact, everything is simple and there is no need to complicate it.

    Perhaps the whole point is that you need to change the picture.

    I looked around - of course! Repairs need to be done, and immediately, throughout the entire apartment. I can't see this wallpaper!

    The idea is excellent, but to do it all at once, you need a lot of money.

    Then, as a palliative: put in your bag what you can’t do without, and go to rest, that’s all.

    Take a break for a while and go somewhere!

    Of course, not far away, you never know what interesting things will turn up. At least for a few days not to see anyone, not to hear anyone, to read old detective stories... or maybe Blok, To a Beautiful Lady?

    Well, what kind of nonsense creeps into a sleepless head! Some kind of punishment! Autumn depression, no less.

    Okay, that’s enough. Really, that’s enough, I told myself sternly and kicked myself out into the kitchen. All you need now is a cup of Guatemala and choose where to go.

    My main requirement is that everything is ready, complete peace, silence, and it would be nice if there was still a poorly working connection, so that it wouldn’t even occur to anyone to demand my services here and now.

    Chapter 2

    After listening to my demands, the agent—it’s immediately obvious that she’s an understanding girl—became a little sad.

    So that there is absolutely no one and everything is ready - there is definitely no such thing, she admitted sadly, but, if you want, there is a non-standard, although exclusive, option. Strictly confidential and only for you.

    She paused effectively to prepare my nervous system for ecstasy, and concluded:

    – Eco-village Oak and Linden.

    Now I will disappoint you with great pleasure, I thought sourly and vetoed:

    - None. No villages, children, dogs, barbecues.

    But what a tough nut the girl turned out to be!

    - So don't rush. There is no trace of all this there.

    - So how?

    - And there will be no one there except you. If you want to know, you will be a pioneer there. Besides you, there wasn't a soul there yet. The village is brand new, like a small patch, uninhabited, and you are offered the only cottage connected to communications.

    - Why the only one? – I asked suspiciously.

    – Probably, there is no money yet to connect others. Expensive, I guess, she suggested, although, honestly, I don’t know." I only heard that in the foreseeable bright future it is planned to arrange a full-fledged eco-estate for a select few...

    -What does this mean?

    The girl explained in plain text:

    – Reservation for those who are cleaner. Something like a city estate. Haven't you heard?

    - No, I didn’t have a chance.

    – This is when people want to join agriculture, but so that the livestock is clean and kept from natural needs. Not to twist the tails of the cows themselves, but to rent a cow, as it were. Well, there, they buy feed, pay the work of cattlemen and milkmaids, and they themselves enjoy environmentally friendly benefits.

    After thinking about it, I approved the idea:

    - Not a bad idea. You don’t need to knead manure, you don’t need to steam or pour anything in, you don’t need to wash your fingers or milk it either – you’ll make money for yourself and get results.

    It’s a good idea, she confirmed, though there aren’t any cleaner ones yet, but there are cows. And so the owners are reluctant, but still agree to rent out the space for now. All bread. The cottage is designed for a gigantic family, but the excess space is quite manageable.

    I chuckled. Explains it competently.

    Besides, in any case, there will be fresh cottage cheese, milk, and other eco-friendly things on the table. And there was no one around. So, how do you like this option?

    You’re lying, you won’t take it that easily, I thought about what else I could find fault with, and, of course, I found:

    – Are the cattle far from the cottage?

    Far enough not to smell, and close enough so the milk won’t have time to sour, assured the clever girl, don’t even worry about this, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

    - Wait a minute, who will do the milking and cleaning?

    - Completely invisible personnel - the commandant and his wife.

    I gave up:

    - So be it. Show me.

    ... - So, it’s about thirty kilometers from the city, but there is a beautiful dense oak forest all around. There is a pond nearby... although this is not so important in the fall, it is for development, the agent explained, showing very appetizing photographs of my future residence, the paths leading to the cottage are paved, so no dirty shoes." Great grill house. Now the layout: downstairs there is a fireplace room, a kitchen-dining room and a sauna. It is entered directly from the hallway. Upstairs there is a living room with a second fireplace and three bedrooms.

    She clarified:

    – It was not built for recreation, but for the permanent residence of a large family, that’s why it’s so hefty.

    – How long is it designed for?

    - About ten people. How many of you will there be?

    - It is important?

    The girl shrugged:

    - Absolutely not. These are not the times to be picky, even for moneybags. Let me clarify that you need bed linen, dishes, firewood for the sauna, all this needs to be prepared.

    To avoid unnecessary questions, I suggested starting from the classic number four and clarified a couple more fundamental points:

    – How far is it to the nearest populated area and how is the connection there?

    - To the nearest point... just a minute. So, if we talk about a gas station, then it’s about six and a half kilometers; if it’s to the nearest populated area, then the village of Selevkino is one and a half kilometers further. True, I don’t know whether this should be considered a point; there is no general store there.

    I was happy:

    - This is amazing. And yet again: what about communication?

    The honest young lady hesitated:

    - Well, the signal amplifier is installed.

    - But?

    – Doesn’t really enhance it.

    – Very good, just wonderful. We arrange for three days.

    - On three? – the girl clarified.

    - What, you can’t have three?

    - Of course not! Who needs it... that is, I wanted to say, very well, if you had four, then, of course, you would have to refuse, because there are a lot of people willing and there is a schedule. And about the formalities...

    - What else?

    Well, you’ll have to do it without registration, the girl explained, you see, everything seems to be unofficial with them.

    I nodded politely and asked:

    – Can we just have the keys?

    No, the girl is really understanding:

    – You can get the keys there, from the commandant. They will warn him, come and pick him up. When would you like to check in?

    – I would say the sooner the better.

    - Okay, tomorrow everything will be as it should be. They will bring the final shine.

    Don’t forget to polish your hands, I joked.

    - For what? – she was mechanically, but sincerely surprised.

    That’s because people have such a short memory for disasters, even contagious ones.

    – Disinfection against covid. Well, or destroy the prints," I joked again.

    I paid it out, and she accepted a tidy sum - what won’t you do for your own peace of mind? – we, figuratively speaking, shook hands. I received a printout with a map and driving directions and at the same time detailed explanations of how to get there.

    Chapter 3

    And what do I have to say?

    Oak and Linden was impressive. Both linden and oak trees were present in abundance. Especially the latter were wow, fat, arrogant, with large, self-satisfied acorns. An immaculate road lined with linden trees led to the village. The territory was fenced with an almost invisible, mesh, and yet two-meter fence.

    I placed my swallow in a wonderful eco-park. Here the local ecoberrymores were waiting for me - neatly dressed and friendly, and the man immediately took away my light bag. Despite his obvious orientalism, he asked to call himself Max, but the woman honestly admitted that her name was Alsou. This did not cause any dissonance.

    I was escorted along a path between the linden trees, and I noticed that the wise maiden had prophesied the truth: it was already getting dark, and apart from illuminating the path, there were no lights visible anywhere, except at one point.

    That's where we were heading.

    -Where are your cows?

    Commandant Alsou explained that they were already at home, eating.

    – That’s how they spend the whole daylight hours grazing, unless there are absolutely severe frosts. They are not yet completely accustomed to our climate. What would you like in the morning: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheesecakes with sour cream?

    I even licked my lips:

    Let’s all do it,

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