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Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News
Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News
Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News
Ebook227 pages2 hours

Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News

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About this ebook

Discover the Secrets to Empower you to Accurately and Quickly Validate National  Statements and Rhetoric in this Era of Misinformation and Fake News.

Imagine how you can quickly learn the principles and skills required for validating the truth related to several subject matters including politics, health, science, and government.

In "Validating Truth" you'll discover:

History and Perspective. Understand that truth was not just an abstract concept but an ancient cornerstone of society, morality, and justice and governance.

Benefits of Truth Validation. In addition to becoming more informed about making better decisions, and effective in communicating with your family and friends, enhanced knowledge will enable you to do your part to help reduce America's polarization and sustain democracy in the world.

Truth Principals. Learn the important roles that bias, critical thinking, context, and motivation to lies play in validating misinformation or Fake News.

Step by Step Guide. Become familiar with the step-by-step truth validation process that defines what and how information is collected for input into the Truth Model.

Truth Model. Learn how to define a statement, input source, fact-checker and expert findings, bias, and other information into the Truth Model, use the truth validation process, optionally input data into the Truth Model spreadsheet, and interpret the results.

Validation Tools. Understand how over 150 credible sources, fact-check and expert websites and associated bias ratings, a comprehensive validating process, and a Truth Model spreadsheet are used to reduce the time and effort required to validate truth.   

Accuracy of Search Engines. Find out why the Truth Model is likely more accurate and efficient in discovering the truth than Google, Fact-check, and Chat GPT searches.

Whether you are curious about the validity of rhetoric or want to understand the principles and develop the skills to validate misinformation or Fake News, this book should be readily accessible in your mobile, notepad, desktop or library.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News

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    Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News - William E. Bardwell, MBA


    In general, this book is dedicated to all Americans who are confused and uncertain about the truthfulness of public statements and rhetoric.

    William is grateful to Karen Bogatin and our family members and friends who supported his efforts and the time required to write this book.

    Sharon would like to dedicate this book to her family, friends and colleagues.



    This book is about truth, misinformation, and fake news and how to validate truth and understand bias to help address America’s challenges and improve our professional and personal lives.

    In the United States and across the globe, the imperative of understanding how to validate truth emerges as a linchpin for protecting yourself and others from falling prey to false beliefs or harmful actions based on misinformation and fake news; and sustaining democracy and the ethical fabric of our lives.

    In evidence of the importance of truth, the words of Joseph Goebbels, the infamous minister of propaganda during the German Third Reich, echo through time:

    If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...

    This quotation reveals one of many tactics including conspiracy theories that are used to deceive or mislead others into thinking that something is true. By being aware of misinformation and promoting the need for accurate information, you can contribute to a more informed society.  In this digital age, this is very important in areas such as health, politics, science and government where misinformation can have significant consequences. 

    Misinformation is prevalent in many aspects of our society including social media, news media, politics, health, and social settings. In these setting, there is 24/7 media coverage related to numerous issues including the safety of vaccinations, concerns about immigrants, doubts about climate change, discussions about political candidates, and the longevity of social programs.

    The pressing question confronting individuals globally is: What can I do to uncover misinformation and uphold a moral way of life? The resounding answer lies in dedicating time to mastering the art of truth validation. Empowering oneself with this skill will help to enable confident participation in public affairs and constructive engagement in discussions with family, friends, and neighbors.

    By embarking on this Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News

    learning experience, we arm ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate the labyrinth of information and emerge as guardians of our country and purveyors of truth.


    William E. Bardwell's journey began with honing his logical thinking skills earning a degree in Mathematics at the Miami University, before advancing to Widener University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was awarded an MBA.

    Professionally, Bardwell's career has been marked by innovation and technological advancement, spanning two distinct phases. Initially embarking on a path as a computer software engineer, he focused on developing healthcare systems. His pioneering work included creating communication systems that facilitated batch data processing by remote mainframe systems and was instrumental in developing interactive clinical order entry systems, enabling users to use screen pointers for seamless operations.

    However, it was the second phase of his career that underscored Bardwell's visionary approach to technology. In the wake of 9/11, he was granted a U.S. patent for a groundbreaking Biometric identification system using biometric images and copy protect code stored on a magnetic stripe and associated methods. This invention was a cornerstone in the evolution of identification cards and check validation systems. Bardwell's commitment to innovation didn't stop there; faced with the challenges of 2024, he developed a innovative validation model that empowers individuals to ascertain the veracity of statements or rhetoric. This work culminated in the publication of a book, Validating Truth in the Era of Misinformation and Fake News, a testament to his dedication to enhancing truth validation technologies.

    Dr. Segrest is a tenured, full professor at USF, acclaimed for her expertise in decision-making and implicit bias. Her research, published in prestigious journals like Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Management Decision, has garnered significant recognition. Based upon extensive experience researching implicit bias, Dr. Segrest was instrumental in developing an optimal method for assigning resource and personal bias in the Truth Model.   Beyond academia, she has consulted for organizations such as TECO Energy and publishers including Pearson Prentice Hall, enhancing her impact on the field.

    Dr. Segrest is actively serving on various boards and committees. She has notably contributed to the empowerment of Syrian refugees and others in the MENA region through her work with ReBootKamp (RBK), offering coding and soft skills training. Additionally, her leadership in study abroad programs has offered transformative experiences to students, spanning continents

    Sharon have received numerous research awards, including:

    Winner of the USF Dr. Kathleen Moore Women in Leadership Faculty Excellence Research, $5,000 Award, 2023. Research on Dual Career Couples.

    CSUF College of Business and Economics Scholar Award (CSUF is the 2nd largest College of Business in the country) for the best peer-reviewed research, Fall 2006 for the article "Implicit Sources of Bias in the Employment Interview Judgments and Decisions" Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

    For additional information about the authors, please visit


    When Dr. Segrest and William Bardwell, MBA, sat down to discuss the concept of this book, they concluded that it was paramount to focus on two major principles to ensure that our truth validation process is accurate, critical thinking and bias.  It was clear from William’s research and work experience with his biometric patent, computer programming including artificial intelligence, mathematics, and check validation that critical thinking is required to validate information. In our truth validation process, we applied critical thinking to collect facts and evidence from credible resources (sources, fact checker and experts) in order to form a valid judgement by the application of rational, skeptical, and unbiased analyses and evaluation. 

    Dr. Segrest, a tenured, full professor at the University of South Florida, is acclaimed for her expertise in decision-making and implicit bias in organizational research. She has determined that all people and organizations are biased, either knowingly or not. Considering these factors, it became evident that we needed to identify credible resources from which to collect facts and provide a sound bias rating for each resource. In addition, we concluded that the truth validator needs to select at least 3, preferably 5, credible resources that have an average bias rating of neutral to validate a statement or rhetoric.  Dr. Segrest also suggested that factors that represent personal bias, context, and motivation to lie also be incorporated into the process.

    Interestingly, our final validation process is analogous to that of a jury trial.  Twelve jurors (resources) are selected by the plaintiff and defense attorneys.  During the selection process, each attorney attempts to determine the bias and other factors such as critical thinking, context, and motivation to lie as a basis for selecting the best jurors for the case. During the trial, the jurors listen to statements to determine the facts of the case from differing versions presented at the trial. After closing arguments, the jury deliberates and reaches a verdict based on the facts, critical thinking, context, motivation to lie, and their personal bias. 


    To gain the most benefits when reading this book, the following key terms should be reviewed to aid in your journey to validate the truth:


    Bias is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is inaccurate, closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair.

    Bias Ratings:

    The typical scale for rating particularly political bias is L = left, ML = mid-left, C = center, MR = mid-right, R = right where left are liberal, and right are conservative views.  Since every person and entity have a bias, a bias rating (Bias code) was identified, if possible, for each source, fact-check and expert resource listed in this book. The Bias codes were determined by taking the average bias ratings provided by the All Sides, Ad Fontes and Media Bias Fact Check bias rating services.  If, for example, a bias rating = high factual’, the rating was translated to conform to the political bias scale. Also, if no bias rating is available, the Bias code is designated as No Rating".

    CCM Factor Level:

    The CCM Factor Level is a scale which reflects your intuitive opinion of whether the impact of critical thinking, context, and motivation to lie should be factored into the determination of the Confidence Level.

    Confirmation Bias:

    Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs values.[

    Conspiracy Theory:

    A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups, often political in nature when other explanations are more likely. Correspondence Theory of Truth:  

    The correspondence theory of truth states that the truth, or falsity of a statement is determined only by how it relates to the world and whether it accurately describes that world.

    Critical Thinking:

    Critical thinking is the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to form a judgement by the application of rational, skeptical and unbiased analyses and evaluation.

    Fake News:

    Fake news is false or misleading information (misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and hoaxes) presented as news. Fake news often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity or making money through advertising revenue.

    Confidence Level:

    The Confidence Level is a scale from 0 to 10 which reflects your intuition and understanding of how well the resource aligns with your statement. 


    Misinformation is incorrect or misleading information.  [Misinformation can exist without specific malicious intent; disinformation is distinct in that it is deliberately deceptive and propagated.

    Personal Bias Factor Level:

    The Personal Bias Factor Level is a scale which reflects your intuitive opinion of whether the impact of your personal bias should be factored into the determination of the Confidence Level.


    Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.


    A written account which reflects the exact or close as possible to the words in the statement or rhetoric that was voiced or written by the originator that you would like to validate.


    Resources generally refers to the source, fact-check and expert recommended websites which can be used to research the statement to be validated.

    Scientific Method:

    The scientific method is an empirical method for acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. The scientific method involves careful observation coupled with rigorous skepticism, because cognitive assumptions can distort the interpretation of the observations.


    Resources refer to the credible websites and other entities included in this book such as sources, fact-checkers and experts that can be used to research information to validate statements and rhetoric. 

    Truth Model Template:

    A Truth Model Template is provided that allows the reader to input data, collected during the truth validation process, into an Excel or other spreadsheet. After all the data is entered, the template automatically calculates the Final Confidence Level which indicates the truthfulness of the statement.


    Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality.  In everyday language, truth is typically ascribed to things that aim to represent reality or otherwise correspond to it.

    Validating the Truth:

    Researching information to verify whether statements or rhetoric are truthful.

    Validation Process:

    The recommended process is used to validate the truth.


    Today's truth isn't a given; it's something you learn. This book will equip you with custom truth validation approaches tailored toward researching various statements discussed in the national news, presented in a national forum, or published for mass distribution in the United States related to four subjects: health; politics; science; and government. Even though the focus of the book is validating U.S. national discourse and custom solutions for the four subjects, the principals underlying the Truth Model can be applied to validate international as well as local statements by selecting pertinent credible resources and identifying valid bias ratings. 

    Suggested Reading Approach

    Use the following suggested approach when reading this book:

    Chapter 1.

    Begin by reading the preface and Chapter 1.

    Chapters 2 – 5.

    To gain an overall knowledge about truth telling, it is best to read Chapters 2 - 5.  In these chapters, the reader will gain a firm understanding of the history of truth-telling, why telling the truth is important, what are the consequences of telling lies, and how propaganda affected countries’ histories.

    Chapters 6 – 9

    Select a statement that you would like to validate related to one of the   Chapters 6 -9 book subjects: health; politics; science; or government. Write that statement down.

    Section A. Begin by reading Section A of the selected statement subject chapter, i.e., Chapter 6 health.  The information in this section will provide the reader with an introduction and understanding of the truth-telling principles including bias, critical thinking, context, motivation to lie and cost, benefit, and risk analysis. It is important that readers become familiar with these principles because they are the foundation upon which the truth model was developed. 

    Section B. In this section, you will become familiar with the step-by-step truth validation process which defines what

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