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every palestinian and every
palestinian supporter who believes in a
peaceful and prosperous future for
all palestinians should read this book.
to live in the land of palestinia
situated within palestine but away
from any possible conflict or terrorism
can be a reality.
Release dateJun 19, 2024


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    © 2024 Howard Sherrington. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse    06/18/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8815-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8816-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8814-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024911608

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    Stop the Destruction of Rafa


    What are the Problems that the Sherrington Plan Seeks to Solve?

    1. The Palestinian Israel Conflict

    2. The Disappearing Dead Sea

    3. Jordan Water Shortage

    4. Suez Canal Dependency

    5. Development of the Israel Negev

    6. Global Warming and its Effects on Oil Revenues

    The One Solution which Solves these Six Problems – The Sherrington Plan

    The Palestinian Israel Conflict

    History of Palestine

    The Differences

    Brief Description of the Land of Israel

    How Do You Get Rid of Terrorists?

    Salaries to Terrorists and their Families

    The Palestine Authority

    International Aid Received by PA

    Major donors

    Giving Aid to the Palestinians has not kept the peace

    Will the Palestinians Ever Accept the State of Israel?

    Israel’s Growth from Desert to a Rich Country

    Four Attempts by American Presidents

    In 2020 President Trump Came Up with his Plan for Peace

    Why these Four US Presidents Failed

    Why the Two State Solution would Never Work

    Israeli Normalization with Gulf and North Africa Arab States (2017-present)

    The Emancipation of Palestinian Women

    The Only Way the Sherrington Plan is Going to Work

    Step by Step Approach to the Permanent Peace

    What is the Prototype for the Economic Development of the State of Palestinia?

    Why would a Palestinian Want to Move to a Desert Wasteland - The New Country?

    The Permanent Solution for the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

    Who should Govern the New Country and What Should it be Called?

    Financing the Canal and New State

    Economy of Jordan

    History of Hong Kong

    The Disappearing Dead Sea

    Is the Restoring of the Dead Sea Water Level Progressing

    The Jordan Water Problem

    The Importance of Water to the Area

    Israel can Now Produce More Water than it Needs

    A Pipeline or a Canal?

    The Suez Canal Bottleneck

    Economic Impact

    Rise in Prices

    Knock-on Delays

    Alternative Routes



    Development of Land in the Negev

    JNF Jewish National Fund

    Our Blueprint Negev Strategy

    Halutza - Miraculous Progress

    The Arava

    Yerucham - Build it and they will Come

    Exploring Be’er Sheva’s Waterfront Revival

    Supporting The Bedouin Community

    Employment and Economic Development

    Providing Safe Learning and Play in the Gaza Envelope Region

    Joint Arab Israeli Kibbutzim in the Negev

    Rehabilitation of Arab Terrorists Locked Up in Israeli Jails

    Slide Presentation in Book Format

    Why will this Solution Succeed when All Other Attempts have Failed?

    Israel and UAE Strike Historic Deal to Normalise Relations

    Arguments Against The Plan Working

    Summary of the Main Points

    Why should Israel back the Plan?

    Why should Jordan back the Plan?

    Why should the Saudis Back the Plan

    Why should UNWRA Back the Plan?

    Why should the EU Back the Plan

    Why should America Back the Plan

    How You can Help to Make the Peace Plan Work

    Appendix – Tables of Facts

    Total Population of Palestine

    Palestinians Worldwide Population Statistics 2017

    The Sources

    Author’s Notes

    This book is

    dedicated to the memory of my dear wife Shirley who inspired me to find a solution to bring peace.

    Other books by the same author

    The Final Solution 2006

    Solving the Palestinian Problem 2009

    The Sherrington Plan 2018

    Palestinia first edition 2019

    Palestinia Second edition July 2020

    Genesis.Chapter 12.Verse 3.

    I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed

    First published

    In Great Britain in 2024 by

    First Book Publisher

    Manchester M20 2UD

    United Kingdom

    Copyright © 2024

    by Howard Sherrington

    ISBN 978-0-9554222-7-0

    Stop the Destruction of Rafa

    Israel has decided it must destroy Rafa. Why? Because it must stop the missiles and rockets and weapons from reaching Hamas via these tunnels.

    Israel now knows about the hundreds of tunnels that Hamas has built under Gaza. But it also knows that there are equally hundreds of tunnels under the Egypt side of the Rafah crossing and that is how Hamas replenishes its weapons stocks. Because there is a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Israel cannot attack the tunnels from the Egyptian side.

    But it knows these tunnels used to smuggle in the weapons have to be destroyed. Israel has decided that they have to destroy them from the RAFA side which means creating over another million refugees and destroying thousands of Gazan homes.

    This destruction can be stopped quickly if the international community and Americans intervene to get a new treaty between Egypt and Israel whereby Egypt grants Israel full rights to an area of land 50 miles deep along the Gazan border. This would mean that Israel could blow up all the tunnels supplying the weapons to Hamas without having to destroy Rafa and create more refugees.

    With an area of land 50 miles deep changing from Egypt to Israel the destruction of the tunnels can be accomplished without further loss of life to Gazans and Israelis. The Peace which has lasted over 40 years with Egypt can be preserved and Egypt can save face and claim total ignorance of the existence of the tunnels which is a major cause of the Hamas attacks on Israel.


    This is the only plan likely to produce a permanent peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The catalyst for the success of the plan are the 450,000 Gazan refugees living in tents with their homes in GAZA destroyed.

    For the plan to work it needs Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia and his GEOM plan to agree with King Abdullah 11 of Jordan and produce an immediate proclamation. The Balfour Declaration was made in 1917 but it took until 1948 for it to come into existence. But it fulfilled the hopes of the Jewish people that there was a future.

    The Gazan refugees need a similar declaration to give them HOPE so that the fighting can stop now, and all parties can work towards the same end- a permanent home for the Palestinians.

    The Book is in several parts. For those impatient, there is a set of slides at the end of the book. As you go through the slides, questions will spring immediately into your minds. Do not think that the same questions did not spring into my mind. But I have also tried to answer them in this book. So, work your way through it and if you come to the same conclusion as I did, then what you need to do, will be set out in the book.



    The recent war In Gaza and the displacement of so many Gazans has screamed out for a new plan which will stop the conflict which has been going on for over 78 years.

    After the massacre of Israelis on October 7th 2023 by Hamas backed by Iran, the Israelis decided NO MORE! We are going to destroy Hamas come what may and stop these constant attacks on Israelis.

    But everyone is asking what happens when the war stops?

    The answer is in this Sherrington Plan.

    I wrote my first edition of the Sherrington Plan in 2018.

    The overall plan has not changed. But the need for it to be implemented and how it should be implemented is contained in this edition.

    This conflict has been going on since 1948, and it is about time a real solution was found. The major problem is the conflict is over the same piece of land. Many American presidents have tried to bring peace with what is called the Two State Solution. But this has never worked because it divides up a land which both parties regard as theirs.

    The only solution is to find another piece of land over which there would be no conflict. To satisfy the Palestinians it must be in Palestine. Before 1917, Palestine was the land on both the West Bank and the East bank of the river Jordan. The East Bank is now called Jordan, but historically it has been Palestine for centuries.

    Before the return of Jews to Palestine in the early 1900’s the land on both sides of the Jordan were similar.

    They were according to the book written by Mark Twain who took a party of Christian American Pilgrims to visit Europe and the Middle East: "I visited Palestine in 1867 and described it as a barren wasteland in my book ‘Innocents Abroad’.

    But within Israel a lot of development has taken place and the land is now well cultivated and restored to its origin fertility when that area centuries ago, was known as part of the Fertile Crescent.

    The development in Israel has demonstrated that it is possible to convert desert land into arable land provided you can bring water to the plants. The way water can be brought to the area is by desalination, but first you need to have sea water to desalinate. We need to build a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea to solve the other problems referred to in this Sherrington Plan.


    The Dead Sea which lies between Jordan and Israel is evaporating so fast that it has almost disappeared. There have been plans to try to refill it for the last 20 years but none of them seem to be succeeding. The Dead Sea is important to both the economies of Jordan and Israel. There is a plan to build a pipeline from the Red Sea at Aqaba (Eilat) to the Dead Sea, but it lacks support from Israel because it is exclusively within Jordan.


    Jordan has a chronic water shortage largely caused by Climate change which is causing droughts in the whole of the area previously known as the Fertile Crescent. Israel has solved the problem by building desalination plants converting sea water into drinking water on a massive scale. Jordan cannot do this as it is landlocked except for the port of Aqaba which is remote from the rest of Jordan.


    The Suez Canal is the main artery for all goods coming from Asia to Europe but when it gets blocked chaos ensues as recently happened in 2022 when a large container vessel got caught in the banks and blocked the canal for a week. The blockage was estimated to cost $9 billion a day to world trade. An alternative canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea would create a whole new economic development area.


    The Negev in the South of Israel is a desolate area of Israel larger in area than most of the inhabited parts of Israel. The Israeli government has a policy of developing the Negev but it is a slow grind. The building of a canal along the border of Israel and Jordan would provide water which can be desalinated and used to convert the wilderness into fertile land as was done in Gush Katif, an area of Gaza developed by Israeli settlers in 1967 and repeated much more recently at Moshav Hatseva, itself in the Negev.

    Moshav Hatseva in the most desolate part of the ARAVA is showing the world how to recapture the desert and turn it into a fertile and prosperous area. You drive along and all you see is desert and then climb a hill and suddenly an oasis of agricultural produce hits you. A modern miracle development by the agronomist scientists of Moshav Hatseva. This is a live demonstration of how the land bordering the new Canal

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