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A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family: 1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family
A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family: 1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family
A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family: 1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family
Ebook92 pages42 minutes

A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family: 1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family

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About this ebook

It was 1958 when Gloria M. Rose left the familiarity of her parents’ home in Washington, DC, to travel
to Germany with her three young children. There, she reunited with her husband, McKever, who was
serving in the US Air Force. This was just the beginning of the family’s adventures.
A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family shares ten years of memorable international and
national travel experiences of a young, African American Air Force military family from 1958 to 1968.
This includes the forging of many lifelong friendships through cultural immersion overseas while
facing the culture of racism back home in the United States.
This story, compiled by Gloria’s daughter, Linda Rose Gist, refl ects how the Rose family lived out the
fullness of their young lives together. The power of this unshakable family foundation while traveling
the global pathway of life was infused by the support of a diverse community of family and friends
encompassing shared values and beliefs enriched with plenty of love and laughter.
Release dateJun 19, 2024
A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family: 1958-1968 A Proud African American Military Family

Linda Rose Gist

Linda Rose Gist is a US Air Force veteran and retired Senior Policy Analyst from the US Department of Justice. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from University of Maryland, University College and a Master’s of Science degree in Confl ict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University. A lifetime learner, she continues studies in correctional ministry with an accentuation on reentry. Linda spends her time traveling, journaling, enjoying live theater with family and friends and being a grandmother to her chocolate drops from heaven.

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    A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family - Linda Rose Gist

    A Decade of Memorable Travels of the Rose Family


    Copyright © 2024 Linda Rose Gist.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5803-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-5804-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023921982

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/10/2024

    A Heartfelt Dedication to My Beloved Husband, McKever

    To the one and only love of my life whom I will always cherish, this story would not have been possible without your sacrifices and love. I can still feel your gentle touch and visualize your high, majestic cheekbones. Throughout each day, the sound of your voice resonates with a sense of tranquility in my heart, providing me with the assurance of your presence I so desperately desire.

    McKever, you are the foundational rock upon which this story is told. It reflects the meaningful sacrifices we joyfully made together for the good of our family. Your commitment, strength, and determination to raise our children with love and decency opened the door for our children and children’s children to walk into an extraordinary legacy of a strong, loving, flourishing Christian family that understands the power of love and service to humankind.

    I will always love you.


    In Memory of Our Firstborn, Ronnie

    Years ago when I began the journey of writing this book, my immediate family consisted of five sacred jewels that McKever often referred to as the Fabulous Five. Although the sun has set on Ronnie’s life, the magnitude of fifty-nine years of love he continually shared with all of us has continued to manifest through his devoted wife, Emily; his resilient firstborn son, Rashaan; his beautiful and gifted daughter, Alanna; and his son, Mac, who, like his dad, has an enormous heart, always caring about others’ well-being. While Ronnie is not here to witness the completion of our family story, his humble spirit, profound gentleness, and unconditional love and respect for the family are a significant part of the balm reflected in each word of our family story. I’m maintaining my humor for you, son.


    Mom (Gloria)

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1 Preparing for the Transition of a Lifetime (December 1958)

    Chapter 2 Creating Our First Home in Niederhausen, Germany (1958–1960)

    Chapter 3 Crestview Military Housing, Germany (1960–1961)

    Chapter 4 City of Angels, Here We Come (1961–1965)

    Chapter 5 Family Life in the Wine Village of Wicker, Germany (1965–1968)



    My mother’s kitchen always had a simmering pot on the stove with food

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