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Secrets and Tea
Secrets and Tea
Secrets and Tea
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Secrets and Tea

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About this ebook

Maxwell, the King of a Mafia clan, has fallen head over heels for a local bookstore owner. Little does he know, she has a few secrets hidden, along with a pair of wings. Follow Maxwell and Jasmine on their journey as they fight a war with a rival mafia gang, secrets, and their feelings.
Release dateApr 2, 2024
Secrets and Tea

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    Secrets and Tea - Venus Whitehurst


    To the love of my life, Skylar who listened to my every obsession and dealt with my every case of burnout. Your unconditional love and encouragement means the world to me.

    To Sasha, Caramel, and Mr. Cat, from belly rubs, to fetch, your cuteness got me through it all.

    To the wonderful group of baristas at the cafe inside Barnes and Nobles in Jonesboro, Arkansas for making me my favorite drinks and giving me wonderful recommendations, and offering to beta-read my book.

    And finally, to all my friends who had to listen to me all the time and gave me wonderful suggestions and advice. Thank you!

    Trigger Warning

    Dear Readers,

    Please remember that this story is a work of fiction. Any names, cities, towns, or businesses mentioned in this book are a complete work of fiction and any relation to real-world connections is pure coincidence.

    Before delving into the following content, it's important to be aware of potential themes and elements that may be present:

    1. **Graphic Violence:** The narrative may depict intense and graphic scenes of violence, including physical altercations and descriptions of injuries.

    2. **Explicit Sexual Content:** Expect explicit depictions of sexual acts and discussions of sexual themes throughout the story.

    3. **Death and Mourning:** Themes of death, loss, and grief are explored, with characters grappling with the emotional aftermath of loss.

    4. **Psychological Struggles:** Characters may experience psychological distress, including anxiety, depression, and trauma-related symptoms.

    5. **Mature Language and Themes:** The story contains mature language and explores adult themes such as relationships, identity, and personal growth.

    6. **Substance Use:** References to alcohol and drug use may be present, reflecting characters' behaviors and coping mechanisms.

    7. **Sexual Assault and Consent:** Instances of sexual assault or non-consensual situations may be depicted or discussed, highlighting issues of consent and power dynamics.

    8. **Manipulative Behavior:** Characters may engage in manipulative or controlling behavior, affecting interpersonal relationships and dynamics.

    9. **Family Dynamics:** Complex family relationships and conflicts are explored, including themes of betrayal, loyalty, and reconciliation.

    10. **Psychological Thrills:** Psychological themes such as manipulation, gaslighting, and paranoia may feature prominently, adding layers of suspense and intrigue to the narrative.

    It's essential for readers to exercise discretion and consider their personal comfort levels before proceeding. While these themes are integral to the story's development and exploration of human experiences, they may also be triggering or distressing for some individuals. Proceed with caution, and remember to prioritize your well-being while engaging with the content.

    For those who are prepared to embark on this journey, dive in and explore the depths of these fictional worlds, but always remember to read at your own risk.

    Chapter One

    As the sun sank low over the city’s skyline, casting long shadows that painted the urban landscape in hues of orange and pink, a lone figure observed the bustling scene below from the window of a skyscraper on the thirty-second floor. Unlike the tranquil serenity of a small town after dark, the city transformed into a vibrant, pulsating entity with the onset of night. The cacophony of sounds didn't dwindle; instead, it morphed into a more purposeful symphony as the city transitioned from business to pleasure hours.

    Maxwell's gaze lingered on the lively cityscape, his apartment window serving as a barrier between him and the crowds of people reveling in the night below. Despite the lack of any physical impediment, an invisible barrier seemed to hold him back. There was nothing to stop him from joining the masses, yet there was nothing down there for him either.


    What?!? Maxwell snapped into the phone, the sudden intrusion jolting him from contemplating the city lights.

    Hey, boss. I know it's late, but the guys down at the bar are giving me trouble, came the strained voice of Jails, a punk with a peculiar moniker that Maxwell couldn't recall due to his annoyance.

    Sigh. All right. I’ll grab the crew and put the bartender back in his place. Maxwell knew that if he had to handle runs tonight, it would be a long and taxing night. After all, it was tax day, the day when businesses in their territory paid Maxwell's crew for protection. In return, their children were ensured safe travel to and from school, immunity from other crews, and various community perks.

    After a series of quick calls, Maxwell found himself riding shotgun in a sleek Corvette, trailing a convoy of his crew through the city streets. Always the last to arrive and the first to leave, Maxwell's strategic positioning applied mental pressure on all his tenants. As they cruised downtown, he noticed heart-shaped decorations and cherubic archery babies with wings adorning the surroundings. With an internal reprimand, he cursed himself for forgetting that Valentine's Day was approaching, along with a party for which, once again, he lacked a date. That was a concern for later, as he reminded himself of more immediate issues at hand.

    His crew members were his soldiers, each trained for battle with a unique specialty, and he was their king. His word was law.

    Striding into the dilapidated bar, his men lined up on either side of the entrance, creating a formidable presence. There was no need to announce his arrival; the impending scene unfolding made it clear. Everyone off the block would instinctively steer clear, knowing his name and understanding his purpose there.

    Maxwell. I’m sorry your men called you. It seems you wasted a trip down here. I already told your 'Jails' that I am not paying anymore, stammered Marco, the bar owner, his voice laced with nervousness.

    Now, Marco, I think there's confusion. See, I believe Jails might have been confused. And now I'm confused because I could have sworn I just heard you say that you're not paying anymore. Yet, just the other day, I saw your son enjoying that new gym we built for the community, Maxwell ground out through clenched teeth, the facade of the ruthless enforcer momentarily clashing with the underlying distaste he felt for such tactics. Nevertheless, he knew that to secure the owed funds, he had to maintain this facade.

    Marco paled at the thinly veiled threat and wordlessly retrieved two stacks of green bills from a drawer.

    Uh uh. Make it next month too while you're at it so we can take a break from this misunderstanding, Maxwell added hoarsely, fueled by anger.

    Though Marco sighed in reluctant compliance, Jails strode over and collected the payment. After exchanging a glance, he subtly nodded in Maxwell's direction, a silent confirmation of their agreement. Maxwell returned the nod with a single gesture before quietly leaving the bar. Slams and screams echoed behind him as three of his crew members subdued Marco, delivering a stern, calculated beating. It wasn't pleasant, but they couldn't afford to be seen as weak.

    Whistling a tune he vaguely remembered from a show, Maxwell returned to his car. Scrolling through his phone, an ad for a new bookstore near the bar caught his attention.

    Hey, Kenneth, what do we know about this Fairytale Bookstore?

    Aw, boss, it's this perky little lady who just moved from the country. She set up shop this week. I figured I'd send the Bobsey twins to induct her into the community. You know, let her know there's a special tax around here.

    No. Let's you and I go. I need some new reading material anyway. I’m already through those girly books your wife gave me as a gag gift for my birthday last year.

    "Man. I told her not to get ya something stupid. And what does she get ya but some fairy porn chick lit?

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