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Wicked Surprise: Wicked Bay, #5.5
Wicked Surprise: Wicked Bay, #5.5
Wicked Surprise: Wicked Bay, #5.5
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Wicked Surprise: Wicked Bay, #5.5

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The edgy, angsty, addictive YA/NA crossover series from L A Cotton continues with this holiday novella...


It's Christmas, and the Stone-Princes are off to Lake Tahoe for the holidays. 


All they want is a family vacation without drama ... but what will they each find under the tree this year?


Nothing's for certain, but they should know by now, no family get together would be complete without a surprise ... or two!



*Wicked Surprise is a companion novella that must be read after the previous books in the series! 

PublisherDelesty Books
Release dateDec 20, 2018
Wicked Surprise: Wicked Bay, #5.5

L. A. Cotton

Addictive Romance Author of mature young adult and new adult novels, L A is happiest writing the kind of books she loves to read: addictive stories full of teenage angst, tension, twists and turns. Home is a small town in the middle of England where she currently juggles being a full-time writer with being a mother/referee to two little people. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find L A immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life.

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    Book preview

    Wicked Surprise - L. A. Cotton

    Chapter One


    Are we there yet? Beth asked for the ten-thousandth time.

    Almost, my dad replied from upfront.

    When he and Uncle Gentry had gathered us together and announced they wanted us to spend Christmas at Lake Tahoe, I’d imagined après-ski, snowcapped mountains, and hot mugs of cocoa. I hadn’t pictured nine hours cooped up in a rental minivan with an eight-year-old who needed more toilet stops than my grandma.

    Dude, Kyle said through a yawn. What time is it?

    Time you moved your fucking foot away from my face.

    I squeezed Maverick’s bicep and whispered, Language.

    Too late, Beth sang. I heard that.

    You didn’t hear anything, short stuff. Kyle chimed in.

    Don’t call me that, she hissed.

    Kyle, Laurie groaned. I’m sleeping.

    Yeah, we know, babe. You’re snoring louder than a grizzly.

    I cranked my neck around just in time to see Laurie elbow Kyle in the ribs. He spluttered while my best friend shuffled in her seat, readjusted her hat over her eyes and went back to sleep.

    Less than thirty minutes out, Dad announced. Please try to refrain from killing each other.

    If you ask me, my grandma cleared her throat. We should have flown.

    But then we wouldn’t have had time to appreciate all this, Uncle Gentry said.

    Surely, you don’t mean Kyle’s bad jokes, Uncle G?

    Bethany! Stella scolded the little brat, but it didn’t deter her.

    It’s true, Mom. He’s so not funny. Why did I even have to come? Christmas won’t be the same—

    That’s enough, young lady. Stella sounded flustered, the way she did whenever Bethany decided to upstage her in front of us.

    It could be fun, I said, leaning forward and poking my face between her seat and the next. We can ski, and sled, and I heard they have a snowpark.

    Beth let out an unimpressed huff, Lame.

    Whatever, brat. I ruffled her hair before sinking back into Maverick’s arm. He dropped a kiss on my head then dipped his mouth to my ear.

    Skiing? I don’t plan on leaving our room.

    "Our room? I turned my face, so our noses were touching. There’s no way they’ll let us room together." Even if we did live together at SU, Dad and Uncle Gentry wouldn’t want to set a bad example for Summer and Kiera, who had already been warned repeatedly they would be rooming together and not with their boyfriends: Nick and Jack. The plan was for Macey to share with them, and then me and Laurie would take a room.

    You think I plan on sleeping anywhere but with you? Maverick’s words were low in my ear, sending shivers rolling down my spine. I clenched my thighs together and he smirked. I love you, he mouthed.

    I love you too.

    Our lips touched in a tender kiss, but Maverick’s hand slid over my thigh and heat pooled in my stomach.

    Mom, they’re kissing again.

    I’m going to—

    Lo, Maverick, Dad called. Let’s keep it PG-13.

    I grumbled, Why did I think this would be a good idea?

    Maverick chuckled, the sound warming my insides. Pulling me into his side once more, he dipped his head and whispered, It'll be worth it, I promise.

    MacKenzie Ridge was a ski resort nestled at the foot of South Lake Tahoe, right on the Californian/Nevada state line, and our accommodation for the trip was a private luxury cabin right on the edge of the main resort. Although I was used to my family’s wealth by now, this was like nothing I’d ever seen. The huge two-story cabin—if you could really call it that—had a private pier and beach; a vast decked area with a hot tub and infinity pool; seven bedrooms, each with their own en suites; a salt room and sauna; and floor-to-ceiling glass windows throughout.

    The views are incredible, I said to no one in particular as the guys fetched the luggage.

    Okay everyone, gather round, Uncle Gentry called. As his pet project, he’d taken it upon himself to organize the entire trip. After a tough couple of years, he wanted us to spend quality time as a family, away from Wicked Bay. Away from the painful memories and messy pasts.

    Now I’d seen this place, I was beginning to see his point.

    Maverick dropped our last bag with the others and came over, sliding his arms around my waist.

    Girls, Uncle Gentry looked to Macey, Summer, and Kiera. You’ve got room seven. He dangled a key at Macey who snatched it up and threw Devon a discreet wink.

    What the…?

    Jack and Nick, you get six. He handed Nick another key. Kyle and Maverick—

    Change of plan, Gentry, Maverick spoke up. Kyle’s going to room with Devon. I’ll take what’s left.

    Kyle started to protest but his dad waved him off. "Fine, you can figure it out. I’m trusting you. All of you. He ran his fatherly gaze over each of us, but lingered on his son. You have the east wing. The adults and Beth will take the west wing. But that doesn’t mean we won’t know what’s—"

    Chill, old man, Kyle said. We’ve got it. No funny business.

    Funny business? Beth frowned. What does...? Her eyes lit up with mischief. Ohhhh sex, you mean sex, don’t you?

    My grandmother and Rebecca snickered while Stella turned beet-red. Bethany—

    Seriously, Mom, I only said sex.

    Stella rushed over to her daughter and clamped her hand against her mouth. Yes, well, quite enough of that. You were saying, Gentry?

    I, hmm, I was— My uncle cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable at Beth’s slip of the tongue.

    Keys. Kyle strolled up to his father and held out his hands. Gentry gingerly passed them over, conveying a silent message. Don’t let me down.

    We’ve got it covered, Dad. East wing. Kyle thumbed himself and then pointed to Uncle Gentry. West wing. We’ll see you later.

    Kyle, wait—

    Ah, let the kids go, my grandma interjected. Lo will keep them in check, right sweetheart?


    Since when had I become the sensible one?

    Sure thing, I replied, shooting her a tight smile as Maverick guided me away from the adults.

    The wings weren’t really wings, but rather two bedroom areas separated by a huge open living space with a fully equipped kitchen and a large open fire. But our rooms were far enough away from the adults that it was like having a separate wing.

    This is the fucking shit, Jack said as soon as we were out of earshot of our parents.

    Dude. Kyle shot him an unimpressed look. Jack was Nick’s friend and Kiera’s on-and-off boyfriend. But there was something about him, and not just his lack of verbal filter.

    Come on, Stone, he said, hooking his arm around Kiera’s neck. You’re not seeing it through our eyes. Am I right, K?

    Kiera grimaced. It’s—

    "What the fuck is that supposed to

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