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Wicked Truths: Wicked Bay, #7.5
Wicked Truths: Wicked Bay, #7.5
Wicked Truths: Wicked Bay, #7.5
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Wicked Truths: Wicked Bay, #7.5

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An angsty and emotional single parent romance set in the bestselling Wicked Bay series

The truth hurts...


Vinnie Ford has spent the last two years running from his past. So when a family tragedy takes him back to his hometown of Wicked Bay, he knows it'll hurt in more ways than one.


Maggie Stark is living each day as it comes. Being a single mom isn't easy and as if life isn't complicated enough, her ex best friend and the man who has always owned a piece of her heart is back in town.


Vinnie always wanted Maggie. But she was never his to have—she was his best friend's. Now Maggie is standing in front of him, asking for forgiveness.

But Vinnie knows they're not the people they were back then. The truth won't fix anything... it'll only hurt more.


Won't it?




Wicked Truths is a novella set in the Wicked Bay series. It can be read as a standalone

PublisherDelesty Books
Release dateJan 8, 2020
Wicked Truths: Wicked Bay, #7.5

L. A. Cotton

Addictive Romance Author of mature young adult and new adult novels, L A is happiest writing the kind of books she loves to read: addictive stories full of teenage angst, tension, twists and turns. Home is a small town in the middle of England where she currently juggles being a full-time writer with being a mother/referee to two little people. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find L A immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life.

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    Book preview

    Wicked Truths - L. A. Cotton

    Chapter 1


    Islammed the taxicab door shut and inhaled a deep breath. It was hot, humid, and I wanted nothing more than to take a long, cold shower and then fall into bed. But before I could contemplate going around the back and sneaking up to my room, the front door swung open and my brother’s voice filled the air.

    You came, he said flatly. Looking at him, I noted the dark circles ringing his eyes.

    Of course I fucking came, I let out a deep sigh, dragging a hand through my damp hair. 

    Shaun looked ready to blow, but then all the anger melted away replaced with pure grief. He’s gone, Vin. I can’t believe he’s gone. I caught my younger brother just as he fell into my arms.

    It’s going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay, I said the words because that’s what people did when someone they loved was hurting. But the truth was, I had no fucking idea if everything would be okay. Just last week, Dad had been here. He would have known what to do in a time like this. He was always a man with a plan. The patriarch of our family. 

    And now he was gone.

    Pain ripped through me as I clung onto my brother unsure who was holding who up.

    I had a lot of regrets. 

    Things I wished I’d have done differently. 

    But standing there, on my family’s doorstep, ready to say goodbye to one of the best men I’d ever known, was one of the worst moments of my life.

    And there had been a few. 

    Come on, I said, hooking my arm around Shaun’s neck, the way I used to when we were just boys. I’d better go see Mom. 

    I WASN’T SURE IF YOU’D make it, were the first words my mom had spoken to me in months except for the odd text and email to ‘check in’.

    Mom, come on, please... I set my bag on the counter and went to her. I’m so sorry. 

    Oh, Vincent. Tears rolled down her cheeks. He’s gone; he’s really gone.

    I fell into her awaiting arms, taking comfort from the woman who had given me life. There had been a time when she was my whole world. When there was nothing I wouldn’t do for Maisie Ford. But somewhere over the last couple of years we’d lost our way.

    And it was all my fault.

    I’m sorry, Mom. I’m so fucking sorry.

    Vincent Jerome Ford. I felt her smile against my shoulder. 

    He went quickly? I managed to choke out the words, meeting her weary gaze.

    He did. Mom sniffled, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

    I should have been here.

    Now don’t go doing that. He wasn’t sick. There were no warning signs.

    Still, I should have been here. Like I was always supposed to be.

    My eyes darted to the floor, guilt cracking my chest wide open.

    Vincent, look at me.

    I lifted my head slowly, hardly able to stand her looking at me like that. I know things weren’t good between the two of you, but your father wouldn’t want you to feel guilty. You know that was never his way.

    Suppressing the urge to punch something, I circled my fist into my thigh and gave Mom a tight nod. Where’s Lucii? 

    She and Jason have taken Matilda to the park. I think all the sadness is making her grouchy.

    Who, Luce?

    Matilda. Mom managed a small smile. That little girl is wise beyond her years.

    Another rope of guilt wrapped around my heart, squeezing. She’s getting big, I said. At least, the photos my sister sent me suggested she was. 

    Mom’s hand found mine. You have time to make things right, Son. We’ve missed you, more than you know.

    The chime of the doorbell cut through the tension and Mom sniffled again, dabbing her face and straightening her blouse. That’ll be Teresa, she’s helping me sort through things.

    Dread slithered up my spine. Shaun caught my eye and frowned. How about me and you get out of here? he said. I could use some air. 

    Sounds good, I replied.

    Vincent, you don’t have to—

    It’s fine, Mom. I kissed her cheek. We’ll see you later, okay? 

    No bars, please. I don’t want to have to deal with two drunken sons later. She cut Shaun with a scathing look and it was my turn to frown. He rolled his eyes.

    I’ll meet you outside. We can take my car. Shaun stalked out of the kitchen leaving me and Mom alone. 

    How is he doing? Really? 

    It’s been a tough few months for him. First Kara, now your father. The words caught in her throat. It’ll do him good to have you around for a little while. 

    When I didn’t reply, Mom added, You are planning on staying for a while, aren’t you? Lucii said—

    I took a couple of weeks leave. Jerry said I can extend it if necessary. But I didn’t know if that was a good idea, all things considered.

    Two weeks. I see. Disappointment clouded her eyes. 

    Mom, come on, I—

    The doorbell rang again, and Mom jerked. I really should get that. I know Teresa would love to—

    But I was already heading for the back door. I’ll see you later, Mom, I called, desperate to make my escape.

    SO, MY BROTHER SAID, turning the bottle in his hand. Is it weird being back?

    Honestly? Yeah. Wicked Bay was my home, always would be, but I hadn’t stepped foot in the place in almost two years. 

    It sucks, man. When you left, I didn’t think you’d really be leaving, like for good. I still can’t—

    Come on, Shaun. You know how everything went down. I couldn’t stay here. Not after... I just couldn’t. 

    Have you spoken to her?

    Is that a joke? I gawked at him.

    She was your best friend.

    And she chose him. What was I supposed to do? Sit back and watch while they lived happily after ever? I’m strong but I’m not a fucking saint. I’d spent ten years loving Maggie Stark. Half my life wasted loving a girl who would never love me back. Because while I saw her, she only saw my best friend, Rob. It hadn’t been such a problem growing up. We were kids and us being best friends was more important than anything else. But as we got older everything began to unravel. 

    You walked away. You didn’t fight—

    Don’t fucking tell me I didn’t fight. I slammed my hand down on the table, inhaling a ragged breath. I fought, Shaun. I did. For years I tried to get her to see me. Instead of... I couldn’t even say his name. But eventually, you have to walk away. 

    You know she’ll be at the funeral, right? 

    Of course I fucking knew. Our parents were good friends. Maggie’s mom was over at our house right now helping Mom deal. It’s another reason I left. Maybe I could have stuck around if I could have avoided her. But it was impossible when our families were so deeply entwined. Birthdays, celebrations, even funerals always brought the Starks and Fords together. So when Maggie finally chose Rob, I left. I was supposed to graduate UCLA, move home, and start at my old man’s company. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be here and watch them together. 

    So I walked away. Took a job in LA at the company I’d interned at the summer

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