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Daisy: Not Your Average Super-sleuth! Book 19, Welcome to Fairhaven: Daisy Morrow, #19
Daisy: Not Your Average Super-sleuth! Book 19, Welcome to Fairhaven: Daisy Morrow, #19
Daisy: Not Your Average Super-sleuth! Book 19, Welcome to Fairhaven: Daisy Morrow, #19
Ebook247 pages2 hours

Daisy: Not Your Average Super-sleuth! Book 19, Welcome to Fairhaven: Daisy Morrow, #19

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A few days at the Fairhaven Wellness Sanctuary sounds to Daisy like the perfect girls-only getaway to help shake away the trauma of the Abbie Drake case. She maybe should have known better!


Daisy treats Celia, Maisie and Doris to a four-day stay at the beautiful Fairhaven Health Spa situated in an idyllic position on the North Norfolk coast. Sadly, it's not as idyllic as they thought. Almost as soon as they arrive it becomes clear their short break isn't going to be anywhere near as relaxing as it should have been!

The biggest problem isn't that the owner/manager runs the place with a firm and very strict hand. Neither is it that most of the guests and staff seem to dislike everyone around them. The main problem is what happens on the second day of their stay.

Someone dies... in a rather unusual way.


At first glance the death doesn't feel suspicious. Then Daisy's gut kicks in, and despite the fact she really doesn't want to think the thoughts she's thinking, she can't help herself.

Could it be murder?

Has someone been killed in a place meant to make them feel better?

Daisy and her all-girl crew set about unravelling what turns into a spider's web of lies, deceit and revenge... but it proves far from easy.

For sure the murderer has to be someone at Fairhaven, but with the place a hotbed of deep-seated grudges and utter discontent, there are plenty of suspects!


'Welcome to Fairhaven' is on pre-order now, and scheduled for general release on Monday 24h June.


Check out the entire Daisy series, and everything else we do, on the rtgreen website.

And enjoy!

PublisherWise Owl
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Daisy: Not Your Average Super-sleuth! Book 19, Welcome to Fairhaven: Daisy Morrow, #19

R T Green

The RTG mission in life is simple... to not be like everyone else! ‘Going Green’ has taken on a new meaning, in the book world at least. Whilst we applaud the original meaning (ebooks are a perfect way to promote that) we also try to present a different angle to it. The tendency these days is that if you don’t look and read like everyone else, you don’t sell books. Maybe there’s some truth in that, but we simply don’t do it. The RTG books have been described as a ‘breath of fresh literary air’, and, by those discovering us for the first time, ‘unexpectedly good’. We know many readers prefer the same-old same old, and that’s fine. It’s just not what you get from the RTG stable. Those who know about such things said it would take five years to become a proficient author... I scoffed at that. They were wise. It took six. It’s one reason why even today we remodel existing books, and will always do so. Right from the early years the stories were always good, but were put into words less well than they could have been! These days we have several series and a few standalones, the hit Daisy series most popular amongst them. In everything we do, the same provisos apply – Never the same book twice. If we can’t think up a good story, it doesn’t get written. The RTG brand is about exciting and twisty plots, a fast pace which doesn’t waste words, and endearing (sometimes slightly crazy) characters. We can never please everyone, but it works for us, and, it seems, for those who appreciate our work. Enjoy! Richard, Ann and the RTG crew

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    Book preview

    Daisy - R T Green


    THE DAISY SERIES DOCUMENTS the slightly-crazy adventures of our R.E.D. (Retired Extremely Daisy) heroine... she’s fun, feisty, kind of wicked, and rather like the other RTG books, she will take you to places you never really expect to go.

    This one is a more of a traditional ‘whodunit’... but of course in Daisy’s world nothing is ever quite what it seems!

    After the trauma of the Abbie Drake tragedy, Daisy decides she and the terrible twosome need a few days away from it all, taking time out to recharge and recuperate. After a lot of internet deliberation, she settles on the Fairhaven Wellness Sanctuary, just over twenty miles away on the North Norfolk coast.

    A factor in the decision is that the owner prides herself on the true meaning of the word ‘sanctuary’, ensuring absolute confidentiality, and guaranteeing her clients will not be disturbed in any shape or form during their stay. Not quite certain what that actually means, nevertheless to Daisy it sounds like just what is needed to shake off the mist of depression they’re all experiencing.

    So together with Celia, the four of them head off to deepest, darkest West Norfolk to enjoy four girls-only days of total pampering and quiet solitude.

    Yeah, right...


    Richard, Ann, and the crew

    Chapter 1

    Turning Over a New Leaf

    ‘I STILL CAN’T IMAGINE you tucking happily into a lettuce leaf, dear,’ said Aidan, as Daisy leant through the driver’s door window and gave him a final kiss.

    She grinned, a little uncertainly. ‘Am I that bad?’

    He shook his head. ‘Four days without cheese on toast with added pepperoni and jalapenos, Flower?’

    Her face fell. ‘Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.’

    ‘Oh dear. Sorry I reminded you.’

    ‘No matter. This is the start of turning over a new leaf... and not one made of lettuce.’

    Jack, leaning through the passenger window so Celia could give Oscar a last hug, couldn’t help grinning. ‘That’s as maybe, but this trip will be a body shock for Maisie and Doris.’

    ‘I know,’ Daisy chuckled.

    ‘Flower? Why are you giggling?’

    Daisy wiped a hand across her mouth to straighten the grin. ‘Oh, I just decided it was time our rookies had their final initiation.’

    ‘So we’re FBI training officers now?’

    ‘Of course not, but I think the terrible twosome believe we are.’

    Celia tapped her mother on the arm. ‘Okay, so you’re taking great delight in deliberately putting your friends through wellness hell... but what am I doing here?’

    ‘Um... making sure I eat my lettuce?’

    Daisy started the engine. Jack, with Oscar in his arms and a cheeky grin on his face, called out to Aidan over the car roof, just before Celia closed the window. ‘I’ll go make sure the girls know the coast is clear.’

    Celia shook her head, in a condescending kind of way. ‘Can you divorce a fiancé, Jack dear?’

    ‘Suitably upstaged, baby. Have a great time.’

    Aidan and Jack, a baby and a Brutus in their arms, watched as the BMW headed to the corner of Walcott’s Lane, and then disappeared from sight on its way to pick up Maisie and Doris.

    ‘I do hope they’ll be alright,’ said Aidan quietly.

    ‘Aidan, it’s a wellness spa. You know... a place to make people feel better?’

    ‘I know, but...’

    ‘Maybe you should have gone too? Letting Daisy go off on her own the second time in recent weeks might not be so good for you.’

    ‘You kidding? Me at a wellness spa? I like my rib-eye steak too much.’

    Jack laughed as they headed back inside. ‘I’m guessing that’s what’s for dinner then?’

    ‘You bet.’

    ‘I’m really not sure about this,’ said Maisie as she and Doris clambered into the rear seat.

    Daisy tried to hide her amusement. ‘It can’t be any worse than having your feet peed on by a headless monk, surely?’

    Doris narrowed her eyes. ‘I’m getting the feeling you’re enjoying this a little too much, Daisy Henderson.’

    ‘Who, me?’

    ‘Yes you. Just remember you’ll have to undergo the same agonies we will.’

    ‘Ladies, lighten up. It’s a beautiful place, the sun is shining, and everything’s right with the world.’

    She deliberately ignored Celia’s narrow-eyes stare.

    A half-hour later Daisy pulled the car to a stop in front of a pair of heavy iron gates that looked solid enough to repel a small army without a single scratch in return . Celia pointed to a small box on the wall, just as a man’s voice boomed out through it.

    ‘Good afternoon. Are you Fairhaven clients, please?’

    ‘Um, yes we are.’

    ‘Then please key your personal four-digit code into the keypad.’

    Daisy did as she was asked. Doris noticed her sister fumbling in her bag. ‘Looking for something, dear?’

    ‘A paper and pen. I think now is the right time to hand in my resignation.’

    Doris shook her head. ‘Maisie, do stop winging... what could possibly go wrong?’

    The voice coming through the speaker interrupted the banter. ‘Just a moment please. Four of you, correct?’

    ‘Yes, four,’ Daisy frowned.

    Celia pointed silently through the passenger side window at a second security camera, set lower to the ground, and almost hidden by the bushes at the side of the gateway. It seemed to be panning along the car.

    ‘Was it like this getting into MI6, mum?’ she growled.

    ‘Oh no... back in the day they didn’t give a damn.’

    Something that sounded like the lock to a dungeon clunked loudly, and the gates began to swing open. The cheery voice spoke again. ‘You are cleared. Please proceed to the main house, where you will be greeted by the owner.’

    ‘Are we sure we want to?’ said a little voice from the rear seat.

    ‘Good afternoon, ladies. I am Fionulla O’Sullivan, the proprietor of this fine establishment. Welcome to Fairhaven.’

    Daisy looked over the tall, slim woman. Smartly dressed in a blue figure-hugging summer dress, she was the perfect advertisement for the lifestyle she advocated. Beautiful in a simple, Irish kind of way, her flame hair tumbled across toned shoulders, and the dazzling smile that flashed its way to life through ruby-red lips was quite disarming.

    After the image Daisy had of the guard in the sentry box, who almost certainly kept an AK 47 at his side in case of emergencies, she was a distinct relief. She took the hand being held out to her.

    ‘Good to be here, even if getting past the Gestapo was a little off-putting.’

    ‘Oh yes, I am sorry about that. Our security people take their work very seriously. You must understand we provide a duty of care to our clients... over and above what they would receive anywhere else.’

    ‘Okay... what does that mean exactly?’

    She indicated for them to sit on plush-looking sofas set to one side of the large reception area. ‘Let us just say our clients can be assured of complete and uninterrupted privacy while they are resident at Fairhaven. Whatever trials and tribulations they came here to leave behind can never encroach on this side of the walls.’

    Daisy caught Celia’s narrow-eyed stare, and then smiled sweetly to their host. ‘So this state-of-the-art security thing... do you get lots of inmates escaping?’

    Fionulla threw her a blue-eyed stare. ‘Please do not refer to them as inmates, Mrs. Henderson. Also, the security system is to keep intruders out, not keep clients in.’

    ‘You get lots of... intruders trying to break in?’

    For a second she looked uncomfortable. ‘As I explained, our clients can be assured of complete and uninterrupted privacy during their stay at Fairhaven. Now, let us complete your paperwork...’

    She extracted four sheets of paper from the folder in her arms and handed them out. ‘Before we go any further I must ask you all to sign a confidentiality agreement. A nuisance I know, but necessary.’

    Daisy glanced quickly through the words on the sheet. ‘We can’t talk about anything we experience here, on any social media channel?’

    ‘No, you cannot. Many of our clients come here for sanctuary, and some of them are well-known faces. If their privacy is breached... well, there would be no Fairhaven for you all to enjoy.’

    Maisie shook her head. ‘I knew this was a bad idea,’ she muttered under her breath.

    Their host collected the reluctantly-signed agreements. ‘Now, just one more thing, and then you may retire to your rooms. Please switch off your mobile phones, and then give them to me. They will be kept in our safe, and handed back to you when you leave.’

    ‘Do we surrender our passports too?’ Daisy groaned, even though she was already aware of the no-phone rule.

    ‘Please, Mrs. Henderson. Surely you can appreciate that if you spot someone famous we cannot take the risk of you being tempted to tell the world where they are? Your stay here will be technology-free.’

    ‘So how am I supposed to play Candy Crush?’ Maisie spluttered.

    ‘You don’t. Sorry, but those are the rules. If you do not wish to follow them you are free to leave.’

    ‘She’s fine,’ said Daisy hastily, realising their party ran a serious risk of being instantly halved. ‘We’re looking forward to it, aren’t we, girls?’

    Three incomprehensible mumbles came back.

    The disarming smile filled the room again. ‘Wonderful. Now please follow me and I will show you to your rooms, where you can change into the gowns you will find waiting for you. Evening meal is at six, and as it is now gone four there is no time today to book any treatments, so please enjoy relaxing for the rest of the day.’

    ‘Damn it,’ Doris muttered. ‘I was so looking forward to getting my old bones pummelled to hell.’

    Chapter 2


    ‘You sound surprised, Celia.’


    ‘Any chance of something more than a one-word sentence?’ Daisy grinned.

    ‘I’m trying. It’s... gorgeous.’

    ‘What do you think I’ve forked out a small fortune for?’

    ‘Um... the treatments and pampering?’

    ‘Yeah, right. We’ll just have to put up with those, while we enjoy total luxury and as many dips in the Roman pool as we can manage.’

    ‘You really are devious.’

    ‘Well, there’s Maisie and Doris’s final initiation to consider as well.’

    Celia shook her head. ‘I rest my case.’

    Daisy slumped down onto the end of one of the sumptuous single beds. ‘I’m not that callous, Celia. Maisie and Doris took Abbie’s murder really badly. Maisie lavishes as much care on that white rose as she does on herself. And they did save our lives. I had to do something to lift their spirits.’

    Celia sat down next to her mother and took her hand. ‘You’re not a bad old stick really, are you?’

    Daisy chuckled. ‘Hey, less of the old. I invited Sarah to come too, but she refused to let Rob out of her sight until he’s fully recovered.’

    ‘She still has to carry out her duty shifts though.’

    ‘Talking of good old sticks, Burrows has tweaked the rota so she hasn’t got so many shifts right now. He has a good soul, despite his miserable demeanour.’

    Celia laughed, and then took a stroll around the room, gazing in awe at her surroundings. Most of what cocooned them was a delicate shade of white, but not brilliant white. The walls, ceiling and carpet were a shade easy on the eye, the bedcovers gently patterned with pale yellow lilies. The same lilies had been incorporated into a specially-commissioned wall mural that stretched behind both of the single beds, its edges hidden by sumptuous drapes pulled back on hemp ties.

    In another shade of white, of course.

    The huge en-suite consisted of yet more white, this time contrasted by extravagant chrome fittings, and towels in the same lily pattern, which again must have been specially commissioned. A power shower set behind a curved screen sat next to an oblong double-sized Jacuzzi bath, so deep it was reminiscent of a miniature swimming pool.

    The entire ceiling was peppered with tiny inset lights. Low-powered and mellow, no piercing LEDs offended the eye, which helped set the relaxing ambience. Everything in the room was designed to blend seamlessly, not a single thing allowed to jar the senses. Whoever the interior designer was, they knew exactly what was required.

    ‘Mum... look at this view!’

    Daisy joined Celia just as she opened the doors to the tiny balcony and stepped out into the warm late-afternoon sunshine. Immediately below them, the small Fairhaven car park was mostly empty. Just beyond that was a reminder the owner was determined no intruders would find getting in easy... a tall-white-painted wall marking the perimeter of the grounds, with no gates or openings to be seen.

    In the distance, a blue sea tumbled gently onto a rock-strewn beach a couple of hundred yards below them. Set high on the cliffs to the north of Hunstanton, Fairhaven commanded unrivalled views across the North Sea. For Daisy, that was one of the major plus points.

    Celia gave her mother a hug. ‘I’ll say this, mum. You really do know how to spend your money.’

    They changed into the lemon-coloured gowns waiting on the beds, and then Celia reverted to one word sentences.


    ‘Maybe more words, dear?’ Daisy chuckled.

    ‘This gown... it’s like I’m being cocooned by the softest duck down in the universe.’

    ‘I know. The only thing I’ve ever known come close was the one I bought from Harrods.’


    ‘Dream on. M & S is perfectly adequate for me. At least it was...’

    After an hour of blissful relaxation it was time to head down for the evening meal. On the way to the dining room they collected Maisie and Doris, both clad in their gowns. ‘Can I put one of these on expenses?’ Doris asked.

    Daisy shook her head, but before she could reply Maisie decided to be Maisie. ‘There’s no TV.’

    Daisy switched the head-shaking to her friend. ‘Seriously? You’re in the lap of total luxury, paid for by me incidentally, and you’re moaning because there’s no TV?’

    ‘But how am I supposed to keep up to date with Coronation Street?’

    ‘You’re not, Maisie. We’ve left the outside world behind, remember?’

    ‘I really should have gone home while I had the chance.’

    The dining room consisted of expensive-looking wicker tables and padded matching chairs, plus as many tall palm plants as there were tables. Less than half the seats were occupied, even after Daisy and the others had taken theirs. Three women sitting together nodded a greeting, but the only other diner in the room sat alone, her chair turned so she was facing the wall.

    ‘Not exactly rammed to the rafters with clients,’ Doris muttered.

    ‘The price I’m paying I doubt they need to be,’ Daisy pointed out.

    Someone bustled in. Wearing a chef’s hat and a surly expression on his bearded face, he handed out plates to his eight diners. Maisie

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