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Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Unconditional Love

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About this ebook

Malia, 19 years old, decides to take control of her life. Between studies and parties, she can't seem to focus on herself. Boxing will help her overcome her fears but will also introduce her to four boys. These boys, each more handsome than the other, are dangerous. But does Malia realize this danger? Will she give them her trust?

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Unconditional Love


Sophie Bocuze, romancière française née à Lyon en 1980. Mon amour pour les mots et les histoires s'est manifesté dès mon plus jeune âge, et j'ai toujours su que je voulais devenir écrivaine. Après des études de lettres et un passage en école de journalisme, je me suis lancée dans l'écriture de romans. Mes romans explorent des thèmes tels que l'amour, la passion, le destin et les secrets de famille. J'aime créer des personnages complexes et attachants qui évoluent dans des situations intenses et émotionnellement chargées. Mon objectif est de transporter mes lecteurs dans un autre monde et de leur faire vivre des aventures inoubliables. Lorsque je n'écris pas, j'aime passer du temps avec ma famille et mes amis, voyager et découvrir de nouvelles cultures. Je suis également une grande passionnée de lecture et de cinéma. J'ai hâte de partager mes prochaines histoires avec vous et de vous faire vibrer au rythme de mes mots.

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    Book preview

    Unconditional Love - Sophia

    Chapter 1

    First day of class as a sophomore at the University of Portland. I'm specifically studying psychology, it interests me a lot. But I also love languages and maths. Which doesn't really have anything to do with it, but hey.

    I quickly get dressed, put on light makeup and leave my student room to go to campus which is a five minute walk away. I don't know anyone here, I arrived this summer so I haven't had time to find friends and I don't particularly want any. It's a waste of time and I can't stand it. I just want my diploma so I can move to New York.

    I arrive on campus and see hundreds of students in front of me. I head to reception and get my schedule, I have a lot of study hours so I'll be able to work well, that's cool. And then I don't finish too late in the evening so I could do boxing. Hoping there is a club here ..

    I'm heading to my first class: humanities. I arrive in the amphitheater and place myself in the middle of the rows, neither too close nor too far. The teacher starts his lesson and I listen attentively, I take some notes too.

    -Have you seen her hair?

    -They're beautiful, aren't they?

    -You're talking nonsense, they can't look good on a girl like her.

    I smile in my corner, what do they care about criticizing my hair? It makes me laugh.

    The class finished, I head towards the exit but I bump into someone, a boy.

    -Excuse me, I didn't do it on purpose. I smile nervously and am about to leave when he holds my arm.

    -It doesn't matter, are you new? Her light blue eyes pierce me and her beauty is inhuman.

    -Um yes ..

    -Pleased to say it's Edward but you can call me Ed, how about you?

    -Malia. I say smiling slightly.

    -See you soon then Malia.

    18:32. This day was rich in all areas. I really like the materials, the people are nice and the weather is nice and warm. What more? Oh yes, a boxing club.

    I decide to grab a gym bag and go out to find a club. I search on the internet and I only find an address that is two minutes walk away. Awesome. Once in front, the club title flashes red and directly catches the eye, it is Smith's club. I open the door and a wave of heat invades my body. The music is loud and there is a slight smell of perspiration.

    -You search ? A young man leans behind the counter and plays with his pencil. A label with Will written on his t-shirt. He's tall, blonde with blue eyes and is super cute.

    -You want to play ? We are going to play.

    He approaches me dangerously but I dodge his blow. I give him another one in the stomach without him having time to expect it. I chain hooks, I land a few but they are not strong enough to knock me out. My slight build allows me to sneak and my strength allows me to defend myself. After another five minutes of fighting, I win. I smile victoriously and see the guy in front of me's head fall apart.

    -Never declare victory too early. I said, patting him gently on the shoulder.

    I get out of the ring and Will comes up to me, all smiles.

    -Wow! You completely managed!

    -THANKS. I say shyly.

    -Aiden? A young boy also approaches us. It is simply sublime. There are no other words. Do we accept it?

    The man named Aiden approaches me and smiles at me while saying.

    -Welcome to Smith's Club.

    Chapter 2

    I am accepted! I can't believe it .. I will finally be able to let off steam after classes, win fights and therefore money. But several questions wander in my head. Who was this boy who bet for me? How come they all look good here? And damn, I don't have the time or the faith to ask myself all these questions. I barely have time to come to my senses after Aiden's acceptance, when a boy jumps on me and hugs me.

    -Thank you Malia!! Thanks to you I won 200 balls, you are the best. How does he know my name? Oh but yes!! It's Edward!

    -Edward is that it? I ask, smiling.

    - Call me Ed. You managed, miss.

    -THANKS. I blushed instantly.

    -Would you like to come and have a drink with us this evening?

    -My pleasure. I'm always up for it when it comes to a night out. Small or big.

    -Cool ! I'm warning the guys, you can go change.

    I nod and go to shower then get dressed. Luckily I brought makeup with me, I can't go out looking like this. I then put on light makeup, brush and dry my hair. Once finished I go out and head towards the entrance. It's just Will, Edward and Aiden who are there.

    -Are you ready ? Ed asks me.

    -I am ready. I smile and we head outside. A red Ferrari is right in front of us and Aiden gets in from the driver's side. Will laughs when he sees my face because yes, I'm shocked. It is sublime and must cost a fortune!

    -Aiden is rich. Ed whispers in my ear.

    -Okay, are you coming home? Aiden breathes.

    ~ We arrive in front of a bar/nightclub. Aiden talks to the security guard for a second and he lets us in like that. I'm 19 so technically I'm not allowed to go to nightclubs but this security guard doesn't seem to care. Better for me. I follow the boys through the crowd and we go upstairs to the VIP area. They approach a sofa where two girls and a boy are sitting.

    -He's Kyle, the little kid in the group. Will tells me and this Kyle rolls his eyes. He gets up and kisses me. I look at him and smile to thank him.

    -Brief. We drink ? She said while pressing her remade body to Aiden's. We all sit on the sofa and a waiter comes to serve us. I drink two shots of vodka with Kyle and we have a pretty good time. Jade and Will are both so cute while Alexie and Aiden make me want to

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