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Dark Before Light
Dark Before Light
Dark Before Light
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Dark Before Light

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Warning: Adult audiences Only: Contains violence. Language.


Embark on a journey to 1811 England with a captivating story that weaves love, intrigue, and the season's spirit. As London prepares for Yuletide celebrations, Charles Bingley relinquishes the lease for Netherfield Park. Fitzwilliam Darcy, impatient to see Elizabeth Bennet, seizes the opportunity to become the new leaseholder.


On Christmas Eve, Darcy, accompanied by his cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam, rides toward Netherfield with a single objective: to win the heart of the spirited Miss Elizabeth Bennet. As Darcy rides ahead, Colonel Fitzwilliam briefly halts in Meryton.

However, the path to love takes an unexpected turn after Elizabeth, Kitty, and Lydia Bennet venture into the woods to gather greenery for holiday decorations. Her thoughtless sisters abandon Elizabeth. Alone and vulnerable, Elizabeth encounters Lieutenant George Wickham, whose behavior deviates sharply from that of a gentleman.


In a tale where darkness threatens to obscure the light, Darcy must confront the unforeseen dangers lurking along a path in the wintry woods. Will Darcy's love prevail in the face of adversity? Will Elizabeth open her heart?


Explore the magic of the holiday season as Elizabeth and Darcy reach for a future full of happiness and joy. Netherfield Park is a place where Christmas miracles are destined to happen. Delve into this story, where the magic of the holiday season proves that the brightest light can emerge from the darkest moments.

PublisherL. Wagner
Release dateJun 22, 2024
Dark Before Light

Linda Wagner

L. Wagner lives in Texas and is happily married to a wonderful man who indulges their cat with daily treats. She enjoys writing as a hobby and enjoys reading Pride and Prejudice variations, mysteries, paranormal fantasy, and science fiction. A Pride and Prejudice fan since the 1960s, she finally decided to contribute a few stories to the JAFF community. Hopefully, the twists and turns of her imagination will interest you.

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    Book preview

    Dark Before Light - Linda Wagner


    This is for my wonderful husband, who always illuminates my day.


    Warning: Adult audiences Only: Contains violence. Language. Not canon.

    Embark on a journey to 1811 England with a captivating story that weaves love, intrigue, and the season’s spirit. As London prepares for Yuletide celebrations, Charles Bingley relinquishes the lease for Netherfield Park. Fitzwilliam Darcy, impatient to see Elizabeth Bennet, seizes the opportunity to become the new leaseholder.

    On Christmas Eve, Darcy, accompanied by his cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam, rides toward Netherfield with a single objective: to win the heart of the spirited Miss Elizabeth Bennet. As Darcy rides ahead, Colonel Fitzwilliam briefly halts in Meryton.

    However, the path to love takes an unexpected turn after Elizabeth, Kitty, and Lydia Bennet venture into the woods to gather greenery for holiday decorations. Her thoughtless sisters abandon Elizabeth. Alone and vulnerable, Elizabeth encounters Lieutenant George Wickham, whose behavior deviates sharply from that of a gentleman.

    In a tale where darkness threatens to obscure the light, Darcy must confront the unforeseen dangers lurking along a path in the wintry woods. Will Darcy’s love prevail in the face of adversity? Will Elizabeth open her heart?

    Explore the magic of the holiday season as Elizabeth and Darcy reach for a future full of happiness and joy. Netherfield Park is a place where Christmas miracles are destined to happen. Delve into this story, where the magic of the holiday season proves that the brightest light can emerge from the darkest moments.

    Chapter 1

    Out of darkness comes light: A quote derived from the Ancient Mayan Civilization.

    The afternoon sun peeked through the stark canopy of the bare oak trees lining the side of the road that led to Meryton. Occasionally, a hearty pine tree cast a shadow across the thoroughfare. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, accompanied by his cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam, looked forward to seeing Miss Elizabeth Bennet again at Christmas services. He was determined to win her heart and correct the poor impression he made at that awful Meryton assembly in September.

    Richard watched Darcy through slanted eyes and teased, Cousin, what are your plans for the evening meal? Does Netherfield have a cook? Any staff at all? I am parched and hungry. We should stop and get something to tide us over at the local inn.

    Glancing at Richard with a faint smile, ignoring the suggestion of stopping at the inn, Darcy replied, Indeed, Netherfield is scantily staffed but prepared to receive us. I have arranged for the cook to have a light supper ready upon our arrival, and we can relax after eating. I am eager to see the house and look forward to seeing Miss Elizabeth at Christmas services tomorrow.

    Richard raised an eyebrow teasingly. Ah, the mysterious Miss Elizabeth Bennet. You were rather voluble about her during our journey. Do you believe she will be at church tomorrow?

    Darcy’s gaze turned contemplative. Yes, she always attends services with her family. And I intend to show her a side of me she has not seen before. You know, the polite, friendly side.

    If you find that side, show it to me, too. I am used to the proud, disdainful, haughty-as-they-come persona you wear like a shield. Richard laughed at the astonished look on his cousin’s face before Darcy laughed, too.

    Twenty minutes later, the pair entered Meryton. As they rode down Main Street, Richard’s stomach growled loudly. I’m sorry, Darcy. I must dash into that tearoom I see up ahead and get something to eat. My gut wants fuel, and a good pastry will be just the ticket.

    Darcy shrugged. Do what you must. I won’t keep you from refueling with a few lemon tarts. Just take the path to the left at the crossroads ahead. It goes straight to Netherfield.

    Richard dismounted, saying, I’ll grab a few extra pastries for you, just in case your cook forgot about us.

    Darcy rode on, eager to reach Netherfield, leaving his cousin behind. Darcy was anxious to present his best self at Christmas services and, perhaps more importantly, be in the company of Elizabeth Bennet. Her image danced in his mind as his stallion carried him closer to Netherfield.

    Mrs. Bennet’s enthusiasm for holiday decorations burned as brightly as the festive candles that would soon illuminate Longbourn. Today, she wished to transform their humble abode into a haven of Yuletide cheer.

    Elizabeth! Mrs. Bennet exclaimed, her hands aflutter with excitement. The house must rival Lucas Lodge in its Christmas splendor, but I’ve used all the mistletoe and holly. Go, take the basket, and fetch the finest greenery. Make haste, for Christmas waits for no one! The mission was clear: gather mistletoe, holly, and an array of greenery that would drape their home in holiday cheer.

    Elizabeth, wearing a fur-lined cloak and armed with a large basket and gardening shears, was about to leave the house when Kitty and Lydia, her two youngest sisters, volunteered to help. With an absentminded wave, Mrs. Bennet granted them permission, and the trio set forth for the nearby Longbourn woods.

    Nevertheless, when they approached a fork in the road that led to Lucas Lodge, the promise of holiday merriment with friends proved too tempting for Kitty and Lydia.

    Lizzy, we will just visit Maria for a little while. We shall not be long! Lydia called out, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. With laughter trailing behind them, they abandoned Elizabeth, disappearing in a flurry of skirts toward Lucas Lodge, leaving Elizabeth alone on the woodland path.

    Undeterred, Elizabeth pressed on, her boots crunching on the frozen ground. The sound of her sisters’ laughter faded, replaced by the silence of the woods. She tightened her grip on the basket, determined to fulfill her mother’s wishes quickly. With each step, the imposing trees, stripped of summer foliage, cast elongated shadows that danced in the fading light of a cold afternoon.

    Yet, the tranquility was fleeting. The woods seemed to darken as Elizabeth neared Netherfield’s border in search of more mistletoe. Elizabeth, focused on her task, felt a subtle unease. Still, she pressed forward, determined to fill the basket with greenery.

    Then, Lieutenant George Wickham emerged like a specter

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