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Dipped in Sin: Summer of sin: Club Desire
Dipped in Sin: Summer of sin: Club Desire
Dipped in Sin: Summer of sin: Club Desire
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Dipped in Sin: Summer of sin: Club Desire

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Skylar Moore is going to be the death of him. Figuratively and literally once her father, leader of the African American one percenter motorcycle club, The Keepers of the Night, finds out he's been seeing his daughter. But Dante Esposito has enough on his hands right now, than to deal with a protective father. He's still in Chicago investigating who sent a member of the Carrillo Cartel to kill Gino, and it looks like him, if the men following him was any indication. One thing he hadn't counted on was them coming after Skylar. Somehow the woman has become more than just a play thing he occasionally enjoys a dip in sin with when visiting Club Desire. Can he and her father, Draven Moore, come together to protect her? For her? He thought they could. It would take everything in him to push unfamiliar feelings down to get the job done Paolo has tasked him. Now if he could keep from pulling the Miami set of the DeLuca Family into war with Draven Moore in the process.

He did it to her again. Dante Esposito sweeps into Chicago and she is always at the beck and call of dipping into sin with him at Club Desire. But Skylar Moore can't seem to help herself. She loves him. No matter how far away, how he treats her, when he calls, she always comes running. Because she loves him. Probably has since the first night he took her in as a sub at Club Desire. He made her feel things she'd never felt before under that knife of his. She never knew how heady the sensation of the burn from the blade was. But Skylar just isn't any sub. She is the daughter of one of the most dangerous and influential men in Chicago, Draven Moore. And when he founds out his baby girl is in love with a member of the DeLuca Family, all hell is going to break loose. That is if she doesn't lose her life to the men out to get Dante first.

PublisherTamika Brown
Release dateJun 22, 2024
Dipped in Sin: Summer of sin: Club Desire

Tamika Brown

I'm from a small town, but we have big dreams. I was born in the 70's but am truly the epitome of an 80's baby! My parents instilled in me to work hard; you can go as far as you want to with a good education. My parents ingrained this in me and because of that, I strive to be the best in whatever I do. I am an educator, but first and foremost, I am a wife and a mother of three. I take pride in what my children and husband have accomplished and strive to be a positive role model and inspiration to my children to be the best and that hard work pays off.I am an avid reader and naturally my love for reading spilled out into writing.Then came the challenge from my students to write a short story when we were studying pirates in North Carolina history. I took up the challenge and discovered that I could write!!! Whenever I get the chance, I put pen to paper and let all of the characters and plots that tumble around in my head come on out!!

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    Dipped in Sin - Tamika Brown

    Welcome to the world of Club Desire, one of the world's most exclusive BDSM clubs. We cater to your pleasure and your pain. We have everything you could possible desire.


    Skylar Moore would be the death of him. Literally . When Dante Esposito came to Chicago for business over a year ago, and entered Club Desire, she was the only woman who piqued his interest. Legs for days. Plush thighs. Voluptuous hips and curves encased in all that leather. She was the only one who quenched his thirst.

    When they first met, Dante didn’t know who she was. Didn’t really care. Until he saw her on an entertainment show on TV that was just like the tabloids. Her face plastered all over the screen. Supposedly, she came from one of Chicago’s richest families. Her father, Draven Moore, was a shrewd and ruthless businessman. One of the most cutthroat in the city.

    After Dante did some digging and followed up with the Capo of Chicago, Carmine DeLuca, he found out more information on Skylar and her father. He owned several warehouses where he ran underground fighting rings. It was one of the ways his one-percenter motorcycle club, the Keepers of the Night, made money.

    Carmine and Draven had some type of agreement Dante didn’t want to get into, and frankly, it was none of his business unless it had something to do with Skylar. This wasn’t his territory, and quite frankly, he couldn’t wait to get back to Miami. But because of the agreement—whatever it entailed--he realized Draven Moore was a dangerous man. But so was Dante. He had grown up with the DeLucas. Although he wasn’t one by blood, he was raised to be Savage and ruthless, just like Paolo, who was now Capo of Miami. Dante was his right-hand man. It sufficed to say that Dante could handle Draven Moore.

    And he could handle Draven’s daughter too.

    But there would be plenty of time for that. Right now, he was still in Chicago to find out who sent Gonzalez, a man with known Carrillo Cartel connections, to kill Gino DeLuca, Paolo’s business partner, cousin, and probably, besides himself, one of Paolo’s most trusted confidants. Gino and Paolo ran Night Shade, a club in Miami used to launder money and create counterfeit bills. Paolo ordered Dante to stay and leave no stone unturned. Do whatever was necessary to find out who was behind the attempt on Gino’s life.

    He made his way to the laptop he’d spent so many hours in front of combing through whatever information he could get from Carmine’s connections. One thing he knew was Mr. Eduardo Gonzalez didn’t exist. He visited Gino’s girlfriend, Diamond, posing as a new real estate client. When Gonzalez couldn’t get to Gino, he went after Diamond, knowing Gino would come after him. That stunt left Eduardo Gonzalez dead. Dante figured she would readily pull the client files of the person she knew as Mr. Gonzalez. A hunch that paid off for him.

    In every way he could think of, he dug to find out Eduardo Gonzalez’s real identity, and then he finally did.

    Luis Morales. He had a rap sheet a mile long. The man who tried to kill Gino didn’t miss. Hundreds of confirmed kills. Gun for hire with ties to the Carrillo Cartel in Mexico. The Miami DeLucas had no dealings with the Carrillo Cartel in the past or for the foreseeable future.

    So why would a guy with cartel ties come after Gino? Dante muttered.

    That was the million-dollar question, and once they found the answer, Dante could promise hell would rain down on whoever hired the fucker. But first, he had to take care of the son of a bitch who was tailing him last night. Whoever this guy was, they were in for a rude awakening if they thought they were coming out of this alive.

    He first noticed the guy when he stopped by Diamond’s place to get the information on Gonzalez.

    Dante closed his laptop and pushed himself from the table. He went to the closet and pulled out the black stainless-steel briefcase he carried for the ‘just in case’ moments.

    He laid the case on the bed and popped it open. Dante retrieved the gun and the magazine. He pushed it in, cocked the gun to ensure one was in the chamber and tucked it into his holster lying against his side.

    It was time to show everyone who the fuck they were.

    Chapter One

    Dante was careful. He always had been. Even growing up, he was an observer because the way he’d grown up, you never knew what danger lay just around the corner. His father, Marco Esposito, was a made man. He lived a life filled with violence and crime, one he didn’t mind teaching Dante how to navigate. Dante knew how to shoot a gun at ten. Where to punch a man and how hard to break his ribs at thirteen. And Dante knew how to move weight when he was fourteen. All thanks to his father. But when Dante’s father was gunned down, his father’s friend and boss, Antony DeLuca, Paolo’s father and the Capo of Miami at the time, took him in and treated him like a son. Dante would always be grateful for Antony’s tutelage.

    The things he learned from his father and Antony certainly prepared him for what was to come and what he must do as the right-hand man of a Capo. Those lessons he took to heart. Lessons that included the intimacy of using a knife. Both he and Paolo were masters with the blade. Also, being aware of everything and everyone around him. If not for that lesson, he would’ve never known he was now being followed.

    Getting the needed information from Diamond about Mr. Gonzales proved to be a slightly bigger feat than expected. Although he came to get the files and leave, Diamond questioned him about Skylar. Even though Dante liked to be discreet when it came to his sexual relationships, she’d seen them together at Club Desire.

    It was none of her business.

    Nothing he and Skylar did together was up for discussion with anyone. That was how their relationship worked. Since they’d met that first time at Club Desire, when he came to Chicago, he contacted her and they met at the club. But this last time, something had been different about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. She’d been the same submissive she’d always been. Eager to please him, and in return, he gave her more pleasure than she could ever want. This time there was a sadness in her he didn’t understand.

    Even though their relationship was sporadic and purely sexual, he opened up to her about things he’d never talked to another woman about. Not about things that happened within or to the family, but normal things such as whether he was happy, sad, even about his damn mother and how much he still missed her—the anger he still held concerning his father’s murder. He even talked to her about growing up a DeLuca, his friendship with Paolo and how Antony DeLuca took him under his wing like his son. He told Skylar how grateful he was for everything that happened to him and made him the man he was today.

    Skylar knew how to please him and call to his darker, more carnal desires. She was different from the women he fucked with in Miami. And because of his taste, they signed contracts and Non-Disclosure Agreements. He rarely needed them because most of the women he fucked around with, knew the reputation of the DeLuca family—Savage, in and out of bed. Those bitches wouldn’t blab. He didn’t need those things with Skylar though, she knew this life of crime as well as he did. And knew that if the wrong people found out about their connection, they’d become targets to get to the other. Finding Skylar at Club Desire had been lucky as shit for him. She was everything he'd been looking for.

    Dante needed to relieve some stress. He needed her now, or he was going to blow up. And that usually meant some poor fuck would catch the brunt of his anger. He retrieved his phone from the table where he’d been working and dialed her number.

    Meet me at the club, he told her, then hung up.

    It had been a week or so since they were together and at least six months before that. After trying to gather information on Gonzalez and then discovering he was being followed, he didn’t want to risk putting her in danger. But he had to see her. Dipping into Skylar had become an obsession of his. He didn’t know how it had been so damn long since they’d been together and he not gone stircrazy. He needed to hear her scream his name as he made that first deep cut into her flesh. He needed to feel the walls of her pussy contract around his dick when he drug his knife across her thigh.

    How easily his knives cut through her skin had become addictive to him. The pressure of either of them being unable to move an inch when the blade was against her neck had become a way for both to reach euphoria.

    Fuck! he groaned; his dick was hard just thinking about it.

    Dante made his way to his SUV, then pulled onto the highway from the Peninsula. He almost expected his shadow to make an appearance, but there was no sign.

    In the quickest fifteen minutes of his life, he pulled into Club Desire’s parking lot. This unassuming renovated warehouse had become a safe haven for him. He came when he could, because it wasn’t often he shucked his duties to the DeLuca family.

    He sat in his SUV momentarily and watched traffic as it traveled along the road, ensuring he wasn’t

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