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The Jesus Series - Student Guide: The Jesus Series, #2
The Jesus Series - Student Guide: The Jesus Series, #2
The Jesus Series - Student Guide: The Jesus Series, #2
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The Jesus Series - Student Guide: The Jesus Series, #2

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The author, a seasoned lecturer and Bible school leader, continues to study and instill hope in the hearts of eager readers. With more than 14 years of experience and three years of research, a complete study guide on the entire life of Jesus Christ has been compiled to learn about the Creator and Savior Jesus Christ in a way that would make you taste, feel, and smell His entire environment. Get ready to meet Jesus, and walk with Him from heaven to the manger, past the cross, to the crown!

PublisherC VILJOEN
Release dateJun 18, 2024
The Jesus Series - Student Guide: The Jesus Series, #2

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    The Jesus Series - Student Guide - C VILJOEN


    Jesus is the Undefeated Champion! According to John 1:1 & Jeremiah 23:24 Jesus is the Word of God, and the Son of God, and the Great God himself. Jesus is everywhere. The whole Bible speaks of Him. The Old Testament ______________ the Savior. The ______________ describes Christ's life on earth. We must spread news about the gospel that Jesus left behind for us. The gospel is the summary of everything that Jesus is for us! Jesus himself commanded us to ______________ the news of the Gospel. So, what exactly is the gospel?

    o  What does the gospel mean? _________________________________________________________

    o  We need this good news after learning from Romans 3:23, 5:12 & 18, 6:23 & Matthew 25:46.

    o  The good news of Jesus is 1 Peter 2:24, Acts 4:12, 10:43, Romans 4:25, 6:23 & 10:13.

    The Old Testament predicts him, the New Testament is a record of him, but the 4 gospel books tell the clearest story of Jesus' life on earth, while he was still on earth. The 4 gospels tell the whole Good News Gospel! The whole - Gospel - of Jesus. The gospels are: __________________________________________


    __________ the doctor writes of Jesus' entire life and complete birth to the whole world.

    __________ begins with the bloodline of Jesus, and he writes to the Jews also about His whole life.

    __________ gospel is about what Jesus said, and about who Jesus was on earth.

    __________ tells us what Jesus did on earth, and he writes to a Roman group.

    The word says we must first seek the kingdom of God, and then we will get all these things we are asking for. Matthew mentions the kingdom of heaven 32 times. And Nicodemus wanted to know precisely from Jesus how to go to Heaven. Interesting... The gospels describe our whole circle of life with Jesus. Life, and death, and resurrection from the dead. We have nothing to fear because of Love - 1 Peter 4:8.

    How was Jesus foretold in the Old Testament Bible?

    o  Birth (and birthplace) of Jesus: Isaiah 7:14, 9:5-6 & Micah 5:1-3.

    o  Jesus' ministry and death: Zechariah 9:9 & Psalm 22:16-18.

    o  The clearest prediction is Isaiah 53, but let's look at v3-7.

    o  The date of Jesus' death: Daniel 9, but in v24-27.

    o  Jesus' punishment in detail: Isaiah 50:6 & Zechariah 12:10.

    The good news is summarized in ______________________________!


    REFERENCES: Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:10, Jeremiah 23:5, Matthew 1:2 & 22-23, 2:14-15 & 23, 3:16-17, 11:13-14, 21:16, 22: 44, 26:67, 27:1-66, 28:6, Mark 11:7-11 & 24, 15:4-5 & 27-28, 16:19, Luke 1:1-80, 3:33- 34, 4:18-19, 23:34-35, John 1:11, 3:3-5, 3:16, 7:5, 19:28-34, 20:25-27, Acts 3:20- 22, Romans 1:3, 5:6-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-6 & 28, Colossians 4:14, & Hebrews 1:8-12, 5:5-6, & 7:14.


    What is BC & AD?

    o  BC is Before Christ and AD is Anno Domini. It is Latin and it means In the day of our Lord Jesus. It does NOT stand for After Death. If 1 BC means Before Christ and 1 AD means After Death, then that means there are roughly 30 years (Jesus' entire life) that disappear in between. Don't believe that lie.

    o  BC is before Christ was born, and AD is after Christ was born.

    o  AD is written in Latin because the words In the day of our Lord Jesus are too long to make an abbreviation with. It cannot be AC, because After Christ means After Christ's lifetime. We must know for sure that AD is talking about the birth of Jesus, the separation between old and new.

    o  BC/AD was designed to use the birth of Christ to separate the old era and the new era. Later someone found out that there was an error in the date summaries, and that Jesus was actually born in roughly 6-4 BC, not 1 AD. It's not important. It still means that Jesus is the separation between the old things, and the new things.

    o  Evolutionists and atheists have tried hard lately to replace BC and AD with BCE and CE, but they have not succeeded. It means Before the Common Era and the Common Era; so that Jesus can be taken out of the picture. It's even more evidence that Jesus' birth is true, and that many people are afraid of it and don't want to admit it.

    What are the different sevens of Daniel 9:24-27?

    o  See the illustration at the end of this homework.

    o  This information is also available in further detail in the Revelation Series.

    o  Babylon took over Jerusalem in roughly 587 BC. The Persians then took over in 464 BC. They decided to rebuild Jerusalem in roughly 445 BC.

    o  Daniel gets a prediction here that says: From the time Jerusalem's rebuilding begins by the Persians, until when Messiah DIES for the atonement of our sins (7x7) + (62x7) or 483 years in total, and then comes the destroyer in the last 7 years and destroy Jerusalem again, and this gives them a total of (70x7) or 490 years.

    o  According to Daniel's prophecy, if we count the years from 445 BC to 483 years later at the DEATH of Jesus, we see an age of +/-38 Jewish years at which Jesus died. Jesus was born in +/- 6 BC, so He was roughly 38 Jewish years old when He died according to this count. BUT REMEMBER: The Jews used a 360-day calendar, and we use a 365-day Gregorian calendar. So, from our point of view, Jesus was born (of course in +/- 6 BC), and then killed in roughly AD 33. So that's roughly 6 years less in our modern calendar since there is no 0 BC or AD 0. The end of BC 1 is the beginning of AD 1. So, from 587 BC to AD 30 is more than 600 years. Jesus' death was predicted by Daniel almost 600 years BEFORE Jesus was born. Jesus ⇨ 6 BC-AD 33.

    o  Let's look at these (+/-) dates in an easy way, with our own modern calendar:

    -  587 BC – Babylon takes over Jerusalem.

    -  464 BC - Persians take Jerusalem from Babylon.

    -  445 BC – The Persian decision to rebuild Jerusalem.

    ❍  483 Jewish years later Jesus will die according to Daniel's prophecy.

    -  6 BC – Jesus is born (0-Years old).

    -  4 BC – King Herod has all children 0-2 years killed (Matthew 2:16 & 19-20).

    -  AD 28 – Jesus was +/-33 when he began the gospel (Luke 3:23), starting just after John.

    -  AD 28-33 – The Bible records 4 Easter festivals that Jesus attends here.

    -  AD 33 – Jesus crucified. (38-Years old, on Friday 3 April AD 33).

    -  AD 70 – Jewish temple destroyed by Romans led by Titus, only the Wailing Wall remains.

    -  AD 2024 – We live here today.☺

    -  Unknown day - We await the rapture; the last 7 years of Daniel's prophecy (483+7=490 Years or 70x7) in which Lucifer stands with the tribulation in the temple; and the second coming of Jesus happens!

    o  Notice with the timeline above, that Jesus died in AD 33, but according to the prophecy, Jesus was to die in AD 38. Why did he die 5 years earlier? Because we must remember that Jesus was actually born in +/- 6 BC, not in AD 1, after the calendar error was noticed. The prediction was perfect, if we look at Jesus who should have been born in the end of 1 BC, and He was the beginning of AD 1, then that would mean the dates are perfect according to prophecy. The calendar error exists because the Jews follow a 360-day calendar, but we follow the 365-day Gregorian calendar.

    o  Jesus' 3 (maybe 4) Easter feasts: John 2:13 & 23, 6:4, 11:55 & 12:1 & possibly Matthew 12.

    o  Also note in Daniel's prophecy the 7x7 years of the Babylonian captivity by the Babylonians (released by the Persians) are explained, plus the 62x7 years in which the temple is rebuilt in a time of trouble and also in which Jesus dies at the end of it, it's now 69x7=483 years, and then there is only a little pause before the last week comes, the 70th week. We have moved all the way to 69x7 and now there is first talk of the destruction of the temple, and then we wait until the end in verse 26, AND THEN ONLY HAPPENS THE LAST WEEK, or the last 7 year, the 70th year in verse 27. IT'S THE 7-YEAR TRIBULATION! In Daniel, our entire lives are summed up in a comparison of 490 years. That's why the mind is needed in verse 25.

    o  In the end it is important to remember that God is a mystery, and the Word inspired let it be written in parts and mysteries (Isaiah 28:10 & Psalm 78:2-4), so that we can admire it and it investigation. It activates us! It stirs us to search! God has not shared the whole story with us either. God doesn't want us to know everything. There are many things we can guess, such as dates of Jesus' birth and death, but we will know for sure one day when we can ask Him ourselves, because Jesus' dates are simply not in the Bible. NOT BY ACCIDENT! It was made that way because slaves and workers' birth and death dates were not important to remember in His lifetime. He was born in a manger, in a barn surrounded by animals (Luke 2:12). He was born to look like a humble one, like one of US! How do you explain that others' birth and death and age appear exactly in the Bible, but Jesus' birth has no date, and around 30 years later his age is also only given as around 30, and not a specific age? It is no accident that God does not want us to know Jesus' dates now. Jesus' birth was explained in such vivid detail, and then the dates are gone. How could it be by accident? He was already foretold from the Old Testament... The wise men were then sent to travel to Jesus with the help of the shining star... In fact, the stars are a calendar for them... And there we lose Jesus' dates? We have nothing to worry about, because if His dates could save us, we would know it by now. He was born lowly, but He will return one day with great honor and glory.

    o  There are many more predictions of Jesus in the Old Testament, and we find out that the New Testament tells exactly this story in the same way. Here are most of the Old Testament predictions:

    Isaiah 7:14, 11:1-4, 50:6, 53:1-12, & 61:1-2 ⇨ Jesus will be born of a virgin, His name will be Immanuel, He will be rejected, He was sent to heal grief, He will be silent before the people who accuse Him, He will be spit on and He will be beaten , and He will hang other sinners together. He will be buried with rich people, and His life is a sin offering.

    Genesis 17:19, & 49:10 ⇨ Predict that Jesus comes from Isaac's bloodline, and that He will come from the tribe of Judah in Israel.

    -  Many other Bible verses make predictions about Jesus, about His throne, where He would spend time on earth, what His work on earth would be, what people would think of Him, how they made Him drink vinegar, and so much more, in these verses: Numbers 24:17, Deuteronomy 18:15, 2 Samuel 7:12-13, Psalm 2:6, 8:2-3, 22:1-32, 45:6-7, 69:21-22, 110:1 -4, Daniel 2:44, Hosea 11:1, Malachi 4:5-6, & Zechariah 12:10.





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    Where did Jesus come from? Where does His life begin? Matthew & Luke tells the story of Jesus' birth in vivid detail. First it starts with the bloodline of Jesus, and then John the Baptist comes to go before Jesus, and then Jesus himself comes! Did He have any brothers or sisters? Who were His parents? Where was Jesus born?

    My mother Alida enjoys Mary of Bethany very much!

    The Bloodline of baby Jesus is the opening of Matthew:

    Matthew 1:1-17 (v16-17)- From Abraham to David, and then all the way through the Babylonian exile to __________, the betrothed husband of the virgin __________ from which Jesus was born __________ generations ago. It is important to know that Jesus is a descendant of David, because according to the prophecy in Genesis 49:9-10 and the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 5:5, Jesus is the _______________, who will have the scepter forever, and who will forever _________!

    Mary and Joseph receive the news of baby Jesus who is on the way in the beginning of Matthew and Luke:

    Luke 1:26-56 & Matthew 1:18-25 – Angel __________ appeared to Mary in her __________ and brought the news of baby Jesus. The Holy Spirit made her pregnant because Mary was another __________. God is Jesus' biological father, not Joseph. Joseph wanted to __________ from Mary when he found out she was pregnant without it being his child, and then an angel appeared to him in a __________ and explained it to him. This was prophesied by Isaiah 7:14! Jesus' purpose in Titus 3:3-7 is to redeem us from _______. His name is Jesus, or Immanuel, and it means _____________.

    Baby Jesus' birth story happens in detail here, and we see how He escaped death:

    Luke 2:1-52 & Matthew 2:1-23 – In these days, everyone had to get __________ for the first time throughout the world. Joseph went to Bethlehem in Judea, the city of David, because he came from the line of David and wrote himself there with Mary. According to Micah 5:1-2, baby Jesus was born there in __________. He was then wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid down in a __________, because they could find no other place. In the same country there was __________ tending their sheep in a field at night. An angel appeared to them with a great multitude in heaven praising God, and the angel told the shepherds the story of the Christ’s __________. Then they immediately traveled to Bethlehem and saw the Child, and immediately spread the news everywhere. The shepherds were __________ men of the East, and they followed the __________________ of Jesus. They paid homage to the Child, and gave Him ______, ______, and _____. After the wise men have left, an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him to flee with Mary and the Child to _______ because _______ wants to find and kill the baby (Hosea 11:1). Herod had all the boys 0-2 years old killed at Bethlehem to try to wipe out Jesus (Jeremiah 31:15). Then Herod died and an angel sent them back to Galilee in Nazareth, so that Jesus could be called a ________ as the prophets foretold. The Old Testament does not say who prophesied it, so only Matthew describes it once here.


    REFERENCES: Isaiah 9:6-7, 11:1, John 1:14, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, 2 Corinthians 1:13-18, Galatians 4:4-5, 1 Timothy 1:15-17, 1 John 5 :11, & Revelation 5:5 & 12:1-5.


    The birth of John:

    Luke 1:5-25 & 57-80 - The birth of John occurs in the days of King Herod of Judea. His parents are the priest Zechariah and Aaron's daughter, Elisabet. Both were old and Elizabeth was barren, but they begged God for a child. Angel Gabriel appears to Zachariah in the temple and tells him that his prayer has been answered, and that he should name the child John. Zechariah is John's father. The son will bring joy to the earth (1 Corinthians 1:14-17). He will not use alcohol, and he comes to convert Israel, with the spirit and power of Elijah. He will have the Holy Spirit from birth. Zechariah did not believe it, and then Gabriel silenced Zechariah until John was born because he doubted. Elisabet then became pregnant and hid for 5 months. In the 6th month, Mary the mother of Jesus went to visit her for 3 months, and then went home again. Elizabeth then gave birth to the boy, and on the 8th day they came to circumcise him, and his parents then named him John. Immediately after this, Sagaría was able to speak again. He praised God and prophesied that John would go before Jesus to correct His woes by preaching the forgiveness of sins. And he grew.

    Jesus' brothers and sisters:

    Mark 6:3 & Matthew 13:55-56 speaks of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon who were Jesus' brothers, the sons of Mary, and the verses also speak of sisters that Jesus had. Of course, it is close brothers and sisters because Jesus was born from God himself. No one knows if this Judas is also Judas Iscariot. We'll find out one day in heaven. The Bible says that Judas Iscariot is the brother of James, and one of the Jameses is the brother of Jesus. Joseph, Jesus' father, had NO previous wife before Mary. No such Bible evidence exists. It is a lie that the Catholics made up to be able to prove that Mary was not always a virgin, before and after Jesus' birth. It is NOT like that in the Bible. It is entirely possible that all these brothers of Jesus are his real stepbrothers, and that Judas is not mentioned in the book of Jude as the brother of Jesus but rather the brother of James, because Judas may not have been seen as Jesus' brother in a spiritual family, because he betrayed Jesus. This is also just speculation, and we don't know at all. The Bible doesn't tell us, but it's much closer to the truth, because the Bible says that Joseph and Mary definitely came together after the birth of Jesus, so the Catholics definitely lie.

    The various Marias in the Bible, one of which is Jesus' mother:

    o  Mary was a very common name in that era, and the Bible mentions many Marys, such as Mary the mother of Jesus, and her sister Mary, and Mary Magdalene who were all three at Jesus' cross in John 19:25, Matthew 13: 55, & Mark 6:3.

    o  In John 20:1, Matthew 28:1, & Luke 24:10 (& Luke 23:55) we also hear of different Marys at the tomb of Jesus.

    o  There may also be other Marys among the women in Luke 23:49.

    o  There are possible Marys in Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40, Luke 24:10, Acts 12:12-16, & Romans 16:6.

    o  Mary Magdalene had the 7 demons in her in Luke 8:2.


    o  Mary of Bethany, sister of Magda & Lazarus sat at Jesus' feet and listened to Him and poured expensive ointment in an alabaster jar over Jesus' head and feet in Luke 10:38-42, Matthew 26:6-13, John 12:1-11, & Mark 14:1-9. She is one of the most beautiful Marys in the Bible, one of those who have great love in her heart for Jesus, because we see her 3 times in the Bible and all three times with Jesus. First at Jesus' feet, listening (Luke 10:38-42), then with the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead, Mary went to Jesus to find comfort (John 11), and the third time is just before Jesus' crucifixion, when she poured the expensive ointment over Jesus' head (Matthew 26:1-6, Mark 14:3-9, & John 12:1-8). The disciples were wondering who was going to be the greatest in heaven, while Mary of Bethany realized that Jesus was going to die, be crucified, and rise from the dead for her sins... When Martha blamed Mary for just sitting still at Jesus' feet, she did not

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