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Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook
Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook
Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook

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In Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook, Ehab Malek invites readers into a gripping narrative of personal triumph and entrepreneurial wisdom. From humble beginnings as a luggage porter at age 14 to becoming the owner of a thriving concierge and travel business, Malek shares his journey with raw authenticity and profound insights.

The book transcends mere business advice; it's a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the unwavering belief in one's potential. Malek's story is a testament to the transformative power of agility in navigating life's unpredictable terrain. Facing daunting financial hardships that once led him to contemplate extreme measures, Malek discovered within himself a reservoir of strength and determination.

Drawing on his own experiences, Malek challenges conventional beliefs about success, urging readers to embrace agility as the cornerstone of entrepreneurial achievement. He dismantles limiting beliefs around age and experience, offering practical strategies to boost income, achieve financial security, and cultivate a winning business mindset.

Readers will uncover actionable insights to navigate the complexities of business ownership, avoid costly pitfalls, and harness the unexpected twists of life to their advantage. Malek's narrative is punctuated with real-world examples, illustrating how resilience and a proactive mindset can turn adversity into opportunity.

This book is not just a guide; it's a companion for those ready to embark on their own journey to success. Through Malek's candid storytelling and hard-earned wisdom, readers will be inspired to shed self-doubt, embrace change, and forge their path towards personal and professional fulfillment.

Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook is a compelling call to action for anyone seeking to transform their life and business. It's a testament to the belief that with perseverance, adaptability, and a fearless approach to challenges, one can achieve the seemingly impossible.

Join Ehab Malek on a transformative journey through these pages, where every chapter resonates with the courage to overcome, the resilience to thrive, and the conviction that within each obstacle lies an opportunity for growth. This book is not just about surviving; it's about thriving against all odds.


PublisherEhab Malek
Release dateJun 22, 2024
Almost Sold My Kidney: The Business Agility Playbook

Ehab Malek

Ehab Malek is a seeker of unconventional wisdom, a passionate explorer of the human experience, and the author of "Wisdom Life Never Reveals." With a background in Tourism, Concierge Services and Training, he brings a unique perspective to the pursuit of wisdom, blending ancient teachings with modern insights to illuminate the path to personal growth and fulfillment. Ehab Malek is also the Founder and Chairman of Egypt Concierge, a small-sized business and the top-rated Concierge Agency in Egypt on Google Business, with a rating of 4.9 out of 5. Driven by a deep curiosity about life's mysteries and an unwavering belief in the power of wisdom to transform lives, Ehab embarked on a journey of discovery that led him to explore the hidden truths that lie beyond the ordinary. Through his writing, he seeks to inspire others to embrace the richness of unconventional wisdom and embark on their own quest for self-discovery and enlightenment. When Ehab is not writing, he can be found Sports and Business events. He currently resides in Cairo. "Wisdom Life Never Reveals" is his debut book, and he looks forward to sharing more insights and wisdom with readers in future editions. Connect with Ehab on X (formerly Twitter)  @ehabmalek  

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    Book preview

    Almost Sold My Kidney - Ehab Malek

    About the Author

    Ehab Malek is an Egyptian entrepreneur with a profound passion for writing

    Self-help, Business and professional books.

    Ehab Malek is a seeker of unconventional wisdom, a passionate explorer of

    the human experience, and the author of Wisdom Life Never Reveals.

    With a background in tourism, concierge services, and training, he brings a

    unique perspective to the pursuit of wisdom, blending ancient teachings

    with modern insights to illuminate the path to personal growth and

    fulfillment. Ehab is also the Founder and Chairman of Egypt Concierge, a

    top-rated concierge agency in Egypt on Google Business, with a rating of

    4.9 out of 5.

    Driven by deep curiosity about life's mysteries and an unwavering belief in

    the transformative power of wisdom, Ehab embarked on a journey of

    discovery that led him to explore the hidden truths beyond the ordinary.

    Through his writing, he seeks to inspire others to embrace the richness of

    unconventional wisdom and embark on their own quest for self-discovery

    and enlightenment.

    When Ehab is not writing, he can be found attending sports and business

    events. He currently resides in Cairo. Wisdom Life Never Reveals is his

    debut book, and he looks forward to sharing more insights and wisdom with

    readers in future editions. Connect with Ehab on X (formerly Twitter)



    At 14, I was carrying and loading tourists' luggage. Now, at 45, I own a concierge and travel business, yet I still handle tourists' bags with more care and expertise than any porter in Egypt. This is my common sentence when I talk about achievements and this is my main principle to excel in life and business.

    This book isn't about bragging. It's about showing you how to transform your life, just like I did. My journey wasn't easy. There were times when the weight of hardship felt so crushing, I considered selling a kidney just to stay afloat. But through it all, I discovered a strength and resilience I never knew I possessed.

    Business agility isn't just a buzzword; it's the key to unlocking success in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, you need to be able to adapt, pivot, and thrive.

    Forget the limiting beliefs. Age, experience - they don't define your potential. You can earn a living doing what you love, no matter your background.

    This book is your personal roadmap to financial freedom and business mastery. I'll share my unfiltered journey, the epic highs, the crushing lows, and the lessons learned along the way. You'll discover:

    ●  Actionable strategies to boost your income and achieve financial security.

    ●  Proven techniques to develop a winning business mindset and build a thriving company.

    ●  Real-world insights to avoid costly mistakes and navigate the unexpected turns in life.

    This isn't just another business book. It's a story of transformation, resilience, and achieving the impossible. Get ready to ditch the baggage of self-doubt and embrace the agility that will lead you to success.

    Join me on this journey. Read, learn, and start building the life you deserve.

    P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts! Find me on my (former Twitter) account, @ehabmalek, and let me know how this book helped you transform your own story.

    Dear Reader,

    Forget dry theories and abstract concepts. In these pages, you won't find yourself struggling to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Instead, I'm offering you something far more valuable: a window into my own life story. It's a story filled with triumphs and stumbles, unexpected turns, and the lessons learned along the way.

    Why stories? Because life isn't a textbook. It's a messy, exhilarating journey, and the most valuable knowledge often comes from experience, not memorization. Through these real-life experiences, I want to show you how to not just survive, but thrive in the face of adversity.

    Imagine yourself standing at the foot of a seemingly insurmountable mountain. Challenges loom large, casting long shadows of doubt. But within you lies the potential to not just climb that mountain, but to reach the peak and survey the breathtaking vista beyond.

    That's the essence of what I want to share with you. It's not about simply weathering life's storms; it's about harnessing their power to propel you forward. We'll delve into the unexpected twists and turns, the moments when life throws you a curveball. But more importantly, we'll explore how to transform those challenges into stepping stones, into opportunities for growth and transformation.

    So, settle in, dear reader. Grab a cup of tea, curl up with this book, and prepare to embark on a journey alongside me. It won't be a straight path, but it will be a path paved with real-life experiences, hard-won wisdom, and the unwavering belief that within each of us lies the strength to not just survive, but to turn challenges into triumphs.

    Chapter 1: My Inherited Wrong Perception of Money

    My first memory of money is a sticky one. A three-year-old's desperate desire for a lollipop clashed with the harsh reality of grown-up rules. Grasping for coins in my grandmother's purse, the world turned upside down with a blur of angry hands and echoing screams. Punishment, in my parents' eyes, was a love that hit.

    This early experience became a tangled thread woven throughout my childhood. Turning 14 wasn't an

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