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Learning Django 5: Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization
Learning Django 5: Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization
Learning Django 5: Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization
Ebook374 pages2 hours

Learning Django 5: Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization

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Beginning with a thorough introduction to Django 5, you'll learn how to install and configure Django on a Linux server, set up virtual environments, and create your first Django project, BookTech. The

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Learning Django 5: Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization

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    Learning Django 5 - Clara Stein

    Learning Django 5

    Program web apps with complete django capabilities, ORM, Template, MongoDB and Docker containerization

    Clara Stein


    Learning Django 5 is intended to help Python programmers, aspiring full stack developers, and web developers build robust and scalable web applications quickly and efficiently. with a basic understanding of Python scripting. Hands-on labs and interactive tasks are used throughout the book to help you practice and apply the concepts as you learn.

    Beginning with a thorough introduction to Django 5, you'll learn how to install and configure Django on a Linux server, set up virtual environments, and create your first Django project, BookTech. The book walks you through the fundamentals of Django models and ORM, teaching you how to define models, perform database migrations, and interact with the ORM to optimize data querying. You will learn about Django views, including function-based and class-based views, URL mapping, and form handling. The templates section will show you how to create and inherit templates, use template tags and filters, and pass data to templates for dynamic rendering.

    Advanced topics are thoroughly covered, including user authentication, permission management, and extending the default user model. You'll also learn how to use essential features like site maps, RSS feeds, and SEO optimization to boost your app's visibility and user engagement. The book then goes over deployment and scaling, teaching you how to containerize your application with Docker, deploy to cloud platforms like AWS, and set up continuous integration and deployment pipelines in Jenkins. You will learn how to maintain and monitor your application with tools such as Amazon CloudWatch, New Relic, and Sentry, ensuring that it runs smoothly in production.

    In this book you will learn how to:

    Comprehensive Django setup with step-by-step installation and configuration of Django 5.

    Mastering models and ORM to define models and interact with databases efficiently.

    Understand and implement both function-based and class-based views seamlessly.

    Perform dynamic template rendering wherein you create, inherit, and customize templates for dynamic web content.

    Achieve robust user authentication by implementing secure user registration, login, and permission management.

    Learn SEO skills to optimize your site for search engines with site maps and SEO best practices.

    Up and running with docker and containerization to containerize your apps for consistent deployment across environments.

    Learn to deploy applications on AWS with detailed, practical walkthrough.

    Set up and configure Jenkins pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

    Use tools like CloudWatch and Sentry for application performance and error tracking.


    It is with much pleasure that I greet you and invite you to Learning Django 5; my name is Clara Stein. This book is intended for seasoned Python programmers, web developers looking to expand their skill set, and newcomers eager to dive into the world of web development. In this book, I will demystify Django 5 and demonstrate how to use this powerful framework to create robust, scalable web applications with ease and efficiency. Django's simplicity and power have captivated me since the moment I discovered it. Django's batteries-included philosophy means that it ships with many tools and features out of the box, allowing developers to focus on writing code rather than reinventing the wheel. With Django 5, the framework has become even more powerful and user-friendly, making it ideal for creating modern web applications.

    We begin our journey by installing Django on a Linux system. I'll walk you through the installation process, configure virtual environments, and create your first Django project. Our sample application, BookTech, will be our constant companion throughout the book, giving us a real-world context in which to apply what we've learned. This hands-on approach allows you to immediately see the practical applications of each concept.

    Understanding the fundamentals of Django is critical, so we'll begin by delving into Django models and ORM. You'll learn how to define models, perform database migrations, and work with the ORM to achieve efficient data querying. These skills are the foundation of any Django application, allowing you to handle data with confidence and precision. As we progress, you'll learn about the power of Django views and URL routing. We will look at both function-based and class-based views, giving you the freedom to choose the best approach for your projects. Mapping URLs to views and managing forms within views will become second nature to you, allowing you to create dynamic, responsive web applications.

    Templates are the foundation of any web application's front end, and I'll demonstrate how to create and customize them effectively. From basic template creation to advanced techniques such as template inheritance and custom tags, you will learn how to render dynamic content beautifully and efficiently. User authentication and authorization are critical components of any application, and Django excels at these tasks. We will implement secure user registration, login, and permission management to make your applications both user-friendly and secure. You'll also learn how to customize the default user model to meet your specific requirements.

    We'll discuss SEO and visibility strategies to help your application stand out in a crowded web landscape. You'll learn how to create site maps, configure RSS feeds, and use SEO best practices to boost your site's search engine ranking and user engagement. Deployment and scaling can be daunting tasks, but I'll walk you through them step by step. You'll learn how to use Docker to containerize your application, deploy it to AWS, and configure Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment pipelines. These skills are essential for ensuring consistent and dependable deployments in production environments.

    Finally, maintaining and monitoring your application is critical to its long-term success. We'll use tools like Amazon CloudWatch, New Relic, and Sentry to track performance and errors, ensuring that your application runs smoothly and efficiently.

    Learning Django 5 is more than just a technical reference; it takes you on an educational trip through the heart of Django web development. My goal is to give you the knowledge and confidence to create exceptional web applications. So, let's get started and make your ideas a reality with Django 5.

    Copyright © 2024 by GitforGits

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under copyright laws and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission of this work may result in civil and criminal penalties and will be dealt with in the respective jurisdiction at anywhere in India, in accordance with the applicable copyright laws.

    Published by: GitforGits

    Publisher: Sonal Dhandre

    Printed in India

    First Printing: June 2024

    Cover Design by: Kitten Publishing

    For permission to use material from this book, please contact GitforGits at





    Chapter 1: Up and Running with Django 5


    Welcome to Django

    Key Features of Django 5

    Asynchronous Support

    QuerySet Enhancements

    Enhanced Forms and Views

    Improved Security

    Admin Interface Improvements

    Support for Newer Python Versions

    Why Django for Web Development?

    Popular Applications built using Django





    The Washington Post



    Diving Deeper into Django’s Capabilities

    Setting up Django Environment

    Prerequisites for Linux

    Installing Python

    Setting up Virtual Environments

    Installing Django 5

    Creating Your First Django ‘BookTech’ Project

    Understanding Project Structure


    Running the Development Server

    Troubleshooting Installation Issues

    Virtual Environments

    Why Virtual Environments?

    Creating and Activating Virtual Environments

    Navigating Files and Directories and

    Practicing Navigation and Modifications

    Adding a New App

    Registering the App

    Defining URLs for the App

    Creating a Simple View

    Running the Server

    Accessing the App

    Running the Development Server


    Launching the Development Server

    Server Configuration and Customization

    Accessing the Application

    Interacting with Application

    URL Configuration

    View Configuration

    Access the View

    Development Server Output

    Server Startup

    Requests Handling


    Test Your Knowledge

    Chapter 2: Django Models and ORM


    Defining Models

    What Models Mean in Django?

    Creating a Model

    Navigate to the BookTech App Directory

    Create the Library App

    Define the Book Model

    Register the Model with the Admin Site

    Migrate the Database

    Create and Query Book Instances

    Database Migrations

    Applying Migrations to the Database

    Generate Migrations

    Apply Migrations

    Managing Database Schema Changes

    Adding a New Field to a Model

    Modifying an Existing Field

    Removing a Field

    Renaming a Field

    Reverting Migrations

    Sample Program: Managing Migration to Model Updates

    Interacting with ORM

    What is ORM in Django?

    Performing Queries with Django ORM

    Setting up the Environment

    Entering the Django Shell

    Creating Records

    Retrieving Records

    Updating Records

    Deleting Records

    Complex Queries

    Using Custom Methods

    Relationships and Foreign Keys

    Understanding Foreign Keys and related Terms

    Building a Relational Model

    Create the Author Model

    Include a Foreign Key to Author

    Create the Publisher Model

    Include a Many-to-Many Relationship with Publisher

    Create and Apply Migrations

    Register the Models with the Admin Site

    Creating and Querying Related Instances

    Custom Model Methods


    Adding Custom Methods to Existing Model

    Adding a Custom Method to the Book Model

    Adding a Custom Method to the Author Model

    Adding a Custom Method to the Publisher Model

    Using Custom Methods

    Adding a Custom Method to Retrieve Related Data

    Hands-on Lab: Create and query a book catalog

    Define Models

    Apply Migrations

    Populate Database with Sample Data

    Query the Book Catalog

    Desired Output


    Test Your Knowledge

    Chapter 3: Views and URL Routing


    Understanding Views

    Introduction to Views in Django

    Function-Based Views (FBVs)

    Class-Based Views (CBVs)

    Applicability of Function-Based and Class-Based Views

    Sample Program: Function-based View for List of Books

    Book List View

    Book Detail View

    Sample Program: Class-based View for List of Books

    Book List View

    Book Detail View

    Mapping URLs to Views


    Setting up URL Configurations

    Project-level URL Configuration

    App-level URL Configuration

    Define URL Patterns for Function-Based Views

    Define URL Patterns for Class-Based Views

    Combining Function-Based and Class-Based Views

    Testing the URL Configurations

    Dynamic Routing

    Concept of Dynamic Routing

    Sample Program: Creating URLs with Dynamic Content

    Setting up Models

    Creating Views with Dynamic Routing

    Defining URL Patterns with Dynamic Segments

    Creating Templates for Dynamic Content

    Testing Dynamic Routing

    Creating View to List Books with Links to Dynamic Routes

    Expanding Dynamic Routing with Complex URLs

    Handling Forms in Views


    Setting up a Form

    Creating a Form Class

    Creating the View to Handle the Form

    Defining URL Pattern for the View

    Creating the Template for the Form

    Validating Form Data

    Handling Multiple Form Types in a Single View

    View Decorators


    Understanding Django View Decorators

    Using a Single Decorator

    Update View with a Decorator

    Using Multiple Decorators

    Update View with Multiple Decorators

    Creating Custom Decorators

    Creating a Custom Decorator

    Applying Custom Decorator to a View

    Interactive Task

    Define the Models

    Create Views for Book List and Book Detail

    Book List View

    Book Detail View

    Define URL Patterns

    Create Templates

    Book List Template

    Book Detail Template

    Enhancing Views with Class-Based Views

    Book List View

    Book Detail View

    Update URL Patterns


    Test Your Knowledge

    Chapter 4: Templates and Django's Template Language


    Creating Templates


    Setting up Django Templates

    Configure Template Settings

    Create Template Directory

    Create a Base Template

    Create Child Templates

    Update Views to Use Templates

    Styling with CSS

    Template Tags and Filters


    Built-in Template Tags

    {% for %}

    {% if %}

    {% block %} and {% extends %}

    {% include %}

    Built-in Template Filters




    lower and upper

    Custom Template Tags and Filters

    Creating Custom Filters

    Using Custom Filters in Templates

    Creating Custom Tags

    Using Custom Tags in Templates

    Context and Rendering

    Rendering Templates with Context

    Sample Program: Rendering Templates in BookTech

    Updating the Book List View

    Updating the Book Detail View

    Context Processors

    Creating a Context Processor

    Registering the Context Processor

    Using Context Processor in Templates

    Rendering Multiple Context Variables

    Hands-on Lab: Design Book Listing and Detail Page

    Define the Models

    Create Views for Book List and Detail Pages

    Book List View

    Book Detail View

    Define URL Patterns

    Create Templates

    Book List Template

    Book Detail Template

    Add Sample Data

    Using Django Shell


    Test Your Knowledge

    Chapter 5: Forms and Validation


    Creating Forms

    Introduction to Forms in Django

    Building and Displaying Regular Forms

    Creating a Form Class

    Displaying the Form in a View

    Creating Templates for the Form

    Defining URL Patterns for the Form

    Building and Displaying Model Forms

    Displaying the Model Form in a View

    Creating a Template for the Model Form

    Defining URL Patterns for the Model Form

    Form Validation

    Built-in Validation

    Basic Form with Built-in Validation

    Displaying Validation Errors

    Custom Validation

    Custom Field Validation

    Custom Form-wide Validation

    Validating Model Forms

    Custom Validation in Model Forms

    Using the Validated Model Form

    Model Forms


    Creating Model Forms

    Defining a Model Form

    Displaying the Model Form in a View

    Creating a Template for the Model Form

    Defining URL Patterns for the Model Form

    Customizing Model Forms

    Customizing Form Fields

    Displaying the Customized Model Form

    Custom Validation

    Custom Validation for Individual Fields

    Custom Validation for Multiple Fields

    Using the Custom Validated Form

    View for Handling the Custom Validated Form

    Template for Displaying the Custom Validated Form

    Additional Custom Validation

    Ensuring Unique Combination of Title and Author


    Test Your Knowledge

    Answer: b) By overriding the form’s clean method and checking the combinationChapter 6: User Authentication and Authorization


    User Management

    Django for User Management

    Setting up User Registration and Authentication

    Creating the User Registration Form

    Creating the User Registration View

    Creating the Registration Template

    Updating URLs

    Creating the Login View

    Creating a Logout View

    Login, Logout and Password Management

    Setting up the Login Functionality

    Creating the Login View

    Creating the Login Template

    Configuring the Login Redirect URL

    Setting up the Logout Functionality

    Creating the Logout Template

    Adding Links to Login and Logout

    Updating the Base Template

    Password Management

    Password Change

    Password Reset

    Permissions and Groups

    Managing User Permissions

    Assigning Permissions to Users

    Checking Permissions in Views

    Using the has_perm Method

    Managing Groups

    Creating and Managing Groups

    Assigning Users to Groups

    Checking Group Membership

    Advanced Group Permissions

    Custom Group Permissions

    Assigning Custom Permissions to Groups

    Checking Custom Permissions in Views

    Custom User Models

    Necessity of Custom User Models

    Customizing Default User Model

    Creating a Custom User Model

    Updating Settings

    Creating User Forms

    Admin Configuration

    Migrating the Database

    Updating User Registration

    Interactive Project: Build a user profile and access control system

    Creating the User Profile Model

    Define the UserProfile Model

    Signal to Create/Update User Profile

    Creating Forms for User Profile

    UserProfile Form

    Creating Views and Templates

    Views to Display and Edit Profiles

    Templates for Displaying and Editing Profiles

    Updating URLs

    Implementing Access Control

    Create Groups and Permissions


    Test Your Knowledge

    Chapter 7: Advanced Django Capabilities



    What is Middleware?

    Types of Middleware

    Creating Custom Middleware in BookTech

    Define the Middleware Class

    Add the Middleware to Settings

    Configure Logging

    Middleware for Custom Functionality

    Define the Middleware Class

    Testing the Middleware


    Concept of Signal and Handler Mechanism

    Key Components of Django Signals

    Using Signals to Connect Components

    Create the Signal Handler

    Connect Signal in the App Configuration

    Custom Signals

    Create a Custom Signal

    Send the Custom Signal

    Handle the Custom Signal

    Configure Logging


    Types of Caching

    Implementing Caching in BookTech

    Setting up Caching in Django

    Using Low-Level Cache API

    Template Fragment Caching

    View-Level Caching

    Using Memcached for In-Memory Caching

    Advanced Cache Usage

    Asynchronous Views

    Benefits of Asynchronous Views

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