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Activate Your Power: Simple And Effective Steps to Achieve Your Dreams.: Abundance and prosperity
Activate Your Power: Simple And Effective Steps to Achieve Your Dreams.: Abundance and prosperity
Activate Your Power: Simple And Effective Steps to Achieve Your Dreams.: Abundance and prosperity
Ebook59 pages41 minutes

Activate Your Power: Simple And Effective Steps to Achieve Your Dreams.: Abundance and prosperity

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About this ebook

Activate your Power and manifest the desires of your heart.


You only experience peace and happiness when you listen to and follow the dreams of your soul.

Desiring and pursuing ego dreams leads to suffering, lack, and separation.

Envy, jealousy, comparisons and competition are symptoms that you are pursuing the desires of the ego and not your soul. Choose the dreams of your heart to experience peace!

Recognize your divine nature and co-create with your soul the life for which you have come here.


The book Activate your Power:

- It is deep, revealing and transformative.

- It is written in simple, every day and concise language, in order to facilitate your understanding and learning to achieve together your purpose of manifesting your dreams.

- Contains theory and practical exercises to support you in the divine materialization of your dreams.

- After reading and applying the exercises proposed there, you will experience a wonderful and profound transformation, releasing and activating the divinity in you.

- I share with you the essential steps you must take to achieve your dreams and goals.

- I also accompany you on your path of healing and emotional liberation and closing unfinished cycles, in order to break your blockages with prosperity and fluidity with life.


In the book Activate your Power, you will learn:

- What is creative power.

- How creative power works.

- How to consciously activate the creative power.

- How to define your desire.

- How to be clear about your desire and how to validate it.

- How to discover if you have limiting or empowering beliefs around desire.

- How to heal and transform limiting beliefs.

- How to cultivate empowering beliefs.

- How to act from intuition and inspiration.


In addition, I will share with you practical exercises to apply to your specific desire, so that you can begin to sow the seeds you need to see your soul desire materialize.

Your destiny is success, abundance, peace, harmony and happiness.

At the end of reading the book Activate your Power, you will be able to leave behind anxiety, frustration, the feeling of undeserving, jealousy, envy, anger and any emotion that is not of Love.


Listen to the voice of the soul and co-create with it the life of your dreams!

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Activate Your Power: Simple And Effective Steps to Achieve Your Dreams.: Abundance and prosperity

Jazmin Gonzalez

English: After an ordinary life and having been a faithful Catholic, at the age of 27, after an existential crisis, I began my awakening of consciousness and began my spiritual search, which led me to a deep and intense emotional and mental healing. This helped me to remember and recognize my soul purpose: to share with the world a Vision about Life and the purpose of the Soul in it, which peace is the objective. I have done studies and training on various topics related to spirituality and personal development, which has allowed me to understand and remember the nature of each soul, as an extension of the Divinity, perfect and sufficient. Studies: Life Coaching. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Reiki Usui. Money Reiki. VIP Ganesha. Therapeutic writing. Emotional release technique (EFT). Conscious rapid eye movement (Conscious REM). Chakra tapping. Acupressure Technique (TAT). -------------------------------------------------------- Español: Luego de una vida ordinaria y haber sido fiel practicante de la religión católica, a los 27 años de edad, tras una crisis existencial, inicié mi despertar de consciencia y comencé mi búsqueda espiritual, lo que me llevó a una profunda e intensa sanación emocional y mental. Esto me apoyó a recordar y reconocer mi propósito álmico: compartir con el mundo una Visión sobre la Vida, y sobre el papel del Alma en ella, que tiene como objetivo la paz. He realizado estudios, formaciones y capacitaciones sobre diversos temas relacionados a la espiritualidad, desarrollo personal y sanación energética, lo que me ha permitido comprender y recordar la naturaleza de cada alma, como una extensión de la Divinidad, perfecta y suficiente. Estudios: Life Coaching. Programación Neurolingüística (PNL). Reiki Usui. Money Reiki. VIP Ganesha. Escritura terapéutica. Técnica de liberación emocional (EFT). Movimiento ocular rápido consciente (MOR Consciente). Golpeteo de chakras. Técnica de Acupresión (TAT).

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    Book preview

    Activate Your Power - Jazmin Gonzalez

    Note to readers: This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. Its intention is to offer useful and informative material on the subject discussed. The strategies outlined in this book may not be appropriate for all individuals, and there is no guarantee that they will produce any particular results. This book is sold with the understanding that neither the author, nor the publisher, nor the printer are engaged in rendering legal, financial, psychological, health, or other professional advice or services. The reader should consult a qualified professional before adopting the suggestions in this book or drawing conclusions from it. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information or references included herein, and both the author and the publisher and printer, as well as all parties involved in the cover design and distribution, specifically disclaim any liability for obligations, losses, or risks, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any content of the book.

    Title: Activate your power.

    First Edition: October 2020.

    Author: Jazmín González.

    All rights reserved.

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    To our Higher Self, who, through these pages, reminds us of our true infinite, powerful, and limitless nature.


    This book is a reminder of how to consciously utilize your co-creative power with Life, to manifest your deepest dreams such as health, wealth, and love, just as your soul desires.

    You are a spiritual being living a human experience. You are not just your physical, mental, and emotional body; you are Divinity incarnated in this physical plane to experience a series of circumstances, with the aim of recognizing your unlimited, powerful, and infinite potential.

    Activate your power is a material that compiles, in a simple, concise, and direct manner, the path to activate the creative power you possess as a spiritual being. Thus, using it for the right purpose, which is to share, evolve, and expand love in all its forms. From embracing a loved one to possessing physical properties to share and enjoy the beauty and pleasure of life.

    When you forget your true purpose on this physical plane, it can happen that you use this manifesting power for worldly purposes based on fear and lack, causing harm to others and yourself. For example, obtaining money regardless of its origin, toxic possession of a person as a partner, excessive desire for fame, etc.

    You can have everything you desire; however, in Activate your power, you will connect with the desires of your soul to only claim what is rightfully yours by divine right. In other words, what will truly allow you to experience peace, harmony, and happiness.

    You may desire someone else's fame, lifestyle, material possessions, partner, physical condition, etc., believing that by having all of that, you will also be happy like them. However, your soul has different purposes than theirs, even if they are equal in essence: to remember the

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