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The Family Fix: The Latin Ladies Series, #1
The Family Fix: The Latin Ladies Series, #1
The Family Fix: The Latin Ladies Series, #1
Ebook166 pages1 hour

The Family Fix: The Latin Ladies Series, #1

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Tired of being the single one at family gatherings?


Isabella Santos is a rising star architect with no time for love. But when her family's relentless matchmaking reaches a fever pitch, she needs a plan. Enter Rafael Torres, her cousin's charming best friend. A fake relationship is the perfect solution.


The problem is that pretending to be in love is a lot easier said than done.


As sparks fly and their charade heats up, Isabella and Rafael find themselves blurring the lines between pretend and reality. Can they navigate meddling families, hidden desires, and the thrill of a love that wasn't supposed to happen?


Read Book 1 in this exciting new series!

Release dateJun 21, 2024
The Family Fix: The Latin Ladies Series, #1

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    Book preview

    The Family Fix - Mia Munoz

    The Family Fix

    the family fix

    A Fake Relationship Romance

    The Latin Ladies

    Book One

    mia munoz

    The Family Fix

    The Latin Ladies Series - Book 1

    Copyright © 2024 by Mia Munoz

    All rights reserved.

    Book Cover and formatting provided by

    Trisha Fuentes

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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    Ardent Artist Books

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    The Family Fix

    For Nana Josie


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15



    A Taste of Fire

    Songs of the Heart

    About Mia

    Also by Mia Munoz


    San Antonio, TX

    Isabella sighed as the opening notes of La Bamba blared from her phone. Nana's ringtone. Of course.

    She swiped the phone off the coffee table, steeling herself before accepting the call.

    Hola Nana, she said, injecting false cheer into her voice.

    Isabella, mija! Nana's voice was warm, but Isabella could hear the probing edge beneath it. Tell me, how is everything? Any new developments in your life?

    Subtle, Nana. Real subtle.

    Oh, you know how it is. Work is keeping me busy as always, Isabella said, hoping to redirect the conversation. No such luck.

    But work cannot be everything, mi amor, Nana chided gently. A woman needs more in her life. Have you met someone special?

    Isabella rolled her eyes, even though Nana couldn't see it through the phone. My architecture projects are pretty special to me right now. I just got assigned to an amazing new skyscraper design.

    Ah, but a building cannot keep you warm at night! Nana laughed. It’s time you settled down, mija. I know so many nice young men I could introduce you to.

    I appreciate it, Nana, but I'm not looking to date right now, Isabella said, unable to keep the sharpness from her voice. My career is my focus.

    This obsession with work is no good. You need balance, or you will end up alone! Nana Josie's voice rose in concern.

    Isabella sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Well, we can't all be as lucky in love as you and Tata. My prince charming hasn't shown up yet. But I'm only 27, Nana. I have time.

    Ah, but the best ones go quickly, mija, Nana said sagely. At Valerie's wedding next month, I expect we will finally meet this mysterious man of yours, si?

    Isabella suppressed a groan—the wedding. Of course, Nana would see it as an opportunity to parade potential suitors in front of her.

    We'll see, Nana, she said noncommittally. Listen, I need to run. Early meeting tomorrow. Te amo.

    She quickly ended the call before Nana Josie could protest. Another disaster of a conversation narrowly avoided. But she had a bad feeling the wedding next month would be a pressure cooker she couldn't escape.

    Isabella's passion for architecture blossomed at a young age. As a curious child, she would stare up at the unique shapes and styles of buildings in her hometown, mesmerized by the creativity behind each design. On family trips into the city, Isabella pressed her face against the car window, eagerly pointing out her favorite skyscrapers, churches, and houses. While other kids drew animals or flowers, Isabella filled her sketchbooks with intricate drawings of buildings she imagined one day creating.

    In high school, Isabella enrolled in every art and drafting class available. She spent hours researching famous architects and poring over architecture books, enthralled by the innovative structures being built around the world. Isabella's parents worried she was becoming obsessed and tried persuading her to consider more practical careers. But Isabella remained steadfast, gaining experience by volunteering at local architecture firms on weekends. She honed her skills, learned drafting techniques, and saw firsthand how designs progressed from concept to construction.

    After graduation, Isabella was accepted into a top architecture program at a prestigious university. Though the demanding workload often required pulling all-nighters in the studio, Isabella thrived in the program. She graduated summa cum laude, earning the department's highest design award for her creative final project. While her peers focused on big firm jobs with stability and status, Isabella took a risk, joining a small boutique firm where she could get hands-on experience. Years of dedication paid off when she was up for promotion to junior partner at just 27 years old. Isabella finally had the opportunity to bring imaginative designs to life, one building at a time. Though occasionally doubting her career would allow room for relationships and family, Isabella remained devoted to her architectural dreams.

    Isabella strode purposefully through the bustling open office space of Davis Architects, her sharp heels announcing her arrival. She headed straight for the sleek kitchenette, craving a strong cup of coffee to jumpstart her morning. As she waited for the espresso machine to finish its noisy ritual, her colleagues Sarah and David wandered in, still chatting about their weekends.

    So Valerie's wedding is coming up soon, Sarah said, opening the fridge in search of a mid-morning snack. You’re going too, right, Isabella?

    Sarah’s family had been friends with the groom’s family for years. After all, it was a small world when Isabella found out that her cousin, Valerie, was getting married to her childhood friend, Emilio Garza.

    Isabella nodded, leaning against the grey marble counter as the espresso machine gurgled and steamed. Yep, the first wedding in the family. Should be interesting.

    David laughed, shuffling through the communal snack drawer. Interesting? I heard Latino weddings are legendary parties from start to finish.

    Oh, they definitely are, Isabella agreed, handing Sarah and David the creamer. "Lots of food, lots of dancing, and lots of family drama."

    Sarah's eyes widened. Family drama?

    Isabella rolled her eyes. Whenever my extended family gets together, there's always some drama. Commentary on people's love lives, critiques of career choices... She trailed off, grabbing her coffee cup.

    Speaking of love lives, David interjected, is your boyfriend coming as your plus one?

    Isabella froze the espresso cup halfway to her lips. I don't have a boyfriend, she said sharply.

    Sarah shot David a look. Oh, I just assumed...

    Well, you assumed wrong, Isabella snapped, her tone icy. She was used to her family's constant badgering about her perpetually single status, but she had hoped her colleagues would know better.

    An awkward silence descended on the kitchenette. Isabella took a long sip of her espresso, avoiding eye contact.

    We didn't mean to assume, Sarah said gently. It's just, you're always flying solo at work events, we figured...

    That I must be single because I'm too career-focused to land a man? Isabella finished sarcastically.

    David held up his hands. No, not at all! We just thought you'd bring someone along if you were seeing someone.

    Isabella sighed, softening her tone. I know you didn't mean anything by it. But I'm tired of people acting like my relationship status defines me. I'm perfectly happy being single. My career is my priority right now.

    Sarah smiled supportively. You're totally right. You're rocking it as the youngest junior partner. You should be proud.

    Exactly, David chimed in. And you'll find someone special when the time is right. Don't let other people pressure you.

    Isabella smiled gratefully. I won't. I'm going to that wedding solo, and it is fabulous. No man required. She raised her coffee cup in a mock toast.

    Sarah and David clinked their mugs against hers. Cheers to that!

    Isabella took another sip of her coffee, savoring the bold flavor. She was lucky to have such supportive colleagues, especially with her family constantly questioning her life choices. She would attend her cousin's wedding with her head held high, solo or not. Her career was soaring, and she refused to apologize for focusing on her dreams. Someday, she might meet someone special, but it would happen on her terms, not her family's.

    The scent of simmering tamales and Nana Jose's famous garlic shrimp ceviche enveloped Isabella as she stepped into the familiar warmth of her grandmother's home. Though she loved her family deeply, their well-intentioned interest in her personal life often felt less like genuine care and more like judgmental scrutiny.

    Mija, you made it! Nana exclaimed, sweeping Isabella into a tight embrace. Over her

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