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The Firm Offer: The "Hanna and Alex" Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series, #9
The Firm Offer: The "Hanna and Alex" Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series, #9
The Firm Offer: The "Hanna and Alex" Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series, #9
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The Firm Offer: The "Hanna and Alex" Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series, #9

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Next up in the Amazon #1 bestselling "Hanna and Alex" Low Country mystery and suspense series… THE FIRM OFFER.


Hanna and Alex travel to Atlanta to celebrate her father's 70th birthday. The unexpected arrival of two FBI agents at the dinner sets off a series of events that lead to a network of corruption so pervasive, it threatens to become one of the most devastating scandals in the city's history.


Back in South Carolina, Alex faces off with past enemies as he investigates a sprawling new gambling operation and the early prison release of an old rival.

In this ninth installment of the "Hanna and Alex" series, expect edge-of-your-seat action, unexpected twists and turns, and as usual, an ending that no one sees coming.


If you love mystery and suspense with twisting plots, compelling characters and settings that will sweep you away, find out why readers are raving about this Amazon #1 bestselling "Hanna and Alex" series.


Here's what readers are saying in over 10,000 5-star ratings on Amazon and Goodreads about the "Hanna and Alex" series.


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"It's one of my favorite series!"


Lose yourself in this emotional and gripping tale of mystery and suspense set in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia, and the Low Country of South Carolina.

Release dateJun 23, 2024
The Firm Offer: The "Hanna and Alex" Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series, #9

Michael Lindley

Michael Lindley's first three novels have debuted to strong critical and commercial success, each set in an idyllic locale and compelling historical context. His stories chronicle families and relationships challenged by seemingly overwhelming forces, yet offer redeeming outcomes of enduring love and commitment.

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    Book preview

    The Firm Offer - Michael Lindley



    The Hanna and Alex Low Country Mystery and Suspense Series










    The Troubled Waters Series





    Chapter One

    Hanna Walsh looked out across the vast expanse of the Atlanta skyline, a million lights flickering in the dark through the windows along the north wall of the downtown rooftop restaurant. Tall office buildings, hotels and condominiums rose into the sky like clustered beacons. The blinking lights of planes across the horizon mixed with the array of stars and a bright half-moon drifting behind low wisps of clouds.

    She reached under the table for the hand of her husband, Alex Frank, and felt the warm reassurance of his grip. He smiled back at her, and she found herself lost for a moment in his caring eyes.

    Across from them sat her father, Allen Moss, and his second wife, Martha. It was his 70th birthday, and Martha had invited them over from the South Carolina coast for a celebration dinner. Allen was looking through the wine list and getting feedback from his wife on various selections.

    Her father was an imposing man, tall and tan from afternoons on the golf course, his hair nearly white and flowing back from his face. A deep blue suit was set off with a striped shirt and patterned tie selected by one of Atlanta’s most exclusive men’s stores. The gold Rolex watch on his wrist and a large gold ring from Duke Law School completed the styled look that Hanna knew he took great pride in.

    Martha was not to be outdone with an elegantly styled white pantsuit and peach blouse. A simple string of pearls at her neck, and one in each ear, and a fashionably styled head of brown and blonde highlighted hair framed her strikingly beautiful and tanned face. Her outdoor sport was tennis and she spent much of her free time on the courts at their club in Buckhead.

    Hanna had a sudden glimpse into the past when her mother was sitting at a similar restaurant table having the same conversation with her father. So many years had passed since the plane her father was piloting to take the family to the Caribbean for a vacation had crashed short of the runway in a storm.

    She was jolted awake when it felt like the air beneath them had fallen away and the plane lurched down in a frightening free-fall.

    She was instantly alert and took in the scene in the cramped cockpit of the twin-engine Beechcraft Baron airplane her father was piloting to Nassau in the Bahamas. The sun was down, and the black night sky suddenly flashed with spidered veins of lightning. A deafening explosion of thunder caused the small plane to shudder and lurch precariously.

    She was sitting in the second row of seats behind her father. Her mother and brother were on the right side of the plane.

    Her mother yelled out, Allen, get us out of here!

    Her father didn’t respond, shouting into the radio to the control tower, something unintelligible Hanna couldn’t make out.

    Another explosion of lightning, quickly followed by a crack of thunder, sent the plane hard to the right with the push of the hazardous wind gusts. Her head hit the side window with so much force, she thought she might pass out. Through the gap in the front seats, she could see rain pelting the windshield. There were blinking lights ahead… the runway. Oh, thank god, she thought.

    Her mother reached back and held her hand. She looked into her face and saw a calm expression of resolve that only later, she knew was her trying to will the airplane safely to the ground.

    Another terrifying gust of wind hit the plane so hard from the left side, she felt it might roll completely over. Her brother screamed out, Dad, do something!

    She leaned around the seat in front of her and saw her father with both hands on the wheel, struggling to level out the flight path as the runway approached. She heard him yell out, I can’t go around! We’re coming in!

    Her last conscious memories were her mother’s scream when the plane fell out from under them again in another sickening burst of wind and weather. The plane tilted hard to the right. She saw her brother gripping the seat in front of him with his head down, and then an explosion of metal and glass all around them as they hit the ground short of the runway.

    Her mother and brother were both killed in the accident. Somehow, she and her father had survived. They both suffered massive injuries. Allen walked with a limp, and she had chronic issues with her back.

    She still struggled to forgive him for making the flight, the weather forecast that day calling for possible late thunderstorms around the islands. His massive male ego had clouded his better judgment.

    She looked across the table at him, the frightening memories still lingering. She knew he harbored terrible guilt. They rarely spoke of it now. They had both managed to move on with their lives, the loss of their family members always in their subconscious thoughts and often in their sleepless nights.

    And then there was Martha, the new wife… her stepmother. Hanna had tried her best over the years to accept this more recent addition to the family. Martha Wellman Moss was barely ten years older than her and younger than her father by decades. Their marriage came as an unwelcome surprise a little over a year after the plane crash and her mother’s passing.

    Martha had been a friend of her mother and a prominent member of Atlanta society mostly through the connections with her first husband, a prominent politician. That divorce had been a highly publicized scandal in town when the husband got an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader pregnant and decided to leave Martha for the much younger woman. She had taken little time getting close with Allen Moss after her divorce under the guise of comforting him in his grief at the loss of his wife and son.

    It continued to gall Hanna that the woman had taken over the Moss household and massive home on West Paces Ferry up in Buckhead, using her father’s wealth and social status to elevate her standing among Atlanta’s elite. On the other hand, she did have to admit that Martha had, for the most part, been a good wife and companion to her father. Still, there was always a sharp edge to her relationship with Martha.

    She looked at her father’s face as he glanced up to find the server to order the wine. The years had been kind, despite the ravages of heart disease and a stressful career running one of the largest law firms in the city. He was supposedly semi-retired, but she knew he was still keeping regular hours down at the firm, though he had relinquished the role and responsibilities of managing partner to another colleague. His relentless efforts to get her to return to Atlanta to rejoin the firm and eventually take over his leadership position had been a struggle between them for years.

    She had no interest in coddling the legal needs of Atlanta’s wealthy and powerful, and had turned instead to serving the less fortunate at her free legal clinic in Charleston, up until more recently when a series of tragic events led her to close the practice and move to the family’s ancestral home up on Pawleys Island. Her work at a small firm off the island was far less satisfying, but it did pay the bills.

    Allen Moss turned back to his daughter. Honey, I really appreciate you and Alex coming to town. We don’t get to see you enough.

    Martha leaned in with her practiced smile and grace. Really, dear, you must stay a few days. I would love to show you around town, do some shopping, have lunch with some of your mother’s old friends.

    Hanna tried to remain calm. The woman’s styled southern accent and affected manner never failed to grate on her nerves. She took a deep breath and looked over at Alex for a moment before responding. Really, I wish that we could, but we both need to get back tomorrow.

    Her father said, Alex, how’s the new gig with the Sheriff’s Department going? I was so surprised to hear you had left the FBI.

    Hanna watched her husband’s expression as he forced a smile and said, You know that it wasn’t my choice. The Bureau and I had some issues that couldn’t be resolved.

    Yes, of course, that business with the terrorist attack in Charleston Harbor. From what I hear, they should have given you a commendation, not let you go.

    Hanna jumped in, using her father’s first name as always. Allen, please, let’s not go there.

    Alex said, No, it’s fine. To answer your question, I really enjoy the work. I like being out of the city and up on the island.

    Good, good, Moss replied. Of course, I’ll never give up trying to get you and Hanna to come to Atlanta permanently. We definitely need my daughter down at the firm, and I’m very good friends with the police commissioner. I’m sure they would be quite interested in someone with your talents and background.

    Hanna shook her head and stifled her anger. It was supposed to be a birthday celebration after all. Before she could reply, her stepmother jumped in.

    Really, dear, your father desperately needs you down at the firm, the Moss legacy and all.

    Hanna stared back at Martha and felt the familiar burn of frustration with the woman. She chose not to respond and was relieved when the server came up and took the wine order, a bottle of red and another white.

    Martha continued. I convinced your father it’s time for us to get him away from the office again. We’re leaving for Africa next week for two weeks in the jungle.

    Moss said, It’s not going to be all that rustic, actually, some high-end resort built into the tree-tops near an animal preserve. I don’t think we’ll be fighting off lions or leopards.

    Sounds like a nice trip, Alex said. Always wanted to see Africa.

    Why don’t you join us? Martha said, her face lighting up with excitement.

    Hanna quickly replied, Thank you, but there’s no way either of us could get away for that much time.

    Before anyone could respond, two men in dark suits walked up to their table. Both had stern expressions, short-cropped hair, and a demeanor that Hanna immediately read as federal agents of some sort.

    Mr. Moss, the taller of the two said, standing to the side of her father.

    Yes, what is it?

    We need a word with you, sir, the man replied, holding up a leather credential wallet.

    Hanna could see the FBI identification clearly. She looked over at Alex, who had obviously just seen the same thing.

    Her father said, Gentleman, I don’t know what this is about, but I’m having dinner with my family. Can’t this wait until tomorrow? We can meet down at my office across the street.

    The other agent said, I’m afraid not, sir. You’ll need to come with us.

    Excuse me! Moss replied, pushing his chair back.

    What’s going on, dear? Martha said, looking around at the people at nearby tables watching and whispering in curiosity.

    Hanna watched Alex stand to confront the men. Really, guys, can’t this wait? I was with the Bureau…

    We know who you are, the first agent said. Please sit down.

    Alex stared back for a moment, not willing to concede. Hanna pulled at his arm to take his seat, which he reluctantly did.

    Mr. Moss, the agent apparently in charge said, this doesn’t have to be difficult. If you would please excuse yourself and come with us. We’re sorry to interrupt your dinner, but I’m afraid I must insist.

    Hanna saw Martha’s face flush in anger and embarrassment. She stood and approached the two men, standing behind her husband. Do you know who this man is?

    Ma’am, please take your seat.

    No, I will not. This is outrageous!

    Hanna could see the situation escalating quickly out of control and stood to come around the table, taking her stepmother’s arm. Martha, you need to let these men do their jobs. She looked back at Hanna, her expression turning now to panic as the crowd around them in this exclusive restaurant was now totally focused on their table.

    Allen Moss stood. Seriously, gentleman, this is not the time.

    The second agent pulled a set of handcuffs from the back of his belt. Do we need to use these, sir?

    Moss looked shocked and was unable to respond.

    Hanna said, Allen, you need to go with these men and find out what this is all about. Do you want me to come with you?

    That won’t be necessary ma’am, the agent replied.

    I’m his attorney, Hanna said, coming over to stand between them and her father.

    Am I under arrest? Moss said, his voice suddenly weak and tentative.

    Hanna could see the fear and anxiety in his expression.

    Please, sir, let’s continue this across town at our office. We need to go now. Your daughter… your attorney can accompany us if you’d like.

    Thank you, honey, her father said. Alex, can you see Martha home? I can’t imagine this will be long.

    Of course, Alex replied.

    Hanna came back around the table and whispered to Alex, Do you know these guys?

    He shook his head no. Atlanta Bureau. I’ve not met them before. Call when you find out what this is all about.

    She nodded and turned to follow her father and the two Feds out of the restaurant. Behind her, she heard her stepmother haranguing Alex. Can’t you do something?


    Chapter Two

    Hanna stood with her father at a long table in a conference room in the offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the outskirts of Atlanta. The two men who brought them from the restaurant had just left the room.

    Allen, what the hell is going on? Hanna said, the two of them finally alone.

    She watched her father shake his head, but he didn’t respond. His aging face was etched in a fearful gaze and his posture slumped forward. She had never seen him look so weak.

    Seriously, Hanna continued, do you have any idea what this is about?

    Before he could respond, the door opened and two other men walked in. Hanna was surprised to see their friend and Alex’s former boss at the Charleston Bureau office, Will Foster, accompanied by an older man. She made eye contact with Foster and he nodded, but didn’t say anything.

    The older agent said, Mr. Moss, my name is Granger Hall. I’m the Special Agent in Charge of the Atlanta Bureau of the FBI. This is my colleague, Special Agent, Will Foster. Please be seated.

    Hanna sat beside her father across from the two agents.

    Hall said, "Miss Walsh, I understand you’re here as legal counsel for your father.’

    That’s correct. Would you mind telling us what this is all about?

    Will Foster said, Hanna, first of all, it’s nice to see you again.

    Will, can we please get to the point, she insisted.

    Of course, Foster replied, seemingly not concerned about the rebuke. Mr. Moss, we’ve been investigating one of your clients for some time now and some disturbing information has come to our attention.

    Which client? Moss demanded. Hanna noticed the commanding tone and demeanor returning in her father’s reaction.

    Hall leaned in. Before we begin, let’s acknowledge that you are not currently a suspect in any crime…

    I would certainly hope that’s the case! Moss said, gripping the table hard with both hands.

    Hanna reached over and put an arm around her father’s shoulder. Let’s hear what they have to say.

    Hall continued. We are also well aware you are bound by client confidentiality to some extent in this situation.

    Who are we talking about? Moss demanded.

    Hanna watched Will Foster focus his gaze on the Atlanta FBI boss, then turned to look at Hall as he said, Congressman Angus Carpenter…

    Carpenter! Moss said in surprise.

    Hall continued. The congressman and his family, as I’m sure you’re aware, control a vast business enterprise both nationally and internationally.

    Yes, I’m well aware.

    The congressman’s brother also heads up a multi-billion dollar investment fund.

    Yes, the Carpenter Group, Moss replied. What the hell is this all about?

    Hanna saw Hall turn to Will Foster who leaned forward on his elbows, clasping his hands on the table. Foster said, There are a number of issues here, Mr. Moss.

    My name is Allen.

    Yes, sir, Foster said, nodding at Hanna as well with a thin smile. The Carpenter family business network is very diversified across many industries…

    Yes, Moss cut in, impatiently. I’m well aware of their business interests, agriculture, real estate, software, retail, the list goes on.

    That’s correct, Foster said. Are you also aware of the link of some of their businesses to organized crime?

    Excuse me? Moss said, seeming to be genuinely surprised. He looked over at Hanna, and she could see the concern on his face.

    Foster said, Hanna, I know you are more than familiar with the former Dellahousaye crime family.

    Hanna felt a chill course through her body as memories and images of her past run-ins with the Dellahousayes flashed through her mind. She struggled to collect herself, then said, What does this have to do with my father?

    We’ll get to that, Agent Hall said. Will, continue, please.

    Foster said, Recently, we’ve uncovered several alarming connections between Carpenter family businesses and what is now the crime syndicate run by Xander Lacroix.

    Hanna tried not to let the panic she was feeling show. Again, Will, what the hell does this have to do with my father?

    Hall said, Your father’s law firm represents a number of the Carpenter family businesses and prominent members of the family as well. Our initial investigations show considerable compensation from the Carpenter’s business accounts directed to your father’s firm.

    Allen Moss’s face turned crimson and with a determined look of anger and frustration, he replied, We have many large clients who pay significant retainers and fees for our services. What the hell are you doing looking into our books?

    Foster ignored the question and continued. The congressman’s brother, Charles, leads the family’s investment fund business.

    Yes, I’m well aware, Moss said. Can we please get to the point?

    Hall leaned in. Mr. Moss, I suspect you are also aware the Carpenter Group’s investments are highly leveraged in speculative assets that have yielded significant returns for their clients over past years. In fact, we know that you’ve had considerable holdings personally in their fund.

    Moss was about to explode, and Hanna reached over again to calm her father. Let them continue, she said.

    Foster said, The government’s financial audits indicate a litany of suspicious activity. Frankly, the whole fund is precariously structured and seems to be a house of cards about to come crashing down.

    Allen Moss took a deep breath. Hanna could tell her father was trying hard to conceal his real emotion and concern. In his most stern, lawyerly tone, he replied, I have nothing to do with their investment strategy or structure. We merely advise on tax and related legal issues.

    Foster and Hall stared back, seeming to wait for Moss to volunteer anything further. When nothing came, Foster said, We know that you stand to potentially lose millions personally if this investment fund comes unraveled.

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