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The Enchanted Queen: The Chronicles of Cacia, #1
The Enchanted Queen: The Chronicles of Cacia, #1
The Enchanted Queen: The Chronicles of Cacia, #1
Ebook156 pages1 hour

The Enchanted Queen: The Chronicles of Cacia, #1

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The Enchanted Queen is the captivating first installment in The Chronicles of Cacia series by B.A. Brown. Set in the magical kingdom of Cacia, the story follows Queen Amara, a powerful and wise sorceress who ascends to the throne amid turmoil and uncertainty. Her rule is immediately challenged by the sinister forces of the Umbral Order, led by the enigmatic and ruthless Shadow Lord, Malakar.

As political intrigue and looming war threaten to tear the kingdom apart, Amara must navigate the treacherous waters of leadership. Amidst the chaos, she encounters Nyla, a formidable warrior with a mysterious past. Initially, they clash as enemies, their differences seemingly insurmountable. However, as they face numerous trials together, their animosity transforms into a deep and passionate bond, defying their former enmity.

With richly woven characters, intricate world-building, and a unique magic system where colors dictate different abilities, 'The Enchanted Queen' is a tale of love, power, and resilience. Amara's unwavering determination to protect her people and Nyla's fierce loyalty create a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of leadership, the power of unity, and the strength found in unexpected alliances.

Release dateJun 22, 2024
The Enchanted Queen: The Chronicles of Cacia, #1

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    The Enchanted Queen - B.A.Brown

    The Enchanted Queen © 2024 B.A. Brown

    All rights reserved . No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Published by:

    B.A. Brown 

    Cover design by: B.A. Brown

    First Edition: June 2024

    List of Powers:

    1. Red: Elemental Fire

    - Ability to conjure and control fire

    - Immunity to heat and flames

    - Enhanced strength and agility in combat

    2. Blue: Elemental Water

    - Manipulation of water and ice

    - Ability to breathe underwater

    - Healing abilities through water

    3. Green: Elemental Earth

    - Control over plants and nature

    - Ability to cause earthquakes and manipulate earth

    - Enhanced resilience and strength

    4. Yellow: Elemental Air

    - Control over wind and air currents

    - Ability to fly or glide

    - Enhanced speed and agility

    5. Purple: Mind and Illusions

    - Telepathy and mind reading

    - Ability to create and manipulate illusions

    - Enhanced mental clarity and resistance to mind control

    6. White: Light and Healing

    - Healing wounds and ailments

    - Manipulation of light to create blinding flashes or barriers

    - Purification of dark magic

    7. Black: Shadows and Darkness

    - Control over shadows and darkness

    - Ability to become invisible or blend into shadows

    - Draining life force from enemies

    8. Orange: Energy and Force

    - Manipulation of raw energy and force fields

    - Ability to absorb and redirect energy attacks

    - Enhanced physical power and endurance

    9. Pink: Love and Empathy

    - Ability to sense and influence emotions

    - Creation of bonds and understanding between individuals

    - Healing through emotional connection

    10. Silver: Time and Space

    - Manipulation of time (slowing, speeding up, or pausing)

    - Teleportation and spatial manipulation

    - Insight into future events and potential outcomes

    11. Gold: Divine and Protection

    - Creation of protective barriers and shields

    - Channeling divine energy for powerful attacks

    - Immunity to most forms of magic

    12. Bronze: Technology and Machinery

    - Control over machines and technology

    - Ability to understand and repair complex mechanisms

    - Enhanced intelligence and problem-solving abilities

    13. Teal: Communication and Languages

    - Ability to understand and speak any language

    - Telepathic communication over long distances

    - Enhancing the effectiveness of spoken and written spells

    14. Crimson: Blood and Life

    - Control over blood and bodily fluids

    - Ability to heal or harm by manipulating blood

    - Enhanced vitality and regenerative abilities

    15. Indigo: Dream and Vision

    - Entering and influencing dreams

    - Receiving visions and prophecies

    - Enhanced intuition and foresight

    16. Turquoise: Spirit and Souls

    - Communication with spirits and the deceased

    - Ability to manipulate and purify souls

    - Enhanced spiritual awareness and protection

    17. Amber: Animal and Beast Mastery

    - Communication with and control over animals

    - Ability to transform into various animals

    - Enhanced senses and physical attribute

    Pronunciation Guide

    1. Queen Amara (ah-MAH-rah)

    2. Nyla (NYE-lah)

    3. King Elian (EE-lee-an)

    4. Malakar (muh-LAH-kar)

    5. General Liora (lee-OH-rah)

    6. Sorceress Thalia (TAH-lee-ah)

    7. Prince Kael (KAY-el)

    8. Lady Seraphina (seh-rah-FEE-nah)

    9. Captain Darius (DAH-ree-us)

    10. Elder Mervyn (MUR-vin)

    11. Healer Mira (MEER-ah)

    12. Seer Zephyr (ZEH-fir)

    13. Commander Galen (GAY-len)

    14. Scout Elysia (eh-LIH-see-ah)

    15. Knight Roderick (RAH-der-ick)

    16. Mage Lysandra (lih-SAN-drah)

    17. Guardian Brynn (BRIN)

    18. Councilor Idris (IH-dris)

    19. Herbalist Tamsin (TAM-sin)

    20. Merchant Jaxon (JAK-sun)

    21. Blacksmith Thorin (THOR-in)

    22. Emissary Elara (eh-LAH-rah)

    23. Warden Cedric (SEH-drik)

    24. Archivist Rowan (ROH-an)

    25. Hunter Kieran (KEER-an)

    26. Scribe Liora (lee-OH-rah)

    27. Minstrel Lysander (lih-SAN-der)

    28. Alchemist Phaedra (FAY-drah)

    29. Inventor Orin (OR-in)

    30. Guardian Rhea (RAY-ah)

    31. Seer Selene (seh-LEEN)

    32. Knight Gareth (GAH-reth)

    33. Healer Arwen (AR-wen)

    34. Cacia (KAY-shuh)

    35. Aeliana (ay-lee-AH-nuh)

    36. Morath (MOH-rath)

    37. Umbral (UHM-bruhl)

    38. Warrior Thorne (THORN)

    39. Sorcerer Varys (VAR-is)

    40. Captain Caelan (KAY-lan)

    41. Oracle Nyssa (NISS-ah)

    42. Blacksmith Garrick (GAH-rik)

    43. Scholar Briony (BRY-oh-nee)

    44. Hunter Soren (SOH-ren)

    45. Mystic Calla (KAL-ah)

    46. Merchant Evander (ee-VAN-der)

    47. Scout Leif (LAYF)

    48. Artisan Nerys (NEH-ris)

    49. Seer Faye (FAY)

    50. Guardian Alden (ALL-den)

    51. Herbalist Elowen (EH-lo-wen)

    52. Mage Cassian (KAS-ee-an)

    53. Knight Ivor (EE-vor)

    54. Warrior Zarek (ZAR-ek)

    55. Inventor Quinn (KWIN)

    56. Eryndor (eh-RIN-dor)

    Samiyah, thank you for showing me the unconditional love that I never knew I needed. Mommy loves you, and you aren’t allowed to read this book until you are at least 18.

    Chapter 1: The Queen’s Burden

    The sun rose over the kingdom of Cacia, casting a golden hue across the sprawling capital city. Queen Amara stood on the balcony of her palace, surveying her realm with a mixture of pride and concern. The kingdom was beautiful, a testament to generations of wise and just rulers, but it was not without its troubles.

    Amara turned away from the balcony and entered the grand hall, where her advisors awaited her. The hall was adorned with tapestries depicting the history of Cacia, each thread woven with magic that made the scenes come alive. Today, the tapestries depicted a peaceful landscape, but Amara knew the tranquility was fragile.

    Your Majesty, Lord Roderic, her chief advisor, began, the reports from the northern borders are troubling. The rebel leader Nyla has grown bolder, attacking our outposts and rallying more followers to her cause.

    Amara nodded, her expression stern. We must find a way to deal with her. But first, we have a healing ceremony to attend. The people need to see their queen.

    The healing ceremony was a tradition in Cacia, where the queen used her blue and white magic to heal the sick and injured. It was a demonstration of her power and a reminder of her responsibility to her people. As Amara walked through the streets, the citizens bowed and whispered words of gratitude and awe.

    In the central square, a group of villagers had gathered, their faces etched with worry and hope. Amara stepped onto the raised platform, her white robes flowing around her like a cascade of light. She raised her hands, and a soft blue glow emanated from her fingertips, spreading warmth and healing energy through the crowd.

    One by one, the villagers stepped forward, their ailments vanishing as Amara touched them. A child with a fever, an elderly man with a broken leg, a woman with a deep cut on her arm – all were healed by the queen's touch. The crowd murmured in amazement, their faith in their queen renewed.

    But as Amara looked out over her people, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Nyla's rebellion was growing stronger, and Amara knew that healing her people was only part of her duty. She had to protect them, and that meant facing Nyla head-on.

    Chapter 2: Rebellion in the North

    Far to the north, in the rugged wilderness beyond Cacia's borders, Nyla stood atop a rocky outcrop, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon. Her black dreaded hair whipped around her face, matching the intensity of her red and black magic. Behind her, a group of warriors gathered, their faces set with determination and defiance.

    Today, we strike a blow against the tyranny of Cacia! Nyla's voice rang out, strong and unwavering. For too long, our people have suffered under their rule. We fight not just for ourselves, but for future generations.

    Her warriors cheered, raising their weapons in solidarity. Nyla had earned their loyalty through her bravery and skill in battle. She was a fierce leader, driven by a desire for justice and vengeance for the wrongs

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