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Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance
Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance
Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance
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Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance

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About this ebook

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a normal girl who is sought after by many magic creatures that won't take no for an answer? You are about to find out in this romance that will keep you guessing till the very end. Who would you pick? The vampire, wizard, angel or something else entirely. This is not a your average love story.

PublisherSkye Rickman
Release dateJun 22, 2024
Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance

Skye Rickman

About the author  Skye Rickman S. Rickman Skye is a 30 year old woman from New York. She enjoys reading, and playing video games, especially Pokemon. She loves rock/metal/dark wave music. She likes comedies and scary movies. She hopes to be a famous author someday. You can find her on YouTube, and Kofi. Her books can be purchased on Kofi. She goes by Skye for her 16+ plus books And S for the 18+ plus books

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    Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance - Skye Rickman

    Soulmates - A Paranormal Romance

    Skye Rickman

    Published by Skye Rickman, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. June 22, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 Skye Rickman.

    Written by Skye Rickman.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Soulmates - a paranormal romance

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    About the Author


    A Paranormal Romance

    Skye Rickman

    Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a normal girl who is sought after by many magic creatures that won’t take no for an answer? You are about to find out in this romance that will keep you guessing till the very end. Who would you pick? The vampire, wizard, angel or something else entirely. This is not a your average love story.

    Chapter 1 Vampires

    Skye is a 17-year-old girl. She has long black hair and deep blue eyes. She’s gotten tired of the foster care system. Her parents died in a car crash when she was five and she’s been abused at home ever since.

    I’ve had enough I’m leaving! she screamed. She ran out the door with just her clothes and hid deep in the forest. Her foster parents didn’t care for her, so they didn’t give chase. She hid in an abandoned shack. It was cold out, just turning from summer to fall. She started shivering. Not knowing what she was going to do next.

    She suddenly heard an ominous noise and footsteps. She hid underneath her jacket and kept quiet. Hoping whatever was there would leave. She heard something approaching. Suddenly it was on top of her and slowly lifting her jacket up. She started crying and begging. Please don’t hurt me.

    The creature threw off her coat revealing a scared teen underneath. She held her hands up, shaking. Please leave me alone.

    He brought his face close to hers. Sniffing her, inhaling her scent. You my dear are a special human. No I’m not! What are you?’ She asked. I’m a vampire but I won’t turn you. I promise."

    I don’t believe you, she said still crying.

    She couldn’t tell what he looked like in the dark but his presence was terrifying.

    Come with me, it’s not safe out here. My father does not approve of humans, so I’ll keep you a secret for now. He grabbed her by the hand, but she pulled away. I don’t trust you, vampires kill humans. she said. Not all vampires, it’s mostly the deceivers. They are a group of vampires that can make a human do whatever they want by getting in their mind. Anything from falling in love with them or making them kill other humans. I’m not a deceiver. My dad is the king of vampires. He took her by the hand again, but she pulled away.

    How do I know you aren’t deceiving me now? And why am I special? I can teach you everything you need to know if you come with me. No!" she screamed. He grabbed her by the waist and ran at lighting speed to his mansion

    They got inside and he used his powers to lock every door and window

    Let me out of here, please! She fell to her knees crying. Don’t cry my dear. I want you to be mine. I want to make you happy. This is not the way to do it! She yelled. He put his hand over her mouth.  Shh my sweet, my father’s house isn’t far from here. He cannot know about us yet.

    He used his powers to turn on the lights. Now that she could see him he looked quite beautiful.

    Long black hair, deep red eyes, clean face. Tall, skinny. I need to snap out of this she thought. I can’t get feelings for him.

    There isn’t an us. I’m a human and you kidnapped me. I can read your thoughts, you find me attractive.  So what? It doesn’t mean I want to be with you. But I want to be with you. He said holding her hand.

    This time she let him hold her hand. There, isn’t that better? He asked I don’t know anything about you, and you don’t know anything about me. she said.

    You still never answered me on why I’m special.

    "You have a special scent. A scent that only comes from a person once in a lifetime. The scent means that through the power of my father, he can inject you with venom and instead of you turning into a vampire it will make you not immortal but almost impossible to kill . My father’s special venom combined with your DNA will make you superhuman.

    Why would your father inject me to make me powerful when he hates humans and how is all this even possible?

    She started feeling scared again, shaking all over. He pulled her into a hug.  She started crying again.

    He started running his fingers through her hair as she started hugging him back. He was making her feel safe but she couldn’t understand it.

    You will understand everything in time just give us a chance please. I have been alive for hundreds of years, but I’ve known all that time you were coming, and I’ve saved myself to be with you. I know that might scare you, but I promise to treat you like a queen. She sighed and held him tighter. I got you, please stop crying my beautiful girl.  He kissed her on her forehead and held her tighter. It’s been a long night, time for you to rest, you can take the guest room. He led her to an all-purple room. Dark purple paint, with a queen bed covered in velvet purple sheets. She laid down in bed and he tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead.

    Goodnight my sweet.

    Chapter 2 Deceivers

    She woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. She got out of bed and wanted to change into clean clothes but realized she didn’t have any.

    James walked in the room with a beautiful pink dress and other clothes for her. New underwear, shirts , pants, PJs, socks and bras.

    How did you do this? She asked excitedly. I checked the tags on your clothes while you slept and went to the shop before sunrise.

    Thank you so much. she replied kissing him on the cheek. I’ll leave the room while you change.

    She put on her clothes and admired herself in the mirror. She made her bed and set the rest of her clothes on it. She opened her door and walked into the hallway. It was a grand mansion with a spiral staircase and many rooms.

    Hello my love you look so ravishing today. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the lips.

    She kissed him back but just a quick one.

    I still don’t know much about you and we just met. Once you know everything you will see we are perfect for each other.  He said, hugging her tighter.

    Let’s have some breakfast. He lead her into this gorgeous kitchen. Black walls with golden appliances and a golden sink.

    Wow you really have an amazing place.

    Only the best for you my queen. He said as he kissed her hand. They sat down to eat breakfast together.

    I thought vampires didn’t eat and only drank blood.

    We can eat but don’t get much out of it. This was more for you my dear. It’s delicious, thank you. I’m glad you like it. I’ll give you anything you want.

    May I have my freedom to leave the house as I please?   Yes but you have to be in before sunset. There are many dangerous creatures out there. I burn in the sunlight if I’m out more then an hour so I can’t go with you.

    So may I take a walk after breakfast?  Yes but follow the path. Once you get to the lake don’t go any further. You must come back by sunset. Can I trust you not to run away? Yes you can and thank you for everything. She hugged him and gave him a kiss. Oh my sweet I cannot wait till you fall in love with me. He said as he kissed her.

    I feel like I am falling for you. But I been hurt by so many in the past that said they cared for me. So can we take it slow. I’m. Not 18 yet and this is new to me. I’m still scared but happy too. She kissed him back.

    I promise you I won’t do anything to hurt you, and when you are 18 I have something special for you.

    He held her tight and they kissed once more .

    I’m going on my walk now I won’t be out late.

    Hurry back my dear. He said as she walked out the door

    She walked down the dirt path down towards the water. Beautiful pink and purple flowers lining each side of the path. She got down to the water and sat down on a dock. The mansion no longer in sight. The warm sun is caressing her skin. Suddenly she feels a hand touch her shoulder. She flinches a bit and turns around. Who are you? she asked. A man is standing before her. Shoulder length blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes.

    I live near here, it’s nice to meet you. You are very cute, he says as he takes her hand and presses his lips against it.  She blushes. Thank you very much. Do you live near here?"  He asks not wanting to let her hand go 

    Yes but I don’t know yet if I’m staying or not. I ran away from home and someone kind took me in, his name is James.

    The man cringed at the name. I’ve heard about his family. They kill humans for sport. They are not good people. I’d leave as soon as you can. She pulled her hand away from him

    He’s been treating me really well. He bought me new clothes, makes me delicious food and protects me.

    He’s a deceiver. He can control other humans with his mind.  I can protect you from him.  I don’t even know you. How do I know anything you are saying is true. she says stepping back from the water.

    I’ll show you a secret. If I show you what most don’t know about me will you trust me? I don’t know. She replied.

    He started changing shape. What was once a human standing before her , was now a vampire. With sharp fangs. I’m a shape shifter. I can look like a human when needed or a vampire.

    She stepped back. Wow that’s amazing. She said in shock. He stepped closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. " What would be more amazing is if I could have a woman like you. I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you in all my years. He leaned in to kiss her. Leaving his scent on her tongue so that James would know he’s been with her.  She felt a wave of electricity throughout her body as he kissed her. It felt indescribable, but she pulled back.

    I know what you said about James but I still have feelings for him I’m sorry. I have to go.

    She started running up the path. He shouted after her. Your making a mistake."  She ignored him and kept running. It was getting dark and she was just getting to the mansion when a faceless being grabbed her and began sucking the energy from her. She started screaming. The mysterious vampire that had just been by the lake ran up the path and punched the entity in the gut. It disappeared into the darkness.

    What was that? She asked while getting to her feet. That was a void. It sucks the life out of humans and other creatures. Thank you for saving me but I still want to be with James. We can be friends maybe but that’s it. The vampire could smell James approaching . "I must go but

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