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Famous Footsteps: The Chance Encounters Series, #74
Famous Footsteps: The Chance Encounters Series, #74
Famous Footsteps: The Chance Encounters Series, #74
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Famous Footsteps: The Chance Encounters Series, #74

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About this ebook

Ethan Morgan, the son of a famous professional soccer player, Chris Morgan, gets to go to the same university to be apart of the same sport program which his dad took part in when he was at that very same university. But one of Ethan's new teammates who isn't from a well off family and is there on a scholarship, Jack Knight, doesn't like Ethan because of his famous father and his wealth. But as they start spending time together feelings start growing between the two. But both aren't out as gay and afraid to come out.  

Release dateJun 23, 2024
Famous Footsteps: The Chance Encounters Series, #74

Monica Moss

Monica Moss is a short contemporary romance author. She's always loved romances and short stories. She writes short gay romances about chance encounters, love enduring prejudice, and taking the leap of faith for the love you deserve. 

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    Famous Footsteps - Monica Moss


    As I walked into my dorm room for the first time, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. The room was small, but it was mine, a place where I could finally try to be just Ethan Morgan, not the son of the legendary soccer player Chris Morgan. My suitcases were stacked haphazardly by the door, and I took a moment to survey the space. Two twin beds, two desks, a shared bathroom – it wasn’t much, but it was a fresh start.

    I began unpacking, carefully placing my clothes in the tiny closet and setting up my desk with the essentials: a laptop, notebooks, and a framed photo of my family. The photo was a reminder of home, of my parents who always insisted I work hard for everything I had. Despite what people might think, my life wasn’t a series of handouts and luxury. My parents made sure of that.

    I was about halfway through organizing when my phone buzzed. It was Mom. I answered, smiling at the familiar sound of her voice.

    Hi, honey! How's everything going? Are you settling in alright? she asked.

    Hey, Mom. Yeah, I'm just getting everything set up, I replied, trying to sound upbeat despite the nervous knot in my stomach.

    Remember, Ethan, this is your time to shine. Just be yourself and follow your heart. You've got this, she said, her voice full of encouragement.

    I sighed, grateful for her support. Thanks, Mom. I really hope so.

    After we hung up, I continued unpacking, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than the weight of expectations pressing down on me. Everyone here knew who my dad was, and I could already feel the eyes of the media lurking, waiting for me to stumble. It wasn’t just about proving myself on the soccer field; it was about showing the world I could stand on my own.

    And then there was my secret. The part of me I’d kept hidden for so long, the part that was terrified of being discovered. Being gay wasn’t something I could easily share, not with the media's scrutiny, not with my dad’s reputation on the line. I had never even told my parents or friends back home. The fear of rejection, of disappointing the people I loved, was too great.

    My roommate hadn't arrived yet, and I felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a bit of dread. What if he turned out to be a jerk? Or worse, what if he found out about my secret?

    I took a deep breath, pushing those worries aside. This was my chance to start fresh, to make a name for myself. I just had to stay focused, work hard, and keep my head down. As long as I did that, maybe – just maybe – things would be okay.

    I was in the middle of arranging my books on the shelf when the door swung open. I turned to see a tall, athletic guy standing in the doorway, his eyes sweeping over the room before landing on me. He had a duffel bag slung over one shoulder and a backpack in his other hand.

    Hey, I said, trying to sound friendly and approachable. You must be Jack. I’m Ethan.

    Jack's expression shifted from confusion to something harder to read. He dropped his bags on the empty bed across from mine and gave me a curt nod.

    Yeah, I’m Jack, he said, his tone flat and uninviting.

    I tried to bridge the awkward silence. So, where are you from?

    Jack didn’t even look up as he started unpacking. Around, he muttered, his back to me.

    I felt a bit taken aback by his coldness. Most people I met were at least polite, if not overly friendly. I continued to unpack in silence, the excitement of starting university now tinged with a sense of unease. Jack's hostility was palpable, and I couldn’t figure out what I’d done to deserve it. Maybe he just needed time to warm up. Or maybe there was something else going on that I didn’t understand.


    As I walked into the dorm room, I felt a wave of irritation. There he was, the golden boy Ethan Morgan, son of the legendary Chris Morgan. The room felt smaller, more claustrophobic with his presence. He looked up and smiled, trying to be friendly, but I wasn’t buying it.

    Hey, you must be Jack. I’m Ethan, he said, his voice annoyingly cheerful.

    I nodded curtly, not bothering to hide my irritation. Yeah, I’m Jack.

    I dropped my bags on the bed and started unpacking, my back to him. I didn’t want to engage in small talk. I didn’t want to hear about his privileged life or how he was trying to escape his dad’s shadow. I knew all about guys like him – everything handed to them on a silver platter while people like me had to fight for every scrap.

    So, where are you from? he asked, still trying to make conversation.

    Around, I muttered, keeping my answers short. I wasn’t here to be his friend.

    I couldn’t stand the thought of this guy coasting through life while I had to claw my way to the top. I’d worked my ass off to get here, to earn my scholarship and my place on the soccer team. I wasn’t about to let some rich kid take that away from me.

    As I unpacked, I decided then and there that I was going to make things difficult for Ethan. He needed to learn that not everything came easy, and I was just the person to teach him that lesson.


    Joining the soccer team was supposed to be one of the highlights of my first week at university. I was eager to meet new people and prove myself on my own terms, away from my dad’s shadow. However, the reality of it was a mixed bag.

    When I walked onto the field for the first practice, a few of the guys immediately recognized me. Their reactions ranged from excitement to awe. They crowded around, asking about my dad and sharing stories of their favorite games. It was flattering, but also a bit overwhelming. I wanted to be known for my own skills, not just as Chris Morgan’s son.

    Hey, Ethan! Can you tell your dad I’m his biggest fan? one of them asked, practically bouncing on his toes.

    I forced a smile. Sure, I’ll let him know.

    Amidst the throng of curious and excited teammates, I noticed Jack standing apart, his expression as cold as it had been in our dorm room. His eyes narrowed as he watched the others swarm around me. There was a hardness to his gaze that made me uneasy.

    During practice, Jack’s attitude didn’t improve. He played aggressively, his tackles harder than necessary, and his passes to me were either too short or too strong. It was clear he was making things difficult on purpose. I did my best to keep up and not let it get to me, but his hostility was wearing me down.

    After practice, as we were all heading to the locker rooms, I tried to catch up with Jack. Hey, Jack, I called out, jogging to his side. Do you have a minute?

    He didn’t slow down. What do you want, Morgan? he replied tersely.

    I just wanted to see if we could talk, I said, trying to keep my tone neutral. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.

    Jack stopped and turned to face me, his eyes cold and unyielding. Listen, I don’t care who your dad is or what you’re trying to prove here. Just stay out of my way, and we won’t have any problems.

    I stood there, stunned, as he walked away. I had hoped that joining the team would help us bond, but it seemed to only deepen the rift between us. Jack’s resentment was clear, and it looked like I had a long road ahead if I wanted to earn his respect. For now, all I could do was focus on my game and hope that, eventually, my teammates—and maybe even Jack—would see me for who I really was.


    I showed up late to the first day of training, a habit I was trying to break. But between juggling my part-time job and classes, sometimes things just didn’t go as planned. As I jogged onto the field, I saw him already there—Ethan Morgan, early and eager, like he had something to prove.

    The moment I stepped onto the pitch, I could feel his eyes on me. I didn’t need to look at him to know what he was thinking. His father’s fame cast a long shadow, and I was in no mood to be compared to someone who had everything handed to him on a silver platter.

    Practice started, and I kept my distance, focusing on my drills. But it

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