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Songs of the Heart: The Latin Ladies Series, #3
Songs of the Heart: The Latin Ladies Series, #3
Songs of the Heart: The Latin Ladies Series, #3
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Songs of the Heart: The Latin Ladies Series, #3

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Enemies with sizzling chemistry become songwriting partners in a high-stakes Miami music competition!


Elena Moreno, a rising Latin star with a heart of gold, wants to take the Miami music scene by storm. But when she's paired with Alex Rivera, a jaded music producer who's sworn off love and fame, sparks fly in more ways than one.


Forced to collaborate on a winning song, their battle of wills ignites a passionate melody that neither can ignore. Can they overcome their differences and create chart-topping music, or will their pride silence their shot at love?


Find out if their duet hits the right note in this enemies-to-lovers romance that will have you dancing in your seat!


Book Three in The Latin Ladies Series

Release dateJun 23, 2024
Songs of the Heart: The Latin Ladies Series, #3

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    Songs of the Heart - Mia Munoz


    Elena Moreno

    miami, florida

    The dim lights of the small venue cast a warm glow on Elena's face, her eyes closed as she cradled the microphone like a lifeline. Her voice rose and fell with the rhythm of her original song, a melody that weaved through the crowd, touching the souls of those who had come to hear authentic music. She was a storm of emotion, her passionate vocals spilling over like water from an overturned glass. Each note was a thread from the fabric of her dreams, stitched into a tapestry that hung in the air, vibrant and alive.

    Y aunque la vida me cueste, yo seguiré... Elena belted the chorus with a fervor that shook her petite frame. The bar patrons, a mixture of regulars and newcomers drawn by word of mouth, erupted into cheers. Elena opened her eyes, her gaze meeting their enthusiasm; it was a connection unspoken, yet palpable. They felt her desire, her yearning to transcend this stage and reach for something greater, something that lay just beyond the horizon of her Miami neighborhood.

    As the last chord from her guitarist faded into applause, Elena's smile was a beacon in the dim room. She bowed, humility laced with the silent promise of a future where her name would be known far beyond these four walls.

    More coffee, ma'am? Elena's voice, now absent of its earlier fervor, offered the warmth of Cuban hospitality as she navigated the crowded floor of the restaurant. The clink of dishes and the hum of conversation replaced the resonance of guitars and adoring fans. A tray balanced expertly in one hand, she moved with grace between tables, her otherworldly stage presence now grounded in the reality of her server's apron.

    Her mind drifted as she refilled cups and took orders, each mundane task punctuated by a fleeting glimpse of a dream. In her daydreams, the steam rising from the coffee pots transformed into the smoky haze of a grand stage, and the chatter of patrons morphed into the roar of an awestruck crowd chanting her name. Elena Moreno, no longer just Ellie from the block, but a star that burned bright against the Miami skyline.

    She caught herself mid-reverie, a wry smile touching her lips. Elena, focus, she chided herself silently, but the ember of her ambition refused to be snuffed out by the drudgery of daily life. It smoldered within her, a constant reminder that she was meant for more than refills and customer service with a side of sweet smiles.

    Elena served each table with a dancer's rhythm, her thoughts syncopated to the beat of her own unwritten songs. She was here, but not here, already living in the tomorrow she was crafting note by heartfelt note. The ding of the kitchen bell brought her back to now, but the fire in her eyes remained undiminished. This was just an interlude, she knew, a brief pause in the composition of her life's symphony. And when the time came, she'd be ready to play the crescendo.

    The clink of coffee cups on saucers punctuated the chatter of a bustling cafe as Elena slid into the booth opposite Camila. The worn vinyl squeaked under her weight, a familiar sound in their shared sanctuary away from the world. Camila's eyes were sympathetic pools reflecting Elena's own dreams and doubts.

    Girl, when you sing, it's like Miami's got its own Celia Cruz, Camila began, stirring her café con leche with fervor. You need to be out there, en la luz, where you belong.

    Elena's laugh was a soft flutter, a nervous butterfly in a garden of possibilities. I want that, Cami, more than anything. She traced the rim of her cup, eyes distant. But Mama and Papa... they don't understand. They see music as a hobby, not a life.

    Ellie, tu música is your heart speaking, Camila pressed, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand. Your family loves you, but this is your vida we're talking about.

    Si, I know, Elena sighed, her voice thick with the weight of unspoken dreams. She pulled back her hand, wrapping it around the warmth of her drink. This was the tug-of-war of her soul—tradition and expectation on one end, raw passion and ambition on the other.

    The setting sun cast long shadows over the family dining table later that evening, the air heavy with the scent of roasted pork and plantains. Isabela Moreno, Elena’s mother, presided at the head, her gaze an anchor in the tempest of Elena's thoughts. Dinner was a silent symphony until Isabela spoke, her words sharp as knife cuts against the softness of the meal.

    Elena, cuando vas a encontrar un buen hombre? Isabella asked, the question hanging between them like laundry in the breeze, obvious and unavoidable. This singing... it won’t put food on the table or give you children.

    Papa nodded solemnly, his agreement a quiet echo to Mama's sentiment, a duet of traditional expectations.

    Music feeds my soul, Mama, Elena said, her voice firm yet respectful, a dance of defiance and reverence. Her fork pushed around the yuca on her plate, a metaphor for the life she was rearranging with every note she wrote.

    El alma no paga las cuentas, Isabela countered, her eyes softening just enough to betray her maternal conflict. We want security for you, mi amor.

    Security doesn't make me happy, Elena whispered, almost to herself, as if admitting it too loudly might make the dream crumble.

    Isabela reached for her husband's hand, seeking solidarity. Happiness is fleeting, Elena. Family lasts forever.

    The table fell into a tense rhythm, forks scraping plates and hearts beating against the cage of tradition. Elena's spirit soared above them, a lone bird against the twilight sky, her wings spread wide towards the beckoning lights of Miami. But even as she yearned to fly, the gravity of her mother’s love and the fear of disappointment held her grounded.

    And in the silence that followed, filled only by the clinking of cutlery, Elena's resolve hardened like the caramel crust on flan. Unseen and unheard, but undeniably present.

    The hum of Miami’s nightlife pulsed through the air, but within the walls of Camila's modest apartment, all was still except for the two friends sitting side by side on the worn-out couch. The glow from the single floor lamp cast a warm light over them, as if it too, was listening in on their conversation.

    Ellie, you can't let their fears dictate your life, Camila said, her voice laced with conviction. She handed Elena a flyer, vibrant and loud against the dimness of the room. "Look at this, girl. This competition is huge. It's your chance to be heard."

    Elena held the glossy paper between her fingers, her heart drumming a beat that rivaled the distant music of the city. The faces of her parents flashed before her eyes, their words from dinner still ricocheting in her mind. She drew a deep breath, the scent of Camila's strong Cuban coffee promising courage.

    I know, but Mama... Papa... Elena hesitated, her thoughts tangled like the strings on her old guitar.

    Your mama and papa want you happy, verdad? Camila leaned in, her eyes earnest. This could be it. This could be your moment.

    Elena nodded slowly, the flyer seeming to grow heavier with potential. The songwriting competition was indeed a beacon, a lighthouse guiding ships lost at sea, and she felt adrift amidst expectations and dreams.

    Okay, Elena murmured, a whisper of determination threading through her words. I'll do it.

    Que bueno! Camila exclaimed, her voice a sudden burst of joy in the quiet room. She wrapped an arm around Elena's shoulders, sharing the weight of the decision.

    Later that night, after Camila had fallen asleep on the couch, muttering encouragements even in her slumber, Elena sat at the tiny desk tucked in the corner of her own bedroom. She switched on her laptop, the screen's blue light spilling over her determined face. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, a silent melody of hope and trepidation.

    She clicked on the video file labeled Audition and watched herself sing one of her original songs, pouring every ounce of her soul into the performance. Her image on the screen was electric, alive with passion that couldn't be contained by pixelated boundaries.

    Por ti, I'm doing this, she whispered to Elena in the video. With a steadying breath that tasted of rebellion, she filled out the competition application form. Her heart raced as she hovered over the 'submit' button, a gateway to possibilities unknown.

    And then she clicked.

    Elena sank back in her chair, the deed done, her secret ambition now hurtling through the digital cosmos towards its fate. The night outside cradled her brave new world in its dark embrace, and for a moment, she allowed herself to imagine the stage lights, the roar of a crowd, and a future crafted by her own hands.

    Para mi futuro, she breathed, her whispered words a vow to herself and the rhythm of the city that never slept.

    The stillness of the night was a stark contrast to the storm brewing in Elena's chest. She had taken the leap, her heart now a wild drumbeat echoing against the silence. The quiet hum of Miami seemed to whisper secrets back to her, stories of what might come from such a bold move.

    In her mind's eye, she saw the stage again, this time not in the dingy bar where she often performed, but at the competition, grand and looming. The image flickered, a premonition tinged with both promise and uncertainty. It was a

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