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Conquer Chronic Diabetes: Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Preventing Complications
Conquer Chronic Diabetes: Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Preventing Complications
Conquer Chronic Diabetes: Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Preventing Complications
Ebook69 pages28 minutes

Conquer Chronic Diabetes: Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Preventing Complications

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About this ebook

Diabetes is a long-lasting metabolic illness that makes it difficult for the body to control blood sugar levels. With millions of Americans suffering from the condition, diabetes has grown to be a huge public health concern in the country. The prevalence, risk factors, and effects on the healthcare system of chronic diabetes in the United States will all be covered in this chapter's summary.

With an anticipated 34.2 million Americans, or nearly 10.5% of the population, having diabetes as of 2021, the disease has emerged as a serious public health concern in the US. Over the past few decades, the prevalence of diabetes has been progressively rising, and it is anticipated that this trend will continue in the years to come. Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disorder in which the body does not create insulin, and type 2 diabetes, a condition in which the body does not utilise insulin properly or does not make enough insulin, are both examples of chronic diabetes.

PublisherShaddy writes
Release dateJun 23, 2024
Conquer Chronic Diabetes: Strategies for Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Preventing Complications

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    Book preview

    Conquer Chronic Diabetes - KEVIN SLOAN


    Diabetes is a long-lasting metabolic illness that makes it difficult for the body to control blood sugar levels. With millions of Americans suffering from the condition, diabetes has grown to be a huge public health concern in the country. The prevalence, risk factors, and effects on the healthcare system of chronic diabetes in the United States will all be covered in this chapter's summary.

    WITH AN ANTICIPATED 34.2 million Americans, or nearly 10.5% of the population, having diabetes as of 2021, the disease has emerged as a serious public health concern in the US. Over the past few decades, the prevalence of diabetes has been progressively rising, and it is anticipated that this trend will continue in the years to come. Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disorder in which the body does not create insulin, and type 2 diabetes, a condition in which the body does not utilise insulin properly or does not make enough insulin, are both examples of chronic diabetes.

    IN THE UNITED STATES, the emergence of chronic diabetes is influenced by a number of risk factors. A family history of diabetes is a risk factor for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, demonstrating the influence of genetics. Obesity, inactivity, and poor diet are lifestyle choices that also raise the chance of acquiring diabetes. Furthermore, specific demographic variables including age, ethnicity, and gender may have an effect on the prevalence of diabetes in various groups.

    CHRONIC DIABETES HAS a significant negative effect on both the healthcare system and the economy. Diabetes treatment is expensive, leading to higher healthcare costs and decreased productivity. Diabetes' consequences include cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, eye disease, neuropathy, and kidney disease. Diabetes also has a societal impact because it affects the mental health and general well-being of those who have the disease.

    DESPITE THE DIFFICULTIES brought on by chronic diabetes in the United States, there are methods for control and prevention. Effective diabetes treatment can be achieved through a combination of proper medical care, such as medication, insulin therapy, and blood sugar monitoring, as well as lifestyle changes like healthy diet, frequent exercise, and weight management.

    NEW MEDICATIONS, TECHNOLOGIES, and devices have been developed recently to help people with diabetes better control their blood sugar levels and avoid problems. These developments have improved the treatment and management of

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