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CompTia Security 701: Fundamentals of Security
CompTia Security 701: Fundamentals of Security
CompTia Security 701: Fundamentals of Security
Ebook64 pages34 minutes

CompTia Security 701: Fundamentals of Security

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About this ebook

Fundamentals of Security introduces essential concepts from the CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 exam, crucial for understanding cybersecurity before delving into technical details. Cybersecurity professionals face challenges from both hackers and internal threats, often complicated by the tension between security and usability.

Using a home network example, the book illustrates the balance between convenience and security, as users frequently change complex default passwords to simpler ones, weakening security.

In an organizational context, balancing stringent security measures and productivity is key to preventing costly data breaches. The book defines critical terms like information security (protecting data) and information system security (protecting systems that process data).

Key security concepts covered include the CIA Triad (confidentiality, integrity, availability), non-repudiation (ensuring actions can't be denied), and authentication (verifying identity). The AAA framework (authentication, authorization, accounting) is explained for comprehensive understanding.

The book categorizes security controls into technical, managerial, operational, and physical, detailing types like preventative (firewalls), detective (intrusion detection), and corrective (backups). It also explores the Zero Trust model, which assumes no inherent trust and requires continuous verification.

Fundamentals of Security offers a clear, concise guide to these foundational concepts, essential for anyone pursuing the CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 certification and a career in cybersecurity.


PublisherAdil Ahmed
Release dateJun 23, 2024
CompTia Security 701: Fundamentals of Security

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    Book preview

    CompTia Security 701 - AS Snipes

    Synopsis: Fundamentals of Security

    Fundamentals of Security introduces essential concepts from the CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 exam, crucial for understanding cybersecurity before delving into technical details. Cybersecurity professionals face challenges from both hackers and internal threats, often complicated by the tension between security and usability.

    Using a home network example, the book illustrates the balance between convenience and security, as users frequently change complex default passwords to simpler ones, weakening security.

    In an organizational context, balancing stringent security measures and productivity is key to preventing costly data breaches. The book defines critical terms like information security (protecting data) and information system security (protecting systems that process data).

    Key security concepts covered include the CIA Triad (confidentiality, integrity, availability), non-repudiation (ensuring actions can't be denied), and authentication (verifying identity). The AAA framework (authentication, authorization, accounting) is explained for comprehensive understanding.

    The book categorizes security controls into technical, managerial, operational, and physical, detailing types like preventative (firewalls), detective (intrusion detection), and corrective (backups). It also explores the Zero Trust model, which assumes no inherent trust and requires continuous verification.

    Fundamentals of Security offers a clear, concise guide to these foundational concepts, essential for anyone pursuing the CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 certification and a career in cybersecurity.

    Fundamentals of Security


    Before delving into technical aspects like SQL injections, password cracking, or configuring firewalls, it's crucial to understand some basic concepts. As a cybersecurity professional, ensuring the security of networks and systems is challenging due to both external threats (hackers) and internal threats (end users bypassing security controls). The friction between security and usability often complicates this task.

    Example: Home Network Security

    Consider your home internet setup. Typically, your internet service provider (ISP) gives you a device with a modem and router, along with a complex default password. While users often change this password to something simpler for convenience, this reduces security as easier passwords are more vulnerable to attacks. Balancing security and usability is an ongoing challenge.

    Operational Balance in Cybersecurity

    In an organizational context, striking a balance between security and convenience is essential. Overly stringent security measures can hinder productivity, prompting users to find workarounds. Conversely, prioritizing convenience can weaken security. This trade-off often leads to data breaches, costing companies millions annually. The goal is to create a secure yet user-friendly environment.

    Key Definitions

    Understanding two key terms is crucial: information security and information system security. Information security involves protecting data from unauthorized access, modification, disruption, disclosure, corruption, and destruction. Information system security focuses on protecting the systems (e.g., computers, servers, network devices) that hold and process critical data.

    Understanding Security Concepts

    To effectively protect networks and data, it's important to grasp various fundamental security concepts.

    CIA Triad

    The CIA Triad consists of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality ensures information is accessible only to authorized individuals (e.g., encrypted files). Integrity ensures data remains accurate and unaltered (e.g., using checksums). Availability ensures resources are accessible and functional

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