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My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers: Fall in Love with Them
My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers: Fall in Love with Them
My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers: Fall in Love with Them
Ebook204 pages3 hours

My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers: Fall in Love with Them

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"We shouldn't do this. . ." I whispered as I watched my stepbrothers' glowing eyes sweep hungrily down my body.

"Yet. . .It is inevitable. You can never stop the fire that burns from the existence of a mate bond," they whispered breathlessly in unison.

Yulia Moonshadow has been on the run for five years and just when she thinks she can finally lay her guard down, the predator— Dimitri catches up to her.
She is about to resume the run when her mother announces her marriage with the most powerful man in the realm— Lycan Silver Frostwood.
Yulia has no choice but to allow this union and she moves in to find out that Lycan Silver has triplets who turn out to be her mates. As hard as all four of them try to ignore the power of the mate bond, it pulls them in until they begin a secret affair in the cover of darkness.

But happiness is not meant to stay forever. For darkness greater than the secrets getting revealed as well as the devil Dimitri himself is slowly creeping in and before they realize it. . .
It is already too late.

Release dateJun 22, 2024
My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers: Fall in Love with Them

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    Book preview

    My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers - B. Mimija



    We had been driving for ages now.

    The sun was beginning to travel to the centre of the sky. That was when my stomach began to rumble hungrily. I had hoped that I could hold my hunger through the journey so that I would be at home but I could no longer bear it.

    I began to hug my stomach and Ian noticed.

    You're okay? He asked and I shook my head at him. What's wrong? Should we stop by a doctor?

    I shook my head. We need to stop by the nearest restaurant or I'm going to die of hunger, I managed to say.

    Stop here, Icelyn ordered before Ian could say anything. Then he turned to me. You should have said something earlier and we would have eaten at the fortress, he stated coldly.

    Don't blame me. It's your fault for being so intimidating and rigid, I replied before pouting my lips at him.

    Luckily, there was a restaurant on our side. This must have been why he had asked Icelyn to stop.

    To my greatest surprise, we were already back in town. I must have struggled with hunger for the past hour.

    A big smile took over my face when the smell of food hit me hard. Issa drove us into the packing space while I beamed with excitement. When I was sure that we had fully parked the car, I sat up instantly and got out of the car after Ian.

    My mouth is already watering! I exclaimed.

    Icelyn got out of the car, filled with his pride and ego as usual. I wondered if he was going to have any appetite to eat after filling himself up with his annoying attitude.

    I refrained from making a face at him, well, until he spoke.

    We'll have a quick lunch and head back out, he announced.

    This time, I made a silent face imitating everything he said but without a word. Ian and Issa suddenly chuckled and this got Icelyn to turn toward us. I stopped immediately and looked away.

    What is so funny? He demanded.

    I moved my eyes around the place and avoided looking into his face. He released a low rumble before leading the way into the restaurant.

    On stepping inside, I fell in love with how cozy it felt. It was overly warm and I knew that I was going to enjoy the food here.

    Icelyn found us seats closest to the glass wall that faced outside. Here, he could see the outside world and our car where it was parked. It was the only car and this meant that they could try to steal it.

    A young waitress made her way to us. What would you like to have, beautiful people? She asked as she took out her pen.

    There were menus on the table and I took mine, scanning through to see what I would like. I realised that I was so hungry that I could eat an entire pot myself. I felt as if I had not eaten in days.

    I'll take this special pasta, some salad and extra dressing, a plate of chicken soup and another plate of chips, I answered.

    This got the boys to stare at me in shock. What? I wasn't kidding when I said that I was hungry, I defended myself.

    The girl giggled. What about you, good sirs? She asked.

    Suddenly, she gasped when she looked into Issa's face. My goddess! You're the Lycans triplets! She announced and instantly bowed to them.

    Icelyn sighed. I told you to wear a cap, fool. Hiding your hair is not enough, he scolded him. Then he turned to the girl. I want you to pretend as if we're regular customers. You don't need to give us special treatment, he answered.

    She nodded and bowed at the same time and I knew that she was going to do the total opposite of what he had said. The moment she left the table, she went to whisper unheard words to her superiors and they started trooping.

    My Lords, it's an honour to have you in our restaurant. To grow that we are honoured, all the food that you will have is on the house. We are very grateful for your continued protection, he announced.

    And I found myself smiling at Icelyn's pissed expression. He ran his fingers over his face in defeat.

    I think you're not being a very good businessman, sir. I would bring out my most expensive menu for them if I were you. They have all the money in the world to pay for them, I announced.

    The man suddenly tilted his head slightly and I realised that he had fallen for it. I'll be right back, he answered and hurried away.

    And that's how you deal with them, I answered.

    All the money, Issa asked as he turned to me. There was amusement playing on his lips as he watched me.

    Huhuh, you're rich enough, I answered.

    Why do I feel like this is just your plan to have all the good food? Ian asked.

    That is also an option. Let us just say, I killed two birds with one stone, I answered.

    They soon brought a banquet of food to our table and I kept taking all of them from the brothers. They did not look like they were going to eat it anyway. I was doing them a favour.

    I shoved my face with food and only noticed that they were staring when I looked up.

    You have a crazy appetite, Issa muttered.

    I giggled and kept eating. I suddenly wanted to use the restroom so that I could take out most of what I had eaten already.

    Excuse me, I muttered and rose to my feet.

    I heard them mumbling about how much I was amazing them by the food that I was taking in. I smiled and found my way to the restroom. It was quite easy since it was exactly where I had guessed it would be.

    I finished easing myself in the restroom, washed my hands and was already leaving when I heard voices. One of them was a female and the other a male.

    The female's voice sounded familiar and there was alarm in it, as if she was scared. I followed the sound to see that there was a back door.

    I pulled it open just in time to see a group of men, who had to be around the triplets age scattered across the back and enjoying the show.

    The one who seemed like their leader was harassing the waitress who had first attended to us.

    Anger rushed through my veins as I picked the nearest weapon I could find. It was a piece of wood that was as long as half my arm.

    I charged at them and landed the weapon hard against his back. He groaned and staggered back while I hid the waitress protectively behind me.

    Who do you think you are, harassing this poor girl? I demanded.

    He lifted his head and turned to me. He had dark brown eyes and I could see the mixture of anger and amusement in them.

    You dared to hit me, he whispered. You'll regret this.

    In an instant, he sent a slap at me and I squeezed my eyes shut as I braced myself for impact.



    My heart skipped a beat as I waited for pain to hit me.

    But it never came. That was when I opened my eyes and saw that a hand had stopped his hand.

    Icelyn had appeared out of the blue and was holding my prosecutor in place. I looked behind to see that Ian and Issa were now standing on either side of me.

    You do not have the right to lay a finger on her. You do not even have the right to set your gaze on her. . . He went on. You should be grateful that she is even in your presence! He spat.

    My prosecutor widened his eyes at him. If it isn't Daddy's boys, he spat and tilted his head slightly at them. Never thought this day would come. So we finally caught your attention, didn't we?

    You're not worthy of our attention, Icelyn spat.

    I could feel the temperature around us slowly dropping and I had a feeling it had everything to do with the Ice King.

    Yara danced with excitement as she watched Icelyn stand up for me. I had never felt this protected before all my life. It just dawned on me that I had three soldiers ready to pounce on anyone who dared to attack me.

    Just because you're a Lycan does not mean that I fear you, he stated.

    Then he took a swipe at Icelyn and he staggered back to dodge the attack. The man chuckled as his boys gathered around the space.

    We'll have this battle again soon. I'll come prepared next time. I can't waste my time on a losing battle, he announced. Then he turned to me. You interfered in my business today, I'll get back at you soon, he stated.

    You still dare to make threats, Icelyn cut in.

    The man chuckled. I'm Ray, I fear no one, he concluded.

    Then I won't let you leave, Icelyn stated and released a low roar. His brothers did the same and they were about to start releasing their fogs when Ray instantly threw a bottom on the floor that released gas in the air.

    Shit! That's toxic! Get in, now! Icelyn roared.

    Before I could say a word, he lifted me in his arms and raced back into the restaurant. In a flash, we were back in the corridor and did not realise I was holding on to Icelyn so tight until he placed me back on the floor.

    Do you want to strangle me? He demanded.

    I gasped and released him. I looked before me to see that Issa had carried the waitress in as well. We were all complete.

    That was something, Ian muttered.

    Then Icelyn walked over to the girl. Who were they? He asked.

    They're a rogue group that operates within the walls. Sometimes, they help people but their methods are uncomfortable, as well as payment, she answered.

    Why was he after you? Issa asked.

    He helped me deal with my cheating landlord, she answered.

    Why didn't you see the authorities for that? Ian asked.

    She scoffed. Those people are only figureheads that do nothing. We pay for tasks but they're useless. They never solve our problems and on top of that, they charge us extra money, she explained.

    Icelyn balled his hands into fists. I could feel his anger radiating across the hallway.

    So they helped me and later asked for payment which I could not afford. So he was trying to explore another way to get payment when she showed up, she answered.

    How much did they ask you for? Issa asked.

    She swallowed hard. Fifty golden coins, she answered.

    He shook his head and tucked his left hand in his pocket before retrieving a bracelet. It was a mixture of a precious stone and silver. It looked very expensive.

    Take this to the pawnshop. I have no idea what it's worth. Use it to settle your debt and keep the change, he concluded. Then he turned to Icelyn. We should leave.

    He nodded in response and we began to walk away.

    Thank you so much! The girl screamed.

    I smiled as Ian stopped by the counter and paid what we owed before we all walked out of the restaurant. When we got to the car, Icelyn grabbed my hand.

    The fuck was that, back there? What were you thinking? What if you got hurt? He demanded in a cold tone.

    I widened my eyes at him and swallowed hard. I was just trying to help her, I muttered in defeat as Yara began to stir sadly.

    Right, if I was one minute late, then he would have hit you. You should have come back to us and we would have helped the girl! He exclaimed.

    I looked down at my feet. It won't happen again, I muttered.

    Somehow, I know that's a lie, Icelyn stated before getting behind the wheel this time.

    I released a shaky shudder and got into the car. Issa got in with me this time and Ian sat at the front.

    Issa smiled at me. It's okay, he whispered.

    Then he placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer so that I could rest against his body.

    We'll be home soon, Ian announced.

    I only mumbled in response as I found Issa's palm, entwined it in mine and began to play with it.

    Eventually, the large estate came into view. We drove through the large gates in silence and I parked the car in the garage that seemed to be inside the building.

    This explained why I could not see all the cars they owned. In here though, I saw that they owned four cars and they were all beautiful. I wondered just how rich they truly were.

    Issa helped me out of the car. It was already dark by the time we got home thanks to our stop in the restaurant and the drama between Ray and us.

    I think I'm just going to go to bed. I'm still feeling exhausted, I announced.

    I think we all are, Ian agreed.

    So we found our way into the house, up the stairs to our rooms. Good night Ian, Good night Icelyn, I called.

    Icelyn frowned as he turned to me before nodding and disappearing into his room. What an egotistical bastard. . .

    Ian smiled at me. Dream of me, he teased before getting in his room.

    Issa smiled at me. Good night, Yulia, he whispered.

    Good night, I whispered.

    I watched him leave before shutting my own door. I was about to throw myself onto the bed when sudden pain hit my heart.

    I went down on my knees as I gasped in shock. Memories of a darkness that seemed familiar began to plague my mind.

    What is happening to me?



    My intake of breath became too heavy for me to handle.

    Yara danced restlessly within me as memories I did not recognize began to plague my mind. There was so much darkness and it was not alone. It seemed to have been built on pain and fear.

    This made me feel cold, so cold that I started trembling.

    What's happening to me? I cried as I tried to push all the thoughts away.

    But this time, they were replaced with the cries of my victims. I could hear them screaming and crying because I was the one inflicting pain on them.

    Why did you do this? I heard the voices cry.

    She's a monster! They roared.

    I closed my hands against my ears to stop the voices. . .but it was a futile attempt because the voices only got louder.

    My heart started pounding this time and Yara grew too restless. She was as terrified as I was and I was trembling violently now.

    I was cold yet I was sweating all over.

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