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Writing And Drawing As Art Forms: How To Express Yourself In Articles, Books, And Drawings On- And Off-Line!
Writing And Drawing As Art Forms: How To Express Yourself In Articles, Books, And Drawings On- And Off-Line!
Writing And Drawing As Art Forms: How To Express Yourself In Articles, Books, And Drawings On- And Off-Line!
Ebook85 pages54 minutes

Writing And Drawing As Art Forms: How To Express Yourself In Articles, Books, And Drawings On- And Off-Line!

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About this ebook

In this digital age, artists have discovered a new frontier for sharing and selling their creations. From ebooks to paintings, the online world offers a vast array of platforms and strategies for artists to showcase and monetise their work. “Writing and Drawing As Art Forms” is a concise guide designed to help artists navigate this digital landscape and turn their passion into profit.
This book explores the various avenues available for artists to monetise their art, whether through selling ebooks, prints, or original artworks. It provides practical insights into understanding the market, choosing the right platforms, pricing artwork effectively, promoting art strategically, building a brand, and providing exceptional customer service.
Whether you’re an author seeking to self-publish your writing or an illustrator looking to sell your digital art, this guide offers valuable tips and resources to help you succeed in the online art market. By following the strategies outlined in this booklet, artists can elevate their online presence, connect with a global audience of art enthusiasts, and establish a sustainable income stream from their creative endeavours.
Join us on a journey through the world of online art sales, where creativity meets commerce, and artists can thrive in the digital realm. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting your artistic journey, “Writing and Drawing As Art Forms” is your roadmap to success in monetisng your artistry in the digital age.
Release dateJan 1, 2024
Writing And Drawing As Art Forms: How To Express Yourself In Articles, Books, And Drawings On- And Off-Line!

Owen Jones

Author Owen Jones, from Barry, South Wales, came to writing novels relatively recently, although he has been writing all his adult life. He has lived and worked in several countries and travelled in many, many more. He speaks, or has spoken, seven languages fluently and is currently learning Thai, since he lived in Thailand with his Thai wife of ten years. "It has never taken me long to learn a language," he says, "but Thai bears no relationship to any other language I have ever studied before." When asked about his style of writing, he said, "I'm a Celt, and we are Romantic. I believe in reincarnation and lots more besides in that vein. Those beliefs, like 'Do unto another...', and 'What goes round comes around', Fate and Karma are central to my life, so they are reflected in my work'. His first novel, 'Daddy's Hobby' from the series 'Behind The Smile: The Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya' has become the classic novel on Pattaya bar girls and has been followed by six sequels. However, his largest collection is 'The Megan Series', twenty-three novelettes on the psychic development of a young teenage girl, the subtitle of which, 'A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!' sums them up nicely. After fifteen years of travelling, Owen and his wife are now back in his home town. He sums up his style as: "I write about what I see... or think I see... or dream... and in the end, it's all the same really..."

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    Book preview

    Writing And Drawing As Art Forms - Owen Jones


    Published by Megan Publishing Services

    Copyright Owen Jones 2024 ©


    Hello and thank you for your interest my book called ‘Writing and Drawing As Art Forms - How to Express Yourself in Articles, Books, Drawings, and Online!

    In this digital age, artists have discovered a new frontier for sharing and selling their creations. From ebooks to paintings, the online world offers a vast array of platforms and strategies for artists to showcase and monetise their work. Writing and Drawing As Art Forms is a concise guide designed to help artists navigate this digital landscape and turn their passion into profit.

    This book explores the various avenues available for artists to monetise their art, whether through selling ebooks, prints, or original artworks. It provides practical insights into understanding the market, choosing the right platforms, pricing artwork effectively, promoting art strategically, building a brand, and providing exceptional customer service.

    Whether you’re an author seeking to self-publish your writing or an illustrator looking to sell your digital art, this guide offers valuable tips and resources to help you succeed in the online art market. By following the strategies outlined in this booklet, artists can elevate their online presence, connect with a global audience of art enthusiasts, and establish a sustainable income stream from their creative endeavours.

    Join us on a journey through the world of online art sales, where creativity meets commerce, and artists can thrive in the digital realm. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting your artistic journey, Writing and Drawing As Art Forms is your roadmap to success in monetising your artistry in the digital age.

    I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and profitable.

    The information in this ebook on writing and related subjects is organized into 23 chapters of about 500-600 words each.

    It will help you with your writing and may even suggest a career or hobby in writing or drawing to you.

    Thanks again for purchasing this ebook,


    Owen Jones

    Six Interesting Facts About Self-Publishing

    1. First Self-Published Bestseller: Did you know that the first book to achieve bestseller status through self-publishing was The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield? Initially self-published in 1992, it gained a massive following through word-of-mouth and eventually caught the attention of major publishers, becoming a global phenomenon.

    2. J.K. Rowling's Rejection: Even the creator of the beloved Harry Potter series faced rejection. J.K. Rowling's first Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by twelve publishers before finally being accepted by Bloomsbury. This story is a reminder that persistence is key in the self-publishing journey.

    3. 50 Shades of Self-Publishing: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James started as a self-published work on a fan fiction website before gaining immense popularity. Its success led to a major publishing deal and subsequent film adaptations. This unconventional route to success showcases the power of self-publishing platforms.

    4. Desktop Publishing (DTP): authors can easily upload and sell their ebooks to a global audience. This democratisation of publishing has empowered countless writers to share their stories without traditional gatekeepers.

    5. Hugh Howey's Sci-Fi Success: Author Hugh Howey self-published his dystopian sci-fi novel Wool in 2011 as a series of short stories by DTP. The series gained a massive following, leading to a print deal with major publishers. Howey's success demonstrates how self-publishing can launch a career in traditional publishing.

    6. Print-On-Demand Revolution: Print-on-demand (POD) technology has revolutionised self-publishing. Authors no longer need to invest in large print runs; instead, books are printed as orders come in. This reduces costs and allows for easy distribution, making self-publishing more accessible than ever.

    These fascinating facts about self-publishing showcase the diverse paths to success and the changing landscape of the publishing industry. Each story highlights the opportunities and challenges that come with taking control of one's publishing journey.

    Inspirational Quotes

    Believe not in anything simply because you have heard it, Believe not in anything simply because it was spoken and rumoured by many, Believe not in anything simply because it was found written in your religious texts, Believe not in anything merely on the authority of teachers and elders, Believe not in traditions because they have been handed down for generations, But after observation and analysis, if anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, accept it and live up to it.

    Gautama Buddha


    Great Spirit, whose voice is on the wind, hear

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