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English Tests for Military and Police Academies
English Tests for Military and Police Academies
English Tests for Military and Police Academies
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English Tests for Military and Police Academies

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About this ebook

The main purpose of English Test for Military and Police Academies is to provide you a valuable and enlightening collection of English Grammar multiple-choice grammar exercises with answer key, which helps you improve your English level for Police and/or Military career.

This book contains different items sorted by difficulty and takes you on a beautiful journey towards improving your English language skills. Within this book you can find exercises regarding a multitude of topics like: word order, articles, verb tenses, active and passive voice, phrasal verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, relative clauses, prepositions, nouns, conditionals, reported speech, confusing words, word formation and many more…

This book is the perfect tool for you to get ready for any entrance exam, either to the Police Academy or to the Military Academy. It contains 135 tests and approximately 2500 items specially chosen to bolster your English.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
English Tests for Military and Police Academies

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    English Tests for Military and Police Academies - Daniel B. Smith


    The main purpose of English Test for Military and Police Academies is to provide you a valuable and enlightening collection of English Grammar multiple-choice grammar exercises with answer key, which helps you improve your English level for Police and/or Military career.

    This book contains different items sorted by difficulty and takes you on a beautiful journey towards improving your English language skills. Within this book you can find exercises regarding a multitude of topics like: word order, articles, verb tenses, active and passive voice, phrasal verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, relative clauses, prepositions, nouns, conditionals, reported speech, confusing words, word formation and many more...

    This book is the perfect tool for you to get ready for any entrance exam, either to the Police Academy or to the Military Academy. It contains 135 tests and approximately 2500 items specially chosen to bolster your English.

    Test 1

    1. Alice ... usually ... home late, although her parents ... telling her that it ... extremely dangerous to walk alone in this city at night.

    a) is coming, keep , is

    b) had come, keep, was

    c) was coming, keep, was

    2. It’s high time you ... your mind whether you join the army or not.

    a) make up 

    b) are making up 

    c) made up

    3. Brian couldn’t come to the cinema last night. Now ...

    a) I could b) could I  c) couldn’t I

    4. What would you do if you ... the company manager?

    a) would be b) are  c) were

    5. I ... for you for two hours. Where ... you ...?

    a) have been waiting, have been

    b) am waiting, were

    c) am waiting, have been

    6. Hey, ... come in ... go out; don’t stand there ... the way.

    a) neither, nor, in

    b) either, or, in

    c) either, and, by

    7. The woman ... for a walk if the snow had stopped.

    a) shall be going

    b) should go

    c) should have gone

    8. The young boy would rather ... than do his homework.

    a) play  b) to play c) playing

    9. I wish I ... enough time to go to the club tonight.

    a) have  b) will have c) were having

    10. Mike asked us: Can you keep a secret?

    a) Mike asked us whether we could keep a secret.

    b) Mike asked to us whether we could keep a secret.

    c) Mike asked us if we can keep a secret.

    11. I ... Daniel for ages. He ... always ... such a good man to me and now I never ... him around.

    a) don’t see, has been, see

    b) am not seeing, has been saw

    c) haven’t seen, has been, see

    12. He ..., as there was plenty of time until the beginning of the movie.

    a) didn’t have to hurry

    b) needn’t have hurried

    c) mustn’t have hurried

    13. The police officer doesn’t understand how the accident happened. The truck driver ... the red light.

    a) oughtn’t have seen

    b) shouldn’t have seen

    c) couldn’t have seen

    14. I wanted to spend my vacation on the beach but we went to the mountains. I’d rather we ... on the beach.

    a) have gone b) had gone c) would have gone

    15. Mr. Smith will call you as soon as he ... back to his office.

    a) gets  b) got  c) will get

    16. She couldn’t take part ... the final competition due ... her getting sick.

    a) at, to  b) in, to  c) in, by

    17. I’ve been living in Berlin for many months and now I know the city well, she said.

    a) She told me that she has been living for many months in Berlin and then she knew the city well.

    b) She told me that she had lived for many months in Berlin and she knew the city good.

    c) She told me she had been living in Berlin for many months and she knew the city well.

    18. Will you help me with this problem? asked the student.

    a) The student asked me whether I would help him with that problem.

    b) The student asked me if I will help him with that problem.

    c) The student asked me whether I will help him with this problem.

    19. When I return in the country I will give you the laptop I borrowed from you last month, she said.

    a) She promised that when she would return in the country she would give me the laptop she borrowed from me last month.

    b) She promised that when she got back she will give me the laptop she had borrowed from me last month.

    c) She promised that when she returned in the country she would give me the laptop she had borrowed from me the previous month.

    20. If you ... earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the event.

    a) left  b) had left c) are leaving

    21. On her last birthday, Sarah ... a new IPhone.

    a) was given b) will be given c) gave

    22. It’s raining cats and dogs. You had better ...

    a) not go out b) don’t go out c) won’t go out

    23. We saw the suspect man ... that house at midnight.

    a) to enter b) entered c) enter

    24. It was careless ... you to leave your backpack ... the restaurant.

    a) with, on b) of, in  c) from, at

    Test 2

    1. The phrasal verb to inform on means:

    a) to lie to b) to tell on c) to hear out

    2. If it ... for me, Andrew wouldn’t have got this job.

    a) hadn’t been b) weren’t c) isn’t

    3. The mist was so thick ... they couldn’t see anything around.

    a) as  b) thus  c) that

    4. You should ... come in ... go out. Don’t block the door.

    a) either, nor b) neither, or c) either, or

    5. Today I ... the magazine that I usually ...

    a) am not reading, read

    b) don’t read, am reading

    c) am not reading, am reading

    6. The woman turned pale as if she ... a phantom.

    a) saw  b) sees  c) had seen

    7. The police ... looking into a terrible murder case.

    a) is  b) are  c) have

    8. I don’t believe Freddy would have done it if he ... the results.

    a) had realized b) realized c) would realize

    9. The officers were not allowed to talk to each other while they ... for the new mission.

    a) are being examined

    b) were being examined

    c) will be examined

    10. I’m sorry I don’t speak German. If only I ... German.

    a) speak b) would speak c) spoke

    11. Mr. Stevens couldn’t make up with Alice after he ... what she ... Mrs. Stevens about him.

    a) have heard, told

    b) had heard, had told

    c) had been hearing, was telling

    12. How do you get to work? Do you prefer going ... bus or ... foot?

    a) with, on b) by, with c) by, on

    13. Daniel lived in Berlin for three years then he ... to Budapest and ... there ever since.

    a) moved, is living

    b) moved, had been living

    c) moved, has been living

    14. Our cat really likes to play with ...

    a) mouses b) mice  c) mouse

    15. Lightning ... three times by their house last night and ... the roof.

    a) struck, burnt

    b) has struck, burned

    c) stroke, burnt

    16. Father says I ... go out when I ... the project.

    a) can, am finishing

    b) can, will have finished

    c) can, have finished

    17. The commander will call you back as soon as he ... back.

    a) gets  b) will get c) will have got

    18. Why did you take your clothes off? You ... a cold.

    a) should have caught

    b) would catch

    c) might have caught

    19. The Police Academy students were believed ... the bad news.

    a) having heard b) to hear c) to have heard

    20. No sooner ... Danny ... the window ... the wind scattered the documents on the floor.

    a) did open, than

    b) had opened, than

    c) is opening, when

    21. Neither the women nor the men ... yet.

    a) have arrived b) has arrived c) haven’t arrived

    22. I’m afraid the general doesn’t agree ... you.

    a) against b) with  c) on

    23. Your order ... on Friday morning at nine.

    a) will deliver

    b) was delivered

    c) will be delivered

    24. I don’t know when Sarah ..., but when she ... I ... to her.

    a) comes, does, will speak

    b) will come, will, will speak

    c) comes, does, speak

    25. By the time I get to the airport, her plane ... already ...

    a) has been arrived

    b) will have arrived

    c) had arrived

    26. Everybody came in time, ...?

    a) came they b) did they c) didn’t they

    27. I ... for you for 30 minutes. Were ... you ...?

    a) have been waiting, have been

    b) am waiting, were

    c) have waiting, were

    Test 3

    1. The parts Alice played in her latest years ... facets that her earlier roles only ... at.

    a) disclosed, suggested

    b) revealed, hinted

    c) divulged, hinted

    2. No sooner had I spoken to Sarah ... the detective arrived.

    a) when  b) that  c) than

    3. As the old man ... out of the train he ... solitary, since he was the only passenger.

    a) stepping, felt

    b) steped, feel

    c) stepped, felt

    4. This soil is ... than the one from my farm.

    a) more fertile b) fertiler c) more fertiles

    5. The movie ... at 09:30. ... you ... with me?

    a) start, are come

    b) starts, are coming

    c) starting, are come

    6. Whenever the cat wants to go out I ... open the door.

    a) ought to b) must  c) have to

    7. Stuart showed me his collection of Pc games which he ... for years as gaming always ... him.

    a) had been collecting, had fascinated

    b) had collected, had been fascinating

    c) has been collecting, has been fascinating

    8. Please call me as soon as she ... home.

    a) has get b) gets  c) will get

    9. I should be kinder than you if I ... a man.

    a) would be b) am  c) were

    10. The children ... a course of English speaking right now.

    a) are listening to

    b) have hearing at

    c) listen

    11. Rafael promised he ... to see me in a week or two.

    a) would came

    b) would be coming

    c) came

    12. I ... it if I ... there was onion in it.

    a) shouldn’t have ate, had known

    b) shouldn’t have eaten, should have known

    c) shouldn’t have eaten, had known

    13. The students ... how to play the violin by the great maestro.

    a) were being taught

    b) had taught

    c) were teaching

    14. I ... the latest laptop, but when I ... the opinion of the reviewers, I ... my mind.

    a) was going to, have heard, changed

    b) would have bought, had heard, changed

    c) would buy, had heard, changed

    15. If I ... the king, I’d have servants.

    a) shall be b) would be c) were

    16. Samuel wishes Alice ... teasing him.

    a) would stop b) will stop c) was stopping

    17. It’s high time you ... up.

    a) should grow b) to grow c) grew

    18. The soldiers had scarcely left the meeting when I ... my words.

    a) have regretted

    b) regretted

    c) was regretting

    19. If it were for you to solve this issue, you wouldn’t be acting as if you ... and ...

    a) had tried, failed

    b) would have tried, failed

    c) would be tying, failing

    20. As soon as the vacation ... these beaches ... extremely crowded.

    a) will begin, will become

    b) begins, will become

    c) will begin, become

    21. Mike ... him being treated differently.

    a) resisted to b) kicked to c) objected to

    22. I’m making rather a lot of errors, ...?

    a) aren’t I b) are I  c) am I not

    23. In spite of the warning, two million euros ... in the robbery.

    a) has stolen b) were stolen c) will steal

    24. ... a December morning he recovered ... his sickness.

    a) In, from b) On, from c) On, of

    25. After three weeks I ... my first smartphone. I ... great.

    a) buyed, feeled

    b) bought, feeled

    c) bought, felt

    26. I ... here for more than one hour. I might ... you ... late.

    a) have been waiting, have known, would be

    b) have waited, know, shall be

    c) have waiting, known, will be

    Test 4

    1. If Anthony is from ..., ... language is ..., but if they are from ..., ... language is ...

    a) China, his, Chinese, Wales, their, Finnish

    b) China, his, Chinese, Wales, their, Welsh

    c) China, her, Chinese, Wales, their, Finnish

    2. Alice usually ... the advanced class, but today she ... the beginners.

    a) is teaching, taught

    b) teach, is teaching

    c) teaches, is teaching

    3. I need ... data for my latest research.

    a) further b) farther c) farthest

    4. David plays the violin ... better than his brother.

    a) far  b) near  c) further

    5. This is your ... compasses, isn’t it?

    a) piece of b) pack of c) pair of

    6. The midnight storm ... a lot of trees.

    a) fallen b) felled c) felt

    7. They warned us against the coming snow storm and urged us to shut all the windows.

    a) The snow storm has been coming! Shut to the windows quickly!

    b) The snow storm has started! Shut the windows now!

    c) There’s a snow storm coming! Shut all the windows quickly.

    8. Sarah went to the Audi service as her car was out of order.

    a) Sarah went to the Audi service to have her car mended.

    b) Sarah went to the Audi service so as to mend her car.

    c) Sarah went to the Audi service for him to mend her car.

    9. May I leave now or do you still need me? the officer said.

    a) The officer wanted to know whether he is permitted to leave now or they still need him.

    b) The officer asked if he was permitted to leave then or they still needed him.

    c) The officer asked if he is permitted to leave now or they still needed him.

    10. It was growing dark ... she rushed home.

    a) because b) that  c) so

    11. Are they students ...? No, they are ... teenagers. They haven’t graduated ...

    a) yet, still, yet

    b) yet, yet, still

    c) still, still, yet

    12. This new watch is a ... watch. It is three minutes ...

    a) slowly, slowly

    b) slow, slow

    c) slowly, slow

    13. The manager promised he ... on time.

    a) will come b) had come c) would come

    14. It’s high time she ... what happened that night.

    a) were told b) should tell c) has told

    15. They won’t find the problem ... they ask for my advice.

    a) therefore b) unless c) otherwise

    16. I expect my team ... better and better.

    a) is being worked

    b) working

    c) to work

    17. The guests ... seldom ... to drink and smoke in this office.

    a) have, been permitted

    b) can, been able

    c) could, been able

    18. Susan will look ... my little brother while I ... away.

    a) for, will be b) after, am c) at, will be

    19. Fasten your seat-belts and pay attention said the steward.

    a) The steward asked to us to fasten our seat-belts and pay attention.

    b) The steward said fasten our seat-belts and pay attention.

    c) The steward told us to fasten our seat-belts and pay attention.

    20. My father suffers ... a serious disease.

    a) from  b) at  c) with

    21. After the rain ... we ... fishing.

    a) has stopped, shall go

    b) stopped, go

    c) is stopping, will go

    22. That student read ... poetry.

    a) many  b) a lot  c) much

    Test 5

    1. Do you have any news from Steven? Yes, he ... tomorrow on the 10:30 train.

    a) will have been arriving

    b) arrives

    c) will have arrived

    2. I like your car. Oh, thank you! I ... it for seventeen years.

    a) have had b) had had c) used to have

    3. Kathy feels more sympathy for older people ... me.

    a) had  b) so  c) than

    4. Did you stay up late? Not really. I went to bed after the guests ...

    a) had left b) has left c) was leaving

    5. It’s a pity that Mark had to abandon the competition. Yes, especially since he ... such amazing progress.

    a) is making b) made c) had been making

    6. It’s so cold! I’m freezing! You ... more warmly.

    a) could dress b) dresses c) should have dressed

    7. They are still in Palma de Mallorca, so you ... them at the stadium.

    a) can’t have seen

    b) couldn’t see

    c) mustn’t have seen

    8. She is ... woman Martin have ever seen.

    a) as beautiful as

    b) the most beautiful

    c) more beautiful

    9. When Daniel was ten years old, he ... swim across the river.

    a) can  b) may  c) could

    10. Daniel is cleverer ... his cousin, Andrew.

    a) than  b) over  c) on

    11. ... you play ping pong, Steve?

    a) Should b) Can  c) May

    12. I don’t think the soldier will admit to his fault. It takes courage ... the truth.

    a) revealing b) reveal c) to reveal

    13. Every day Mr. Smith ... something interesting.

    a) reads  b) have read c) red

    14. Is there something wrong? I’m afraid ... you because you’ll be judgmental.

    a) of telling b) to tell c) tell

    15. Your son is certainly good ... English.

    a) over  b) off  c) at

    16. The product design manager is in hospital. Yes, I’ve heard she ... good progress.

    a) is making b) makes c) would make

    17. If I were you, I ... tell my parents the truth.

    a) will  b) should c) would

    18. If the newest employee ... harder, he would have been promoted.

    a) had worked b) had work c) has worked

    19. If Mary had accepted his proposal, she ... married now.

    a) will be b) would be c) would have been

    20. If I ... you, I would talk to my manager again.

    a) are  b) is  c) were

    21. Actually, Berlin is the city ... she spent her school years.

    a) who  b) which c) where

    22. I suggest to meet outside ... Parliament Palace.

    a) the  b) an  c) a

    23. Sarah always wanted to have a puppy as ... child.

    a) the  b) a  c) an

    24. The professor likes playing ... chess.

    a) many  b) -  c) the

    25. The police officer wanted to know the reason ... you were there.

    a) whom b) where c) why

    26. Whenever you ... in the area, come and see us.

    a) are  b) will be c) is

    27. He didn’t do it because he ... know how.

    a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) will do

    28. While Alison ... for her boyfriend to pick her up, her parents arrived.

    a) has been waiting

    b) was waiting

    c) had been waiting

    29. Hey! What are you waiting ...? Let’s go!

    a) over  b) on  c) for

    30. The strange woman asked me ...

    a) what my name was

    b) what was my name

    c) what’s your name

    Test 6

    1. You had ... read anything from what the professor recommended. You should start now!

    a) hard  b) hardly c) harder

    2. Not until the scientist ... the prize ... the speech in front of the audience.

    a) was offered, did he give

    b) had been offered, did he gave

    c) was offered, he gave

    3. It ... long before the manager ... that Anne has been lying to him.

    a) is not, will have realized

    b) is not, has realized

    c) won’t be, realizes

    4. The housekeeper ... for us this month, even though she usually ... the house only.

    a) is cooking, cleans

    b) is cooking, is cleaning

    c) cooks, is cleaning

    5. Johnston would surely have bought that book if he ...

    a) found it

    b) had found it

    c) have found it

    6. I have no money in my wallet; I have forgotten ... at home.

    a) them  b) its  c) it

    7. In my analysis, his context is similar ... mine.

    a) to  b) from  c) of

    8. The team leader was ... upset when his colleagues failed in the task.

    a) rightly b) right  c) rightfully

    9. Luna ... over at a friend’s after her mother ... her.

    a) slept, was allowing

    b) was sleeping, allowed

    c) slept, had allowed

    10. The detectives suggested that measures ... as soon as possible.

    a) be took b) may take c) should be taken

    11. You ... not like it when they tell you they are going to resign.

    a) might b) could c) should

    12. She ... trivial mistakes!

    a) always does

    b) is always doing

    c) does always

    13. If I ... her I ... do that.

    a) am, may not

    b) were, wouldn’t

    c) had been, oughtn’t to

    14. If Alice ..., she ... in a hospital bed now!

    a) have listened to me, wouldn’t lie

    b) listens to me, won’t lie

    c) had listened, wouldn’t be lying

    15. We shall be grateful to you if you ... us some money.

    a) lend  b) will lent c) must lend

    16. When father ... the door, the child ...

    a) opens, slept

    b) opened, was sleeping

    c) had opened, has been sleeping

    17. It’s high time they ... the real situation.

    a) knew  b) would know c) will know

    18. Danny asked the woman where ... so he could take her home.

    a) does she live

    b) did she live

    c) she lived

    19. Franz has got ... German books than I have.

    a) many more b) much many c) more many

    20. The host asked us where ... to sit.

    a) do we want

    b) we wanted

    c) did you want

    21. You are my ... friend and I trust you.

    a) older  b) elderly c) oldest

    22. It’s typical of an American to say You ... be kidding!.

    a) have got to b) should c) ought to

    23. We have been fishing in that lake ... ten hours.

    a) from  b) for  c) since

    24. If Adrian ... he ... all his money.

    a) had gambled, would lose

    b) gambled, would lose

    c) gambled, lost

    25. Mike, ... is an entrepreneur, has just bought another property.

    a) who  b) which c) whom

    26. It’s the first turning ... the right after that intersection.

    a) in  b) for  c) on

    27. It’s time the police officers ... the drivers who are drunk.

    a) will fine b) fined  c) has fined

    28. Can this smartphone camera ... good photos?

    a) take  b) achieve c) make

    29. Will you ... the kitten while we’re away?

    a) care  b) look after c) keep an eye

    30. Andrew finally succeeded ... a job in the army.

    a) find  b) to find c) in finding

    Test 7

    1. Monica ... here ... two weeks.

    a) have been, for

    b) is, since

    c) has been, for

    2. While I ... last night, a colleague of mine ... me up.

    a) was studying, rang

    b) am studying, will ring

    c) had studied, would ring

    3. The man fell in love with that beautiful ... woman.

    a) green-eyes b) green-eyed c) eyes-green

    4. Samuel will be late for the plane, if he ... home at once.

    a) left  b) didn’t leave c) doesn’t leave

    5. Her parents scolded her because she ... TV for a few hours.

    a) had been watching

    b) has been watching

    c) watched

    6. Hardly ... the apartment ... the snow started.

    a) did he leave, when

    b) had he left, when

    c) had he left, than

    7. Complete the saying: No news ... good news.

    a) are  b) be  c) is

    8. They ... the documents to the office by four o’clock yesterday.

    a) had returned

    b) were returning

    c) returned

    9. Please don’t boil eggs ...; the kids like them ...

    a) hardly, softly

    b) hard, soft

    c) hardly, soft

    10. Steven introduced me to his boys, one of ... offered to help me.

    a) whose b) those c) whom

    11. Choose a synonym for the verb to undergo.

    a) to experience

    b) to underpay

    c) to go by tube

    12. If she had a typewriter, she ... it herself.

    a) will type b) would type c) would have typed

    13. It’s about time you ... your clothes washed!

    a) had  b) have  c) should have

    14. I wish she ... here when I bought the car.

    a) were  b) was  c) had been

    15. Choose a synonym for the verb to persuade.

    a) to believe b) to convince c) to trust

    16. This kind of product ... rapidly.

    a) is sold b) sell  c) are sold

    17. The candidate said something which made things worse. If only he ... his mouth shut!

    a) kept  b) had kept c) would have kept

    18. Mr. Smith was made ... president of his country when he was seventy.

    a) an  b) the  c) –

    19. I heard Thomas giving you ... advice.

    a) a few  b) a piece of c) many

    20. Whenever she gave me a ring, I ... to meet her.

    a) went  b) will go c) had gone

    21. I hate these conversations. I don’t like to be treated as if I ... a teenager.

    a) had been b) am  c) were

    22. You will never see your children again unless you ... the ransom.

    a) won’t pay b) pay  c) don’t pay

    23. They said the luggage ... so heavy, that no employee could carry ...

    a) is, it  b) was, it c) was, them

    24. Sarah doesn’t speak German and ... does Daniel.

    a) neither b) too  c) no

    25. Although the driver was badly hurt he ... to explain what ...

    a) could, happened

    b) must, was happening

    c) was able, had happened

    26. I have forgotten all our ... at home.

    a) teeth-brush

    b) toothbrushes

    c) teeth-brushes

    27. She has worked for us ever since she ... university.

    a) left  b) had left c) has left

    28. After Susan and Kathy didn’t talk for a long time, they made it ... with each other.

    a) on  b) at  c) up

    29. You will never get used to ... work at 8 a.m. ...?

    a) starting, won’t you

    b) starting, will you

    c) start, will you

    Test 8

    1. Have you received the money for the books? Yes,

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