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The Mirror of Crimes
The Mirror of Crimes
The Mirror of Crimes
Ebook176 pages2 hours

The Mirror of Crimes

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About this ebook

Emma investigates the Mirror of Realities, an ancient and mysterious artifact. She finds the mirror in a small antique shop owned by Herr Schmidt. The mirror acts as a portal to an alternate reality.

Emma encounters her doppelganger, Emilia, in the alternate reality. Emilia is a sinister version of Emma, involved in criminal activities.

Emilia plans to cross into Emma's reality and take over her life. Emma teams up with Hans, a former police officer turned private investigator. Hans is initially skeptical but becomes a crucial ally.

Emma and Hans uncover clues and gather evidence against Emilia.

A showdown occurs at an abandoned warehouse. Emma and Emilia struggle, leading to their return to Emma's reality.

With Hans's help, Emma subdues Emilia. Emilia is taken into custody, ending her reign of terror. Emma returns the mirror to Herr Schmidt, who promises to keep it safe. Emma writes an exposé about the Mirror of Realities, restoring her reputation. Her bond with Hans strengthens, forging a lasting friendship. Emma gains a renewed sense of purpose and appreciation for her life.

A gripping tale of intrigue, danger, and self-discovery.

A standout crime thriller book that challenges, entertains and illuminates the complexities of the human soul.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
The Mirror of Crimes

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    Book preview

    The Mirror of Crimes - MD Shar

    1. The Mirror's Truth

    In the bustling city of Mumbai, where the monsoon rains drummed persistently on the tin roofs and drenched the crowded streets, a tale of love and betrayal began to unfold.

    Rajesh, a handsome young man with striking dark eyes and a charming smile, lived in a modest apartment on the second floor of an old building. He worked as a software engineer and was known for his intellect and meticulous nature. Despite his calm and collected demeanor, his heart harbored a storm of emotions.

    Nisha, his girlfriend, was a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and a kind smile. She worked as a teacher at a local school and was adored by her students. Her compassionate nature was evident in the way she cared for those around her, and her love for Rajesh was profound and sincere.

    The couple had their fair share of arguments, but none so severe as the one that fateful night. The rain poured heavily outside, creating a symphony of droplets against the windows. The air inside the room was thick with tension as harsh words were exchanged. In a moment of uncontrollable rage, Rajesh grabbed a kitchen knife and, in a swift and tragic act, ended Nisha’s life. Her lifeless body fell to the floor, her eyes wide open in shock.

    Rajesh stood there, panting, the gravity of his actions slowly sinking in. The large mirror on the wall reflected the gruesome scene, capturing every detail of the horror. Desperation filled Rajesh’s mind as he tried to concoct a plan to cover up his crime. He knew he had to dispose of the body and fabricate a story that would absolve him of any blame.

    Rajesh worked quickly, wrapping Nisha’s body in a sheet and cleaning the blood-stained floor. He made sure to eliminate any traces of evidence that could link him to the crime. As he carried her body out of the apartment, the rain continued to fall, masking his actions. He drove to a remote area outside the city and buried her, hoping that the heavy rains would wash away any signs of his presence.

    Back in his apartment, Rajesh stared at the mirror, a sense of unease gnawing at him. It felt as if the mirror had witnessed everything, and in some eerie way, it seemed to hold the power to reveal the truth. Shaking off the irrational fear, he shattered the mirror, convinced that no one would ever discover what it had seen.

    Days turned into weeks, and Nisha’s disappearance became the talk of the town. Her friends and family were frantic with worry, and the police launched an investigation. Rajesh played the role of the grieving boyfriend convincingly, shedding tears and expressing his heartbreak over Nisha’s mysterious absence.

    Inspector Rakesh Sharma, a seasoned officer with a keen eye for detail, was assigned to the case. He was a tall man with a stern face, marked by years of experience in dealing with the darkest facets of human nature. His presence commanded respect, and his sharp mind missed nothing.

    As he interviewed Rajesh, something about his demeanor struck Rakesh as odd. Despite his sorrowful facade, there was a coldness in Rajesh’s eyes that he couldn’t ignore. The inspector decided to dig deeper, questioning neighbors and examining Nisha’s personal life.

    One day, while searching Nisha’s apartment for any clues, Rakesh’s team discovered a fragment of the shattered mirror. Intrigued, Rakesh decided to take it as evidence. He didn’t realize then the power it held.

    During the court proceedings, Rajesh confidently lied, denying any involvement in Nisha’s disappearance. He portrayed himself as a loving boyfriend, heartbroken and desperate for answers. The courtroom, filled with Nisha’s distraught family and curious onlookers, held its breath as Rajesh spun his web of deceit.

    Inspector Rakesh, however, was not convinced. He had a gut feeling that Rajesh was hiding something, and he was determined to uncover the truth. As a last resort, he decided to present the fragment of the mirror in court, hoping it might somehow provide a breakthrough.

    To everyone’s astonishment, the moment the fragment was placed before the court, it began to glow. The room fell silent, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Slowly, a scene began to unfold within the mirror—a scene of the very night Nisha was murdered.

    The courtroom watched in stunned silence as the mirror replayed the entire event—the argument, the fatal stabbing, and Rajesh’s frantic attempts to cover up his crime. There was no escaping the truth now. The mirror had captured everything, and its reflection served as undeniable evidence.

    Rajesh’s face turned pale, and he trembled with fear as his lies crumbled before him. The once confident man now looked like a shadow of his former self, his guilt laid bare for all to see. The judge, equally shocked by the supernatural revelation, called for a recess to gather his thoughts.

    When the court reconvened, the judge pronounced Rajesh guilty of murder. There was no room for doubt, and justice was served. The crowd erupted in mixed emotions—relief, anger, and a sense of closure for Nisha’s grieving family.

    Inspector Rakesh, though seasoned and experienced, could not shake off the eerie feeling the case had left him with. He had always relied on hard evidence and logical reasoning, but this case had introduced an element of the supernatural that he couldn’t explain. He decided to keep the fragment of the mirror, a reminder of the strange and unexplainable event that had helped bring a murderer to justice.

    As for Rajesh, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The once meticulous and intelligent man now spent his days in the confines of a prison cell, haunted by the memories of his crime and the reflection that had sealed his fate. He would often stare into the small mirror in his cell, wondering if it too had the power to reveal the darkest secrets hidden within his soul.

    Nisha’s family found some semblance of peace, knowing that her killer had been brought to justice. Her memory lived on in the hearts of those who loved her, a reminder of the fragility of life and the enduring power of love and truth.

    The story of the mirror spread throughout Mumbai, becoming a legend that would be told for generations. Some believed it was a divine intervention, a way for Nisha’s spirit to seek justice. Others thought it was a mere coincidence, an inexplicable phenomenon that science had yet to understand.

    Inspector Rakesh, now retired, often found himself contemplating the case. He had faced many criminals in his career, but none like Rajesh. The mirror, with its mysterious powers, remained a symbol of the eternal struggle between truth and deceit.

    As the rains continued to pour over Mumbai, washing away the remnants of the past, the mirror lay safely tucked away in Rakesh’s home. It served as a reminder that no matter how deep the darkness, the light of truth would always find a way to shine through, revealing the hidden secrets and bringing justice to those who deserved it.

    And so, the mirror’s truth lived on, a silent guardian of justice, reflecting the unyielding power of honesty and the inevitable triumph of good over evil.

    2. The Mirror's Secret

    In the bustling city of Shanghai, where the neon lights flickered brightly against the night sky and the air was filled with the hum of activity, a young couple arrived for their honeymoon. The city was alive with energy, the perfect blend of modernity and tradition.

    Li Wei, a handsome young man with sharp features and a warm smile, held the hand of his new bride, Mei Ling. Mei Ling, a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and sparkling eyes, was brimming with excitement. They had chosen a quaint, historic hotel for their stay, known for its charm and mysterious aura.

    As they checked in, the elderly hotel manager, Mr. Zhang, greeted them with a welcoming smile. He was a thin man with deep-set eyes that seemed to hold many secrets. Welcome to our humble abode, he said. I hope you enjoy your stay.

    The couple was led to their room on the top floor of the hotel. The room was elegantly furnished with traditional Chinese decor, complete with intricate wood carvings and delicate silk curtains. However, one peculiar detail caught Mei Ling's attention—a large mirror on the wall, covered with a heavy, dark curtain.

    Curiosity piqued, Mei Ling turned to Mr. Zhang. Why is the mirror covered? she asked.

    Mr. Zhang's expression grew serious. That mirror has a history. It is said to hold a portal to another world. Please, do not uncover it. It is for your safety.

    Li Wei and Mei Ling exchanged puzzled glances but decided to heed the warning. They spent the evening exploring the city, enjoying their time together. The weather was cool and breezy, a gentle respite from the usual humidity of Shanghai.

    As night fell, the couple returned to their room, tired but happy. Li Wei soon fell asleep, exhausted from the day's adventures. Mei Ling, however, couldn't stop thinking about the mirror. The allure of its mystery was too strong to resist.

    Quietly, she got out of bed and approached the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, hidden behind the thick curtain. With a deep breath, she pulled the curtain aside.

    Immediately, she felt a strange force pulling her towards the mirror. Before she could scream, she was sucked into the glass, disappearing from the room entirely.

    Mei Ling found herself in a place that seemed like an ancient version of China. The sky was overcast, the air heavy with the scent of incense and old wood. She stood in the middle of a bustling market, filled with people dressed in traditional clothing.

    The market was vibrant with colors and sounds, but something felt off. The faces around her seemed distant, almost ghostly. Mei Ling wandered through the streets, her heart pounding with fear and confusion.

    She came across an old man sitting by a stall, his eyes wise and kind. Excuse me, she said hesitantly. Where am I?

    The old man looked at her with a knowing gaze. You have crossed into the world behind the mirror. You must find your way back before it's too late.

    Meanwhile, Li Wei woke up to find Mei Ling missing. Panic surged through him as he searched the room and called out her name. When he noticed the curtain pulled aside from the mirror, a chilling realization hit him.

    Desperate, he ran to the reception and found Mr. Zhang. My wife is missing! She disappeared in front of the mirror!

    Mr. Zhang's face grew grim. I warned you not to uncover the mirror, he said. But there may still be a way to bring her back. We must perform an ancient ritual to shatter the mirror and free her from the other world.

    Mr. Zhang gathered the hotel staff, all of whom seemed familiar with the procedure. They brought out ancient texts, incense, and ritualistic objects. The atmosphere grew tense as they prepared for the tantric ritual.

    Li Wei watched anxiously as the staff began chanting, their voices rising and falling in a haunting melody. The room filled with the scent of burning incense, and the air seemed to crackle with energy.

    Inside the mirror world, Mei Ling faced numerous challenges. She encountered strange creatures and witnessed bizarre events. Each step felt like a test of her courage and willpower. She kept moving, driven by the hope of reuniting with Li Wei.

    Eventually, she found herself in front of a grand temple. The old man from the market appeared again. This temple holds the key to your return, he said. Enter, and face your deepest fears.

    Mei Ling nodded, her resolve hardening. She stepped into the temple, where shadows danced on the walls and eerie whispers filled the air. She confronted her fears and insecurities, battling through the darkness.

    As the ritual in the hotel room reached its climax, the mirror began to glow and vibrate. The chanting grew louder, and the energy in the room intensified. Suddenly, the mirror shattered into a thousand pieces, and a blinding light filled the room.

    When the light faded, Mei Ling lay on the floor,

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