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Bound by Crystals: Flames of Light, #2
Bound by Crystals: Flames of Light, #2
Bound by Crystals: Flames of Light, #2
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Bound by Crystals: Flames of Light, #2

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Flames of Light series

Bound by Crystals

Demeter and her sisters are hiding in the magical shifter town of Ville de Cougar, where danger follows them in the form of a deranged witch named Morgana Cathain. Demeter has dreams of a sexy man with gorgeous gray eyes. He calls her "my love" and tells her he must keep her and her sisters safe. Shared dreams are signs of being fated mates. Only, as their desire grows, he begins to fade. She sees her potential fated mate in peril when he and another man crash into their shop and collapse on the floor. Demeter will do everything she can to save him. Doubts about her magical abilities plague her. Will she be able to do it?

Mars found the beautiful witch he hopes the fates have chosen for him as he lay in anguish. He needs to stay alive to rescue his brother, who has been kidnapped by his step-sister Morgana. His mate takes charge of the situation, determined to save him. Her uncertainty in her powers and beauty does not sway his faith. As life slips away from him, his mate finds her mystic skills.

Now, Mars has the most challenging quest ahead of him. He must convince Demeter they belong together. He will remain at her side to fight for their love and help free his brother because they are stronger together than apart.

Release dateJun 23, 2024
Bound by Crystals: Flames of Light, #2

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    Book preview

    Bound by Crystals - Katrina A. Bauer


    Thank you to Nova Sheppard for naming the Queen of the Jellyfish.

    This book would have never come to be without the guidance of Lia Violet and her encouragement to try my hand at writing in the paranormal world she and Ginger Leone created. 

    I am so grateful for the support of my husband and our four princesses for always being in my corner and helping me follow my dreams. My extreme thanks to Gabrielle Applesauce Bauer-Olson for her tireless efforts to edit this story's first draft.  

    To my marvelous editor, Sherrie Coutu, thank you for making this story shimmer and glow. To my exceptionally talented cover artist, Creative Imaginings LLC, thank you for all your hard work and imaginative designs that give all my books a hot new look.  

    My amazing assistant, Sylv Kerslake, thank you for your patience and hard work. You have brought me into your light. Your skills and creativity shine like the sun. I would be lost without you! 

    Joe Dugdale, how you formatted my book was better than I could have imagined! Thank you.

    The Fabulous Baker Girls, your support has been invaluable to me. Thank you all so much.


    I want to dedicate this book to one of the strongest women I have the pleasure of working with every day, Linda Cypert. She continues to support and motivate me to keep writing. She stays positive despite her struggles and never misses a day working together. I am inspired by her ability to fight a battle and still have compassion in her heart for others. Working beside her has truly been a gift I can never repay. Thank you, Linda, for always having a warm smile for me, no matter how you are feeling. You are one of the toughest women I know, rising above any challenge with grace and dignity. You are a true hero to me and anyone you meet.

    Cast of Characters

    A black background with a black square Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Witches and Wizards

    Jonquil Coven

    Diana Jonquil


    Uilliam Byrne

    Grandfather/Consort to the Queen

    Artemis Meagher

    Mother – Princess

    Belenos Meagher

    Father – Prince

    Bridig Meagher

    First Daughter

    Demeter Meagher

    Second Daughter

    Cassandra Meagher

    Third Daughter

    Aradia Meagher

    Fourth Daughter

    Fadias Peaceman

    Queens Advisor

    Cathain Family

    Erebos Cathain

    Thought to be a kidnapper- he ended up being kidnapped

    Mars Cathain

    Brother Demeter’s Mate

    Phalen Whelan

    Best friend to Erebos & Mars (Guardian)

    Ville de Cougar

    Lugh (Flacon) Falconer

    Lawyer - Brigid’s Mate/Concort

    Lia Falcon

    Falcon's Twin

    Moonbeam Idel

    Head of the Trillium Coven

    Kedor Idel

    Consort to Moonbeam

    Shifter's Wolves

    Byron Alton

    Alpha – Doctor

    Brent Alton

    Alpha – Wilderness Sanctuary

    Anna Alton

    Wife of the Alton Alpha twins

    Cassie Alton

    Sister of Byron & Brent – Nurse


    Dillon Oson

    Contractor – Cassandra’s Mate


    Triton Lynch

    Leader of the Merpeople- Aradia’s Mate

    Ethan Fitzgerald

    Entrance Clerk


    Morgana Cathain

    Erebos and Mars delusional Step-sister

    Helmar Rae

    Morgana’s henchmen

    Chapter One - Demeter

    A black background with a black square Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Demeter Meagher and her sister Cassandra stood behind the counter of their new store the Flames of Light candle shop in the shifter town of Ville de Cougar. Their grandmother told them stories of this shifter village and how it offered protection to magical people and shape shifters. Their parents were summoned back to Europe to assist in an unforeseen danger facing their grandparents, but struggled with leaving Demeter and her three sisters behind in Minnesota. Peril landed on their doorstep shortly after and they fled here. As they watched their younger sister, Aradia, leave with their older sister, Brigid, and her mate Falcon, she knew they made the right choice coming to this welcoming community. Today, they were doing a soft opening of their shop during the Ville de Cougar town Fourth of July celebration.

    The parade should start soon, Lia, Falcon’s twin called, coming from the back room wearing a black Flames of Light t-shirt and jeans like the rest of them. A chandelier hanging from the middle of the store reflected off her shiny dark hair. When we were kids, we sat right here. She pointed to the curb in front of the store.

    Were you in the parade? Cassandra asked, putting a blue sea candle on the glass shelf along the back wall.

    Lia's brown eyes crinkled. Yes, Lugh and I rode our bikes for a few years. Being Falcons' sister, she always used his given name to annoy him.

    I can see Falcon racing down the street, his light brown hair a blur, Demeter chuckled.

    No, Lugh stayed slow and steady. He never raced.

    Demeter moved to stand beside Lia, He didn’t with Brigid. They watched the people go by. In the distance, she could see the red glow from Brigid and her mate. Having a red tint to your aura everyone can see is one of the signs they were fated mates.

    Trust me, my brother didn't want to rush your sister. This danger you all are in made him rush.

    I think Brigid rushed him too, Cassandra added with a smirk. Those shared dreams freaked her out initially, but when she wanted to be with him... She waved her hand by her face, pretending to cool herself off.

    Demeter felt her cheeks heat at the thought of the strange man with auburn hair she’d been dreaming about herself. The only feature she could make out were his eyes. Piercing apophyllite gray cut through the fog and enchanted her. He kept repeating my love, he even called her beautiful. Which, being one of four girls, she had a hard time believing. In their last dream, he took the lead and brought her to him in the forest. His voice vibrated through her when he explained his mission to keep her and her sisters safe. In her heart, she knew he told her the truth.

    During last night’s encounter in the fog, he stood with his arms out, and her feet floated to him. Slowly, her hand rubbed the strange ache over her left breast. Her skin still burned where his bent knuckle brushed her forehead, and said he hoped to meet her before he died. Before she reached to embrace him, he collapsed, and her heart pounded with despair. He gasped his last request to find the entrance. Desperate, she told him how to find her without considering the consequences. She wanted to meet him and keep him alive.

    Glass breaking drew her back to the present. Cassandra, leave it! Lia shouted. Get behind the counter, both of you. She pushed them back from the door with one hand, grasping her wand with the other.

    Demeter struggled to pull Cassandra into her arms behind the counter. What do you see? she eased her sister to the floor.

    They made it through the entrance! Lia shouted again over her shoulder.

    They're here, Cassandra whispered.

    Demeter froze from fear, not for their safety but for the man from her dream.

    Two men crashed through the door, the dirty-blond haired man practically carrying the other man with auburn hair. The man of her dreams.

    Falcon and Kedor, the consort to Moonbeam of the Trillium Moon Coven, burst into the shop, wands drawn. Brigid followed behind them, her lips thinned, visibly annoyed, with Aradia and a tall man with long white hair.

    Demeter’s heart pounded; she needed to protect the man appearing in her dreams. She jumped over the counter. Stop! She put herself between all the men, glaring up at Falcon and Kedor. The blond man crumpled under the weight, and both men fell to the ground. Can't you see he is sick?

    The man from Demeter's dreams turned his head towards her. I've been searching for my love. The weakness in his voice broke her heart. Her legs became weak when his eyes closed, and she fell beside them. 

    Mars is Erebos’ brother and we have come to warn you, the blond man pleaded. Please, someone help. He glanced around at all of them.

    "Mars! Your name is Mars! Please don't die. You found me!" Demeter shouted in her mind, hoping he could hear her.

    Brigid pushed between her mate and Kedor. Stand down, you two, she ordered and knelt next to Demeter. However, the concern on Brigid's face made Demeter want to get closer to Mars.

    She looked around for Aradia, who could heal him with a touch.

    What does Mars want to warn us about? Brigid pushed Demeter back when she went to caress Mars' cheek. Instead, Brigid did what Demeter wanted to do. 

    Cassandra and Aradia made their way over to the men. Aradia extended her arm to Demeter's relief. No! Brigid screamed and pushed their little sister out of the way. He is burning up and barely breathing. Brigid raised her head, looking around the room, and found the stare of her mate. Please, get Aradia out of here.

    Falcon stepped forward, and another man with long, almost white hair appeared at his side. The men exchanged a protective glance before they reached Brigid and Aradia. 

    Demeter locked eyes with Aradia. Help him, please! She did not keep the desperation from her voice with her sister.

    Falcon led her little sister away. Aradia, please, let's go to the counter and keep our distance. 

    I'm sorry, Aradia whispered back. The other man followed close to the pair.

    Brigid, we have to get him to the hospital where the Altons can help, Cassandra said over the commotion.

    Who are you? Brigid asked the man holding Mars.

    Tears framed his lashes. Phalen. He started to stand.

    Cassandra extended a hand. Here, let me help you.

    Lia moved quickly from the door to Phalen's side. He is too sick for magic. We will have to take him by car. My SUV is out back. Her stare met with Brigid's. Can you and Kedor help me get Mars up? Demeter neared Mars, and a buzzing started under her skin. Brigid helped Kedor lift Mars off Phalen, putting one of his arms over each of their shoulders. Kedor took most of Mars' fragile body since Kedor was over six feet, and Mars' feet didn't touch the ground. 

    Demeter's heart constricted at his state. She followed everyone out, keeping a close eye on Mars. She called out, Cassandra, can you open the door?

    They laid him in the back seat of Lia's SUV next to Phalen so he could rest his friend's head on his lap. Mars, we kept our promise. Stay with me. We found her. The plea in his voice tore her heart.

    Brigid wedged herself between the car door and her. I'm going with them, Demeter said, giving her sister a glare of ‘try and stop me.’

    Falcon came over and gave a slight nod to Lia. We will meet you all there. He gathered his wife, issuing another warning to Aradia to stay put. Demeter watched them move back and got in.

    Lia glanced in the back, shutting the door. Are you all ready? she asked, even though she knew the answer, starting the SUV. 

    Phalen kept murmuring to Mars. She is here. She’s safe. Please relax. 

    Demeter turned to see Mars wave his arms. His breathing became labored. Phalen reached for his hands. Tell him you're here. 

    Could he not feel her presence, like she felt his? Mars, I am here with you. You found me. We are safe. Please, stay with us. I so want to see your breathtaking eyes. She didn't care if she sounded needy.  

    Mars went slack, and his breathing went shallow again. Phalen glanced up at her. Thank you!

    Lia stayed focused on the road. Thankfully, the parade started further downtown, and the streets were clear. We will get him to the hospital in no time, Lia said, reaching over to clasp Demeter's hands. 

    I hope so. I've been dreaming about Mars.

    Her friend's head whipped over. You what?

    Guilt pierced her heart at not telling everyone about Mars. Mars' name embodied courage, which he showed in finding her. The way his name stirred something deep inside her brought forth thoughts of passion, and desire. Heat shot through her deep to her very core. I'm not sorry.

    By the way, you’re glowing. This has been going on for a while.

    "Not a

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