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The BOOK of VISIONS: Collection of Original Horror Stories
The BOOK of VISIONS: Collection of Original Horror Stories
The BOOK of VISIONS: Collection of Original Horror Stories
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The BOOK of VISIONS: Collection of Original Horror Stories

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Hey there, fellow thrill-seekers! Have you ever wondered why we just can't get enough of horror stories? It's no secret that humans have an inherent fascination with the unknown and the supernatural. Horror stories provide an escape from reality and allow us to delve into a different realm, making us forget about our own troubles for the time-being. It's a thrill that sends shivers down our spines and gets our adrenaline pumping in the middle of the night. Horror stories challenge us intellectually. They present complex narratives, unexpected twists, and psychological puzzles having us jump on the edge of our seats while we try to solve yet another mystery. We become more aware of our own fears and deep anxieties, when we explore the unknown. Are you ready to step inside a terrifying scene of another horror story?
This is a collection of original psychologically intense horror stories to put you in the realm of enigmatic yet scary reality that may or may not exist...
Release dateNov 20, 2023
The BOOK of VISIONS: Collection of Original Horror Stories

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    The BOOK of VISIONS - Ghenrietta Von Bloome




    Collection of Original Horror




    The Book of Visions

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This is a work of fiction. All characters and situations appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or personal situations is purely coincidental.

    Bloome Publishing





    The mirror

    The girl by a tombstone

    A house on the hill

    The lake

    A house in the woods

    The mirror upstairs

    Trapped butterfly

    The dark waters

    The shape shifter

    Haunting of Willow house

    The intruder

    The wandering spirit

    Lost in the fog

    Black veil

    A witch by the well

    A girl with no face

    The worm boy

    Monster in a bottle

    He who walks at night

    Deep waters

    The voices

    The skeleton card

    The face in a mirror

    The venomous encounter


    The unseen depths

    The raven

    The cake

    The rusted nail

    As a child, I was very much perplexed by the mysteries of the night, and the echoing ghosts of the unknown. I always wanted to understand the unexplained enigma behind supernatural elements that may not be out of this world, haunting the souls of the ones, who are asleep. I became bewildered by the whispers of the lamenting voices, asking me to release them from the chains of the dark spirits. When I began to listen to those voices, the answer came to me but not in a word palette. It shaped itself in a form of visions, which haunted my imagination with their powerful, and insisting precedence. Willingly, I became a silent vessel for such supernatural and illusive communication between my curious sanity and delusive rustles of the past. I heard it in my dreams and in my soul - the whispers, which were swiftly telling me their stories, as if they were afraid to be interrupted. Some of the stories carried lessons. Yet other tales brought a wicked dark presence with their distorted cries - the ones, which continue to trouble me every night with their tormented and sad requiem…

    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity...

    ~ Edgar Allan Poe ~



    A sound of the howling wind became stronger with each second, as the storm was approaching an old manor on the hill. The night was cruel and full of images, leaving their distorted shadows in the glossy reflection of the nearby lake. The wind was angry and merciless.

    Its powerful gusts shattered one of the windows upstairs at the manor. It seemed there was someone inside, pacing in the room on the second floor. As the wind continued singing its out-of-tune lullaby, a vague silhouette of a crying woman appeared in the shattered window for just an instance, disappearing once again in the illusive darkness. 

    She released a cry into the night, which echoed in the hallow walls of the old house and vanished in its cold stone presence. Inside the manor, long narrow hallways carried a lot of memories, preserving them with their tight possessive grasp from anyone, who would dare uncover the well-hidden dark secrets.

    The room upstairs was forbidden to an outside eye, for it carried such forgotten secret of the past. As the storm continued battling with the night, trying to overpower its wicked shadows, the woman upstairs stood frozen in front of the mirror, which quietly dwelled in the corner of the room, covered with purple velvet.

    Hesitating to make any noise or sudden movement, the woman slowly took the heavy velvet covering off the mirror and looked inside the hazy glass. Her beautiful yet petrified reflection silently appeared in the mirror, awakening the very depth of the antique artifact. Her long dark hair gently rested on her shoulders, as if her very portrait was set up to be painted by the mirror itself. As she gazed into the foggy depth of the mirror, her eyes became fully focused on the distant gray face-like cloud, staring back at her from inside the murky glass.

    The woman looked terrified, as she watched the ghostly presence slowly come out of its icy cold confinement. As the strong winds raged through the unsettling shadows of the night, a faint muffled voice called out to the woman to come with her. The echoing voice became louder as it approached the frozen woman closer with its petrifying laments.

    As the sound of the howling wind strengthened its presence, so did the unidentified voice in the mirror, calling out to the woman’s essence with its persistent cries. She did not move, looking at her own reflection while listening to the whispers of the distant past. Suddenly, a white shadowy cloud appeared in the mirror’s surface, softly covering the woman’s reflection and turning it into a misty hazy specter.

    The gloomy fog gradually collected little pieces of someone’s face, as if it was painting a portrait. The terrified woman slowly stepped back from the mirror, looking at the unknown presence in front of her. She then felt a gentle touch upon her shoulder from behind. She quickly turned around only to discover her own shadow. When she looked back at the mirror, she saw a dark distorted image staring at her with anger and resentment.

    As she tried to scream, she felt her voice no longer had the ability for a vocal expression,

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