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A prince's bride and magic butterflies
A prince's bride and magic butterflies
A prince's bride and magic butterflies
Ebook390 pages5 hours

A prince's bride and magic butterflies

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About this ebook

I am Ljara Jarrant, a future druid-turned-druid, but still only a freshman at the Academy of the Great Mother. The moment I stepped off the portal, my life as a recluse became a series of adventures. The entrance exam and that turned out to be an attack by Blood Moon cultists. And what can I do when my abilities are blocked, my heart stolen by a courageous werewolf warrior, and my hand promised to the hated prince of Fybard? All that remains is to listen to the silver butterflies and find the beast within me.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
A prince's bride and magic butterflies


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    A prince's bride and magic butterflies - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ


    Twelve years before current events

    - Oelrio! Oelrio! Where are you, baby?

    I could clearly hear the nanny’s excited voice and was angry in my heart: Why is he yelling like that? It’ll scare you away!

    Good kitty, come to me, I repeated in a whisper, attracting the animal’s attention.

    She persistently extended her hand, palm up, forward. Another mental message: Come!

    Hot breath fanned my skin, and I closed my eyes in anticipation, expecting that I would be able to touch the huge, velvety, slightly damp nose. She even shuddered with impatience - she so wanted to run her fingers into the silvery, soft, thick fur covered with round spots. If only the nanny would stop screaming!

    Well, please, Nissy! – I silently begged, unconsciously reinforcing the thought with the demand to submit, but, of course, such tricks don’t work with a nanny. Eh...

    It didn’t cost me anything to hide from my nanny in the thick bushes. The thorny branches always parted, revealing secret passages and paths, all you had to do was wish it. This drove the servants assigned to me crazy, and even more so my father, who was terribly angry when he once again learned that I had fled outside the estate.

    -Lady Oelrio! – it sounded closer and stricter. The nanny seemed to be losing patience.

    The huge beast raised its ears warily and sniffed. A barely audible growl was born in the depths of his throat.

    Hush, kitty, hush, I reinforced my words with a mental message to calm down.

    The raised fur lay down, the dilated pupils narrowed a little, and I admired the striking shade of light blue eyes, just like my new satin dress.

    - Kisa, I love you! - sincere words from the bottom of my heart.

    Now it seemed to me that there was no one closer and more beautiful than this huge cat, the size of my father’s horse: Well, please, Great Mother, give me a little more time!

    The beast sensed my desire. The dark gray wet nose with a bluish tint finally poked into the palm and exhaled noisily, making you giggle - it tickles! Barely holding back a squeal of delight, I more boldly ran my fingers into the soft, delicate fur under the chin and scratched it, as if it were an ordinary hunting cat. There was a purring sound, similar to the roar of a distant waterfall, which my dad once showed me. Unable to contain my delight, I hugged the powerful neck, sneezing when hairs got into my nose.

    – You are so soft! I like the way you smell. Nice kitty, let's be friends? – I whispered, continuing to stroke and scratch the thick fur, rejoicing that my simple caress was pleasant to the beast.

    - Oelrio! – behind me there was a crackling of bushes and an indistinct curse, in which my sensitive ear caught my own name. - Oel... Great Mother! – the nanny finished in a voice that had shrunk to a barely audible whisper.

    I felt the muscles under the soft skin tense, the deep purring turning into a menacing guttural rumble. The mustache bristled, sharp fangs almost as long as my arm were exposed. The huge wild cat hissed, showing an impressive grin. She slowly backed away, crouching with her front paws on the ground.

    I felt how what had barely arisen between us was collapsing, and I fell, letting go of my powerful neck. She stood up, brushing dry leaves from her hem, stained with green grass juice, and stamped her foot in disappointment. On the contrary, in a small clearing hidden in the shadow of spreading branches, a nanny stood as white as a sheet.

    Nissy, I frowned sternly, watching as she, without taking her frightened gaze away from the beast, frantically tried to fumble in her apron pocket. - Nissy! If you do this, I will let the kitty eat you...

    And yet the nanny succeeded. My father gave her a summoning amulet just in case I did something like that again.

    A moment - and my beloved and very formidable daddy appeared next to us, the expression on his face did not bode well. One glance in our direction - and a whip appeared in my father’s hand, woven from a black haze. The formidable Lord Yarrant flicked it in the air and shouted:

    – Arr'thelle tirset!

    The cat slowly retreated, continuing to grin, and then, turning sharply, jumped into the thicket. Before the cloudy veil of my father’s protection enveloped me, a powerful tail lashed my legs, and I fell to the ground again.

    – Oélrio Satem Daria Yarrant!

    Oelrio is actually me. Satem and Daria are the names of father and mother. A full name in such a situation did not bode well. My father spoke quietly, but threateningly, and I involuntarily glanced sideways at the whip in his hand. And what? After all, he promised to tear it out more than once. Is it enough?

    Lord Yarrant followed my gaze and, wincing, dispelled the formidable weapon with a slight wave. Phew, it seems it got through this time too. I stood up, brushing off the hem of my new... hmm... it looked like an old satin dress.

    - Hello, daddy! – I ran towards him with a joyful smile.

    My father is the most powerful magician in the Eressold Empire, and Nissi and other servants always shy in his presence. But not me. After all, dad loves me very much, and therefore I’m not afraid of him at all. Even when this eerie black haze is spreading around.

    While I was running, I managed to notice how Nissi hastily rises from the ground, holding on to a tree trunk - apparently she fell out of fright, and moves to the side, cautiously looking at the muddy haze. She tries to reach her with thin tentacles, but immediately returns to her father’s feet, obeying his will. Without fear, I took my last steps straight through this foggy haze, feeling a light gentle chill tickling my bare, scratched and soil-stained knees.

    My father’s strong arms grabbed me, and I continued to smile dazzlingly, but from the stern look I realized that it would not be possible to completely avoid punishment.

    - Kitty, right? – I asked seriously, as if I was still very little, and I felt anger mixed with fear bubbling in my father’s chest. Is he so scared for me? - Daddy, the kitty is good. She wouldn't touch me! I’m already eight, but I knew that when Lord Yarrant is angry, it’s better to pretend to be a baby, so daddy will forgive me faster.

    – Oelrio, do you even understand how dangerous arr’thelle is?

    So. Looks like things are really bad. Still Oelrio. Not Elya and not Lyara - that means my father is really angry with me. The inky haze continued to flow near his feet. The long black hair moved barely noticeably, as if alive. I tried to calm them down with a mental message and met my father’s gaze full of indignation. And the nanny continued to retreat step by step in the hope of hiding among the trees. Haha.

    - Hanissia! – Lord Yarrant’s stern shout made the poor nanny close her eyes and involuntarily bend down.

    - M-my lord? – it seems she already regrets that the kitty didn’t eat her. Or arr... arr'thelle? Is that what your father called the beast?

    – Hanissia, why did you disobey the order and go outside the estate with the young lady?

    – We were walking in the garden, and then Oelrio disappeared. I rushed to search and found it only here. I don't understand how this happened, my lord. Sorry...

    Nissy was wringing her hands, there was such sincere remorse on her face that I felt very ashamed.

    – Daddy, it’s not Nissy’s fault! I asked for bushes, and they let me through.

    – Did you ask for bushes? – Father’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

    Evening of the same day

    "Today I was again forced to urgently leave the meeting in the palace; the summoning amulet that I gave to Khanissia worked. Praise be to the shadows and the Great Mother that I am able to move to my daughter, wherever she is. And what do you think? I find this scoundrel next to the relic! Not with just anyone. A real arr'thelle in the flesh!

    - Great Mother! – the gray-haired, long-bearded old man in a gray robe, right down to his toes, decorated with intricate emerald lettering along the hem and collar, could not restrain himself. He looked at me intently with bright green eyes.

    I hastily stopped swinging my legs and playing with the flower in the pot, forcing it to either bow according to my mental order or copy the nanny’s movements. Nissy, who had received a scolding from her father, stood at the door with her hands folded on her stomach and her lip primly stuck out, deliberately not looking in my direction. Still, I was offended, I thought, again feeling a slight pang of conscience. Hanissia is kind and sincerely loves me. She forgives me all my pranks and reads me fairy tales at night. You definitely need to ask her for forgiveness...

    Meanwhile, the old man came closer, and I felt the smell of hay. He squatted down in front of me and lifted my chin with a dry, calloused finger, turning my face towards the light.

    - Marvelous! Such a baby... Eyes like a Thunbergrans on the second day of flowering. Eyelashes clap-clap, as if the bird-bee mel’saa is circling over a flower. Skin like moonlight on ripening apel fruits...

    - My friend, I didn’t understand a word, as usual...

    – I admire the beauty of your child. And how could someone like you give birth to this flower?

    – Oelrio took after her mother...

    - And glory to the Great One! Daria...

    - Picelius, please!

    - Sorry.

    Green eyes like spring grass looked at me again:

    – So how did you say you were able to leave the protective perimeter?

    - Bushes?

    Bushes, the old man confirmed, grinning.

    I just asked... they let me through, I answered less confidently, as if my tongue didn’t want to obey.

    It seemed as if the old man’s eyes were now covering the entire room from me. Neither father nor nanny is visible. Only greenery and narrow vertical pupils, reminiscent of arr'thelle. They began to expand and contract, and it seemed to me as if drums were beating somewhere far away. It was unclear - are the drums beating and the pupils dilating to the beat, or vice versa? A monotonous voice rang out, but I didn’t understand a word...

    - Amazing! Dark energy responded to the pure manifestation of the energy of Life...

    - My oversight. I turned out to be too self-confident. Again," there was hidden bitterness in my father’s words, and I realized that it was because of my mother.

    I placed a block, your daughter will no longer be able to use her power to its fullest.

    – She won’t be able to use energy at all?

    I left the minimum for household needs, so to speak, the old man laughed raspily. – When the time comes, we are waiting for her at the Academy.

    - Arr'thelle?

    – He won’t remember, like the rest.

    I tried to open my eyes and ask: what am I not remembering and what is arr’thelle? But sleep took over first...

    Chapter 1

    ...And the world was on the verge of destruction because of that war. And the Great Mother woke up. She opened her eyes and was amazed at what she saw. And she lifted up her right hand, and the gods fell at her feet. And the Great Mother opened her mouth and spoke a word. And the world was covered with dense forests without end and edge. And those forests gave birth to animals seen and never seen. And the Great Mother squeezed her right hand in anger and deprived the gods of their power. And she told them to live side by side with people and survive in the new world. And they began to be called Lla'eno and led people after them...

    Picelius. Gods war. Lla'eno

    Office of the Imperial Advisor

    – Satem, you still have a couple of hours before the embassy from Faybard arrives.

    Lord Satem Llorgh Yarrant looked up from the maps where he was making notes and looked at his interlocutor in surprise. He did not notice this, since he was looking out the window, standing with his back to the table at which the adviser was working. A light breeze played with the leaves of the trees growing at a distance, bringing the smell of freshness into the office. Somewhere in the crowns, a disturbed bird screamed shrilly.

    – If you are talking about the plans delivered by Verderion’s reconnaissance group, then I’m almost finished...

    - I'm talking about Oelrio.

    Before answering, Lord Yarrant looked around the office wearily.

    Every curl on the carved armrests of the chairs, every curve of the bas-reliefs decorating the ceiling, and the desudéportes above the doors and large, open windows that reached the floor, conveyed a discreet luxury. The walls, covered in green silk, were decorated with portraits of prominent statesmen of the past, all from Lla'eno. A pair of snow-white busts in the spaces between the windows and heavy curtains, matching the walls, decorated with gold frills and tied with the same ribbons, and a thick carpet on the floor, concealing the sound of footsteps so that the servants would not be distracted. This office is a mirror copy of the imperial one, and Lord Yarrant has been its rightful owner for almost twenty-five years.

    – What does this have to do with my daughter? – the answer finally came.

    The interlocutor did not believe the surprised tone for a moment.

    – Today the Academy of the Great Mother opens its portals for new applicants.

    - Oh, that's what you're talking about. – Lord Yarrant winced and turned his gaze back to the cards.

    - Hourly!

    – Allarik, please don’t start. I will be calmer if Oelrio remains in the estate under reliable protection...

    – Satem Llorgh Yarrant! If you weren't my first advisor, right-hand man and friend, I would think you were either an idiot or sent by Yart to harass me.

    The dark, short-haired man turned. Black eyes stood out brightly on a pale face, their gaze pierced the interlocutor through and through. He slowly walked up to the table and leaned his fists directly on the ill-fated card, preventing the lord from continuing his work.

    Satem looked with a sigh at the fingers decorated with rings, the bracelets peeking out from under the cuffs of the strict imperial uniform - all completely powerful artifacts, imbued to the brim with all three types of energies. The uniform itself, black with silver embroidery along the stand-up collar and cuffs, decorated with two rows of diamond buttons, is the same as that of the adviser himself. The difference was an order encrusted with black and ordinary diamonds, stretching the neck - a sign of distinction that at one time replaced the crown.

    Lord Yarrant slowly raised his eyes. This very order was now dangling, swaying, almost right next to his nose. Following his movement, the adviser joked:

    Allaric, don’t you know that you can’t hypnotize a shadow magician.

    Don’t go off topic, laughed Allaric Norang the Fifth, Emperor of Eressold. – You still have time to deliver Oelrio to the Academy. The tests will last until the evening.

    – Listen, Picelius himself put a block on her potential, resting his soul in the halls of the Great Mother. Over the past years, Lyara's gift has never caused trouble again, and that suits me. You know, less problems.

    The interlocutor grinned knowingly, but continued his persuasion:

    We need her gift. Another strong druid will not hurt the Empire. Again, one should not exclude the possibility that the block will be destroyed by third-party intervention or removed independently, as usual, at the most inopportune moment. Picelius warned that the entire Thicket, led by crazed relics, could gather in response to her involuntary call. Don't we have enough problems?

    Satem hesitated, admitting that his interlocutor was right, but was not going to give up.

    The Emperor repeated:

    – Satem, the girl must study. Go right now and be back in time for the ambassadors to arrive. You will negotiate. I also need you to listen to our private conversation with the Shining One.

    Allarik, you are my friend, but I wouldn’t want to risk my daughter either. "Lord Yarrant stood up, throwing back the resin strands that had escaped from his tail, which was held in place by a black ribbon. His gray eyes, surprisingly light for a shadow mage, flashed with irritation.

    The Emperor pursed his lips, watching as shadows swirled around the adviser’s feet. He hissed, and they immediately disappeared, as if dissolving into the milky-fawn pile of the carpet.

    – Do you want to lock the girl in the estate until the wedding? – the sound of steel could be heard in Allarik’s voice, reminding him that he rightfully occupies his place.

    If it were up to me, I wouldn’t marry Lyara at all!

    - But my will is here! – the Emperor barked and continued softer: – Satem, your possessiveness will not lead to anything good. Remember Daria.

    - Allarik, please! – the mere mention of this name made the powerful shadow magician’s heart clench painfully, and a feeling of his own powerlessness crept up in his throat, despite the passing of years.

    - Why is it that I start talking about my stepsister, and you, like the last weakling, hide your head in the bushes? Your insane jealousy has brought your relationship to disaster! Daria left, and it's only your fault.

    - She cheated on me! – the adviser’s self-control failed.

    -Have you ever tried to find out what happened? Perhaps everything is not as it seems and you have drawn the wrong conclusions?

    Lord Satem, playing with his nodules, went to the window, trying to breathe deeply and evenly, focusing on controlling the shadows and his own emotions.

    You should apologize to her for that scene. I’m sure she would forgive," the emperor continued.

    – Do you know how many times I tried to do this?! But Daria didn’t want to listen, and then she just up and disappeared. I couldn't get through the shadows to her, no matter how hard I tried. She is dead, my Daria! And please, stop talking about this. This is not a conversation that will set me up for productive communication with Fibard's ambassadors.

    I would have felt her death, the Emperor continued.

    - Fine. If she is alive, why hasn’t she sent any news in all these years? Didn’t you at least visit your daughter if she doesn’t want to see me? – The adviser’s palms hit the map.

    Allarik shrugged:

    I’m sure my sister has good reasons for such behavior. That is why I ordered the search to be stopped then. – The Emperor glanced at the dial of his wristwatch. – Take your daughter to the Academy and come back, we don’t have much time.

    - No!

    – Lord Satem Llorgh Yarrant, I order you as your emperor: take your daughter to the Academy! In the enemy camp, I need a loyal and strong ally, not a helpless girl!

    Chapter 2


    The wind hit my face, playing with my hair and horse's mane. A sharp turn, and now the dark chestnut strands mixed with the milky hair of the horse, and then all this wealth whipped across the cheeks and into the mouth. I turned Apel around again and, laughing and spitting as I walked, directed her towards the stables.

    Apel, my new horse, a dapple-gray, thin-legged beauty with a luxurious long mane and tail that I love to comb, was galloping. I sat on her back like a glove, feeling the hot body under me. I don’t like saddles, but my gift for feeling animals allows me to get along well with them. Moreover, with anyone, from hunting cats to wild wolves, which can sometimes be found in the lands. No, of course, there are exceptions. For example, father's resin stallion Demon. Brr! Creepy beast.

    Today turned out to be a beautiful fine day after a whole week of prolonged downpours - the coming autumn was making itself felt. We galloped along the levada, enjoying life and speed. I was happy, and so was the horse. Happiness feels especially vivid compared to other emotions, the echoes of which I can catch if I deliberately concentrate. It flows like a stormy stream, generously spilling the energy of life around. Now I was literally bathing in it, glad that it was available to me. Sometimes I wonder how I would live if I didn’t have such abilities? What if I didn't have Lla'eno blood running through my veins?

    Lightly squeezing her steep sides with her knees, she mentally commanded: Home.

    Clods of wet earth flew from under the horseshoes when Apel turned sharply, and within a few minutes we found ourselves in the stable. Rumbling along the wooden flooring, they passed numerous, now empty stalls, reaching the opposite end. I deftly jumped down as I walked, and Michal, the junior groom, habitually opened the gate leading to the small paddock. He was about to follow to abuse my horse, but I stopped him.

    - Michal...

    The guy turned and, smiling, brushed away the bangs that had fallen over his eyes with his hand.

    – Madam?

    He was only two years older than me and had a thick head of straw-colored hair that kept getting into his eyes. His impressive height and amazing strength made it possible to cope even with the Demon, his father’s tar stallion. The servants said that the blood of a relic flows in the beast’s veins. It's a pity that my abilities and knowledge are not enough to check this. So, even I am afraid to stay alone next to him, despite all my skills. Michal, on the other hand, walks, cleans, feeds, saddles on orders and even dares to sit on horseback without any problems. At such moments, his light blue eyes sparkle with delight, and a powerful flow of emotions, the wild mixture of which I personally call thirst for adventure, simply knocks me off my feet as soon as I forget to dampen my perception.

    The guy's dreamy gaze settled on my modest person. I came a little closer than decency dictates, and, looking up, asked:

    - Did you bring it?

    The groom immediately frowned, his radiant smile fading like a fine winter day.

    Uh-huh, nodding doomedly, the guy involuntarily looked at the open gate, as if thinking of running away.

    Without allowing Michal to come to his senses, I pressed my palm against his chest, forcing him to retreat into the open stall. I barely reached his shoulder, and it is unlikely that I would have been able to move this colossus from its place if he had not succumbed. Fortunately, there was no need to order.

    - Show me! Well yes-a-va-a-ay! "I jumped on the spot, but after a couple of jumps I forced myself to calm down, I just bit my lip out of impatience.

    - Madam, maybe it’s not worth it? Your father will fire me," a bit of fear slipped into the groom’s voice, and, in confirmation, I felt the sour taste of this emotion.

    No. It won't work that way. If I feel too strongly, I will become infected myself. I was silent for a moment, feeling how the empathy that had been deliberately promoted during the race was gradually fading away. That's better. Now I don’t need it, and it uses up my already small reserve.

    – Michal, you are very brave, I believe in you.

    My hand was still resting on his chest, and I, as if by chance, moved my palm lower, feeling the elastic muscles tense under the thin fabric of the plaid shirt, so warm and hard. So far everything seems to be as written in the books.

    The groom sighed heavily and put his hand in his belt.

    - Here.

    He handed me a small flat box and quietly stepped back.

    - Everybody is here?

    The guy swallowed his saliva and nodded. Fears. It’s in vain, my father never comes into my room, otherwise he would have long ago discovered a rather large collection of inappropriate ladies’ novels and magazines, which our cook Marissa secretly supplied me with at her own peril and risk. In return, I gave her various things like expensive cosmetics and designer jewelry. I didn’t have any pocket money, since there wasn’t much to spend it on on the estate, but Nissi went out from time to time and brought me what I needed. But nothing inappropriate for a noble lady is natural.

    So. The order has been received, and now it’s time for unheard-of audacity, that is, I wanted to say gratitude. Yeah! I climbed onto a very convenient deck that happened to be here. In general, it doesn’t belong in the stall, but it looks like someone brought it here to reach the sash of the narrow window upstairs, and forgot to put it away. This will come in handy for me too.

    Now Michal and I are the same height.

    -Are you expecting a reward? "I tried to speak confidently, but my heart was ready to jump out of my chest.

    – Madam...

    - Lyara, Michal. I asked.

    I wrapped my arms around the guy’s neck and looked out from under closed eyelids. The smell of horses, sweat, fresh hay and some subtle aroma of either hair shampoo or perfume - this mixture was exciting, and I involuntarily inhaled deeper. Why is your heart beating so hard? And my palms are wet... Unless I’m shaking with fear. I saw how the guy clenched his jaw, and doubt in his eyes fought with desire. Wants? Of course he does! But he is very afraid.

    - Mr. Lyara. No need, I’ll bring you more for nothing, you know. Just Death of the Relic you...

    Well, I do not! I'm twenty, and I've never kissed anyone before! And there is no one suitable in the estate except Michal. Although I still got lucky here, I doubt I could do it with someone I don't even like. But either the guy didn’t realize how much I wanted to try, or he pretended, or maybe he really was, so afraid of my father and my situation that he himself never dared after a whole month of vain hints. I decided to act on my own.

    Nothing like that, just an innocent kiss.

    Pulling closer, I tried to remember how it was described in books... Eh, it would be easier if the initiative did not come from me...

    Michal's lips were soft and warm, and kissing turned out to be quite pleasant. Perhaps I’ll repeat it sometime, or is that not all? By the way, where is the dizziness and wobbly legs, as they wrote there? Where are the strong arms squeezing in an embrace? I realized that I wanted more passion, and out of impatience I bit the groom on the lip. Michal recoiled in surprise. His gaze changed. Is he mad at me or is it something else?

    - Lyara, your father will not fire me, but kill me! At that same moment the guy stepped closer, and I found myself pressed with my back against the wooden partition, and his wide palms grabbed me tightly around the waist. I even squeaked in surprise. My death will be on your conscience," he breathed before his lips covered mine, and his tongue suddenly rushed into my mouth, and...

    I think I'm lost. Feeling my cheeks flush, I braced myself with my hands, pushing the groom away.

    – Stop! Stop it.

    The guy finally realized what I demanded of him and released me. We were both breathing heavily, looking at each other. It became completely awkward.

    Excuse me, madam... Michal removed the bangs that had fallen over his eyes.

    Nothing... I looked away and quietly stepped down from the deck, my legs giving way. - It was... not bad...

    I hurriedly left the stall, but didn’t have time to walk even a couple of steps when I buried my nose in someone’s chest. I recoiled in surprise, but they held me back.

    - Lyara?

    - Dad?

    I blinked my eyes a couple of times and either felt or guessed how Michal was holding his breath in the stall. Yes, it won’t be easy to explain to Lord Yarrant what the two of us were doing there. We should take him away.

    - Daddy! – Letting out a joyful squeal, I jumped up, spreading my arms.

    - Elya!

    My father picked me up and spun me around so easily, as if I weighed no more than a feather. The sharp features of his face softened, as always in such moments of tenderness. If only someone could see the formidable Shadow Lord now.

    Hugging my father's neck, I planted a kiss on his clean-shaven cheek and inhaled the familiar aroma of eau de toilette, recognizing wormwood and oakmoss.

    – You said to wait for you on the weekend. The ambassadors didn't arrive?

    - Not yet. Elya, I won't be long and should be back at the palace within the hour. I was informed that you had gone for a ride, and I went straight here in the hope of meeting you. How's my gift?

    – Apel is magnificent! Thank you, daddy!

    I’m glad I pleased you, my father kissed me on the top of the head.

    "Dad, you didn’t sneak home right before the ambassadors arrived to find

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