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Observatory of Life: Fast-Track to Enlightenment
Observatory of Life: Fast-Track to Enlightenment
Observatory of Life: Fast-Track to Enlightenment
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Observatory of Life: Fast-Track to Enlightenment

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   If you are content, truly content with the life you lead now, and you know you will always be content, if you are not haunted by existential fear, if no thought soaked in long-standing fear permeates your subconscious, then do not read this book, for you are already enlightened.

   This is a book whose message is to show you the shortest, simplest way to remind you of who you truly are.

   Countless attempts have been made to explain what enlightenment is, what the state of knowing is, but this truth about who you are will be accepted by you not because you have read thousands of books and this is the last one, not because you have listened to great authorities and this is the last one, but because the truth about you is and always has been within you, merely hidden in forgetfulness and lies behind the curtain that you yourself created. And if you give yourself permission, you will remember who you truly are. The proverbial light bulb, which is placed in your head, is still connected to all the wires and with just a flick, the one awaiting you, you can switch it on and light up that very bulb, and see everything differently, and say: wow, but all of this is obvious and clear.


   There are those who sniff out deceit in enlightenment, fearing something that might threaten their independence of views or dogmas. Is it true? Of course, it is. Enlightenment is the path to freedom through expanding the horizons of perception, changing priorities and values, by stepping out of the cage and seeing the cage you are in, from the cage production site.

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Observatory of Life: Fast-Track to Enlightenment

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    Observatory of Life - David Goldman

    Observatory of Life:


    to Enlightenment

    David Goldman

    Dariusz Szymanek

    Copyright © 2024 Dariusz Szymanek

    All rights reserved

    If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at

    Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

    ISBN: 9788397172111

    I dedicate this book to Yvonne, my one and only soulmate, and to our wonderful children, Titian and Sebastian. With deep gratitude for the love and happiness you bring into my life, forever.


    If you are content, truly content with the life you lead now, and you know you will always be content, if you are not haunted by existential fear, if no thought soaked in long-standing fear permeates your subconscious, then do not read this book, for you are already enlightened.

    This is a book whose message is to show you the shortest, simplest way to remind you of who you truly are.

    Countless attempts have been made to explain what enlightenment is, what the state of knowing is, but this truth about who you are will be accepted by you not because you have read thousands of books and this is the last one, not because you have listened to great authorities and this is the last one, but because the truth about you is and always has been within you, merely hidden in forgetfulness and lies behind the curtain that you yourself created. And if you give yourself permission, you will remember who you truly are. The proverbial light bulb, which is placed in your head, is still connected to all the wires and with just a flick, the one awaiting you, you can switch it on and light up that very bulb, and see everything differently, and say: wow, but all of this is obvious and clear.

    What is written is based on my journey, which led me to the place where I decided to write this message, this explanation, this communication. And I write to you, as to the greatest friend, to share with you this discovery, to give you everything that belongs to you and is you, to remind you of who you are.

    There are those who sniff out deceit in enlightenment, fearing something that might threaten their independence of views or dogmas. Is it true? Of course, it is. Enlightenment is the path to freedom through expanding the horizons of perception, changing priorities and values, by stepping out of the cage and seeing the cage you are in, from the cage production site.

    Many of those who want to share their knowledge about the paths to enlightenment, many enlightened ones use words and phrases that are often associated with an excessive sweetness of the message, with an unnatural tone of benevolence, with an inflated atmosphere of gentleness. If you belong to those who are annoyed by being called friends, if what has value for you is defined by hard words and only then do you feel its taste, then you can also reach enlightenment in this atmosphere. You can apply your own magical algorithm that will lead you to where you can see differently. You don't have to become excessively gentle and full of excessive benevolence to pass through the veil of forgetfulness.

    What this message contains is the shortest path, which through my experiences and through those selected sources, which in my opinion, and you will discover, it is also your opinion, will most quickly and simply make you aware of who and where you are. Many of the words and phrases used in this book you will also find in other places indicated by me, and I point them out so that you can identify yourself from other perspectives, to direct you to the elements of complementation or clarification that belong to your enlightenment puzzle, which you will be able to choose, if necessary, for your full adjustment.

    Regardless of whether you are an ordinary reader, a literary critic, a publisher, a reviewer, one of my acquaintances, one of my close friends, or an enlightenment-oriented recipient of this text, you are the one who opened this book, this long letter, to attempt to remind yourself of the truth about who you are, and it did not happen by chance.

    That's all by way of introduction.

    Note for female readers.

    In languages where certain phrases can be used in the masculine or feminine gender, you may feel that the message is directed only to the masculine gender, however, this simplification has been applied for stylistic reasons, to avoid complicating the text. In places where the masculine gender has been used, it should be automatically changed to the feminine gender and everything sounds perfect :).

    The beginning of remembering

    I don’t know anything.

    This is the beginning of the birth of my self-definition, here in the present. I don’t know anything, but I’m starting to remember. It’s an interesting feeling. I’m starting to realize that I am. I recognize a great deal of objects in my immediate surroundings in some natural way and intuitively use their purpose. I can communicate, and it is obvious that I do, and if there is something I can’t do, I don’t know what it is yet, or to what extent it even works.

    I’m starting to remember: I open the gate to the property where I live, run down, then straight, then up, overcoming a huge, four-meter gully. I run out into a sunlit meadow and I hear a ticking sound. I look up and see the blue sky and the sun peering from behind the puffy clouds (at that time I didn’t know the names of these things and I didn’t know what I was hearing or seeing), and then I saw the sun’s rays illuminating the sky, spreading evenly. I still remember all of this as though it were yesterday.

    I wondered what it was. Then, in a lush green meadow, my attention was caught by sounds coming from places in the grass, chirping. As I searched for the source, I saw a tiny animal which, when I went to touch it, leaped away. Full of emotion, I started chasing this creature and after several attempts, I finally managed to catch it. I took a good look at it – today, I know it was a grasshopper – green, large, and wonderful. To prevent it from escaping, I grabbed the grasshopper clumsily and tightly by its long leg with one hand and by the other leg with my other hand. But when I looked again, I noticed I had accidentally torn its leg off: I saw that one leg was left in one hand, and the grasshopper, with its other hind leg, was in the other. I intuitively felt that something terrible had happened, that I had destroyed this wonderful phenomenon of nature, something that was playful and only jumped about all day – I had mutilated it. I released the grasshopper. It could still jump, albeit clumsily, and I felt an overwhelming sense of regret knowing I couldn’t take back that moment to make it the way it was before.

    From that moment on, I knew that I am conscious, aware of the fact that I am, aware of the fact that I remember, and most importantly, aware of the fact that I feel emotions. Just like you. You too are aware and remember and feel emotions.

    In addition to this, everything that manages to touch me from this point onwards becomes embedded within me, as a map of the reality in which I am. Both experiences and stories that others have told me about things, events, and phenomena that they convey as the truth, and which I too accept as the truth. Since, as a child, I did not have many experiences of my own yet, I assumed everything that was given to me was true. Only through the passage of time and the influx of new experiences did I realize that what I repeatedly considered to be true was only an interpretation of reality or simply a made-up fairy tale, a fairy tale that is sometimes wonderful and sometimes cruel, because even as an adult I had been seduced by many messages that I chose to convey, in order to satisfy my hunger for knowledge.

    When I look at myself, in every past reality, I see clearly that it was my faith in the messages that others conveyed to me that shaped me, my emotions, and my world. First, the world of the child. Then, the world of the adult. However, what is very interesting is that these fairy tales and any other information were almost always conveyed with good intentions.

    Where does this lead? Why am I telling you all this? I am telling you all this to remind you of your childhood self and the feelings you felt, to show you that the transition from a child to an adult is always gentle and subtle and there is no boundary separating the state of perception and reception. There is no boundary separating the quality of feeling, dividing it into a state of feeling that belongs to the child and a state of feeling that belongs to the adult, because that transition is so imperceptible that we cannot identify it in time. The process of assimilating and verifying the truth and selecting authorities is a continuous process. Regardless of who you perceive yourself to be now, whether you are someone famous, a millionaire, someone in a very high position, a well-known politician, an academic professor, the head of a church, or someone who judges himself to be of little value, average, or insignificant, the current state of who you are has come about from the fact that, upon the basis of continuity, you have chosen your beliefs, accepting the successive truths given to you. Currently, you might even be someone who wants to disentangle yourself from what is confusing, terrible, inevitable, cruel, unfair, or hopeless.

    The power of life

    What is the feeling that drives your life? What pushes you forward? Why do you think life is worth living, or what is the reason that life has lost its meaning and you no longer want to live? There seems to be a magical force that drives your life. When everything goes according to your plan, you are full of energy and joy. But when you feel like all the forces in heaven and on earth are against you, you feel far less content and sometimes even depressed.

    This magical feeling that guides you is the desire to be happy. Everything you do, you do to be happy. Whether it's egoism or altruism, it doesn’t matter—you are always guided by the desire to be satisfied with what you give, do, achieve, buy, get, find, steal, appropriate, or give. This also applies to satisfying this desire in terms of all the senses.

    Have you ever wondered why you are not one hundred percent happy and why sometimes things are not like you dreamed or desired? Probably hundreds of times.

    I perfectly remember my first desires. When I was a child, I was delighted when I got the chance to see wild animals, and my biggest dream was to have them close to me, to touch them and stroke them. This admiration for living animals, the desire to experience them up close, was at the same time a way leading to the imprisonment of those very animals who lived in the wild and enjoyed their lives in their proper environment. I felt a deep tenderness for all that is alive, and the desire to hold close to me that which aroused such positive feelings led me to an unconscious process—the deprivation of freedom of the very living creatures that delighted me the most.

    Without anaesthesia

    I didn't know why, but I felt that I loved my parents unconditionally. They were the most precious beings in the world to me, and I loved them with all of my being. I loved them so much that when I realized that human life has an end, I wanted and constantly lived with this vision that they and I were immortal, we never die, we are eternal as humans. When they were close, I was fulfilled, I was happy, the happiest in the world. You could say, the natural state of affairs regarding parents and children.

    This boundless love made me believe unconditionally in what my parents taught me. They guaranteed my safety, so I assumed that they must have loved me as much as I loved them, and therefore it was obvious to me that what they shared then had to be the truth and nothing but the truth. And this is how I built my reality - based on my parents' observations and guidance. They were my first authority. Secondly, in a natural and, for me, logical way, my immediate family was added to the authority of my parents, and above all, the ones with whom we were in constant contact: my grandmother, as well as my uncles and aunts - some of whom were related by blood, some of whom weren’t.

    At the beginning, I only wanted to be close to my parents and that was the only source of my happiness. But then, as my world expanded, so did the scope of my desires. New wonders and new discoveries appeared, the value of which was estimated by my desire to have them, or their value was a reflection of the desire to have them expressed by those around me. And it was harder for me to maintain my previous, perfect level of happiness.

    In subsequent stages of exploring the world, more or less unpleasant feelings, experiences, and moments began to appear, and some of them were so terrible that they were deeply embedded in my memory. One of the worst experiences of that period was my repeated participation in hunting trips with my father. My father was a passionate hunter, similar to American trappers who hunted game using traps, and the fact that in those conditions, in those places, and in those times, the methods he used to hunt hares were prohibited by law, it was simply that he called himself a poacher. Whatever his hobby could

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