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The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now
The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now
The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now
Ebook200 pages1 hour

The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now

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About this ebook

The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now is John Waters' collection of poetry, written since his days as an undergraduate until present.
Waters explores many themes such as family, life, love, and religion in this heartfelt collection.

About the Author
John W Waters, PhD. is a poet, preacher, and educator.

Release dateMay 20, 2024
The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator: Poetry Mostly in Free Verse From the Days at Fisk University to Now

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    The Poetic Meanderings of a Preacher/Educator - John W Waters, PhD.

    This Season of Holidays

    December 2022

    Is it me or is my age reminding me of how quickly the years come and go?

    Putting up the Christmas wreath seemed as though I had just taken it down.

    And there were trinkets and candles I could not remember where I put them.

    Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cypher Monday seem to diminish the joy.

    The joy, anticipation, and hope for which the season is celebrated.

    For me, the past years were so much more enjoyable.

    This year has been dominated by chaos and confusion.

    Has the pandemic run its course?

    Will the war in Ukraine solve Russia’s desire to reclaim its glory?

    Why would I at this season ponder the issues so complex?

    I am a news addict, so the information comes daily.

    There seems to be no end to so many devasting matters.

    My health has seen a drastic decline this year.

    Such has caused me to reflect on the hope and expectation for which the season means.

    The expectation that regardless of the current situation things can improve.

    This is the message the ancient sages and prophets proclaimed.

    It is that hope which pushes so many of us forward regardless.

    Hope is found in most religious groups down through the ages.

    As the year 2022 is in its concluding days several religious communities

    are celebrating the past and looking forward to a brighter future.

    A future positioned on the promise of God to be with us forever and ever.

    It is this hope of a brighter future that keeps me going.

    Going after decades of good and bad times and things.

    I can declare, the good days have always outnumbered the bad ones.

    From the Top

    September 2022

    From the top,

    The top of what?

    Is the top the beginning or the ending.

    It all depends on the perspective being taken.

    In music, it’s from the beginning.

    In life, maybe it’s a high point.

    There is always a matter of opinion

    In things that seem so subjective.

    Thinking over my life of many decades.

    I keep wondering what for me would be from the top.

    I am well aware of many highs and lows.

    Would this not be true for everyone?

    What has been the high point of my life?

    Even now after many decades I am not sure.

    Education has been important to me as long as I can remember.

    I have achieved the highest academic degree; not sure this is my high point.

    Travelling, reading, music, and so many other things

    Have made my life interesting and meaningful.

    Sometimes I have trouble recalling so much.

    So where would I begin to speak/write from the top?

    My life has had so many ups and downs.

    There have been many times I have not been sure of my direction.

    Thinking now about all of this, I am now most sure

    The top for me is my faith and belief in the blessings of God.

    Growing up being told that my life would not exceed five years.

    Being a sickly child, whose father thought so little of…

    Mastering academic subjects with ease from early childhood.

    I have to believe that it has been by the grace of God that I have made it.

    From the top of life struggles

    To the top of many achievements

    To the top of relationships that have survive the decades

    To the top of believing that the best, even for me is yet to be.

    Summer/Autumn 2022

    September 2022

    Summer/Autumn 2022

    What a season this has been.

    A year of flux and confusion.

    From the pandemic to Court decisions that deny reason.

    Fall/autumn can be so refreshing.

    Especially after the hottest summer on record.

    Climate change with so radical weather conditions.

    Forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes all this year.

    The Protest Movement was front and center.

    Black Lives Matter appeared to have come into its own.

    Police and other convictions came although rare.

    Reasons to hope for the future amidst much despair.

    Inflation has gotten out of hand.

    The cost-of-living affects all the lands.

    People complaining about the price

    But gasoline prices began to decline.

    Travel plans cancelled

    Cost of travel restricted such plans.

    What to do to remain sane?

    Mental health issues became a central thing.

    Autumn/fall is finally here.

    Brought in today with bad weather close and near.

    The clouds are dark with threatening signs.

    My mind’s inclined to part some things aside.

    Yet, to me the Summer/Autumn has changed this year.

    Is an indication that winter is near.

    So, the need to prepare to be ready for any dare.

    It too is a time for hope to rise to be assured that change is good.

    It’s so easy to slip into despair.

    The beautiful fall weather compels me not to despair.

    So instead, I bounce out of the bed

    Rushing to the windows to see the beautiful life outside instead.

    A Quiet Sunday Afternoon

    September 2022

    Stood at the door.

    The rain had come to an end.

    The street was wet and bare.

    A quiet Sunday afternoon.

    Took the ribs out of the frig.

    Placed the BBQ sauce atop each.

    Spoon used to spread the sauce thin.

    A quiet Sunday afternoon.

    Nap time was much earlier.

    The brunch of sausage and eye was good.

    Sleep seems to follow naturally from a good meal.

    A quiet Sunday afternoon.

    Thoughts of penning something came to mind.

    What to write or say at this particular time.

    Reflection, pondering, thinking, and yes, meandering came to mind.

    It was a quiet Sunday afternoon.

    Since the pandemic virtual worship has come to play.

    Time spent in worship is a major part of the day.

    Quite a change from the many years of Sundays in church.

    Just another quiet Sunday afternoon.

    A quiet Sunday afternoon spent at home.

    Pondering what to do with the time at hand.

    Watching TV had to be the plan.

    Another quiet Sunday afternoon.

    A Sunday afternoon just before Labor Day.

    Much to do in so many ways.

    The festivals, football, and election seasons underway.

    Is this just another quiet Sunday afternoon?

    Life has been good, so good in many ways.

    Over the years, decades, I can say.

    The blessings have come and still they do.

    It is never just another quiet Sunday afternoon.

    In Times Like These…

    August 2022

    Having lived many decades now and seeing so many changes.

    It is clear to me that these times are unlike any I have lived through.

    Wondering if there are any standards of integrity is a daily thing.

    Science and historical data seem to play so little influence today.

    There are so many who deny almost anything that has a scientific basis.

    Climate change and personal freedom are the subjects of so many theories.

    Growing up I learned to believe in the scientific method.

    Common sense was supported by rational data.

    Although as a Black child, all such data was not available.

    Conspiracy theorists have convinced so many of really lies,

    To the degree that sometimes it seems a waste of time to tell truth.

    As Americans, we still debate the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election.

    Listening to the mainstream news sources has so little importance these days.

    Talking with millenniums, it is clear that most of their news come from social media.

    Imagine that social media dominates what so many young people believe.

    To be sure, these are difficult times…

    Inflation and the cost of living are forcing new ways of living.

    What is happening to the American Middle Class is so debatable.

    In times like these there is a real need to standardize authority.

    In times like these the need for accountability is so much needed.

    In times like these there is that need for a solid foundation for reality.

    In times like these, virtue and positivity are needed.

    In times like these, there is the need for true justice and righteousness.

    In times like these, we must and should demand respect for everyone regardless.

    In times like these…

    More Than Anything

    August 2022

    What is that that you love or care about than anything else?

    Such a question is so relevant during these difficult times.

    With the pandemic and other issues, we are faced with prioritizing things.

    Looking back, should I say reflecting on my life, what I valued the most has changed.

    I suppose that is somewhat true.

    I have always valued education, but was it that which I loved more than anything?

    So, I spent so many years and much energy becoming educated.

    During this, it became clear that the more I learned the more I wanted to know.

    The many places

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