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About this ebook

Unlasting is the thrilling first novel from writer Noah Cecil. This story is one about love, trust, companionship, revenge, and regret. A group of adults who have been bound together since childhood now face the harsh reality of their current lives. They bravely seek escape from the hellish life in which they have been forced to succumb. This suspenseful thriller is sure to please its readers and fill them with familiar emotions.

About the Author
Noah Cecil was born in Everett, Washington. He currently resides in Renton, Washington. He has enjoyed creating stories since he was a child, when he would make up fantasies in his mind that he recently started recalling and writing down. Writing and storytelling have become a special interest and favorite hobby of Cecil.

Release dateMay 29, 2024

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    Unlasting - Noah Cecil


    Cloud, what do you want to drink?

    Outside the bar was too loud, I could barely hear my friend as he was speaking to me. Though at the time I believed he asked me a question because the last word he spoke was drink and he was in front of the entrance.

    Bourbon, over ice.

    He responded with a nod and turned for the door when a couple walked out before he could enter, he chatted with them before going inside eventually talking to a large crowd.

    January 2022 came as a brisk winter, the coldest I’ve felt in ages. There were remains of last week’s snowfall blanketed over the asphalt and moisturizing the stiff Washington soil.

    The last time I saw such a thick layer was on the east coast, my former home before I moved out here ten years ago. How I dreaded reminiscing on those days but I subconsciously found myself digging up memories, the ones you’d wish you’d forgotten permanently, unfortunately the only thing permanent about them is how they stayed with you.

    The banter coming from the bar was getting too loud for me so I took a few steps out into the parking lot, the snow crunched underneath my boots, I took a long drag from my vape pen wishing my friend would hurry up and order our drinks.

    In the midst of my reminisce I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, when I checked the caller ID the first three numbers read out were 302 and I couldn’t help but sigh after reading the rest of the number on screen. Time would never let me forget, if it did, it wouldn’t have a Delaware state phone number ringing my phone.


    I had caught my friend just before he finally entered the establishment.

    Make it neat.

    Another reply with a nod, after he had gone inside I stared at my phone screen for multiple seconds before picking up on the fourth ring. The voice on the other end didn’t speak but I knew he was listening and he knew I was there. After one last drag of my vape I finally spoke.

    Been a long time Eladio. What do you need?

    Chapter 1: The Next Days

    Dahlia’s alarm screamed at max volume, getting herself out of bed in the morning has always been a chore, it was particularly worse on this day but after browsing her social media and watching puppies on YouTube she managed to force herself out of bed. When she looked herself in the mirror she groaned in disgust at what she saw so she carried on to her morning routine; shower, get dressed, put on make-up and last thing on her list when she was done with everything else was make breakfast for herself and her grandmother whom she lived with.

    Do you work today?

    Not today, the roads are so bad from last night’s snowfall that they gave me the week off, at least till the roads clear.

    How many inches came down? I haven’t had a chance to look outside the window as of yet.

    From what I read on my phone the news said it would snow twenty-five inches. She made her way towards their front window.

    Goodness. That would almost tie with the amount we got back in 2010.

    It looks that way, Dahlia said holding open the blinds, her half acre front yard had been blanketed with snow, you couldn’t even see her driveway and more frost flowers continued to fall. It was a complete winter wonderland, her most favorite time of the year, at least it was for a time. She quickly shut them as the sun’s glare from the snow was blinding her vision.

    A whole week from work off. Are you getting paid for it?

    Of course, she said, placing the teapot on the front burner of the stove.

    She worked full-time at the convenience store in town where they go to do their shopping, her job was easy enough considering, it paid her decently enough to support herself and her grandmother despite how critical she can be about how she views her granddaughter, supposedly wasting her talent in a place where she sees the most unsightly of characters every time they go there together. She had gotten her BSN around three months ago but landing a job has been a tedious and patient process for her.

    I still don’t understand why you don’t use your college degree to get yourself a better job.

    I’m still figuring that out, abuela, she said turning on the other side of the stove, the squeal of the teapot startled them both, instinctively, Dahlia reached for the pot handle and moved it to the back burner to cool off since the sound of the whistling pot made her irritable beyond belief. Once moved her grandmother started up again.

    Well hopefully you figure something out soon, you’re in your thirties now. Best to do something now rather than later.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    You know I don’t mean to haggle you dear.

    I know, I know. She set her tea mug on the side table next to her. Your tea.

    Thank you dear.

    Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.

    What’s on the menu?

    Something simple; eggs just how you like them, toast and a fruit bowl.

    Sounds lovely.

    Returning to her cubicle kitchen she quickly prepared their toast and fruit bowls, allowing the eggs to finish last so she can separate how she wants hers made from her grandmother’s.

    Oh you had gotten a call earlier this morning from the Kent County Sheriff earlier this morning. He tried calling your phone but when you didn’t answer he called the home phone instead.

    You mean Eladio? She gently placed her grandmother’s plate on her side table.

    Yes him, the nice policeman who stops by every once in a while to check on you.

    He doesn’t ‘check’ on me abuela, he’s my friend. I’ll give him a call back aft-

    Her phone began to vibrate on the kitchen counter top, as she walked over to it the name that was lit up as the caller was indeed. Eladio

    Guess I’ll be enjoying this cold, she said, setting her food down on the counter. I have to take this abuela. Her grandmother waved her off and Dahlia retreated into her room, then picked up the call.

    What’s up Eladio?

    How soon can you get your gang of youngsters together? he sounded in a hurry.

    Assuming I know who you’re referring to, I can probably get them together in a day or two-

    Not good enough, make it sooner, he said impatiently

    Haven’t we paid you back already?

    This isn’t about that, something bigger has come up, bigger than your debt.

    Dahlia waited in anticipation, she moved herself away from her door and cupped her hand around the end of the speaker of her phone placing it next to her ear. Eladio had known her well enough to know that her silence was her way of rolling out the red carpet for him.

    Cloud is coming back.

    Dahlia didn’t know how to react, her stomach felt twisted and knotted up, her heartbeat was resonating in her ears and all of her words escaped her due to her mixed emotions and cutthroat anxiety. She had found herself literally frozen in place. Cloud hadn’t spoken to her or anyone of their friend group since he left for the east coast ten years ago, she wondered why he would come back now especially after leaving behind all of the trauma he’d experienced while living here.

    Before Eladio could breathe a word two hard knocks hit her door.

    Dahlia? Are you alright? Your food has already gone cold.

    Be right there.

    Her grandmother had just pulled her out of a mental freight train that she wasn’t sure she could control, the last thing her abuela needs is to try to calm her out of a panic attack. In an attempt to calm herself down she picked up the half full water bottle that rested on her dresser and glugged the rest of the bottle.

    When did you find this out? she asked after catching her breath.

    I made the call to him last night.

    She was caught by surprise, all of them had tried finding Cloud’s information for social media years ago but they never found it.

    How’d you even find his info? He went dark as soon as he left.

    It took a lot of digging, he hasn’t changed in the slightest, no social media to count, not even Facebook.


    Is what I would say, but he actually has one social media outlet.

    Which is? she said impatiently

    As it turns out Cloud did have one social outlet but the chances of them finding him were slim to none. It was an outlet that out of all of their friends only one of them had it and it took me countless hours of digging to find him.

    Mackie found him? she whispered to herself. Damn, what luck.

    Couldn’t agree more.

    But why come back now? What did Mackie say to him or to you?

    You’ll have to talk to him or Mack about that, I just placed the phone call.

    When is he coming to town?

    Today, I’m actually half-way to the airport now to get him.

    Alright, thanks Eladio, this was big news.

    No problem sweetheart, you be safe out there ok?

    You got it, see you soon.

    She clicked off. She immediately called Mackie and impatiently waited for him to pick up. She tapped her index finger on her dresser where her water bottle used to be, he finally picked up on the fourth ring.

    Can’t talk right now Dahlia, I’m working.

    You picked up my call just fine, besides what you do can’t be called work.

    He heaved a sigh. What do you need?

    Just got a call from Eladio.


    He’s flying in today.

    Holy shit.

    How soon can you meet me and the others?

    I don’t know if-

    Make it happen Mackie, you reached out to him and I have questions that I want answered. She let out her breath then whispered, If he’s back I’m damn sure it isn’t just for a visit.

    There was silence on the other end of her phone, he may have been quiet but she knew there were plenty other things he would like to discuss with her but he agreed that it would best be done in the presence of everyone rather than just her over the phone.

    Alright, I’ll try to sneak away, where should we meet?

    I’ll get back to you on that, just text me when you can or have already left your job.

    Will do. Be sure to call everyone else and tell them we’re meeting up.

    I will, Thanks Mackie.

    No problem, see you soon Dahlia.

    He clicked off and as soon as he did Dahlia began her way down her contacts list, the first one of their friends she planned on calling was her best friend Jamie-Lynn, who she didn’t know how would take the news of their old friends return but she hit the call button all the same. Now all she could do was wait.

    (The Previous Day)

    Here you go buddy, your bourbon ordered ‘neat’


    Want to sit at the open table? Most of the crowd went back inside.

    Aksel gestured towards the two empty chairs in the corner of the bar’s outdoor patio. There was a single round table for drinks that they set on before they sat down, both wasted time observing those who were entering and exiting the bar before any conversation was made, the only sounds heard between the two were the sounds of cool sips from their glasses and the hiss that would give off whenever they hit their vapes.

    Important phone call? Aksel had become eager to break the silence.

    You could say.

    Ah. he took a big puff off his vape Trouble back east? he said, blowing out the vapor.

    All he had to do was read the expression on his friend’s face to know that his hunch was correct, after a brief pause and arching of both brows he continued.

    You going back?

    Might have to.

    Aksel was the only friend he had to console in about his hardships and trauma that he had faced while back on the east coast, he knew the experiences that haunted him and stayed with his dear friend like the plague. He tried to get away from the horrors, though in the worst kinds of ways which ultimately led to him blocking all contact with his old friends. But Aksel had always been there.

    Well if you do go back, go raise hell and don’t come back till you’ve won. He raised his glass initiating a cheers.

    Tauntingly, Cloud said, This isn’t a sports game.

    You know what I mean. He held his gaze while continuing to hold up his glass, eventually Cloud caved into it.

    Right, I know.


    Get in and get out.

    The reply Aksel got was a half-hearted laugh, there was more that he wanted to say to a close friend, but as the social butterfly he became overcome by an invitation to play darts with some of his bar buddies. Once they had invited him he gave his troubled friend a look as if seeking approval to go and play.

    Go have fun, Cloud slammed the rest of his drink. I have plans to make.

    Aksel gave a proud smile Got it, want me to close your tab?

    Leave it open, tell Jenny I’ll pay it once I get back but only after I’ve had a drink first.

    His reassurance to Aksel that he was going to come back home formed a smile that would stretch back to his ears, he extended his hand and Cloud took it, clasping them together as if they were teammates motivating each other before a game.

    After that last exchange Cloud made preparations for his trip while sitting in his sedan in the bar parking lot. In a few short hours he would be taking a red-eye flight to Philadelphia with nothing but a backpack, wallet and phone along with little to no sleep.

    Chapter 2

    The phone rounded up three rings until Jamie-Lynn picked up the phone, her voice was slow and groggy, insinuating that it had been another late night for her.

    What’s up girl, awfully early for you to be calling me, don’t you think? The more she spoke the worse she sounded.

    God Jamie, you sound terrible, she said with authentic empathy.

    What? Don’t like my morning voice?

    It’s the events that take place the night before that make me indifferent.

    Well you know, ‘business as usual.’

    How rough were they with you?

    Three counts. Take a guess.

    Dahlia firmly rubbed her forehead. Oh my god Lynn.

    Don’t fret over it, you know I’m used to it. Anyway, why did you call? Everything ok?

    Dahlia took a minute to collect herself after the gruesome image she had just placed in her own head, forcing her eyes shut to hopefully send the picture flying out of one of her two ears.

    I-I got off the phone with Eladio and Mackie just now.

    She heard the sound of sheets rustling in the background and hoped to god that her friend was at her own home, laying in her own bed.

    Oh yeah? Anything exciting?

    Without thinking Dahlia came out and said, Cloud is coming back into town.

    Just like that the sound of the bed sheets she heard on the other end of the call sounded like they had been thrown into the air, she could hear Jamie-Lynn maneuver herself across her bed until her movements became stationary.

    What? she said, pronouncing every letter.

    Eladio told me this morning.


    I don’t know.

    How’d he reach him?

    Mackie found him first, on a social media outlet, Eladio was the one who placed the call.

    Jamie scoffed What luck…wait if Mackie found him why was Eladio the one to reach out to him?

    Mack tried contacting him but he wouldn’t answer him. They both agreed Eladio would have better luck reaching him than any of us.

    Figured. Asshole.

    She put efforted hostility behind what she said, Dahlia remained quiet, beginning to shuffle her feet to try to remedy her feeling of uneasiness. She knew that Jamie would react this way, not happy or chipper about their old companions sudden return, only direct animosity, for which she didn’t blame her. She felt the same way after all, probably even more than she does. When Cloud left for the west coast Dahlia was melancholy and found herself spiraling down a rabbit hole of depression shortly after, his not communicating to her after he left is what pained her the most.

    Okaaaaay so then what? Eladio tried calling instead and he just answered him like that?

    I suppose.

    Tch. After all this time, why now?

    We’ll figure that out later today, we’re all supposed to meet up later.

    All of us?


    Anywhere safe?


    Jamie breathed a scratchy sigh, from the movements Dahlia heard on her end she could tell that her friend had stood up out of bed and had begun roaming her room, net sound that was heard was the shifting of clothing on hangers.

    My place will work I guess.

    Aren’t they watching you?

    Not anymore, they stopped a while ago, they assumed I had just given up on getting out so they don’t see me as a threat to their little game of ‘King of The Hill.’ But to be safe, show up in one car, my garage will fit it and I can park on the driveway.

    Ok, Dahlia whispered

    You’re lucky you’re queen of the hill, you don’t have to worry about crap like this.

    Dahlia knew she had the advantage of life over the rest of her other friends, but she wasn’t proud of why. She clenched her free arm underneath her breasts and planted her bottom on the edge of her bed.

    I wish I wasn’t.

    I know, but you have your grandma to protect right? No hard feelings.

    The rest of you have people in your lives that need protecting too. Not just me.

    How soon is he going to be in town? Jamie deflected her comment

    An hour or so, give or take. Eladio said he was a half an hour away from the airport to pick him up.

    Alright, have you talked to Clara about this? Or Clyde?


    Get a hold of them, Mackie too, all of you meet at my place in one hour in one car.

    I’ll tell Mackie to pick us all up.

    However you want to play it out.

    I’ll call Clara now. Thank you Jamie.

    No problem girl.

    They clicked off, Dahlia always hated being reminded of how good she has it, she couldn’t imagine living in the world that Jamie lives in, or Clara for that matter since the two of them share the same fate.

    After sending a quick text message to Mackie about the arrangement she scrolled through her contact list once more, when she got into the C category she imagined Cloud’s name being displayed there. The thought of him coming back made her feel conflicted, she was happy that he was coming back, but she also wanted to give him a good swing for being a horrible friend. His returning to the first state made her question his motive for deciding this in the first place, to avoid thinking about it any longer she scrolled to Clara’s contact and hit the call button. She also prayed she would be in her own bed when she picked up.

    * * *

    Hello? Dahlia?

    Hey Clara, how are you? She heard reruns of Family Guy playing in the background, reassuring her that she was at her apartment.

    You know, surviving. What do I owe this pleasant surprise? You usually never call me without a warning first.

    It’s kind of a special occasion.

    Oh? Good or bad?

    That really depends on how you feel about it, she said with a forced laugh

    She heard Clara reposition herself from where she sat. Go on.

    Cloud is coming back.

    Immediately Clara turned off her TV, there was an extended silence between the two, Dahlia was preparing for how her friend would react to the news.

    Excuse me?

    I sai-

    I heard what you said, Clara said impatiently. He’s coming back when? Today?

    Today. Yes.

    It’s been ten years.

    I know. It’s sudden. But if he’s coming back it’s for a good reason, Eladio wants us to meet up before he arrives with him.

    Meet where?

    Jamie-Lynn’s house.

    The silence emerged again, Dahlia could feel her palms begin to sweat, she removed her arm from her midsection and thought laying down would ease her anxiety obviously it would come as a surprise if a longtime friend were to come back out of the blue, but due to their delicate situations she didn’t know how any of them would react, but it was obvious to her that none of them knew how to feel to his sudden return. She didn’t understand herself why it bothered her how they felt about it, she was furious too, maybe in the end all she wants is for them to go back to how things were, the calm before the storm.

    Ok, what time should I be there?

    Don’t worry about a ride, Mackie is picking all of us up.

    How chivalrous.

    He’ll probably pick me up first so I’ll let you know when we’re on the way to your place.

    When do you think that will be?

    One hour, give or take.

    Alright, see you in an hour.


    Hm? What’s up?

    You’re a lot calmer than I expected.

    Clara gave a soft chuckle. Was Jamie not so thrilled about it?

    You could say that, I can’t blame her for it though. He’s been away for ten years without staying in touch with us, we’ve all been together since childhood.

    That’s true, it is a shitty situation no matter how you view it, from a friends standpoint anyway, I’m sure Jamie has mixed feelings about him coming back but I’m willing to bet she’s just as excited as I am to see him again, he’s done a lot for us after all.

    Yeah, he has, Dahlia repudiated.

    Are you excited to see him?

    Good question.

    Clara sighed. So you have grudges too do you?

    Don’t phrase it like that. It’s not a grudge.

    But you feel unsettled by his coming back?

    Not unsettled, I don’t care about his returning here.

    I’m sure. Look, you can say whatever you want to him when we’re all together, or in private, whatever works for you. You’re not going to be the only one to do so anyhow.

    I know.

    "I’ll see

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