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Follow Your Heart
Follow Your Heart
Follow Your Heart
Ebook232 pages3 hours

Follow Your Heart

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Paige Winters thought she had everything: a charming fiance, a great job, and a fairy-tale future. Only her world crumbles when she finds another woman in her bed.

Heartbroken, she leaves immediately without hearing her fiance out. She finds solace in another city where fate leads her to an unexpected romance with an old acquaintance, but tragically, their time together is cut short. Paige is left grieving, but fate intervenes once more, giving her a new beginning and a bright future.

PublisherCandy Caine
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Follow Your Heart

Candy Caine

Whether she's writing red-hot interracial erotica or less edgy contemporary romance as Candace Gold, Candy Caine believes in living life to its fullest with her husband and best friend, Robert, in their Arizona home.

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    Book preview

    Follow Your Heart - Candy Caine

    Chapter 1

    On a glorious fall day, typical of the ones Manhattan is known for, Paige Winters sat by the window of her condo in the Lionsgate, a high-rise building serving as her dorm while she attended Columbia Law. Though she was enjoying the fading warmth of summer, she couldn’t prevent her mind from straying back to that fateful day when her mother walked out on her and her dad, Mark. This involuntary mental meandering happened much too often to her liking. That day from hell, as she called it, had completely rocked her world, sending it careening off its axis, and haunting her dreams relentlessly.

    Paige subconsciously twisted a strand of her long black hair; she’d inherited from her mother, Ruby, as she thought about that terrible time when Peter Saunders returned from the dead.

    Peter. The man Ruby said was her real father and obviously could never forget. The guy her mother said was her actual father, not Mark Winters. Ruby had been living with him before he flew cross-country to Arizona for a job interview from which he didn’t return until Paige. Caught them together in the living room. And what a sight it was—a sight no matter how she tried, she couldn’t unsee.

    The day Peter returned, Paige had walked in on him and her mother embracing—hell they looked as if they were going to do it right there on the couch. The scene which followed had been ugly and she must have replayed it in her mind’s eye repeatedly at least a thousand times...

    Oh, my God! What are you doing, Mother?


    Why are you shocked to see me? I live here, you know. Do you always entertain strange men when my father is away? Is that how you gain extra income or is it for fun?

    Paige, this is not what you think.

    Oh, they call it something else now?

    If you stop being so antagonistic for a moment, I’ll explain.

    This better be good.

    Peter’s your father, she said looking at the stranger whose arms she’d been in a moment before.

    Paige saw herself standing there in shock as the blood drained from her face. She had opened her mouth to speak but could say nothing. The shock had rendered her momentarily speechless. All she could do was shake her head in disbelief. She had been told her real father had been killed in a car accident in Arizona—knew the story by heart. What was going on here?

    It’s true, Paige. And nothing’s happened that we have to be ashamed of.

    I find my mother in the arms of a strange man on the couch and she tells me nothing is wrong? Tell me another one.

    I swear it’s true, Paige.

    Even he doesn’t believe you. Look at him.

    Ruby turned to face Peter, who unmistakably wore a look of surprise.

    Paige, he never knew about you. He left before I found out I was pregnant.

    Your mother is telling the truth, Peter said.

    Who’s talking to you?

    Paige, don’t be nasty, Ruby admonished.

    This is coming from a woman who has no respect for what that gold ring around her finger means? Drop it, I’ve heard enough, she said, running into her bedroom and slamming the door behind her.

    Paige recalled the shocked look on Peter’s face when her mother mentioned that she was his daughter. He truly hadn’t known. What he must have thought of her at that moment, especially after she’d just mouthed off at him. But it hadn’t mattered then, and it still didn’t matter now. She’d always considered Mark her dad from the get-go.

    She’d made her mother miserable and had gotten some pleasure out of it. Much to her consternation and disbelief, though, it seemed she’d been the only person outraged by her mother’s behavior. She just didn’t get it. What was she missing here? She couldn’t believe how Mark himself had taken her mother’s side—even after what Ruby had done. Paige couldn’t fathom his attitude then any more than she could now. After all, he’d been the injured party and yet he’d often scold her for being so disrespectful to her mother. He’d reminded her of all the sacrifices that Saint Ruby had made for her. How her martyred mother had nearly lost her teaching job after she became pregnant with her. His words had been so touching; she could almost hear a violin playing in the background.

    However, the real opener was being told by Mark that her mother had always loved Peter more than him and that if any two people in the world should be together, it was Ruby and Peter. Even after her mother told Mark she’d honor their marriage vows and remain with him, he told her to go to Peter. He was going to divorce Ruby so that she could be happy. Paige believed him to be certifiable then and told him so. Yet, he told her one day she’d understand. Love can make you do strange things. She swore she’d never let love ever screw up her life.

    Paige remained with Mark when Ruby married Peter Saunders. And why not? She’d loved him from birth. He didn’t have to be a sperm donor to be called Dad. Her mother and Peter eventually got a place near Mark and Paige. Now, looking back with a much clearer head, it became obvious her mother didn’t want to leave Mark or her. She and Mark remained close friends after the divorce, which was exactly what Mark desired. It was as plain as day to all how much he still loved Ruby. And despite what he said, Paige knew his heart ached with every beat for her mother.   

    Following the initial incident, Paige hadn’t been too cordial to her mother or Peter. Hell, she’d been downright horrible. When Ruby returned to the apartment for her things, Paige ran out, desiring to avoid having any contact with her. She knew well that this kind of behavior hurt her mother; however, she didn’t care—not that she could help herself. She was wrapped too tightly in her own hurt. She had always prided herself in the fact that despite all the divorce and turmoil her girlfriend’s parents had been going through, her own parents had a beautiful and stable relationship. Then her mother goes and blows it all on some stranger, as far as she was concerned. No, she had understood none of it.

    After Ruby had moved out, Paige found she missed her. They’d been so close and this immediate severance of their relationship hurt, though she’d never admit it. Then there were those things she couldn’t share with her father...Yet, despite everything, Paige remained angry. Only as time went by, she was no longer certain if she was angry with Ruby for loving Peter more than Mark, with Peter for returning, or with Mark for being so civil.

    Mark’s words kept coming back to her. I couldn’t live and see your mother miserable. She’d always regret not having gone after Peter for the rest of her life. She was being granted a second chance to be with the love of her life. How could she not take it? Better still, how could I stand in her way?

    Could a man love a woman that much? Enough to sacrifice his happiness for hers? Such noble dribble, Paige thought. Especially when she knew her father would probably never remarry. No other woman could ever take the exalted place of her mother. 

    Despite her personal feelings, Paige saw the way her mother looked at Peter. It was far different from the way she’d looked at Mark. And yet, she’d always thought Ruby loved Mark. Now she wondered if Mark had been more of a convenience to her. 

    When Mark quickly granted her mother a divorce, giving her complete freedom to marry Peter, it had to make some kind of history as being the most amicable divorce on record. And despite the divorce, Mark and her mother, and even Peter, remained close. Being teachers, Ruby and Mark saw each other at school every day. Though Ruby still had misgivings, Mark insisted that Paige would eventually understand and accept Ruby’s actions, therefore letting her back into her life. And Peter’s, he added, confidently. Despite Mark’s optimism, as time passed, Ruby wasn’t so certain.

    Paige was well aware of how much her mother missed her. She had always been the center of her mother’s world and she knew her absence had to have left a gaping hole that perhaps even the love Peter had given her couldn’t fill. It came to a terrible climax when Paige turned sixteen a few months after Peter’s return. Becoming sixteen is one of the most important times in a woman’s life, followed by her wedding day and having children. Ruby had expected to share the day with her daughter as her mother had shared it with her. However, Paige had other ideas.   

    When she told Mark that she didn’t want to have the traditional party, he offered to take Paige to a special dinner at a fancy restaurant. She had agreed. However, when Peter and Ruby walked over to the table, she nearly bolted. Mark commanded her to sit down and not make a scene. She obeyed but zoned out for the entire meal. It was as if a Zombie was sitting at the table.

    When Paige refused to even look at Ruby, from the corner of her eye, she saw the pain on her mother’s face. She had a feeling her mother was equating the loss of her love to the terrible hurt she felt when she lost Mark’s baby in that freak elevator accident. She’d grieved but got on with her life because she had Paige. Now that Paige had taken away her love, it had to hurt. But hey, she had Peter now. That should suffice—unless she thought his coming back caused this rift between them.

    At Paige’s high school graduation, Mark, Ruby, and Peter sat together. There was no way Paige could overlook how happy her mother seemed to be with Peter. And yet, there was a distinct sadness in her eyes. She knew she was the cause, yet she did nothing to alleviate it. She still couldn’t forgive or forget.

    The day Mark had brought her to Columbia for the first time, her mother offered to help. Paige turned her down. Again, that telltale pain in Ruby’s eyes besieged her, but she’d turned away. It was so easy to ignore the hurt then. What had changed that? Why was it bothering her now?

    Earth to Paige, Allison, her roommate, said, interrupting her thoughts.

    Oh, hi. You caught me daydreaming.

    It better have been about someone hot and gorgeous. I’ve been standing here nearly five minutes.

    Before Paige could utter a word, Allison answered her own question. Of course not. All you do is study, study, study. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that all work and no play will make Paige a very dull girl—not to mention a dried-up prune of an old maid?

    Thanks for the lecture, motor mouth, Paige replied as she balled up a sheet of paper and threw it at Allison.

    Allison and Paige were both second-year law students. They’d been roommates since their freshman year as undergrads. Allison was two inches shorter than Paige, who was a regal 5’10—most of it leg. In heels, she stood eye-to-eye with a six-foot male. Both girls had black hair, but Allison had light hazel eyes which weren’t as dramatic as Paige’s green ones but twinkled when she smiled, which she did often—and talked incessantly, of course.

    Now that I have your attention, I’ll get right to the point, Allison said.

    You mean you haven’t stated it yet? Paige asked looking incredulous.

    Uh-uh, not even close.

    Can you please get to it before I start to fill out Medicare applications?

    Pick something out to wear to the law smoker we’re going to tonight.

    I really can’t. I have a mega exam on Monday.

    Today’s Friday. You can study tomorrow and Sunday.

    Paige started to say something more, but Allison cut in. No buts. You’re going even if I have to drag you.

    I guess it won’t kill me.

    "You’re damn straight it won’t. However, all this excessive studying certainly will.

    Paige laughed. Allison somehow always got her to laugh. She closed her books and got up to pick something out to wear.

    Chapter 2

    When the girls walked into the hall where the law smoker was taking place, it was already crowded. Couples were dancing to the music a DJ was playing, while others were milling around, drinks in hand, talking.

    What now? Paige asked.

    Well, we can try to make our way over to the bar and get a drink, walk around and mingle, or stand here and look like the princesses that we are.

    That certainly helped, Paige answered with a hint of laughter in her voice.

    Before Allison could answer, a guy she knew from one of her classes approached her and asked her to dance. Paige suddenly felt alone and began to back into a corner. Unfortunately, it was already occupied.

    Hey! Watch where you’re going! A male voice shouted behind her a little too late to prevent her from spilling his drink.

    Mortified, Paige said, Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.

    That’s obvious.

    Nearly in tears from the embarrassment of being so clumsy, Paige pulled a tissue from her purse and began to dab desperately at his hands to dry them.

    Please stop. You’re just making it worse, the guy protested as the saturated tissue shredded into bits and stuck to his hands.

    When she realized what she’d done, Paige blurted out, Oh, no! What an idiot I am. I’d better go before I do worse damage.

    Instead of remaining angry, the guy only laughed. That seemed to make Paige feel even smaller than she’d felt a moment ago. She wondered how many others had witnessed her clumsiness.

    Please don’t run away, the stranger said grabbing her arm. I don’t even know your name.

    And you’re not going to. Do you think that I want you to know who did this to you?

    Hey, it was an accident. It could have happened to anyone.

    I’m not too certain of that.

    Well, all in all, it certainly was a unique way to meet a guy.

    Now, just you wait a sec, Paige said as new heat spread across her café au lait complexion. Do you honestly think I go around picking up guys this way?

    No, silly. I was teasing. And I’m not sorry it happened. Now, will you please tell me your name?

    Well, if you must know, Paige Winters.

    Hello, Paige Winters, I’m Matt Harding, he said, extending his hand, but pulling it back quickly when he realized it was still covered in bits of tissue. I guess I better go wash my hands. Will you promise to wait here until I come back?

    Paige nodded. It was the least she could do. I’d like to buy you another drink.

    We’ll discuss that when I return.

    She watched the good-looking guy walk away. In many respects, he reminded her of Mark with his blond hair and amiable smile, which revealed dimples to match the cleft he had in his chin. She smiled to herself. At least she hadn’t bumped into a short three-hundred-pound, hairy gorilla with buck teeth and thick coke-bottle glasses.

    A little more than five minutes had passed before she saw Matt returning with two glasses of beer in his hands.

    I wanted to replace your drink, Paige protested.

    Perhaps the next one. Anyway, it’s much safer if we talk sitting down face-to-face, he replied, smiling.

    She smiled back.

    They found a small unoccupied table nearby and sat down. Far enough from the dance floor, they could nearly speak without having to shout. Paige found herself quite interested in Matt and wanted to know everything about him, though she’d like to start with the essentials first—was he unattached?

    Do you go to Columbia Law? Paige asked, knowing that he could be merely a friend of someone who did and they’d probably never see each other again.

    I’m a third-year law student and have a job waiting for me when I pass the Bar. I’d been working there as a part-time clerk since I started law school.

    "That’s great! Your parents must

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