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Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 4: College Professor
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 4: College Professor
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 4: College Professor
Ebook69 pages46 minutes

Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 4: College Professor

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Our genius creeper is having a grand time as a new college professor. But things take a sinister turn when university students and staft start to disappear at night,
PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateJun 24, 2024
Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor Book 4: College Professor

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    Book preview

    Morris Magenta - Mark Mulle

    Morris Magenta: Creeper Inventor

    Book 4: College Professor

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2017


    Day One

    Day Two - Morning

    Day Two - Afternoon

    Day Three - Morning

    Day Three - Evening

    Day Four

    Day Four - Evening

    Day Five

    Day Six

    Day Seven

    Day Eight

    Day Eleven

    Day One

    First order of business. I’ve bought Fred a pocket notebook. This means, firstly, that he might stop leaving my diaries lying around and forgetting where he placed them, and second, he can now note down my heroic exploits on the go. From now on, no details of my adventures will go unwritten. Fred can record every single detail, as and when it happens.

    [Mr Magenta dances around excitedly from foot to foot. Now he looks at me. He looks irritated]

    Alright, Fred. Not every detail. Just make sure you get the finer points, down yes? The important bits? Good zombie, good zombie.

    So. Introductions, once again. For those who don’t know, allow me to illustrate. My name is Morris Magenta. I am the world’s first and only creeper inventor. I used to be a human, but I ended up trapped in the body of a creeper in a fascinating adventure that I’ll tell you all about some other time. But, since I can’t write my own diary (creepers have no hands, you see) I have Fred. Fred here is a zombie I’ve trained to be my butler, manservant, and general dog's body. Isn’t that right, Fred? You can’t see it, reader, but he’s nodding.

    Now swiftly on to my latest adventure. It’s…well, it’s not much of an adventure, I must admit. I’ve taken up a temporary position as the Redstone and Mechanics Professor at Schumpville University. They’re understaffed, apparently. It’s not the sort of job I’d usually take, what with being a daring adventurer and all. But they’re paying me many diamonds, and they’ll let me use all their fancy labs and workshops. Perfect for working on my latest invention – the Magenta Twangtastic Vine-Thrower. Marvellous thing…if I can get it to work.

    Unlike many of my previous adventures, Schumpville is not a particularly dangerous place, and it’s not very far away. Fred and I have already packed, and we’ll be riding the ten o’clock minecart up to the town. I’ve never visited, but I’ve heard it’s rather lovely.

    That’s good. After all the derring-do I’ve done over the last few weeks at the Pebbleton Mines, the haunted Abernathy Manor, and out in the frontier town of Jonah Creek, I could use a little time to relax.

    Day Two - Morning

    Fred and I had a very pleasant journey to Schumpville. The sun was shining, and the minecart ride was smooth, and it took us right through the grasslands and gardens. I should point out that, though most zombies would find the sunshine rather inconvenient, Fred is fine. I recently designed him a sun-proof outfit, the Magenta Head-Mounted Sun-Shade, and the Magenta Wool-Woven Shade-Poncho. He’s just as pleased as piglets in the sun now, so long as the wind doesn’t blow his hat off.

    We arrived at Schumpville in the late afternoon. A charming old town full of markets, clocktowers, and big log houses. There’s even a castle, where most of the University students live. I’d have been quite lost, I must admit, if we hadn’t found a familiar face waiting at the minecart station.

    Mr. Magenta, said Duffy Redherring, Good to catch you again, dude.

    And you, Miss Redherring, I said. It was mostly true. Duffy Redherring was a good sort. An ordinary teenager who had the unusual hobby of dishing out destruction on mobs and supernatural nasties by night. I’d first met her at Abernathy Manor, when we’d both been called in to solve the mystery of Dingle Abernathy’s ghost (which turned out, funnily enough, to be

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