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Ombrophilous Feelings
Ombrophilous Feelings
Ombrophilous Feelings
Ebook72 pages42 minutes

Ombrophilous Feelings

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About this ebook

Written back during the COVID- 19 period, 'Ombrophilous Feelings' transcends

the elevation of feelings, imagination and creativity . It is a magnificent testament

of what art can do to a mind, locked in the boundary of four walls for months. An

intricate embellishment of thirty pieces of poetry and prose, this literary colle

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Ombrophilous Feelings

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    Book preview

    Ombrophilous Feelings - Suchismita Ghoshal



    realize that writing a book has never been an easy task for me as it simply implies the reputation I  hold in this vast society as well as procures my opinions towards a definite segment of  the tribe. A few years ago, when I tried my hand in this field, I used to care more for the community than my own satisfaction. As years rolled, I focused more on my satisfaction and the opinions  I wanted to air in public. Be it my choice of executing one situation, approaching a whole new perspective or even revising the same old orthodox with my sympathy and strong condemnation, I  bounce back with the same zeal and enthusiasm.  I don’t fear the words might be coming upon me if they are gauged with scrutinizing eyes as expressing my inner thoughts and sentiments can be restricted or rectified as they demand their own space of authentic outpour. Being the follower of my own mind, I can never do the unjustifiable with my own voice and words out of my small fear of public criticism.

    As my experience grows greyer than yesterday, I believe that I have been more vocal about the things I independently research about, I can apply in my life with all my efforts and shall connote the same. There is nothing more beautiful and soothing than to completely follow our own hearts, to let it be in its own rhythms and motion,  to let it follow the course of struggles and then come out with the most possible results. Days are golden when they have their scratches on our memories with their significant flow. Without the backdrops, we must not conquer what we exactly want to picturize in this world and with that, we understand how many colours of life are yet to be explored.

    The World Today

    The world today is a mixed chaos

    of nothingness,

    a massacre of mismanagement

    and a dismantled bowl of foul feelings.

    Whatever comes first in my mind

    with the word 'World' is

    someone serving me a plate of broken poetry

    and I need to fix it as soon as possible.

    Poetry tastes bitter now as the nectar of literature

    gets sucked by a horde of blasphemous creatures.

    A sudden storm or a sudden thunderbolt in an ocean

    perfectly goes with the world today

    as anything here rises, spreads like an epidemic

    and then goes into an immediate ventilation

    in a blink of eyes!

    A lot of scattered things hovering around,

    Nobody even cares to look after it.

    Raindrops trickle down, already reaching

    to my shoulder , but fails to catch my concerns;

    the world today is something like that.

    The world today is slowly sinking deep to a sea

    but each and every human, busy fixing

    their tunes to their rhythms

    as the guitar named 'life' shouldn't get its strings broken!

    The monsoon comes in a wrong time

    and apologizes to the spring as it destroyed its charm.

    Don't tell me nature sweeps brutally seldom

    when the people are trampled like ants innumerably

    as a decisive result of karma;

    it cleans like an angry mother, exhausted

    after throwing repetitive calls for home's

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