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Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition
Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition
Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition
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Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition

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He looked at me as if he recognized me from the dark room and he walked up and said, "Yes, this is Chris Tucker; stop before I tell a joke." As he made this statement, he stood&nb

Release dateJun 15, 2024
Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition

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    Mr. President Elliot C. Boose New Edition - Elliot Boose

    Mr. President Elliot C. Boose


    Elliot C. Boose


    About Mr. President  Elliot C. Boose

    CHAPTER I: Accidental Death Of Dad Allen Ray Boose - Ostracization And Abuse By Mother And New Boyfriend Who Knew Allen Ray Boose - Childhood Electrocution Caused By Black Female Friend - Physical Abuse By Racists Elementary School Principal - Molestation By White Teen Football Jock - Backstabbing By Childhood Friends

    CHAPTER II  Submissive To Straight  Step-Brother - Robert’s Big Dick - Marvel Universe

    CHAPTER III: Sexual Harassment In Baldwyn, Mississippi High School - Black Female Friends Using For Free Ride - Retaliation By White Jock Molester - Sexual Harassment And Attack By Female Band Students - Wicked Band Director Mitch Moore - Friendship With Rock -Slander By Brian Mimms - Rayburn Pulls Dick Out - Gemini Benji Backstabs Again - Vogue/Jam/Rhythm Nation Performance - Threat By Homophobic Warren Family - Attack By Racist/Homophobic Teachers And Students - Student Council Secretary And Homecoming Escort And Announcer - Letter Read By Principal At High School Graduation - Kicked Out Of House By Homophobic Mother

    CHAPTER IV: Accidentally Joined Active Army - Sexually Harassed By Black Drill Sergeants and Black Soldier Trainees - Street Fighter Video Game Pulls Dick - Star Runner Tries To Let The Other Win - Rapid Advancement To Work Directly For Post Commander Fort Devens Massachusetts

    CHAPTER V: Friendship With Straight Private From Alabama - Alabama Friend Jealous Of My Friendship With Gorgeous New York Specialist Damon Evans - Avoided Deployment To Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Fight Leads To A.W.O.L And Honorable Release From Army

    CHAPTER V:  Republican Newt Gingrich Shut Down Government And Stopped VA Education Benefits - Lost Apartment In Colorado Springs, Colorado Due To Homophobic Black Female Supervisor - Tony’s Stunt On The Ricki Lake Show Backfired - Tony’s Bottom Friend’s Jealousy And Shade - Relocation To Atlanta After Talk Show Scandal

    CHAPTER VII: Hook Ups In Atlanta - Cypress Street Dick - America’s Next Top Model Cycle 4 Theme Competition Winner Zodiac Episode - GM Gas Card Invention

    CHAPTER VIII: Racist Evil In Jacksonville, Florida, Cycle 5 Finale Party - Hook Ups in Jacksonville, Florida - Attempted Murder And Arrest In Atlanta, Georgia

    CHAPTER IX: Restored Grandmother’s Health - Troop Surge Strategy In Iraq

    CHAPTER X: Female President Idea - Ford Reality Competition Game Show - Intimate Encounter With Chris Tucker - Set Up Resulting In Permanent Disability - Two Unexpected Funeral

    CHAPTER XI: (April 2010 - 2018 ) The Big Back-Stab By Cuban Boss Reinaldo - 30 Day Incarceration In Miami Dade County - Return To Atlanta - Alcohol Sold On Sunday Idea Emailed To New Mayor Kasim Reed -Chris Tucker’s DL Cousin Choco Admits Chris Set Up The Attack - Much Dick At Darlington Apartments - Much Dick At Crogman School Lofts - Helped Keisha Lance Bottoms Win Mayor Race - Instant Pay Process Implemented Worldwide For Lyft Rental Car Drivers - Temporary International Travel Ban Idea Implemented By Donald Trump - New Straight Teen Big Dick Thug Boyfriend Mannish

    CHAPTER XII  Termination From Lyft Due To Homophobic Black Male Rider - Temporary International Travel Ban Idea Implemented By Donald Trump – Pandemic Unemployment Benefit To Include Gig Workers Idea Implemented - Consider Lyft Arbitration Settlement As Compensation For Instant Pay Process For Lyft Rental Car Drivers - Student Loan Forgiveness/Marijuana Reclassification/Amnesty Announcement Prior To 2022 Mid-Terms Idea Implemented - Discriminatory And Illegal Vacating of Apartment - Attempted Murder By Singer Heather Walker Or Her Gay Tenant Couple When Chris Tucker Finally Had A New Movie Come Out In April 2023 - False Allegation Set Up At Hotel in Austell, Georgia - Corruption of Racists/Homophobic Cobb County Police - Backstab By Aquarius Air Sign Hotel Manager In Austell, Georgia - Arguments Against Donald Trump Presidential Immunity Letter Mailed To U.S. Supreme Court - Mass Letter To Officials Including President Biden/Douglas County D.A./Cobb County Police/Local Channel 5 Fox News/CNN Which Explains False Charges At Austell Hotel And Request President Biden Expedite Marijuana Reclassification And Amnesty Before the 2024 Presidential Election On March 15, 2024 - Marijuana Reclassification And Amnesty Expedition Announced By President Biden May 14, 2024 - Some Good Dick At Guest Limited Hotel On Fulton Industrial BLVD - Reunited With Big Dick Straight Thug Teen Mannish

    About Mr. President

    Elliot C. Boose


    r. President Elliot C. Boose is an autobiography I had started working on in 2004 which includes excerpts from a diary I wrote when I was sixteen and is the updated release since I have been shadow banned on social media apps when I first released it in 2010. Since release of my book in 2010, it was sabotaged. The initial self-publishing company did not put celebrity names in the description and there were errors. I had just recovered from brain surgery at the time, so I did not recognize them at the time. Black females slandered me, a Black female singer tried to kill me with insecticide, Black guys sold the book themselves and as they were doing it they criticized me for writing the book (this is right after I came out of two comas and had brain surgery). Black gays ostracized and slandered me. A homophobic, Black, female leasing agent vacated my lease in 2023 and caused me to lose majority of my belongings and resulted in identity theft. The illegal discriminatory and retaliatory vacating of my apartment also resulted in relocating fifteen times from January 2023 to May 2024. This led to false charges by a Black boy who I was later told fucks grown women at a hotel I lived at for six months, skips school, curses out teachers, vapes weed and of course was raised by his homophobic mother who taught him to be homophobic. I am currently on bond due to the false allegation and illegal, coercion during an obvious bias motivated interrogation by a racists/homophobic detective who illegally searched my room. I describe that incident that happened at the Guest Inn hotel in Austell, Georgia and updates will be posted on my Telegram @EllaBoose,, X (Twitter) @ElliotBoose2023 and TikTok @ellaboose2024. If unable to find me on any of the apps due to continued shadow banning, please email me at I will use that information to show evidence to Congress to force legislation to regulate apps and fine them for discriminating against and harassing protected classes such as gays and minorities. I contacted President Biden and several other officials including the corrupt Cobb County police in a mass letter on March 15, 2024 that not only described everything that happened at the hotel, it also requested that President Biden expedite marijuana reclassification and amnesty which President Biden started the process on May 13, 2024 which is approximately sixty days after I mailed the mass letter. I expect not to be indicted especially since the homophobic, racists Cobb County detective used coercion to search my room and expressed his biases on camera after he read the accomplishments in my portfolio which included police body cameras nationwide in 2014 when Mike Brown was killed by a racists cop, indicated they were upset with the content of my book and Cobb county police read a copy of the letter I mailed to the U.S. Supreme Court that outlined multiple reasons Donald Trump’s presidential immunity claim is meritless. The letter reminded the Republican Justice members that four of them identify as Constitutional Originalist which means the Constitution is interpreted as written at the time frame it was written and no words in the Constitution are added or removed. Under Constitutional Originalist .interpretation, it does not state a president who commits insurrection must me charged with insurrection by police or by Congress in order to be punished for insurrection an ineligible to hold any political office. The insurrection that Donald planned and incited was shown live on national television, recorded and has been telecast multiple times since January 2021 which is the evidence proving incitement of insurrection.

    Initially, this book was created to enlighten everyone that homosexual and bi-sexual activity by straight men and women is very prevalent across the country and especially here in the Black gay mecca , Atlanta, Georgia. It is just kept secret. I learned starting in 2012 majority of men had sex with grown women - especially Black women- when they were much younger than sixteen. I call both open secrets since the majority participate in it and other taboo actions, but they do not tell anyone unless asked the question specifically and they will only answer truthfully to certain people who they feel will not tell others since in most cases they will not see each other again or know the same people. Personally, I could count on my two hands how many people I had sex with prior to moving to Atlanta in September 1997 at age twenty- three. Since then, sexual encounters increased dramatically. I learned that people are extremely promiscuous, bi-sexual, share spouses at swinger clubs and have unprotected sex with multiple people at the numerous sex parties. However, they have the nerve to hate homosexuals because of their Bible…the same Bible that allows the rape and marriage of underage girls to grown men.

    While I was writing Mr. President Elliot C. Boose I had show ideas stolen from me by Tyra Banks after I won a theme competition for her show, America’s Next Top Model, in 2005 which resulted in the models of Cycle 4 posing as astrological signs in the galaxy. The Princess Leia blond spinning hair wig portrayed by Megan in Cycle 6 is my concept along with Keyboard Maze, Eyepaper, Ice Cream Land and other ideas related to inter-sex themes displayed in Cycle 6 and Cycle 7. The Cycle 18 Finale show presentation came directly from a video game treatment I sent Bankable Productions in 2006. Remember the rain drops falling from the sky and as the drops hit the ocean, a model would appear and start walking on water? That came directly from the video game treatment I mailed Bankable Productions in 2006. I also submitted the idea to include men as models in the competition which was implemented, but Bankable Productions produced it incorrectly. Instead of using the idea without compensating or acknowledging me, if they had done the right thing and brought me on to direct it, then it would have been successful. Each episode can still be seen on YouTube and if I wanted, I can still sue Bankable Productions for Intentional Copyright Infringement regardless of the statute of limitations since the infringement is considered ongoing since it is still being watched on YouTube. However, copyright law must change since a creator has to get permission to create a derivative work based on another creator’s copyright protected work. Regardless, since Tyra Banks did not pay for my submission, then she simply should not have used it, but what else would anyone expect from a corrupt, greedy, wicked Black female?

    Due to this accomplishment, my employer, General Motors Acceptance Corporation, stole the GM Gas Card concept from me which was subsequently copied by five other vehicle manufacturers including Ford Motor Company. This successful strategy resulted in the Chevrolet Trailblazer out-selling the Ford Explorer for the first time in twenty years and was implemented worldwide when gas prices dramatically increased in the United States in 2005 under Republican George W. Bush’s second term. Guess what happened after this huge accomplishment. Instead of being compensated as promised according to GMAC’s Best Practices website, I instead was terminated by a racist manager, Thomas Haas, and had to live in my car over two years as I pursued unsuccessful pro se lawsuits. The lawsuit was unsuccessful because I did not know I had to initiate depositions before the trial started.

    Ford Motor Company created a reality competition vehicle design show which aired briefly on ESPN in 2007 is copyright protected, yet former Ford CEO Bill Ford stole the idea and got away with it without serving prison time. Instead, he was demoted and replaced. I do not know if my pro se Intentional Copyright Infringement lawsuit was the reason for his replacement, but it did happen the same year I filed the lawsuit. I was homeless due to blacklisting by GMAC and living out of my car, with relatives and with evil Atlanta gays for two years as I pursued unsuccessful pro se lawsuits due to errors and misinformation from attorneys. Also, during this time, I had a sexual encounter with comedian/actor Chris Tucker at a gay adult book store in North Miami where I was later set up to be killed afterwards since I was aware of his sexuality.

    Mr. President Elliot C. Boose also has in depth information about astrology. I worked in a call center environment for several years and I noticed that people of the same sign exhibit the exact traits described in astrology books. So, every time I spoke to a customer, I could see the birth date I noticed that each person's birth date and noticed as I interacted with them over time that each sign shows certain characteristics. I do not study horoscopes; I study and compare the characteristics and have done this for twenty years and still find remarkable consistency. It even got to the point I could determine a co-worker’s sign correctly on first try once I saw them show their patterns of behavior. Now, who else does that at their job? Speaking to hundreds of customers a day and observing their birth sign to determine patterns and motivation behind why a person exhibits the behavior proved to be consistent? I studied several astrology books in an endeavor to see how is this possible and realized that energy from the galaxy changes during the twelve cycles with the positioning of planets each cycle. Each cycle exerts a unique electro- magnetic energy on planet Earth and the developing brain of humans born during these cycles are constructed by this energy.

    Mr. President Elliot C. Boose also describes nutrition revelations I discovered and applied on myself and family members to include my ninety-two-year-old grandmother of New Albany, Mississippi. Ms. Ardie Mae Boose was a widow preacher’s wife who contributed to that community by giving food on credit and continued even when those customers did not repay . I am so proud to be a grandson who grew up as she got older and was able to restore her health with my nutrition and supplement knowledge. Despite sharing this nutrition information with others and after explaining the critical thinking logic how it works and explaining the remarkable effects my grandmother and I experienced using it, only a few relatives and associates put the advice into action who also received the same positive results. Others who ignored the advice either had a stroke or heart attack shortly after receiving the information, or someone close to them died as a result of heart disease.

    It is equally disconcerting that I found out about megalomaniac, Jim Jones, at the age of forty-three in 2017 after watching a documentary on Reel which described the mass murder he committed on his religious brainwashed in 1978. The re-enactment of over 900 dead on the ground embracing their loved ones after they were forced to drink kool-aid mixed with cyanide or shot dead if you refused to drink it.      In 1978, I was four years old when this devastating event happened and did not find out about it until I was forty-three. Knowing how intense religion is in the South, I realized if Jim had visited the South there would have been thousands more killed including my family who I am sure would have joined his flock. It amazed me that American citizens continued to be religious brainwashed after this horrific event happened to the religious brainwashed Jones’ followers. Unfortunately, lessons are never learned as it appears Jim Jones fully reincarnated as the current megalomaniac, Donald Trump, who accidentally became President of the United States in 2016 thanks to Bernie Sander’s supporters who did not vote in the 2016 election. We have watched minute by minute since 2016 as Republicans have constantly lied, gaslighted, projected and sabotaged by blocking legislation that would fix problems so they can help Donald win in 2024 simply because the y do not want to pay taxes just like Donald and want to take away rights from minorities and women.

    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus was introduced in 1981 when I was seven years old in the first grade of which I did not become aware of until 1987 while I was in the seventh grade. This is the first devastating event that changed the world that I noticed happened while Republicans had control which highlighted their evil by not taking action to cure the illness since it was initially believed to only affect gays and bi-sexual men. President Reagan took action only after hemophiliac, White, pre-teen, Ryan White contracted the virus as a result of an infected blood transfusion. This irresponsible delay by Republicans due to their homophobia because of their religious brainwashing is another reason the religious brainwashed should be deemed ineligible to vote or serve in any political office.

    The Gulf War happened in 1990 when I was sixteen in the tenth grade. My world history teacher, Mrs. Shelton, evoked fear by stating, You are all going to see horrible times that you have never seen before. She was obviously a fearmongering Republican and n o such additional horrible times occurred that I was aware of who had the nerve to yell at me in the crowded hallway complaining, Elliot, I thought I was your favorite teacher? Oh, no girl, not when you failed me with a 69 final score when I could barely understand you because of your hoarse, scratchy voice.

    In 1998, I was twenty-four when the affair of President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewenski was exposed. The fact that a sitting president was cheating on his wife and humiliated her worldwide brought sympathy for First Lady Hillary Clinton. I feel this sympathy later helped Hillary secure a senate seat for New York in 2001. Hillary is the opportunistic Scorpio and she ran to be a New York senator after she was contacted by a legislator from New York who suggested the idea. Based on that example of Hillary jumping on ideas suggested to her is another reason I believe she ran to become the first female president after I posted the idea on Myspace in 2006 right after I had gotten an idea on a hit show, invented the GM Gas Card that broke sales records and motivated former CEO Bill Ford to create a reality competition game show after I mailed the treatment to him in 2006. After I posted the idea of Hillary as the first female president in 2006, she ran to be just that in 2008. She proved she could not make correct decisions when she voted against the successful Troop Surge strategy I had sent President Bush in December 2006 and she voted for that same war that was based on misinformation by George Bush who had his Black Republican Uncle Toms, Condoleeza Rice and Republican General Powell repeat. Apparently, Condi and Colin were slow like other Black Republicans who ignore the fact Blacks left the new racist Republican party in 1964 since Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Hillary later used several ideas I emailed her campaign when she ran the second time in 2016 all of which I was not acknowledged at all.

    President Clinton was notified in December 1998 that terror group Al-Qaeda was planning an attack. This is the same time impeachment proceedings started against President Clinton by the Republican party who spent and wasted 80 million investigating Bill getting his dick sucked while terrorists were doing flight training in Florida. In hindsight, President Clinton’s inaction to the planned terror attack notification may have been the direct cause of the horrific and historic multiple attack on September 11, 2001. It is reasonable to conclude that the worldwide embarrassment of the exposed affair and impeachment detracted President Clinton’s attention from the intelligence of the terror plot. September 11th, was the second devastating event that changed the world that happened while Republicans controlled the federal government. However, it happened because of President Clinton’s inaction. Senators and congressmen also receive intelligence and appears the Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives also ignored Osama’s clan doing flight training in Florida in 1998. It is also reasonable to assert President Clinton did not act on the terror intelligence because he needed an all-encompassing distraction that a terror attack would cause. It is also possible the worldwide humiliation and pervasive investigation into the affair by independent council Kenneth Starr could have motivate President Clinton to intentionally ignore the terror threat warning to ultimately punish others for the salacious description and exposure by Republicans. That is expected as well since all Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are vindictive.

    President Bush’s first presidential win was assisted with the help of his brother, Florida Governor Bush whose state had to perform multiple vote recounts since majority Black counties who vote Democrat had voting dilemmas such as hanging chads and other ballot problems since Florida did not have a uniform method of counting manual votes. A majority Republican Supreme Court declined a recount and allowed Bush to become president.

    In 2006, I watched in horror as over two-hundred American troops were getting killed each month under the incompetent direction of President George W. Bush who clearly did not know what he was doing. This slaughter was a stark contrast from President George H. Bush’s Gulf War that accumulated two-hundred nineteen casualties during the entire war and who was successful killing the sadistic dictator Saddam Hussein. The consistent deaths of over two- hundred a month forced me to contact the White House for the first time advising that I was in the process of studying the war and the Middle East in order to submit a strategy to dramatically reduce troop and civilian deaths which is what happened when President George W. Bush implemented the troop surge and other ideas within my strategy in January 2007 after I emailed it to the White House on December 23, 2006. I found out President Bush had been given a troop surge idea by the Iraq Study Group on December 14, 2006 which he rejected, however, he implemented it shortly after I submitted my strategy.

    Since I made three major accomplishments that went into effect worldwide, I started emailing ideas and strategies to the White House and governors and noticed majority of the ideas were implemented with President Bush, President Obama, Governor Nixon of Missouri and Donald Trump. Yes, I just referred to him as Donald Trump since he is not a legitimate president. Donald Trump ran for president after he was humiliated at an annual correspondence event by the first Black president, Barack Obama. Donald won because 47% of eligible voters did not vote in 2016 and many voted for him as a joke since it was such a ridiculous idea for the lifetime conman and racists to possibly actually win. We can blame Bernie Sanders for the accidental election of lifetime conman and child rapist, Donald Trump, since his supporters did not vote for Hillary in the 2016 general election. whose supporters did not vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election. Bernie Sander’s supporters did not vote for Hillary because they acted out of vindictiveness since Hillary beat Bernie in the Democrat primary and they wanted what he promised which included $15 minimum wage, marijuana legalization, free college, single-payer Medicare for all and other liberal concepts. Unfortunately, the young voters Bernie Sanders courted were unaware of election patterns and expectations. The expectation is whoever wins your party’s primary, vote for that candidate in the general election, otherwise, the other party wins and that was the case that caused Donald Trump to win since the Bernie supporters chose not to vote. Also, third-party candidates who not only never win, the third party candidate always take away votes from the Democrat or Republican candidate who would otherwise be on track to win the presidential election. This happened to George H. Bush when third-party candidate Ross Perot took votes away from him and caused Bill Clinton to win in 1992.

    The overall message is to always vote Democrat especially since the Republican party that pretends to be religious brainwashed wants to take away your privacy rights.

    Unfortunately, we have officials who call themselves conservative or moderate Democrats such as Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema who in 2022 joined Republicans to prevent increase in the minimum wage leaving the minimum wage to remain at 2008’s $7.25 an hour despite the inflation and every business price-gouging ever since Donald Trump shut the country down in 2020 due to his intentional mismanagement of Covid-19. In addition, in 2022 to help Republicans win in the 2022 congressional election, Republicans along with four House Democrats voted against a gas gouging bill so that Democrats would be blamed for the high cost of gas. Democrat, Joe Manchin of West Virginia voted against Democrat bills when Senate Democrats had the ability to get significant changes implemented. He also rather let the world burn since his business is fossil fuels and he voted against any legislation that would reduce or regulate fossil fuel production. Despite the ultra hot Summers, numerous flash floods, numerous hurricanes/tornados and regular wild fires, Manchin refuses to take action to reverse climate change that his industry has accelerated with the help of Donald Trump who removed the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement that President Obama had started with several countries in December 2015. Remember, racists Donald Trump’s goal is to reverse everything President Obama accomplished even though reversal of President Obama’s policies would cause acceleration in global warming and take away health care from citizens who have pre-existing conditions.

    Democrats Sinema and Manchin sabotaged Democrats when Democrats had a small majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate in 2021 and 2022, so always remember to properly vet Democrat candidates. We should be able to sue congressmen and senators for fraud who lie to get elected and who vote against legislation they promised to support. They should be sued and their position vacated and replaced in special elections with no time restriction to hold special elections.

    Republicans want to make abortion illegal nationwide and this will happen if there is ever another Republican president who has a Republican controlled House of Representatives, Senate and Supreme Court. I believe, since Black and White females have the most abortions, Republicans want to outlaw contraception and abortion so that Whites can stay in the majority in the United States. I believe this is also the main reason Republicans are against immigration.

    Republicans want to sunset social security, end veteran benefits, end Medicare, end Obamacare and allow racists cops to keep qualified immunity so they can continue killing minorities. The Republican party is being controlled by our enemy, Vladimir Putin of Russia, and Putin is doing this by using Donald Trump and members of the Republican Freedom Caucus which includes House members such as Marjorie Taylor Greene. I have emailed President Biden and Senator Ossoff the idea to revoke the citizenship of all treason supporting Republicans and to use those Republican citizen’s own social media posts against them to prove they support Vladimir Putin through their support of Donald Trump and I pointed out we can revoke their citizenship once we have more Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    When treason is not punished correctly by punishing them with execution, we continue to deal with the evil of those who commit treason because of their descendants and I used the example of the Civil War whose treason Confederacy was not punished by execution. Allow them to be punished for their racists hatred.

    The religious brainwashed who are incapable of separating religious beliefs from state and who are making laws based on their fictional religion in Congress should be ineligible to vote or serve in any political office. Those same religious brainwashed completely ignore the fact the Bible was written by pedophiles since it allows the rape and marriage of underage girls to grown men. Those same religious brainwashed ignore the sin of fornication. The fictional Bible clearly teaches sex is only for procreation, not pleasure. Since everyone has sex for pleasure, then everyone willingly sin and are destined for the fictional Hell. Remember, your God is omniscient and knows the reason why a human does everything, so stop gaslighting yourself since your so called God cannot be gaslit by you. Also continuing to pretend to believe in your God despite the fact you willingly sin by fornicating, still puts you in Hell since your God knows you were just pretending to believe in Him because of your fear of Hell. Your beliefs are based on fiction and compounded by fear. You can practice free will and have sex with both genders if you want including hermaphrodites who are born with a penis and vagina.

    Finally, always remember the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution raped female, male and child slaves. Shannon LaNier is the seventh generation of Thomas Jefferson and he currently works for Atlanta’s WSB Channel 2 news in a similar position as Clark Howard who occasionally posts newscasts on random topics. So, acknowledge the hypocrisy that this country and our Constitution was built on. Once the hypocrisy is acknowledged by all, change will finally come in the United States.


    Accidental Death Of Dad Allen Ray Boose - Ostracization And Abuse By Mother And New Boyfriend Who Knew Allen Ray Boose - Childhood Electrocution Caused By Black Female Friend - Physical Abuse By Racists Elementary School Principal - Molestation By White Teen Football Jock - Backstabbing By Childhood Friends

    I was told my dad, Allen Ray Boose, used to babysit me at my grandmother’s house, Martha Bell Pierce also known as Mot, all the time in Booneville, Mississippi. U n c l e Thomas sighed in sadness that I had no recollection of my dad. Allen Ray was born with a brain aneurysm which ruptured when he fell off a ladder doing a paint detail while he was in the Army. The fact he joined the military to support me and died as a result still devastates me. The only image still with me was his funeral. I was five years old and was sent to his casket by myself. I stood on something and looked down on his deceased body. I did not know what death meant. I was told nothing by my mother or family that my dad was gone forever. This event traumatized me. In my forties, I found out that my grandmother, Ardie Mae Boose, was made aware of Allen’s brain aneurysm when he was born. My mother told me that Ardie said to the doctor, "I don’t want

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