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Immortal to the End: A Challenging True Story of the Supernatural
Immortal to the End: A Challenging True Story of the Supernatural
Immortal to the End: A Challenging True Story of the Supernatural
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Immortal to the End: A Challenging True Story of the Supernatural

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Charles believes that he is destined to survive until the Second Coming no matter what. Ever since 1976 when he devoted his life to God he has survived situations when many should have died. On his website he recounts near death experiences since he was a baby in Hungary at the beginning of WWII, 36 years before he became a Christian: God has be

Release dateJun 24, 2024
Immortal to the End: A Challenging True Story of the Supernatural

Charles Pallaghy

Charles believes that he is destined to survive until the Second Coming no matter what. Ever since 1976 when he devoted his life to God he has survived situations when many should have died. On his website he recounts near death experiences since he was a baby in Hungary at the beginning of WWII, 36 years before he became a Christian: God has been preserving his life, including the last years of the war in Germany. He has had numerous visions and dreams, experiencing marriage and financial near disasters yet each time God has brought him and his family through. His lovely first wife, Czech born Milena, passed away in 2021. In 2020 he gave 22, one and a half hour studies, on the End Times at his church. The elders at church were disturbed by it, but the group of eighteen who attended were enthralled; all, except his own son, a brilliant PhD in Cosmo-physics who specializes in artificial intelligence. Charles has a PhD in biophysics himself. His son thought that his father had gone off the planet; the series had become too supernatural for him. He and his wife stopped attending. Yet half-way during the series a young man came forward and told Charles, "The Lord has given me ten years". "Exactly what the Lord told me", Charles responded, yet prior to this Charles had not breathed a word of it to anyone. Read the book, take up the challenge, follow his website and test out the truth of his claim for yourself over the next few years. Charles is either a liar or is blessed by the Lord. God is good. All credit goes to the Lord Jesus. In 2024 Charles married a devout Papua New Guinean widow Gloria. She and her husband had been Senior Pastors of the AOG church in PNG for ten years.

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    Book preview

    Immortal to the End - Charles Pallaghy

    Cover of Immortal to the End by Charles Pallaghy


    Chapter 1: The Lady in a Black Fur Coat

    Catapulted into the Supernatural

    Strong Desire to Serve the Lord

    I was Never Meant to Serve as a Pastor

    Often Received Often Rejected

    The Lord is Sovereign: He is Not Our Pal

    Chapter 2: My First Vision and Overview

    My Forward Vision

    Some Relevant Background

    Amazing Experiences in the USA

    The Supernatural and Notoriety

    Chapter 3: Walking by Faith

    An Encouraging Vision: When One is Down

    Troubles as a Creationist on University Staff

    Chapter 4: In the Midst of a Crooked Generation

    Insurance Issues

    Insurance Cheats on Both Sides

    Chapter 5: Near-Death Experiences

    Instances of Divine Healing

    Chapter 6: Chosen

    Chapter 7:The Hope of Unity

    White Horses and Angels

    Chapter 8: Satanic Backlash

    The First Seal

    Confirmed by a Vision

    Seals Two to Four

    More to Come

    Chapter 9: Marriage Supper of the Lamb

    Holy Communion

    God is a God of Patterns

    Patterns in the Second Coming

    When is the Marriage of the Lamb?

    Chapter 10: Rapture of All Believers Before the Second Coming?

    Incidents of Raptures in the Bible

    The Prophecies of Micah and Ezekiel’s Temple

    The World Hates Judeo-Christianity

    Chapter 11: The Supernatural Glory of God


    Genetic Machinery: The DNA Code

    From DNA to Inheritable Chromosomes

    The Maker of Heaven and Earth Will Not Negotiate with the Nations (MKJV).

    In Brief

    Acknowledgement of images


    My Utmost for His Highest

    The Lord asked me one morning how I would want to be remembered. I could think of nothing better than to have the same legacy as that of Oswald Chambers, an early-twentieth-century Scottish Baptist evangelist and teacher. He became best known for his daily devotional "My Utmost for His Highest".  I believe that his title best describes my life from the moment I was born-again. I have dared to follow Jesus and the Father all the way. I not only believed in Jesus but have also depended on him to fulfil all his promises in my life no matter what. It is the Word of God enlightened by the Holy spirit that is leading me.

    As the Singaporean evangelist Joseph Prince has said, "Some people look at the Bible with a telescope while others put it under a microscope." In past Christian history, people who look at the Bible through a telescope have persecuted those who have put it under a microscope. Religious men have committed unspeakable atrocities in the name of God, skinning them, crucifying them, roasting them alive, and sawing them in half in hollow logs to name a few. Baptist women were buried alive for believing in immersion baptism, their men were drowned, and denominational churches still excommunicate those who claim that being filled with the Spirit is often a separate experience from being born-again – unless they keep quiet about it in church, of course.

    Even current day pastors refuse, probably because of their own constitutions, whenever I offer to show from the scriptures that such is indeed the case. Yet the scriptures are amazingly clear. Satan is blinding gentile Christianity, including the recent wonderful Jewish Messianic Movement, because he is fearful of the development of the maturing bride of Christ who must make herself ready: The blindness of many who follow Christ will require more prayer yet. There are huge spiritual battles ahead. Demonic activity will target the 100-fold Christian in particular, as we can testify because my wife Gloria from Papua New Guinea is particularly gifted in spiritual discernment and sometimes can see angels and demons that visit or confront us. I can’t. I can only feel and suspect their presence!

    On the other hand, I love the written word and the Old Testament, the Torah and Tanakh, the Law, Prophets and Writings from which Yeshua quoted. In combining the Old and New Testaments we can pinpoint accurately when Yeshua, the Lamb of God, took the sin of the world upon himself. According to the sacrificial laws of atonement, the world’s sin was identified with him when for the first time, Yeshua allowed them to lay hands on himself in the Garden of Gethsemane (John 7:30; 8:20; Matthew 26:50); many hours of anguish before being nailed as a sinner to the cross on the following day! The crucifixion and the burial of Yeshuah was in keeping with the statement of Law in Deuteronomy 21:21-22 which says, "If a man is guilty of a capital offense, is executed, and then is impaled on a tree, his body must not remain overnight on the tree. You must bury him that same day, because cursed of God is the one who has been hanged on a tree. Don’t defile your land that the LORD is about to give you as your inheritance" (ISV).

    Concerning our responsibilities, should our desire be to participate in the bride of Christ, it is clear that the Lord lays the onus at our feet to make ourselves ready, with the help of the Holy Spirit of course (Matthew 25:1-13; Mark 24:44, Luke 12:40; Revelation 19:11-21).

    If you have ever visited Israel, you will wonder why God would put his name upon a place such as Jerusalem, surrounded by barren and rocky soils having only one spring of water. It was not easy; indeed, it was difficult to physically follow Jesus around the Holy Land because of the gravelly and rocky paths, often through thirsty landscapes as I discovered walking along some of the paths only very briefly in leather sandals. They wore out within two weeks, yet we spent most of our time in my host’s car, a Hebrew and Zionist of many generations born in Jerusalem! The landscape at the time of Jesus was prophetic of the rocky roads Christians would have to face in life if they chose to follow Christ. Many of Christ’s followers have been brutally tortured or murdered. The difficult and barren terrain around Zion is a good metaphor of God’s current city, the church, placed in a spiritually depraved and hostile desert that we are experiencing in Australia. As King David said in Psalm 23, verse 5, "You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over" (MKJV).

    The ‘no matter what’ in following him includes the times I failed him and should have gone to hell. Once, I was so convicted of my sin that while I was repenting on my knees the carpet opened under me and I saw the fires of hell. In agony, I asked the Lord, "After all I have been through are you now sending me to hell?" It was the worst night of my life. Pastor Graham of Life Ministry Church shuts his phone off during the night. At 6 am he finally answered my calls, despite his very busy schedule that day with overseas visitors. He and some other pastors such as Ryan of the Southern Baptist Church in Edmonton, Cairns, who married us are excellent pastors that way. Well, did you repent? Yes, I did. For three hours. Then he has forgiven you. There is no need to give me details. He noticed that I was still shaken when I turned up to communion that morning. He drew me aside and spoke sternly to me. When you repent, he is faithful to forgive. I remained shaken for a few days, nevertheless.

    I recalled a vision I had years earlier which encouraged to keep me ‘plodding on’, walking by faith no matter how I felt. Its strange, but throughout my Christian life I have been able to recall dreams and visions the Lord had given me to pull me through the many painful and embarrassing situations in my life. Without hesitation, before I knew what it would mean, I devoted my entire life to Jesus when I was born again. My parents were both glad and dismayed by what I was doing. I always depended on Jesus to rescue me from ‘whatever’ and for his provision until the Day of His return. Perhaps I ought to thank my mother Elizabeth Rotraud Oels for seeds that she sowed into my life. As the daughter of a German pastor, she taught me a simple children’s prayer in German that I would obediently repeat for 37 years, mischievous and selfish as I was, until 1976 when I was finally born-again. My father’s example of discipline and hard work, and loyalty to his Hungarian church, all the while sacrificing himself for the family, I also eventually followed.

    The Lord promised verbally that I would live until he returned, so that even at the age of 83 I had no qualms in 2023, after my wife’s death in 2021, to move 2300 km north to the tropics, with a hip problem knowing full-well that I also required open heart surgery because I would huff and

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